Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 148 Are they really good brothers?

Chapter 148 Are they really good brothers?

Huang Yi's words, which contained infinite anger, immediately confused Yiyin. Yiyin's mind was in chaos and he could not understand the current situation at all.

Xu Xing once told Yiyin that Huang Yi liked Gu Yue, but it turned out that this was not the case.

Huang Yi competed with Yiyin for Gu Yue because he hated the female Zun Yiyin for being the first in everything and refused to admit defeat.

Huang Yi just didn't want to lose to Yiyin, he didn't like Gu Yue.At least, that's how Yiyin understood Huang Yi's words.

It can be seen that Huang Yi attaches great importance to brotherhood in his bones, although he hates that the female respecter Yiyin is better than himself in everything, and suppresses himself.

But when he encountered Qian Ya, a man who was obsessed with the female Zun Yiyin, Huang Yi still stood firmly on the side of the female Zun Yiyin, and even begged the female Zun Yiyin not to marry Qian Ya, a female gangster.

Although Huang Yi's behavior sounds a bit extreme, considering his status as a representative of men's rights, it is not incomprehensible that he reacted violently.

It's just that the female leader Yiyin didn't appreciate it, which caused Huang Yi to lose face. From then on, the two parted ways and stopped contacting each other.

From the perspective of Yiyin who has traveled through time, Huang Yi's behavior can be said to be affectionate and righteous, but on the contrary, the female lord Yiyin is too much like the holy father and does not know what is good or bad.

Huang Yi held grudges in his heart, but this time Yiyin encountered trouble, Huang Yi was still willing to lend a helping hand, but only asked Yiyin to return the humiliation of kneeling before.

He has clear grievances and grievances and is worthy of deep friendship.

After thinking about it, Yiyin felt that Huang Yi was a good character, but he felt wronged, because he had traveled through time just now, and he didn't know that such a past happened between Huang Yi and the female venerable Yiyin.

If he had known in advance, he would never have mentioned Gu Yue like this, which irritated Huang Yi's nerves.

Isn't it just a matter of kneeling down? That's all.

Back then, Huang Yiken was willing to bow his head and kneel in order to persuade his brother to turn around. Today, Yiyin can also return this kneeling to Huang Yi on behalf of Yiyin, and end this grievance.

The most important thing is that Yiyin now understands that Qian Zhi is not the first person to do something to his charming boy. Qian Ya also played this trick back then!

What happened to these sisters?

Thinking of the male-dominated world where Qian Ya felt sorry for her and Qian Zhi looked down on her, Yi Yin's anger rose.

In two worlds where men are superior and women are superior, the Qian sisters are all indifferent.On the contrary, the three brothers Xu Xing, Ding Qi, and Huang Yi who share the same bed have always valued love and righteousness, and they are more promising.

This is Yiyin's blessing. As long as he can distinguish between good and bad, Yiyin should know who to speak for.

Yiyin said sincerely.

"Brother Huang, you have been wronged.

What happened back then was my fault. I didn't listen to you and fell into Qian Ya's trap. I regret it now.

It's my fault. I shouldn't have made you feel uncomfortable by mentioning Gu Yue's matter.I will not include other requests now, but I will sincerely return that kneel to you. Please forgive me for my mistakes. "

Yiyin was willing this time, far more decisive than when he was forced to kneel just now. He pushed Huang Yi away and bowed his head to kneel.

But his arms were held tightly by Huang Yi, and he couldn't kneel down.

Yiyin looked at Huang Yi in confusion. Didn't Huang Yi come today just to vent his anger?
After he helps Huang Yi vent his anger, everyone can put aside their past feud and become good brothers again. Why doesn't Huang Yi let him kneel down?

Huang Yi's eyes became more and more sad. He stared at Yiyin's puzzled expression and felt inexplicably irritated. He couldn't help pinching Yiyin's chin with three fingers, which was almost a joke.

"Look, look at this confused handsome face, it's exactly the same as it was six years ago.

At that time, you also looked at me with this look. You didn't understand why I, who had always been proud and refused to bow my head, had to kneel down and plead with you in such a hurry for your sake.

You don't understand me, you will never understand what I'm talking about.And I will never be able to speak, dare not tell you all my thoughts.

So, forget it and just treat it as something I owed you in my previous life. "

Huang Yi sadly released his fingers, burying his true feelings again just like he did six years ago.

Yiyin asked subconsciously.

"What about Gu Yue?"

Huang Yi glared at him and said helplessly.

"I'm going to visit Ms. Jiang, the general manager of the Modu branch in the afternoon, and I will say a few words for Gu Yuefen then, but I can't guarantee the specific effect.

