Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 146: Lying flat on the buttocks and pushing the iron ladies

Chapter 146: Lying flat on the buttocks and pushing the iron ladies
Xing Yaoyao said in a squeaky voice.

"I just wanted to find an excuse not to go to the company to meet the boss. Who knew that he would say that he would come to see you in the afternoon, so I panicked."

Li Hongmei said angrily.

"If you don't go, you won't go. Why lie? Do you know that in order to cover up a lie, you need to tell more and more lies?

People in their 30s, don’t you understand such a simple truth? "

Xing Yaoyao said with a sad face.

"Sister Hongmei, I can't help it.

Who knew that the Network Information Office held a special press conference last night. I don't usually watch the news. When I post that T on the Internet, things will get serious.

Although I have cut off the source files and cleaned up our traces, I just feel panicked.

If I go to see the boss at this time, I will definitely reveal my secret.That’s why I wanted to find an excuse not to go, and wait for two days before I go.

What should we do now?The boss said he would come over in the afternoon, and now it was really doomed. "

Li Hongmei said angrily.

"Didn't you act like a girl yesterday? You said that you would do anything for the boss, and that you would be responsible for one person's work and not harm me. Why are you so timid now?

I told you a long time ago that you should think twice before doing anything. Now are you afraid of causing a big disaster?Why did you go early! "

Li Hongmei was also panicking and her heart was pounding. She was the one who made those head-changing videos. Once the incident came to light, she would not be able to escape her involvement.

Now Li Hongmei regrets very much. How could she be obsessed with it for a moment and be persuaded by this idiot Xing Yaoyao to actually make that head-changing video? That is a criminal act!

Now the Network Information Security Office has been slapped in the face and is frantically looking for the source to scare the monkeys.

If someone is caught spreading pornographic videos, maliciously slandering others, leaking other people's privacy, the nature is extremely bad, and he will be punished for several crimes, and the sentence will start at least ten years.

Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao looked at each other, and a question popped up in their minds at the same time.

Do you want to confess to Yiyin?


The people who are distressed are not just Li Xing and Li Xing. In the management office of the park where Yiyin Company is located, park manager Shi Jinlv is also feeling numb.

Outside Shi Jinlu's office, several bored male clerks from the park were chatting.

Male clerks like them, who had snuck into Hehe Group and retired from Qingshui Yamen, went to work every day just to wait for get off work, which was very boring.

The three men were in a drama, and they were chatting together now, just talking about family affairs.

One man said.

"Have you heard? Now there is a subsidy of 2 yuan for the second and third children. Do you want to consider it?"

The second man shook his head.

"My wife is so busy all day long that she doesn't want to have a baby. It affects work."

A man sneered.

"What kind of work does it affect? ​​Women's bodies are much stronger than us men, so the three days before and after delivery have a greater impact. On the contrary, we have to rest for several days at a time. Men are really pitiful."

The second man joked and took a photo of the next man.

"How can you have the nerve to say such things in the office and be so shameless?"

A man doesn't care.

"You are all married men. How can you pretend to be innocent? Why don't you do that with your wives at home?"

One man and two men chatted a few words, and then looked at the three men standing beside them in a daze.

"What do you think? Do you want to have more children for 2 yuan?"

The three men seemed to be distracted and did not hear their conversation. When they noticed that the two of them were looking at themselves, they smiled sheepishly.

One man and two men shook their heads together. Before they could explain, they heard Shi Jinlu yelling from the office.

One man curled his lips with disdain on his face and couldn't help but utter the local dialect.

"Ze Awu's egg, he dared to attack the diamond again, what are you doing?"


Different from the leisurely behavior of the three male employees outside the door, Shi Jinlv inside the door was so anxious that she pointed at the frowning Director Hao and said.

"Are you going?"

Director Hao smiled wryly.

"Sister Shi, my good sister Shi, you said something so absolutely last time, how do you want me to go now?"

Shi Jinlu was also wronged.

"I didn't know Mr. Yi's background was so deep!
Visitors from the Ministry of Development and Reform had just gotten off the high-speed train, and without even going to the hotel, they asked by name to come to our park to visit the emerging company Ren Tianxing.

If there's anything unpleasant about this, we both have to get out! "

Shi Jinlv can be regarded as a veteran of Hehe Group. Her secret to working in the company is to stay on top of everything and be responsible.

As long as the managers and supervisors above are taken care of, nothing will happen even if the park lies flat and in ruins. Hehe Group has a great business and does not care about the park's losses.

