Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 143 The otaku male godly teacher

Chapter 143 The otaku male godly teacher
In the early morning, while Yiyin was still sleeping, the cell phone on his bedside suddenly rang. He drowsily picked up the cell phone and put it to his ear.


"Boss, I'm Xi Feifei."


"Are you still asleep?"

"I was really tired yesterday."

"Poor boss, Sun Youling is a little crazy."

"Why are you so embarrassed to talk about her? You push your hips very hard."

"Haha, don't talk about that. Boss, I'm downstairs right now. Come down quickly."

Yiyin was startled and sat up.

"Why are you here again? I thought about it last night about taking Youyou out for a trip..."

Xi Feifei interrupted on the other end of the phone.

"Don't think about it, boss.

Let me tell you good news, those self-media no longer dare to trouble you. "

Yiyin was overjoyed.

"Really? You've done it all? That's amazing!"

"Boss, you praised the wrong person. It's not me who is great, but Hehe Group.

Something big happened last night. Please hurry up and freshen up and go downstairs. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. Let's talk in person. "

Yiyin asked drowsily.

"A big thing? How big?"

Xi Feifei's voice seemed to become very subtle.

"Well... you seem to have become a otaku god overnight."

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I know. I'll be down right away. Just wait for me."

Yiyin put down the phone and glanced at Yuyou who was sleeping beside him. The child was sleeping soundly and was not woken up by the sound of the phone at all.

Kissing Youyou's forehead, Yiyin looked at the time. It was just after six o'clock. Isn't it too early for Xi Feifei?
Yiyin dressed and got out of bed, brushed his teeth and freshened up.After everything was done, he came to the door of Xu Xing's room and knocked on the door.

"Open the door, I'm awake, what's the matter?"

Yiyin opened the door and said to Xu Xing who was lying on the bed.

"There's something urgent at the company, and I have to go out now. I'll leave it to you, Youyou, and you can take care of it yourself after breakfast, okay?"

Xu Xing nodded and said.

"I have no problem, but you are in such a hurry to leave. Did something happen again?"

Yi Yinsha nodded and said.

"I'll go first, bye."

Yiyin didn't know what happened, but he just pretended to be a fake, and Shi Shiran left.Xu Xing was a little uneasy by him, so he picked up his phone and started surfing the Internet.

After a while, Xu Xing suddenly shouted.



Yiyin had already closed the door and walked into the elevator, not knowing what horrific news Xu Xing behind him had seen.

The sun rises early in summer, just after six o'clock, and the sky is already completely bright.

Xi Feifei was still sitting on the hood of her sports car. When she saw Yiyin coming out, she shouted with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Yiyin."

Yiyin looked at her inexplicably.

"What teacher?"

Xi Feifei stood up. She was wearing a pair of hot pants today. She turned around and twerked her hips, which made Yiyin feel a little cocky.

Looking back at Yiyin, Xi Feifei said in confusion.

"Why are you still standing there? Get in the car."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"It's a bit hot in Tokyo."

"This is Modu, what about Tokyo?"

Xi Feifei didn't know that Yiyin was stimulated by her hot dress. She waited for Yiyin to get in the car and said thoughtfully.

"It's July, can it be hot? I've turned on the air conditioner. You'll cool down after a while."

Yiyin took a peek at Xi Feifei's shorts and hot pants and shook her head.

"Not necessarily."

Xi Feifei looked at him strangely and asked.


Yiyin coughed and changed the subject.

"What did you mean by what you said just now, Teacher Yiyin?"

Xi Feifei turned the steering wheel and sighed.

“Last night was really exciting.

First, the Network Information Security Office of Hehe Group held a press conference to explain the seriousness of network supervision and expressed concern about men’s privacy rights and bottom-line thinking on labor rights. "

Yiyin said in surprise.

"Okay, you just said that I don't have to think about traveling. Those self-media don't dare to harass me anymore. Is this the reason?"

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"Don't be too happy, I haven't finished speaking yet.

Then Isshiki Chiyo published an open letter, disclosing that you suffer from gender confusion and a mental illness with severe self-destructive tendencies. "

Yiyin groaned, dumbfounded.

"How could she do this? Post about my condition without my consent? Is this illegal?"