After all, a big shot like Ms. Jiang has her own opinions and will not be easily influenced by juniors like me. "

Yiyin nodded and smiled.

"As long as you are willing to help, no matter what the result is, I will be grateful to you."

Huang Yi looked at Yiyin and asked.

"Have you and Gu Yue reconciled?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"Don't talk nonsense, I am a widow with a child, how can I be worthy of the young hero of the Hehe Group, I just don't want Gu Yue to be dragged down by me and lose his future."

Huang Yi scoffed.

"If Gu Yue cares about power and position, no one can force her to destroy her future. She did this voluntarily, so what does it have to do with you?

When you were in school, Gu Yue chose to quit, causing you to be tortured by Qian Ya for six years, and you ended up like this.

This is what Gu Yue owes you. She is willing to atone for her sins and doesn't care what happens to you. "

Speaking of Qian Ya and Gu Yue, Huang Yi's voice became colder and colder. Even though six years had passed, what happened back then was still unforgettable and difficult for him to let go.

Yiyin shook his head and said sincerely.

"I'm fine now."

Huang Yi glanced at him and snorted coldly.

"What good?
After Ding Qi saw you last time, he returned to the Imperial City and ran to me every day wiping his tears and saying how miserable you were now, which made me feel uncomfortable.

This time there is another uproar on the Internet, and your reputation as a widower has been ruined to this extent. How will you live in the future? "

Yiyin laughed.

"I really think it's good now. I'm not planning to get married again anyway. What does it matter if my reputation is good or not?
Because the commotion this time was too big and ugly, in the future my business rivals would not dare to use such dirty tricks against me casually, which is actually a good thing. "

Huang Yi cursed.

"What kind of insane fallacy is this? A man's reputation is no longer important, what else is important in the world? It's simply nonsense!"

Yiyin curled his lips, not because of a lunatic, but because of mental illness.

"In short, it's pitiful for me. Regardless of whether it's extremely prosperous or not, it has hit rock bottom. How can it be miserable? From now on, there will only be an upward period."

Seeing that Yiyin laughed at himself indifferently, Huang Yi's eyes turned slightly red.

Once the proud son of heaven and a peerless beauty, he has fallen to such a state and can still be so optimistic. It is really pitiful and heartbreaking.

Huang Yi asked with an inexplicable brilliance flashing in his eyes.

"You said you're not going to get married again?
Life is not easy for a widow with a child.Moreover, you are raising a daughter. It will be far more difficult for her to start a family and start a business in the future than for a boy.

Have you really thought it through?There are many disputes in front of the widow, and there is no woman to support the appearance. Don't regret it in the future. "

Yiyin laughed.

"I have nothing to regret.

I have good brothers who care about me and a career of my own. I just want to make good games and be satisfied if I can run the company well.

I don’t know why, but you think I’m miserable. What’s wrong with me?
Wanting to start a business, Xu Xing immediately gave me 100 million without even frowning.

Ding Qi came to Modu on a rare occasion and went out of his way to help me clear the bank channels.

And you, even though I was so angry with you, you didn't stand up to defend me and made a special trip to the company to see me.

In addition, there are Wen Xinghan, Mo Ziming, Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, etc., everyone is helping me.

Youyou is also a good and obedient child. Although she is not related to me by blood, I raised her with my own hands. I think she is no different from my own child.

In short, I have met many good people who have allowed me to start over in this world and regain my life. Now I am full of gratitude.

Brother Huang, it's true, I'm living a good life, and my future will get better and better, so don't worry about me.If I don't remarry and don't rely on women, I can still be fine. "

What Yiyin said at this moment was from the heart of a man in a normal male-dominated world.

In his opinion, it was a perfect start for him to come to this world of ladies and receive selfless help from so many people. The white swan humiliation is nothing, men don't care.

As a masculine man, he wants to start a business and make money on his own. How can he think of relying on a woman? He cannot afford to lose that person.

But from the perspective of the world of women, Yiyin is indomitable and optimistic, which is really in line with the spirit of an independent man.

In particular, Huang Yi himself is a representative of men and has always encouraged and supported men to be independent and not to be accessories to women.

These words of Yiyin were particularly appealing to him, and coupled with his already deep and special feelings for Yiyin, they actually had a strange resonance and impulse.

Looking at Yiyin's resolute and hearty smile, some of the emotions Huang Yi had just buried began to grow again, making it difficult to control himself.

What Huang Yi just said was actually a bit contrary to his will.According to his original intention, he would definitely be dismissive of relying on women.