Because of his emphasis on stability, Shi Jinlv immediately smelled Gu Yue's unstable status and forced Director Hao to distance himself from Yiyin.

Modu Branch has many industries and leaders. It is not appropriate to please or offend anyone. It is better to work honestly and remain neutral.

But this time is different, the person who came down to investigate was my own mother!Ministry of Development and Reform, these words alone can make Shi Jin's green head sweat.

If you offend Gu Yue, the most you can get is a few words of lecture and some wearing of small shoes.If it offends the Ministry of Development and Reform, it will really be the end of the world.

Not to mention whether Shi Jinlu will be thrown into a certain archives room to eat dust, maybe the entire park will be closed due to optimization.

Forced into this situation, Shi Jinlv could no longer care about her face, so she spoke condescendingly to Director Hao.

"Xiao Hao, you and I have been partners for so many years. As a sister, I want to tell you something that comes from my heart.

You must help your sister get through this level.I had a bad attitude that day. If Mr. Yi was angry and saw me getting angry, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

It was better that you played it safe and were polite to him when you left in the end, finally leaving a little leeway.

Just treat me as a sister, I think of you well, and I will naturally not treat you badly in the future. "

Director Hao was really frightened when he saw Shi Jinlv's face turning pale, and couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Shi, are you so sure that the person from the Ministry of Development and Reform is on good terms with Mr. Yi? What if he is here to seek revenge? Then aren't we doing something wrong again?"

Shi Jinlv glared at Director Hao. If this was normal, she would have scolded this blind idiot.

But today, Shi Jinlu can still use Director Hao, and he has to ask Director Hao for help, so he can only explain patiently.

"I've been around for so many years. I can't tell whether I'm on good terms or seeking revenge.
You said that if you are seeking revenge, you must be looking for loopholes in the rules and regulations to cause stumbling blocks. Which group's senior leader is not a veteran who plays by the rules, with a smile on his face and ruthless hands.

If he really wanted to cause trouble, would the visitor come directly to scare the snake?That must be within the scope of laws and regulations and is a reasonable and reasonable way to punish people.

Now, the visitor does not shy away from it at all. What does it mean to visit Ren Tianhang, an inconspicuous small company, by name?
This is just to save face and prop up the scene. It is not something ordinary people would do. It is definitely a close relationship and a good friendship! "

Awakened by Shi Jinlu's words, Director Hao slapped his thigh and sighed.

"Sister Shi is wise, Sister Shi is wise, why didn't I think of this!"

Shi Jinlu said with a bitter face and helplessness.

“Stop flattering me now.

I'm a fucking retard and I offended people I shouldn't have offended. Whether I can continue to be in this position in the future depends on whether you are willing to help me, Xiao Hao. "

Director Hao patted his chest and said.

"Sister Shi, judging from what you said, what's the relationship between you and me? Of course I will help you."

Although Shi Jinlv usually likes to scold and educate others, he is really good to his subordinates and likes to rule by doing nothing.

If she is really taken away and replaced by a manager who is difficult to take care of, Director Hao may not be as comfortable as he is now.

Director Hao also hopes that Shi Jinlu will owe him a favor so that he can live more comfortably in the future, so why not do it.

The CEO of Nintendo Game Company was actually a very amiable person, but Shi Jinlv himself had said everything at the time, and now he was desperate and couldn't get on the line.

With Director Hao's words, Shi Jinlu finally breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Xiao Hao, the inspector will arrive in the morning. You should hurry up and go to Nintendo Game Company.

I asked the security guard, and Mr. Yi arrived at the park at seven in the morning. He probably knew someone was coming.

You must find a way to get him to forgive us for our work mistakes. We can agree to whatever conditions he wants.

As long as he doesn't say anything bad about us in front of the inspectors, we will definitely treat him like our biological father from now on! "

Shi Jinlv was really anxious and crazy. He was speaking unabashedly and just wanted to get through.

Director Hao was ordered to do so at the critical moment, and a determined expression appeared on his usually lazy face.

"Don't worry, Sister Shi, I'll take care of this matter, and I will definitely help you get it!"

"Go quickly."

Seeing Director Hao walk out of the office in high spirits, Shi Jinlv wiped the cold sweat off his head, picked up the teacup on his desk, and took a sip. It was last night's cold tea.

She couldn't help frowning, and spit out cold tea foam.

"What the hell is this?"

