Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 147 Huang Yi, stepping on the auspicious clouds

Chapter 147 Huang Yi, stepping on the auspicious clouds

Just as Yiyin wanted to say something to divert everyone's attention, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Everyone looked over and saw Director Hao opening the door, nodding and bowing to appear in front of everyone.

"Well... Mr. Yi, you guys are in a meeting. No one is at the front desk of the company, so I came in by myself."

Yi Yin smiled and stood up.

"Director Hao, do you have anything to do with me?"

Director Hao looked at so many people and said embarrassedly.

"Isn't it convenient for Mr. Yi to come out and chat for a few words?"

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Everyone, wait for me. By the way, Sun Youling, when you have time, find someone to install the company's doorbell. This has happened several times."

As soon as Yiyin walked out of the conference room, he was pulled aside by Director Hao.

"Mr. Yi, you are a bit uninteresting."

Yiyin was puzzled.

"what happened?"

Director Hao smiled wryly.

"I've always been polite to you. Although I had some unpleasant troubles with you in the park last time, I really didn't want to cause any trouble for your company."

Director Hao explained a few words, which made Yiyin even more confused.

"Director Hao, what happened?"

Director Hao sighed.

"Mr. Yi, we plain people don't speak secretly. Why can't you say hello to me in advance about the arrival of people from the Ministry of Development and Reform today?

No matter what discomfort you have, we can discuss and solve it, so why make it embarrassing. "

Yiyin was even more confused.

"Who is coming from the Ministry of Development and Reform? I don't know."

Director Hao sighed.

"I know you are angry and don't want to tell me the truth, but my eyes are bright.

You said that you rarely come to the park, and even if you come, it's around nine o'clock. Today, you arrived at the park at seven o'clock, and you told me that it's okay? "

Yiyin smiled helplessly, it wasn't like he wanted to go out so early, it was Xi Feifei who forced him to come!
"Director Hao, let me tell you the truth. I really don't know what happened in the park today. Believe it or not."

Director Hao glanced at Yiyin suspiciously and smiled.

"Since Mr. Yi said so, I will definitely believe you. But the superior who came to inspect today is very, very important to us, and we ask Mr. Yi to show his respect."

Yiyin became more and more confused.

"What does your Hehe Group people's visit to the park have to do with me? Why do you want me to be so patronizing?"

Director Hao was already sweating on his head at this time. The conversation between the two was basically a chicken-talk, and they didn't get to the point for a long time.

She was also confused, did Yiyin really not know, or was he deliberately making things difficult for the park?

At this time, a chuckle came from behind the two of them. Looking back, Xi Feifei was leaning against the door, looking at the two of them in confusion.

"Boss, isn't it obvious? The people who inspect are here for you, so these veterans in the park are scared.

I heard that the Development and Reform Department of Hehe Group Corporation might have a research team coming down in the past few days, but I didn't expect it to arrive so quickly. "

Director Hao nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, that's it. This lady is well-informed. Mr. Yi, do you really not know?"

Yiyin pointed at Xi Feifei with a wry smile and said.

"I'm different from her, and I have nothing to do with the Harmony Group. How would I know."

Director Hao said.

"The team leader who came down for the investigation is named Huang Yi. As soon as he got off the high-speed train today, he said he wanted to come and see your company."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Huang Yi? Why is he here?"

Xi Feifei was also stunned, seeming to think of someone.

Director Hao's eyes suddenly turned back to Yiyin.

"Mr. Yi knows Team Leader Huang?"

Yiyin hesitated and said.

"I have a friend named Huang Yi who works at Hehe Group."

Director Hao slapped him in the face.

"Isn't this correct! Mr. Yi, Team Leader Huang has called to see your company. He will be there soon. You must help me this time."

Before Yiyin could speak, Xi Feifei had already sneered.

"Help? Help for what? Tell Team Leader Huang that the rent in your park can be increased if you want. Shi Jinlu can double it with just one sentence?
We agreed to reduce or exempt health fees and property fees, but a few days later, we shamelessly broke our promises and made a fortune.

By the way, we still ask you to borrow the tables and chairs here. If you are unhappy one day, you can just take them away, right?

Okay, let me help you respond to the boss. Director Hao wants to oust Shi Jinlu and takes the opportunity to take over. We will definitely help you. "

Director Hao was so frightened that his face turned green and he quickly explained.

"Little girl, you can't talk nonsense and accuse good people. I don't mean it, and I don't have any objections to Manager Shi.

President Yi, here you are. .this. . "

Yiyin sighed, having a terrible headache.