But Yiyin's situation is really miserable. She is a widower with a baby, suffering from mental illness, and her videos and privacy were exposed by Internet violence.

Even if he doesn't like men relying on women to make a living, Huang Yi also hopes that Yiyin's future will be better, and Yiyin does have the appearance capital to make women willing to be their subordinates.

But Huang Yi didn't expect that Yiyin would give him a surprise six years later.Yiyin, who was so angry with the Holy Father that Huang Yi almost vomited blood, seems to be a different person now.

The ideological resonance of the two parties can be called a confidant.

Huang Yi shook his head and sighed.

"You, you, why are you saying these things to me? How can I be so cruel as to let you go?"

Huang Yi's words were profound, but Yiyin didn't understand the meaning and just smiled.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you let go. You don't have to worry about me. I don't think the White Swan Group can do anything in this situation.

Public opinion online has reversed. There are many good people in society, and everyone is speaking out for me and condemning the atrocities committed by the White Swan Group. "

Huang Yi chuckled.

"Naive, public opinion is never reliable.

Public opinion can sympathize with you today, but can step on you tomorrow. Even if it is always on your side, as time goes by, fewer and fewer people will pay attention to this matter.

Everyone is very busy, busy with work, busy with life, busy with their own food, clothing, housing and transportation. How can we have time to sympathize with strangers all the time?
The world is suffering, only self-crossing.

If you want to start a company with peace of mind and play your game well, you have to hit the ground running to avoid having to deal with it over and over again. "

Yiyin had a grimace on his face.

"We have to keep fighting."

Huang Yi said lightly.

"You can just play your game with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about other things. It could be as fast as a week or as slow as ten months. This matter will be resolved and it won't delay you much.

I will not let anyone bully you again. The White Swan Group must pay the price for its arrogance. "

Yiyin was stunned, Huang Yi sounded a bit like Gu Yue.

But Gu Yue is a woman, and she protects her out of love, but Huang Yi's brotherly love is more pure and unadulterated.

Yiyin laughed.

"Thank you, good brother."

Huang Yi's smile froze, and he glanced at Yiyin unhappily. Yiyin didn't know why. Did he say something wrong again?
The two were silent for a long time, then Huang Yi sighed and said.

"Let's go out. If we talk alone for too long, it's easy for people outside to make random guesses."

Yiyin nodded and stepped forward to open the door.Unexpectedly, Huang Yi jumped in front and held the door handle.

Huang Yi glanced at Yiyin and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be humble and flattering in front of me. I don't like to see you like this now. I prefer you to be as bright and proud as the sun when you were in school."

After saying that, Huang Yi turned the door handle and walked out first.Behind him, Yiyin showed a depressed expression.

Yiyin was just trying to show the friendship of the landlord, the normal way of hospitality, who knew Huang Yi would be so sensitive.

But then again, how arrogant was the heroine Yoshiyin in school?It has been six years, but many people still remember him. Every time they see Yiyin, they have a look on their face that says, "You are so miserable now."

While Yiyin was curious, he also knew that he couldn't be envious.

Female Zun Yiyin is the true pride of heaven and an all-around elite.And for a mediocre person like me, perhaps the best thing he can do is make use of this handsome face, right?
Yiyin shook his head, shook off his self-deprecating thoughts, and followed Huang Yi out of the conference room.

Outside the meeting room, Huang Yi said to the followers.

"It's rare to meet old classmates, so I couldn't help but chat about some school things. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long."

Naturally, everyone waved their hands and said polite words without any sign of dissatisfaction.

Huang Yi stretched out his hand and said to Yiyin.

"I'm leaving, old classmate. I wish you a successful career."

Yiyin stretched out his hand to shake his hand and smiled.

"Sure, you won't be disappointed."

This time, Huang Yi shook Yiyin's hand hard, feeling a reluctance to let go in his heart.

He smiled, turned and left.

No one from Nintendo Game Company was too talkative, only Xi Feifei was standing at the door, shouting.

"Brother Huang, how many days are you staying in Modu? Do you want to make an appointment for dinner?"

Huang Yi pointed at her and smiled.

"You are already a big girl, so be more prudent in your work. Every time I have dinner with your sister, she complains that you are like a child who will never grow up.

I might have to visit your mother soon, what?Want to have a meal together? "

Xi Feifei turned pale with fright and shook her head quickly.

"No, please help yourself, Brother Huang."

Huang Yi smiled slightly and walked out of the door.

Behind him, Shi Jinlu's complexion was paler than Xi Feifei's, and his body was even a little swaying.

(End of this chapter)

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