Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 145 Of course I forgive you

Chapter 145 Of course I forgive you

The corners of Yiyin's mouth twitched.

If an apology works, why do we need the police?Wen Xinghan used the official seal privately and leaked Yiyin's personal privacy, which is already a criminal act.Even if Yiyin calls the police to arrest him now, it is not impossible.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Brother Xue, this is not something that can be explained by an apology. Don't you want to say anything more?"

Wen Xinghan looked at Yiyin and said.

"You once told me that you have no interest in getting married, you just want to play a good game.

Actually, I don't really believe this sentence, because you are so handsome.

For a man like you, even if he is married and has children, there are countless women who want to take over just because of his face.

But what you have is more than just a face. You are full of unique charm, making every woman who meets you seem to be deeply attracted to you.

Yiyin, if you lived in ancient times, you must be a blue-faced troublemaker like Daji. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Brother Xue, you can just call me a vixen. There is no need to call me Daji so tactfully."

Wen Xinghan shook his head.

"Hello Daji, it sounds more literary and artistic. Game Daji is going to create a brand new video game world. I am fully looking forward to it.

I had a smart mind and was good at reading. I had a smooth journey in the first half of my life, but I ended up falling into a hole dug by my family.

I used to be very confused. If my family members are not worthy of my trust, what is the point of living in this industrial society that operates like a machine?
The ever-refined social rules and the dehumanized industrial work model are atomizing and deorganizing everyone.

The relationship between people is getting farther and farther, and everyone is lonely and powerless.

For society, this may be a good thing. The cost of controlling people is reduced. The power of an individual is insignificant and it is easier to manage than a group of people.

But what's the cost?Just indifference.Without the ties of clan, guild, sect, etc., interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more indifferent.

The relationship between people is only based on the legal supervision of obeying the law, and obeying the law is only the minimum requirement for being a human being. Just because a person obeys the law does not mean that he is not a scumbag.

What is even more sad is that the law also has limitations and may not be able to protect those who abide by the law.

Yi Yin, I am a mental patient, I think about some painful and unsolvable strange problems every day.

And you successfully caught my attention. "

Yi Yin listened to Wen Xinghan's emotion and smiled helplessly.

"Being targeted by a mentally ill person, should I feel happy or uncomfortable?"

Wen Xinghan smiled.

"You are not a normal person either.

Start a company to make money, not to do charity.How can a boss like you, who actively abides by the labor law, strictly limits the working hours of employees, and strengthens the welfare of workers, be a normal person?

Hehe Group's compliance with labor laws is an imperative written into the group's articles of association by its founder. Even if it cannot actually do so, it must pretend that it must be done.

Foreign-funded enterprises must abide by labor laws because they are migrant workers. If they do not abide by the law, they will not be able to stay. This cost cannot be saved.

What about you?As an entrepreneur, shouldn’t your most important thing be to keep your company alive?
Why should you care about your employees’ happiness?Why do you only think about making good games?Why can you trust me and us so much?
Have you ever thought that your loose management will lead to slackness and laziness among your employees?Have you ever thought that your trust might be betrayed by me?
Just like this time, I used the official seal you kept for me to let Ms. Isshiki disclose your personal privacy.

I am a psychopath, but Yiyin, you are no better than me. You are also very abnormal. How can there be a boss like you in the world? "

Yiyin rubbed his forehead and sighed.

“I really didn’t think about it that much.

I just feel that if the rules set by a society make it impossible for me to survive by actively following the rules, then this is definitely not my problem.

If everyone believes in me and is willing to follow me, I cannot let down this friendship.

There are only 24 hours in a human day. After excluding the eight hours of sleeping and the eight hours of working, there must be eight hours of breathing time, right?

Money is earned by everyone together, so everyone should get their own share.They do more, so they get more, and I get less, what's wrong with that?
I have said that the purpose of Nintendo Game Company is to bring happiness to the world.

If employees can't feel happy, how can they make great video games that make players happy?

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my thoughts, my thinking is correct. "

Wen Xinghan nodded seriously and said.