His company is in so much trouble now that he doesn't care about the little friction with the park manager.

Shi Jinlu just deliberately distanced himself from the company and did not do anything that substantially harmed the company.

Compared to the White Swan Group's behavior of posting videos, sending messages, and throwing dirty water online, Shi Jinlu's trivial matters are nothing.

Isn't it normal to be embarrassed by the grassroots of Hehe Group when you go out?That is to say, only second-generation people like Xi Feifei are so resentful and can't help but let out such a tone.

Yiyin understood Director Hao's purpose and did not want to expand the conflict, so he said.

"Xi Feifei, please stop saying a few words.

Director Hao, I understand what you mean.Don't worry, if the person waiting to observe the company is really my friend, I will definitely support your work and will not cause any trouble to the park. "

Director Hao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and waited for Yiyin to make the conditions.

But after Yiyin said this, there was no next sentence, which made Director Hao uncomfortable.

Director Hao couldn't let go if Yiyin didn't make conditions. Who knows if Yiyin would just make a fool of himself and add fuel to the fire later.

Since Yiyin didn't say anything, Director Hao gritted his teeth and decided to make the decision himself.

"Mr. Yi, it's about the health and property fees.

Nintendo Game Company is a unicorn company that is the focus of incubation in the park. I think it will be exempted from it in the future. It is regarded as the sincerity of our park to support the development of high-tech enterprises. What do you think? "

Yiyin laughed dumbfoundedly.

Sometimes you really don't want to cause trouble, but others can't believe it and have to give you something to feel at ease.

Xi Feifei next to her said in a strange tone.

"I think it's better to forget it. If I regret it and take it away in a few days, everyone will be embarrassed."

Yiyin glared at Xi Feifei and said angrily to Director Hao.

"Director Hao, I will definitely help you with today's matter. Don't put any pressure on you. Don't mention the health and property fees anymore."

Director Hao's face turned red. As a property director, she only had the power to pay for health and property fees. People looked down upon her, so she had no choice.

She was thinking about whether to increase her leverage and make the decision for Shi Jinlu, renting the entire floor to Yiyin at a low price. At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Director Hao took out his cell phone and saw that it was Shi Jinlv's number.She nodded apologetically towards Yiyin, then walked aside and picked up the phone.

"Xiao Hao, have you done it over there? The visitor is almost at the entrance of the park, and I'm going to receive him now."

Director Hao's scalp went numb, and she didn't have time to continue talking. At this moment, she could only choose to trust Yiyin's character.

"Sister Shi, Mr. Yi is magnanimous and benevolent. Everything has been settled."

Director Hao deliberately spoke loudly and praised Yiyin on the phone, but he was actually saying it to Yiyin behind him.

"Okay, okay, then hurry downstairs and pick up the inspection leader together."

"Okay Sister Shi, I'll be here right away."

After hanging up the phone, Director Hao smiled sheepishly at Yiyin.

"Mr. Yi, I'll leave it to you."

Yiyin laughed.

"Don't worry, Director Hao, go quickly."

Director Hao hurried out of the door. Yiyin couldn't help but shake his head. He glanced at Xi Feifei, who was holding her arms and snoring, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Don't block the conference room door."

Xi Feifei curled her lips and stepped aside.

Yiyin walked into the conference room and smiled bitterly at everyone.

“Someone from Hehe Group came to inspect, and the park asked us to help with the work.

Let’s stop today’s meeting for a while, let everyone pack up and get ready.

Don't say anything bad about the park later, the company is already in trouble enough, don't make any more grudges with the park, and create some new problems.

I'm talking about you, Xi Feifei, why are you pouting?What about soy sauce?Did you hear me? "

Xi Feifei said unhappily.

"I see."


The moment Yiyin saw Huang Yi, he couldn't help but want to laugh. Huang Yi in the female world really did better than the male world.

Surrounded by a group of staff, Huang Yi walked in front of the queue with a calm expression, apparently already used to this feeling of being admired by all the stars.

The company's interior is only about 200 square meters. Excluding the conference room, seven or eight people sitting together are already a bit crowded. Now more than a dozen people came in to inspect, making the place even smaller.

Shi Jinlu walked in front of Huang Yi and helped him open the door attentively. Huang Yi walked into the company and took a glance. When he spotted Yiyin's figure, he stared at Yiyin and couldn't move away.

Yiyin's spirit was a little sluggish, as if he had been tired and lacked sleep these past few days.Six years passed by, and his appearance didn't seem to have changed much, but his temperament had changed a lot.

He was once elegant, intellectual, and youthful, but now he has lost the confidence and reserve of the past, and has become a little cautious and timid.