Middle-aged and elderly managers of the Harmony Group like Shi Jinlu have long been out of touch with society, and they don't know the uproar on the Internet at this moment.

If she knew, she might choke to death on this cup of cold tea.


Nine o'clock in the morning, Nintendo Game Company, conference room.

Yiyin didn't call anyone from Li Miaoren's studio to come over this time. After all, during this sensitive period, the people from Baobai Studio hadn't had time to sign a formal contract, so both parties were a little embarrassed.

As for the others, except for Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao who were in an emergency, they had already arrived.

Looking at Bri Bri and Gong Zijie who were sitting in the corner, Yiyin couldn't help but shake his head.

Li Hongmei, the leading lady, is not here, so I really don't know where to start talking about the progress of the game.

On the contrary, Mo Ziming, who was in charge of legal affairs, spoke first and sighed.

“Boss, our company is so awesome.

My entry salary was only 5000 yuan, and I was sent to file a lawsuit with the White Swan Group's legal department. I knew the lawyer who took the lead, and the monthly salary was my 30-year salary.

What's more, she also has a legal team to provide logistical support. The combined salary of me, an unlucky self-employed person, is more than a thousand times mine.

That’s it, talking about money is too vulgar.

It was originally a small business case that was bound to fail, and there was no hope of winning. It was just to gain public support for anti-plagiarism.

However, the matter has become one of the top ten hot searches on the Internet, seven of which are related to our company. The boss’s name is on the hot search headlines every day, which is simply outrageous.

It was a hotly searched headline, and it would cost hundreds or tens of millions in publicity expenses to post it for just one hour.

Now I hang out for free every day, and I have become a famous lawyer. I really don’t know whether to thank my boss for making me famous, or to worry about how this lawsuit will end.

Originally, White Swan's legal department threatened us with a stock price loss of 3000 billion, in order to scare those large platform companies into temporarily suspending their cooperative relations with us.

It's a good thing now. The Internet is full of business disputes of the century and jokes worth 3000 billion. I don't know how big the imagination of those netizens is. In short, they are putting the white swan on the fire.

Some investors have complained that White Swan Group's stock price plummeted by [-] trillion yuan, causing everyone's stocks to shrink, and a lawsuit has emerged demanding that White Swan Group compensate [-] trillion yuan.

Hey, the water is getting muddier now.

Boss, please give me a clear answer. Should we continue to bite the White Swan Group or seek reconciliation?

The other party's lawyers have proposed an out-of-court settlement, and their attitude is much softened than before, but they hope that we can sign an agreement to help them clarify the facts and get their reputation back.

Boss, do you want to reconcile? "

Before Yiyin could speak, Sun Youling on the side had already jumped up.

"What's the point of reconciliation? The White Swan Group leaked all the boss's privacy and went crazy on the boss' reputation online.

Now I see that the limelight is wrong and I want to give in. I want to spend some money to make the boss swallow this dead rat. Is there such a good thing in the world?

If you clarify them, doesn't it mean that there is something wrong with the boss himself?Is it about money?This is a man’s lifelong innocence!No reconciliation possible! "

Sun Youling just had a good time yesterday, and now she is still in the sweet aftertaste, her spirits are high and her attitude is firm.

, she didn’t go to the White Swan Group’s building, which was considered very sensible.

The wishful thinking of the White Swan Group is really shameful and ridiculous. If you want Yiyin to swallow sewage for a little money, stop dreaming!

Xi Feifei applauded.

"I support Sun Youling, does the White Swan Group think that it can solve this problem with some money? Do you think it is great to be rich?
We will fight this lawsuit to the end, for a year and a half, and continue to create hot spots. We will post the ugly behavior of White Swan Group on the Internet so that everyone can see what the arrogance of large enterprises is.

I will pay for the lawsuit, and I don't expect to win. It will drag on for a few years and slap the white swan in the face a few times a day. It's really cool! "

Sun Youling nodded.

"Yes! Xi Feifei is right! We will fight to the end. Money is not an issue, we just want to embarrass the White Swan!"

Except for Yiyin, almost everyone looked at the two women in surprise.

When did the relationship between Xi Feifei and Sun Youling become so good?They really share the same hatred and vent their anger through the same nostril.

Yiyin's lips twitched. He knew best why the two women suddenly had a good relationship.If three people are walking together, one lying down and the other pushing his buttocks, can the relationship be bad?They are just awesome sisters!
(End of this chapter)

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