Xi Feifei rolled her eyes at Yiyin and asked.

"Where's the company's official seal? Where's your corporate seal?"

Yiyin replied.

"It's all in Wen Xinghan's place, including the financial seal, contract seal, and invoice seal. They are all kept there for safekeeping for easy use.

Why do you ask?Aren’t we talking about Isshiki Chiyo’s problem? "

Xi Feifei sighed and said.

"Boss, my big boss, how can you be such a boss? Are you the boss?
You put all the chapters in Wen Xinghan's place, aren't you afraid that Wen Xinghan will trick you to death? "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Xue Ge will not cheat me, I trust him."

Xi Feifei sneered.

"Oh, so the official seal of our company and your corporate seal printed on Isshiki Chiyo's open letter is the price for your trust in him."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"You mean, Wen Xinghan asked Isshiki Chiyo to disclose my condition in my name?"

Xi Feifei said helplessly.

"Nonsense, what else?
Anyway, now everyone knows that you are mentally ill. I have called Wen Xinghan and asked him to come to the company today. You can argue with him yourself.

Anyway, I have never seen a boss like you who trusts his employees too much and entrusts all important seals to one employee. "

Yiyin looked complicated and sighed.

"Brother Xue will not harm me. When he comes, I will ask him carefully."

Xi Feifei couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, are you really... Wen Xinghan is right. A fool like you should work in the public relations department of a big company. You are guaranteed to be successful. Opening a company and being the boss is really not suitable for you."

Yi Yin shrugged.

"Whatever you say."

After the three of them walked together yesterday, the distance between Yiyin and Xi Feifei became very weak, and they had no scruples in talking.

Xi Feifei continued.

“Let’s not talk about Isshiki Chiyo’s open letter for now, as what follows is more exciting.

Your 6-minute video has been 404-ed, and it’s hard to find it online. "

Yiyin said in surprise again.

"Really? That's great. I'm also worried about how I will explain this matter to Youyou when she grows up. It's best if I don't have her."

Xi Feifei sighed.

"Boss, you have really become famous this time."

Yiyin understood Xi Feifei's teasing this time and started to sweat on his head.

"Impossible, how could I take those videos!"

Xi Feifei raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Of course they are all fake. They used other videos to replace the male protagonist's face with yours. Using technology, we found out immediately that they were all fake videos with head swaps.

I don’t know if the White Swan Group is out of control or just out of their mind to release so many videos at this juncture.

Of course, it could also be White Swan Group's business rivals who take the opportunity to cause trouble.

In short, this time it completely touched the high-voltage line.

The Cyber ​​Information Security Office of Hehe Group held a press conference, and so many head-changing videos immediately appeared on the Internet. This is against Hehe Group.

Just this morning, the latest issue of Husband’s United News had a front page headline about protecting men’s privacy rights and that the Internet is not an illegal place.

This time, the white swan got into big trouble. "

Looking at Xi Feifei who was gloating about his misfortune, the special sixth sense caused by quantum entanglement in Yiyin's heart seemed to emerge again, and he asked a question out of nowhere.

"This matter is not good for White Swan. Could it be that some of us framed it for White Swan?"

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin in confusion and said.

"How many days has passed since White Swan took action and the head-changing video was released?
Fifteen thousand minutes of video, a whole T of content, very beautifully produced, and if it weren’t for technical inspection, you wouldn’t be able to tell it was fake.

With this level of sophistication, to create a T-level content in a short period of time requires a master programmer and an elite team to work overtime.

How can our company have such strong technical strength?Boss, you are too worried. Even if White Swan is suspicious, it is still suspicious of its competitors. It will not be considered a counterattack by a small company like ours.

As for the Hehe Group, those above are more concerned that this matter is a provocation to the Hehe Group.

Just wait and see, boss, a new round of network cleanup operations is coming soon.This time, the White Swan Group will definitely be the focus of scrutiny, and at least one layer of skin will be peeled off. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"I don't care whether the white swan is miserable or not.

I just feel that this is weird. There are videos of me changing my head on the Internet, which makes me feel wrong. "

Xi Feifei said indifferently.