"Your logic is fine, so I'm curious, how far can you go with this naive logic?
I will keep staring at you to see if you can give me an answer, whether it is the satisfactory answer that I can't find even after thinking hard.

Therefore, I cannot allow you to fall here. No matter what method you use, you must hold on and survive this disaster. "

Yiyin scratched his head and sighed.

"Is this your reason? Is this why you made my privacy public?
Brother Xue, you are really mentally ill! "

Wen Xinghan said calmly.

"In the traditional public order and good customs of our country, the situation of you as an orphan and widow is itself a type that is very easy to get sympathy from public opinion.

In addition, you suffered from a serious mental illness because of family changes, which strengthened your impression of a vulnerable group.

Moreover, you are so handsome.

Although it is not good to judge people by their appearance, it is a nature that is deeply rooted in women's hearts and cannot be shaken.

You have to admit, being handsome is really an advantage. A handsome man like you has a rough fate, which can easily arouse women's feelings of pity and pity.

With the endorsement of a group of psychologists like Ms. Yishi, no one will question the authenticity of your illness.

Now you have an indestructible golden body in the true sense.In business competition, the other party will not and dare not target you or your family.

Don't underestimate this. The cruelty of shopping malls exceeds your imagination. White Swan Group is by no means the most bottomless business company. Some people can do more disgusting things than White Swan.

I know that many people will protect you, but can they protect you once or twice, or for a lifetime?How do you make sure they won't get bored and their feelings for you won't change?

I have been betrayed by my own relatives. I cannot learn from your innocence of selfless trust in others. I dare not truly trust anyone.

I believe that only what belongs to you is truly reliable. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Brother Xue, have you ever thought about it.

My condition was made public and everyone knew I was mentally ill. Who would dare to invest in my company?Who else dares to do business cooperation with me? "

Wen Xinghan smiled.

“Aren’t you always very confident that the company can continue to make successful and good games?
As long as there are enough profits, let alone cooperating with patients with mental illness, even if they sell the reins that hang themselves, the capitalists will not hesitate.

The key to whether you can attract investment or find partners is not what I disclose, but whether you can prove that you are a lucky cat.

As long as you can prove that you are an inexhaustible cornucopia, countless investors will come to your door waving banknotes, and every platform channel will actively seek to cooperate with you and provide preferential treatment.

No one has a grudge against money. As long as you make money, who cares whether you are a human or a dog, and mental illness is an insignificant problem. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Brother Xue, I can't help you, but I still feel weird.

If something like this happens again in the future, can you discuss it with me first and don't just sell me out on your own, okay? "

Wen Xinghan took out several important company seals, put them on his desk, and said.

"Since you have no intention of pursuing my criminal behavior, then this matter is over and you can take back these official seals.

I know that for my own selfish desires, I did something sorry for you.So, I promise you, I will spend my whole life making it up to you.

If you still want to believe me, then I will keep working for you until the day you tell me to get out. "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Brother Xue, don't be so extreme.

In short, I believe you, so you should keep the official seal.But you must promise me that you will discuss it with me first next time, okay? "

Wen Xinghan nodded.

"I promise this is the last time."

Yiyin sighed helplessly, that's right, there is probably only one such shocking secret like this, there will be no next time.

The main reason why he was willing to forgive Wen Xinghan was because he felt that there was nothing wrong with his mental illness being made public.

Yiyin himself knows best that he does not have any gender confusion or serious self-destructive tendencies. It is just that he came from a male-dominated world and is incompatible with the three views of this female-dominated world.

Isshiki Chiyo was keenly aware of this, and with the arrogance of a professional, he easily concluded Yoshigage's mental state.

This conclusion is not only harmful to Yiyin's current life, but also beneficial.

Because Yi Gin is just a mediocre person from the male world, he is not as good as Yi Gin from the female world.

As early as the time when he traveled through time, he was so different from the heroine Yiyin that it aroused Xu Xing's suspicion.

Fortunately, Wen Xinghan found Chiyo Isshiki and diagnosed this mental illness. Yoshiyin barely passed the test and got Xu Xing's approval, but he still had lingering fears.