Seeing Yiyin taking the initiative to shake hands with him with a flattering smile, Huang Yi's eyes were slightly dazed, as if the Yiyin in front of him was no longer Yiyin, but another person.

"Long time no see, old classmate."

Huang Yi looked at his enthusiastically extended hand and said nothing. He seemed to have forgotten the last quarrel between the two when they left school, and regarded himself as an ordinary classmate, sleeping together.

At that moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt sad and angry.

Sadness, time really can dilute everything.Angry, Yiyin could face himself so calmly.Did he think that everything was over and that he was as relieved as he was?

When Huang Yi observed Yiyin, Yiyin was also observing Huang Yi.

Huang Yi in the male-dominated world is already a bit feminine, but Huang Yi in the female-dominated world seems to have gone a step further in this regard and become more feminine.

Wearing a neutral professional suit and trousers, Huang Yi hides the gender difference to the greatest extent, making Huang Yi look like a beauty wearing men's clothing.

Perhaps from the perspective of people in the world of women, Huang Yi uses neutral dressing to interpret the signal of gender equality that men are no worse than women.

But in Yiyin's eyes, it was very painful.

With his outlook on life from a male-dominated world, it is difficult for him to resonate with the patriarchy of a female-dominated world. At this moment, it is actually somewhat unclear as to Huang Yi's gender.

The Huang Yi in front of her is not the slightly feminine good brother in the male-dominated world, but an androgynous beauty who has become indistinguishable between male and female, like a woman dressed as a man.

This weird feeling that they were obviously good friends but couldn't face it made Yiyin feel twisted and panicked, and he even suspected that there was something wrong with his orientation.

In order to avoid this weird feeling, Yiyin took the initiative to reach out and say hello, with a hint of hesitation and doubt, as if he was cautiously shrinking.

Embarrassingly, Huang Yi did not hold Yiyin's hand immediately, but examined it for three seconds before slowly extending his hand.

"Long time no see, Yiyin."

The two hands shook and then let go. Neither of them knew what to say, and the atmosphere was a bit tense.

At this time, Xi Feifei jumped out and asked.

"Brother Huang, why didn't you inform me when you came to Modu?"

Huang Yi glanced at Xi Feifei and smiled.

"I'm on official business this time."

Shi Jinlv on the side asked cautiously.

"You two know each other?"

Huang Yi nodded.

"Our families have been friends for three generations."

After Huang Yi finished speaking, Shi Jinlu's mind started to spin.

They have been friends for three generations. Huang Yi’s grandmother, Mr. Huang, was one of the veterans during the founding period of the company. She can have a relationship with Mr. Huang. There are not many people who have maintained a good friendship for three generations, like Xi Feifei. .The surname is Xi. .

Shi Jinlv's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his brain almost felt asphyxiated due to lack of oxygen.

She looked at Xi Feifei and became panicked. Xi was not a common surname, so it was not difficult to guess. The eldest daughter's second name was Lan Lan, so this Xi Feifei was probably the same. .

If it hadn't been for the public inspection, Shi Jinlv would have almost given herself a slap in the face, remembering the incident where she frowned at Xi Feifei a few days ago, and she was still frightened.

At the same time, Shi Jinlv's eyes when he looked at Yiyin also became different.What kind of god is this? Gu Yue, Xi family, Huang family. .I'm blind this time, why did I offend him?

Shi Jinlu kept getting scared by the side, but no one cared.

Xi Feifei came out to calm down the atmosphere. After everyone exchanged greetings, Huang Yi pretended to look around the company.

It's such a big place, and everyone usually works from home, so there really isn't much to see.

Huang Yi glanced at everyone and said to Yiyin.

"Let's have a few words alone."

Yiyin opened the door of the conference room.

"Please come in."

Huang Yi nodded and walked in first, followed by Yiyin and closed the door.

The attendants behind him looked at each other, this was not in line with the rules.

Generally speaking, it would appear that there is no distinction between public and private matters when conducting public inspections without private chats.

But Huang Yi and Yiyin had been separated for many years, and the Yiyin he saw now was completely different from the person in his heart.

Unable to bear to talk about it later, Huang Yi decided to talk to Yiyin alone now.

Entering the conference room, the two of them were alone together, and the atmosphere began to cool down again.

Huang Yi didn't know how to speak. Yiyin had just crossed here not long ago, and he was afraid that he would say something wrong and reveal his secrets.

After a long silence, Yiyin thought about it and finally found a topic, he asked.

"Is Gu Yue okay?"

