Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 144 The ever-tilting balance

Chapter 144 The ever-tilting balance

Ms. Zhu shook her head.

"I can't make sense with you. Let's seek common ground while reserving our differences. But regarding Xiao Gu's issue, I stick to my opinion and support her to continue to work.

This incident was originally caused by the White Swan Group. The Hangcheng subsidiary company helped the evildoers, which is really ugly.

Lao Jiang, do you know the origin of the Yiyin of Nintendo Game Company? "

Ms. Jiang sighed.

"I'm also wondering, who is this Yiyin that can make Gu Yue so insane that he refuses to listen to any advice.

Gu Yue, a young man, has always known how to measure things and behave in a reasonable manner. This time, he surprised me. "

Ms. Zhu scoffed.

"You are old, but young people are still passionate.

Yi Yinqian doesn’t know, but have you ever heard of the number one college student in Jinghua University for a century? "

Ms. Jiang thought carefully.

"It seems that I have some impression that he was the outstanding male student from Jinghua who was on the ** simulcast back then?"

Ms. Zhu patted her thigh and said.

"Yes, that's him.

This boy was very good back then. He could be said to be a beauty who could win over others with his smile. However, he had experienced ups and downs, and his face was miserable.

I heard that his wife died in a car accident. He took care of the children alone. He had been a stay-at-home husband for six years and then started his own business again. Life was very difficult and he had some mental problems.

The White Swan Group not only plagiarizes other people's ideas, but also pours sewage on them, causing disturbances in the city and bullying their orphans, widows, fathers and mental patients. Can you say that is not too much?
This victim was the school girl of Jinghua back then, his suitors, secret lovers, admirers are countless, and there are also good girlfriends from back then.

These people are young talents from Beijing, and now they have become the backbone elites in all walks of life.

The White Swan Group's online dating of their first love on campus, the lover of their dreams, is like igniting a keg of explosives.

I heard that 173 outstanding men from Beijing jointly wrote a letter to inquire about the husband's union. You and I may not be able to bear all the achievements, let alone the husband's union.

As a result, the Network Information Security Office just held a press conference last night, and [-] minutes of pornographic videos appeared on the Internet in the middle of the night, all of which were fake head-swapping videos of Yiyin.

It is said that the face in the office was swollen from the beating, and the person in charge was so angry that he smashed his glass.

The inquiry letter from the Ministry of Husbands and Friendships was just put down on my desk. Such a big thing happened again, and I am no longer polite. The headline today is about men's privacy rights. The Internet is not a place outside the law.

Now that things have come to this, do you think Gu Yue's behavior is excessive?I think her prediction was correct. The White Swan Group's problems are not small. If it had been dealt with earlier, it wouldn't have become such a big problem. "

Ms. Jiang didn't know that so many things happened overnight, she said with a frown.

"The behavior of the White Swan Group is somewhat irrational and lacks consideration."

Ms. Zhu sneered.

"Where is the lack of consideration in this? He is obviously domineering and arrogant. He is usually arrogant and has a habit of acting overbearingly. He completely ignores the influence of good order and public customs.

Lao Zheng from the Ministry of Development and Reform called me. Xiao Huang, who was coming to investigate, had changed his high-speed rail ticket last night and would be arriving in Modu today. "

Ms. Jiang's eyes became serious.

"Huang Yi? Isn't his research team still being formed? Why did it come so soon?"

Ms. Jiang is not worried that Huang Yi is a junior, but his family background and department are unusual.

This time, the Development and Reform Department of the Imperial City Headquarters suddenly sent Huang Yi to form a team to investigate, and Ms. Jiang was also a little worried.

Seeing that the five-year promotion meeting is about to start in three months, this time has always been peaceful and calm. The Ministry of Development and Reform suddenly started to go to war. What on earth do they want to do?
Ms. Zhu smiled.

"The research team hasn't been formed yet, and the team leader came to the front station first. Why do you think that's the case?
Xiao Huang was originally a well-known male representative in the head office. He was also from Jinghua. I heard that he and Yiyin were best friends who slept together.

This matter is getting more and more interesting. "

Ms. Rao Dejiang has always been calm and calm, and now she inevitably feels a little dissatisfied with the White Swan Group.

This promotion will be particularly important to her. She has been the general manager of the Modu branch for ten years. She is almost reaching the age limit. Whether she can continue to make progress must pass this year.

Ms. Jiang originally thought that this matter was caused by Gu Yue, so she wanted to suppress Gu Yue first, and talk about it after the limelight passed.