Yiyin in the female world is too dazzling, leaving countless miracles in the school days. Many people are familiar with the past, but Yiyin who traveled through time knows nothing about it.

The closer the people around him are, the more they can notice the drastic changes in Yiyin, which gives Yiyin quite a headache.

Fortunately, now, as soon as Ashiki Chiyo's open letter was posted on the Internet, everyone knew that Yoshihiro was mentally ill, and it was a serious illness.

No matter how much Yiyin changes, no one will be surprised by it. Instead, they will tolerate his weirdness and sympathize with his state.

This made Yiyin really relieved. Not only was he relieved of a big trouble, he no longer needed to imitate the grandpa manners of men in the world of women, he just needed to be comfortable and be himself.

Anyway, everyone knows that he has gender confusion. Even if his behavior is too girly, others can have reasonable explanations to convince themselves that it will not cause trouble to Yiyin.

So for Yi Yin, Moon Xinghan may have done a great thing. Of course Yi Yin has no interest in pursuing it, but wants to appease Moon Xinghan's guilt.

After all, it’s hard to find such a powerful and reliable financial person. If Wen Xinghan is kicked away, where can Yiyin find another one to come back and help him?

Yiyin can borrow the donkey from the slope, and it can also show that he is a good person, so that Wen Xinghan can work harder in the future. Wouldn't it be nice?
Wen Xinghan nodded and put away his official seal calmly.

He was so calm, but Yiyin felt a little uncomfortable and asked.

"Brother Xue, did you think from the beginning that I wouldn't do anything to you?"

Wen Xinghan said calmly.

"Yes, you are such a bad person. You can't even send Mysterious to jail for fucking my sister-in-law. How can you be so ruthless and merciless to me?"

Wen Xinghan's confession made Yiyin even more embarrassed. Just when Yiyin didn't know what expression to make, his phone rang, which was a relief.

Yiyin picked up the phone and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he no longer had to continue chatting with Wen Xinghan. If he continued to talk like this, he would go crazy sooner or later.

The phone showed that the caller was Xing Yaoyao. Yiyin did not shy away from Wen Xinghan and picked up the call directly.

"Hey, Xing Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

"Boss, I might not be able to go to the company for a meeting today."

"Oh, is something wrong?"

"Hmm... um... Sister Hongmei can't come either."

"What happened to you two?"

"That...that...Sister Hongmei has a fever! I have to take care of her!"

Xing Yaoyao on the other end of the phone was a little panicked and made up an excuse casually, but Li Hongmei beside her suddenly tensed up.

Sure enough, Yiyin frowned and asked.

"Li Hongmei has a fever again? Is she secretly working overtime behind my back again? Where are you now?"

Xing Yaoyao didn't know that Li Hongmei had a fever after working overtime and had another night of stories with Yiyin.

She looked at Li Hongmei blankly, a little confused about the situation.Why is Yiyin so angry?Sister Hongmei seems to be angry too?What did I say wrong?
"Hey, Xing Yaoyao, are you listening?"

"Um...Boss, I'm taking care of Sister Hongmei at her home. I won't talk to you anymore. I'm busy here."

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"You take good care of her. If the fever is severe, go to the hospital. Keep in touch with me at any time. I will go over to see you in the afternoon."

"Ah? Boss, are you coming over this afternoon?"

"What? I can't go see the patient? Why are you so panicked? Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"No, absolutely not! I'll wait for you to come in the afternoon. I'll hang up now. Bye!"

Xing Yaoyao hung up the phone before Yiyin could say anything else. She touched her beating heart and said depressedly.

"Sister Hongmei, what should we do now? The boss said he would come over to see you in the afternoon."

Xing Yaoyao looked at Li Hongmei with a sad face, but was startled by Li Hongmei's angry look.

"Sister Hongmei?"

Li Hongmei gritted her teeth and said.

"Xing Yaoyao, you are really messing around more and more! Why do you say I have a fever? Why!"

(End of this chapter)

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