"Boss, don't think too much. In fact, there are many videos of this kind of hair-changing. Beautiful male celebrities have such videos. This is also recognized by the majority of netizens.

Whoever has more hair-changing videos proves that their appearance is recognized by the majority of netizens.

Although your video is a bit large, it is not you after all, so just treat it as using your face to entertain the masses.

That's fine. There are so many beautifully produced head-changing videos, and your 6-minute real video is of little interest, so no one cares about it. It's a blessing in disguise.

Because of the head-swapping video, Hehe Group's attitude has finally become clear, and online public opinion is on your side. The situation is now very good.

It's just that Gu Yue doesn't seem to be doing well. "

Yiyin originally nodded, but when he heard that something happened to Gu Yue, he suddenly lost his composure.

"What happened to Gu Yue?"

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin and sneered.

"After all, she is an old lover, and her care is beyond words."

Yi Yin asked angrily.

"What happened to her?"

Xi Feifei made a dissatisfied sound from her mouth.

“It’s really boring not to refute me.

I have a friend who works at the Modu Branch. She told me that Gu Yue may have to step aside due to some disputes between the Zhejiang Branch and the Modu Branch recently.

It is said that many of her tasks have been handed over to her deputies, and Gu Yue may be forced to take leave when the next meeting is held.

Speaking of which, this Gu Yue is really strong. For you, she even refused to give my mother face. She can be considered a responsible woman. "

Yiyin frowned, seeming to be thinking about something, Xi Feifei shook her head.

"Don't think too much about it. Just listen to these things about harmonizing with the higher-ups. It won't help.

However, if Gu Yue steps aside, the Modu branch will lose face and will definitely not be willing to give in casually. White Swan's background in the Hehe Group will be greatly compromised.

Gu Yue still helped us this time.Coupled with the reversal of online public opinion, I estimate that the company's life will be much easier in the future.

I came to pick you up at work just to discuss whether my operations department can restart cooperation with various platforms and channels and distribute the Fruit Ninja game under the current situation.

We are not a large-scale company like White Swan Group. We will not be able to survive for long if we sit on our hands and have nothing to lose. We must find ways to save ourselves as soon as possible. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"I'll send a message to the company's Fetion group, asking everyone to come to a meeting today and discuss it together."


Hemu Group Modu Branch, General Manager's Office.

Ms. Jiang placed the tea cup in front of the visitor and smiled.

"Why do you come to me so early? Is there something urgent?"

Ms. Jiang's customer is a middle-aged and elderly woman with gray hair, but she is full of energy.She is the deputy general manager of the Shanghai branch, Ms. Zhu, who is straightforward and hates evil.

Ms. Zhu didn’t hide it and asked directly.

"I heard that you want Xiao Gu to rest for a while?"

Ms. Jiang said frankly.

"Yes, Gu Yue's mood has been a bit fluctuating these days. I think she is not suitable to continue working for the time being, so let her rest.

Gu Yue herself has no objections, so I plan to formally raise it at the next meeting. "

Ms. Zhu said directly.

“She doesn’t have a problem with it, I have a problem with it.

Xiaogu has always done things in a measured manner. The problem this time is indeed an illegal complaint filed by the Hangcheng subsidiary company. I fully support Xiaogu's statement and I don't think she has a problem.

I think that asking Xiao Gu to put down her work for this kind of thing has encouraged some bad trends. I make it clear here that I support Xiao Gu and oppose stopping her work. "

Facing her upright old partner, Ms. Jiang smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"You, you have to consider the overall situation of unity."

Ms. Zhu sneered.

“Unity is mutual, it is everyone’s intention to work together, it is not our unilateral wishful thinking.

I see that you have become more and more forward-thinking over the years. Where is the old ginger who was resolute and unfazed by rumors?
Do you know what the outside world says about you now?

You think that you can turn a hundred people into gold, and others will only say that you are a turtle that turns into a turtle, the turtle of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "

Ms. Jiang smiled calmly.

"Don't argue about the length of time. I believe that people in the future will give me a fair evaluation.

But you have such a bad temper, Lao Zhu, I’m not talking about you. If you don’t change, you won’t be able to go a long way in the future. You have to guard against arrogance and impatience. "

(End of this chapter)

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