Who would have thought that the White Swan Group's repeated provocations would attract the attention of the Network Information Security Office, the Ministry of International Relations, and even the Ministry of Development and Reform.

When things have reached this point, Ms. Jiang has no reason to continue to tolerate the Hangcheng subsidiary's nonsense. The eyes from above have looked over.

She thought about it and said.

"We'll talk about Gu Yue's matter later. There are still a few days left for the formal meeting, so don't rush it yet.

When Huang Yi arrives in Modu, he will definitely come to visit me and see his attitude towards this matter. "

Ms. Zhu said so much for Gu Yue, but Ms. Jiang was still cautious, not wanting to conflict with the Zhejiang branch and cause her dissatisfaction.

"Old Jiang, I know you are worried about Ms. Xi's attitude, but it makes me very uncomfortable.

I can understand the high status of the Zhejiang Branch. After all, Ms. Xi has been taking the initiative to hand over more business income to the Imperial City Corporation.

However, this approach of exchanging business income for tolerance from the headquarters is not a long-term solution, but a recipe for disaster.There is a big problem with the distribution ratio of local business income to the headquarters.

Whoever turns over more business income can control the attitude of the head office. Is this appropriate?

I feel that the commercial income distribution plan between local and headquarters should be reformed as soon as possible, and the two-income reform should be carried out to change the unreasonable situation of the Imperial City Corporation being led by the local branch. "

Ms. Jiang sighed.

"Lao Zhu, you need to temper your bad temper. Just say these things to me. If you really want to publicize your ideas to the outside world, I guarantee that you will not serve more than two terms, and you will be kicked out halfway.

How many people's cakes are you going to touch?Are you really not afraid of people risking their lives with you?

This time, I'm probably going to the headquarter of the Imperial City, the Modu branch, it should be where you pick me up.

Don't think about the two-income innovation first, just do a good job in the Modu branch, and then wait until you reach the head office. "

I wish you, ladies, to hit the railroad while it’s hot.

"You also said that the Modu branch will be handed over to me in the future. So when it comes to the work of young people like Gu Yue, shouldn't you listen to my opinion more?"

When Ms. Jiang saw that Ms. Zhu had spared her again, she couldn't help but rubbed her temples. There was nothing she could do about this old stubborn ass.

"Lao Zhu, let me tell you everything.

Gu Yue has already applied to go to the plateau branch to exercise, she may not stay in the Modu branch in the future, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Ms. Zhu was stunned when she heard this, her expression darkened, and she sighed.

"Gu Yue took the initiative to go to that miserable place on the plateau? This kid is really...

Lao Jiang, I have been having nightmares recently. In the dream, a man named Li took over the position of general manager of the Modu branch, ruining the reputation and reputation we had finally built.

I really hope Gu Yue can stay, I'm really worried that the nightmare will come true.

The Modu branch is doing a good job now. If the filthy people hurt the feelings of the masses and spoil the good situation, you and I will really regret it.

Why are you willing to let Gu Yue, such a good young talent, go to the Plateau Branch?I also want to train her more so that she can take over from me in the future. "

Ms. Jiang patted the old man's thigh and smiled.

"What is a dream? The more you talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes. We in the Hehe Group don't believe in these feudal superstitions.

Gu Yue is a young man with pursuits, so going to the plateau to exercise is not a bad thing.

Gold will always shine. We must know how to respect the ideas of young people and learn to let them go.

As for Gu Yue's decision to stop working and take a temporary vacation, I promise you that I will consider it again and you won't say anything more. "

Ms. Zhu hesitated to speak, and finally she sighed and nodded.


At the entrance of the company, Yiyin and Xi Feifei stood on the left and right, like two door gods.

Yiyin said helplessly.

"I told you, it's too early."

Xi Feifei said unconvinced.

"I'll make another call."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Don't rush. Didn't Sun Youling say that she has already rushed over? It's just seven o'clock, so wait a little longer."

As Yiyin was talking, a voice came from the elevator, and then Wen Xinghan and Sun Youling appeared in the field of vision.

Sun Youling trotted all the way, came over and opened the door first, apologizing while opening the door.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Yiyin said softly.

"It's just that we're embarrassed. We obviously go to work at nine o'clock, but we asked you to come and open the door so early."

Looking at Yiyin's still gentle and handsome face, Sun Youling couldn't help but blush when she thought of the entanglement between the two yesterday.

"It's okay, boss, I'll be here when you call."

Xi Feifei reminded me by the side.

“Okay you two, I got goosebumps all over when I heard that.

Boss, didn't you have something to talk to Wen Xinghan about?You two go to a conference room for a private talk? "

Yiyin glanced at Wen Xinghan with complicated eyes, and said.