Huang Yi suddenly looked at Yiyin, looking a little embarrassed, and said in a deep voice.

"We haven't seen each other for six years, and the first thing you said to me alone was that you were worried about her?"

Yiyin didn't feel anything strange at this time. He had heard Xu Xing say that in school, Huang Yi once chased Gu Yue and finally lost to Yiyin from the world of women.

Yiyin remembered that Xi Feifei said in the morning that Gu Yue had gotten into trouble just to help herself.

Since Huang Yi once liked Gu Yue and was doing well in the Hehe Group, he could get close to him and ask him to help Gu Yue.

This topic shouldn't be too sensitive, right?At least it's much better than Huang Yi dragging Yiyin to talk about school days, but Yiyin couldn't answer the question at all.

But Yiyin didn't know that his question just ignited Huang Yi's anger that had been extinguished for many years.

Huang Yi said coldly.

"So, between you and me, only Gu Yue can talk, right?"

Yiyin felt that Huang Yi's cold voice was a bit baffling.

"Um, didn't you have a crush on Gu Yue? Even if we couldn't get together back then, now you can help your old classmate..."

"Enough! Shut up!"

Huang Yi's sudden outburst frightened Yiyin into confusion.

"Yeah... sorry..."

Huang Yi's nails dug hard into his palms. He suddenly felt that he was a complete fool. He was so angry that he lost his mind and said coldly.

"Okay, I can help Gu Yue."

Yiyin asked in surprise.


Huang Yi nodded coldly, then pulled out an office chair next to him and sat down facing Yiyin.

"Really, as long as you kneel down and beg me."

Yiyin was stunned and looked at Huang Yi's feminine and beautiful face.

"Kneel down? Please?"

Huang Yi sneered.

"Yeah, don't you care about her very much? Then let me see if you care about her.

I never beat you in school, not once.

Whether it's academic performance, academic competition, sports competitions, singing and dancing celebrations, everyone's eyes are on you.

You will always be No. 1, and no matter how hard I try, I will still be No. 2. You are the sun in everyone’s heart, and I am just the light of a firefly drowned by the brilliance of the sun. "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

The heroine world Yiyin is such an excellent pot, now it's my turn to carry it?

I originally thought that Huang Yi and the heroine Yiyin had a good relationship, and at most they were just a bit competitive.

Now it seems that the relationship between the two is really bad. It turns out that Huang Yi didn't come to help him, but to see his own jokes.

Huang Yi saw Yiyin shaking his head and said coldly.

"What? Don't you want to?
Let me tell you the truth, Gu Yue has offended a lot of people because of you, and may be forced to take a vacation soon and step aside completely.

Don't think that just because you have talent, you will definitely shine. The most important thing that Hehe Group lacks is talent. A guy like her who is hot-headed for men deserves to be on the bench for the rest of her life. "

Amid Huang Yi's ridicule, Yiyin frowned as he recalled all the kindness Gu Yue had done to him.

Gu Yue was young and promising, and had a bright future. If she hadn't accidentally met him at that class reunion and exchanged Fetion letters, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

Thinking of the cold and beautiful woman, the passion and true love she showed in front of him, and the heavy price she paid for herself, Yiyin couldn't help but get excited.

He looked at Huang Yi, took a deep breath, and his knees softened.Although the man has gold at his knees, Yiyin is willing to do it for Gu Yue. .

Just when Yiyin made up his mind to kneel down, his shoulders were lifted up by Huang Yi's hands, and his knees and calves were supported by Huang Yi's feet.

Huang Yi stood up and pulled Yiyin up. His eyes were full of sadness and memories.

"Six years ago, I knelt before you and confessed my heart to you.

I beg you not to marry that charming Qian Ya who fucked you as a bastard. For someone as scheming as her, the child in her belly may not be yours!
I confess to you, the reason why I went after Gu Yue was not because I liked her, but because I didn’t want to see you with her!
But you ignored me and allowed me to kneel there and suffer the humiliation of being ignored.

At that moment, I swore that no matter how miserable and pitiful your Yiyin life was in the future, I, Huang Yi, would not care about you, because it was all your own fault!

Unless, you kneel down and beg me.

But you seem to have forgotten what happened between us.Six years ago, you ignored my begging for a woman.Six years later, you are willing to kneel in front of me again for a woman.

Yiyin, what on earth did you take me for?What do you think I am?
Is it true, as Xu Xing said, that you have a heart attack, your temperament has changed drastically, and you can't remember many things?

But I have never forgotten you for a moment.

I hate you, Yiyin, I will never forgive you in this life, I hate you so much. "

(End of this chapter)

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