"Brother Xue, shall we go in and talk?"

Wen Xinghan nodded calmly.

"it is good."

The two entered the company first, walked into the conference room and closed the door. Sun Youling asked.

"Do you need me to prepare tea?"

The two of them didn't seem to hear it, which immediately made Sun Youling a little embarrassed.

Xi Feifei pulled Sun Youling, closed the outer door, and spoke at the front desk.

"Don't worry about them. Let me tell you, take a leave from your boss this afternoon and go to the hospital with me."

Sun Youling was stunned.

"Why go to the hospital? I have been diagnosed with this disease in several major hospitals."

Xi Feifei said.

"Dr. Li from the Neurosurgery Department of ** Hospital, I made an appointment for you to meet in the afternoon."

Sun Youling was stunned.

"You mean Director Li? How could you possibly contact her?"

Xi Feifei was proud, pointed at herself and said.

"You forgot what my last name is? What your family can't handle, I may not be able to handle."

Sun Youling curled her lips.

"What a great thing."

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Well, it's nothing special, it can save your life anyway.

In surgery, there is often only one top expert. If this person retires, a certain treatment plan will have to be abandoned because others cannot perform this surgery and do not have the technology.

Dr. Li is considered the first neurosurgeon, right?If she performs the surgery, the probability of your life being saved will be much higher. "

Of course Sun Youling understands this truth.

But Director Li's surgery schedule is already full, at least until next winter.With Sun Youling's current situation, her brain can't survive at that time.

This time Xi Feifei came to the rescue in a timely manner, causing Sun Youling to nod in embarrassment and say something softly.

"Thank you."

Xi Feifei waved her hand and said.

"It's okay, you and I are the four major irons in life. Human life is at stake. If I can help, I will definitely help you."

Sun Youling's face turned red.

The four iron pillars of life, the only ones who can get involved are Xi Feifei and Sun Youling. .

Sun Youling couldn't help but retort.

"We are not related to the four major iron companies, and the boss is not a male branch...don't talk nonsense!"

Xi Feifei touched her nose.

"Tch, you are serious."

Not to mention the two women whispering outside, the atmosphere between the two men in the conference room was quite awkward.

Yiyin didn't know how to ask. Just when he was hesitating, Wen Xinghan had already taken the initiative to ask.

"Boss, do you know about Taylorism?"

Yiyin froze for a moment, shook his head and said.

"do not know."

Wen Xinghan talked eloquently.

"Taylor is an inescapable figure in the history of management. Through scientific standardized management, she upgraded small workshops that relied on experience to a more efficient modern factory model.

Higher output and higher wages are the manifestations of Taylorism. "

Yiyin became more and more confused as he listened, while Wen Xinghan continued to talk.

"But the Taylor system has a big problem, that is, there is output but no consumption, and it cannot support the economic cycle, which leads to the inevitable economic crisis once every ten years.

The man who solved this problem was Ford.

Ford successfully introduced an eight-hour workday in factories, allowing workers some leisure time.The Taylor system, which gave high output and high wages, made up for the shortcomings of production but no consumption.

Production only makes sense if workers have wages and time to consume. "

Yiyin couldn't help but interrupted.

"Wait a minute, why are we talking about this?"

Wen Xinghan said seriously.

“Because, I’m very nervous now.

Even a mentally ill person like me will feel uncomfortable and feel sorry for you after doing bad things that violate your trust and use your official seal to expose your privacy.

So, I have to say something to ease my uneasy mood. "

Yiyin felt angry and funny.

"Brother Xue, you are really a psychopath."

Wen Xinghan shook his head.

“I have to remind you that neurosis is a curse word and mental illness is a disease.

Although I did do something excessive to you, my starting point was good. You can't curse. "

Yiyin was speechless and had no choice but to change the subject and talk about management again.

"Brother Xue, can the high output and low consumption you just mentioned really not be sustainable?"

Wen Xinghan shook his head and said.

"That's not necessarily the case. In fact, we can try to build more houses."

Yiyin couldn’t understand it even more.

"Building a house? What does that have to do with building a house? What kind of logic is that?"

Wen Xinghan said seriously.

"As the old saying goes, live and work in peace and contentment. Only when you live in peace can you work happily."

Yiyin became more and more confused as he listened, shaking his head.

"I really don't understand your mental illness, forget it, let's talk about Isshiki Chiyo."

"it is good."

"Brother Xue, why did you let Isshiki Chiyo announce my condition? Have you ever considered my feelings?"

Wen Xinghan nodded.

"Thinked about it, so I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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