Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 149 Departing Early to Expose the Truth

Chapter 149 Departing Early to Expose the Truth

Wen Xinghan asked after seeing off Huang Yi and his party.

"Shall we continue the meeting?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"Forget it, let's have another meeting next Monday."

Without Li Hongmei, we can't talk about the game program at all. As for game channel distribution, Huang Yi just said that the matter is not over yet.

No one knew what Huang Yi and Yiyin were talking about inside, and no one dared to say anything. Even Xi Feifei, who had always been fearless, remained silent after being frightened by Huang Yi just now.

Yiyin glanced at everyone and smiled.

"Why is your expression so heavy?
Li Hongmei is sick, and Xing Yaoyao is taking care of her. I am not sure how far the Fruit Ninja beta version has reached and whether it can be put on the shelves for sale. We can't talk about anything if we continue the meeting.

I'm going to see them and visit the patients in the afternoon.You all pay attention to me, the work is endless, and the body is the most important thing.

Don't learn Li Hongmei's bad habit of working overtime. If I catch anyone, I will warn them once, deduct their money twice, and deduct their money a third time. .hum. "

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Deduction of payment for overtime work, boss, you are so interesting.

Since everything is fine, let me ask for leave for Sun Youling. I will take her to the hospital in the afternoon. "

Yiyin's face became serious. He just broke up with Sun Youling yesterday. The relationship between the two is no longer just between a boss and an employee.

Thinking of the pituitary gland in Sun Youling's head, Yiyin also felt a little emotional.

Beauty is a bad thing, and a young girl like Sun Youling would suffer from this strange and fatal disease.

Thinking of Xi Feifei's wide network of contacts and Lu Ziye, she deliberately mentioned taking Sun Youling to see a doctor, so naturally she had some ideas.Regardless of whether this is a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor, Yiyin must support it.

Yiyin nodded.

“The company is closed today, everyone should go back and have a good rest.

Xi Feifei, I leave the matter of Sun Youling to you.

I should have followed, but Li Hongmei seemed to be seriously ill, and Xing Yaoyao was talking nonsense. I was really worried, so I went there first to have a look. "

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin, then at Sun Youling and Xi Feifei, his eyes twinkling.

He knew very well what was wrong with Sun Youling.It was out of pity for Sun Youling that he introduced Sun Youling into the company.Now it seems that Sun Youling got what she wanted?

Xi Feifei smiled.

"give it to me."

Sun Youling felt sweet in her heart. Yesterday, she won the idol with the help of wine. Not only did the idol not blame her, but he cared about her so much, which made her feel a lot more at ease.

In the eyes of Xi Feifei and Sun Youling, Yiyin ignored yesterday's incident. On the one hand, he was sick and stressed and needed to vent, and on the other hand, Sun Youling's terminal illness made people sympathetic.

Living people cannot care about those who are dying. The kindness and tolerance shown by Yiyin also made Sun Youling's love fall deeper and deeper.

Yi Yin continued.

"Brother Literary, Brother Mo, let's put aside the matter of freezing bank accounts and the matter of White Swan Group seeking reconciliation for now, and give yourself a break to relax.

As quickly as a week, as slowly as ten months, this matter will have a result. We don't need to be anxious, it is others who should be anxious. "

Yiyin followed Huang Yi's words and now sold it to two male elites. They listened thoughtfully and nodded slightly.

Finally, Yiyin looked at Bribri and Gong Zijie and said.

"You two should go back as well, take care of your health, and you are not allowed to work overtime. The company will implement an attendance system when you return, and illegal overtime work without authorization is strictly prohibited."


After leaving Nintendo Game Company, Huang Yi was taken around by the attentive park manager Shi Jinlv, but his mind was no longer here, and he just perfunctoryly left in a hurry.

As soon as he watched Huang Yi's car leave, Shi Jinlu couldn't help but jump up and drag Director Hao to Yiyin's company.

"Quick, quick, quick, I must personally apologize to Mr. Yi today and thank him for being so generous and letting me go."

Director Hao asked curiously.

"Sister Shi, the visit is over. You shouldn't be so anxious to please people, right? It seems like we are impatient and lose face."

Shi Jinlu's face turned green at this time, but she didn't like to be angry with Director Hao, a subordinate who had just made a contribution, so she could only explain in a low voice.

"Do you know who the little girl who greeted Team Leader Huang just now is?"

Director Hao shook his head.

"Team Leader Huang and I are not familiar with each other. Who knows who his family's family friends are."

Shi Jinlu sneered.

"I will teach you a lesson today. In the future, if you have time, read through the newspapers and magazines within the group. Sit down and watch the ** network at seven o'clock every night. You will know many things.

Team leader Huang’s grandmother is Mr. Huang among the people who started the group company. Mr. Huang’s family friends are ranked high. Their surname is Xi, who else could it be?That must be Mr. Xi! "

Director Hao looked confused.

"Mr. Xi seems to have passed away, right? I remember that when she left, the group published a report to promote her entrepreneurial achievements."

Shi Jinlu curled his lips and said.

"Mr. Xi is gone, but her daughter is promising. She is the current general manager of the Zhejiang branch of the group, Mr. Xi."

When Director Hao heard this, his hair stood up on end and he couldn't help being surprised.

"That little girl is Mr. Xi's daughter? How could she go to such a small company to waste her youth? And she still has an affair with a widower?"

Shi Jinlu was taken aback.

"What widow?"

Director Hao asked rhetorically.

"Sister Shi, don't you go online? Now it's all over the Internet. Mr. Yi, this little widowed man, is really amazing."

Director Hao looked so vulgar that Shi Jinlv couldn't help but knock her on the forehead.

"I don't surf the Internet, and I don't understand why you young people like to surf the Internet? Are mobile phones so fun? Can't you read more when you have time?

And, what happened to the widow?Have you ever heard a saying?It's called if you want to be pretty, you should be filial, so you just say he's pretty or not, right? "

Director Hao nodded while covering his painful forehead from Shi Jinlu's beating.

"Mr. Yi is very handsome, I admit that.

But she is Mr. Xi’s daughter after all. What kind of man does she want? Why would she get involved with a young widower? "

Shi Jinlv looked like he had been there before, hehe, he said with a smile.

"The fruit that has been pecked by birds is really sweet. What do you know about men? Do you know whether it is sweet or not?"
In short, this way of doing justice is so amazing that I cannot afford to offend him.I must get his forgiveness today, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep when I go back.

Go, go quickly, you can smooth things over for me, and we can settle this matter.As long as he is willing to clear up the past feud, there is no problem in renting the entire building to him, and he can pay whatever rent he wants. "

Perhaps, God hoped that Shi Jinlu would spend a sleepless night tonight. When the two came to the door of Nintendo Game Company, the door had been locked and there was no one in sight.

Shi Jinlu and Director Hao looked at each other, and Director Hao asked softly.

"Sister Shi, President Yi and the others may have gone to dinner, what should we do now?"

Shi Jinlu's face turned red and green for a while, and finally turned into the color of pig liver.

"What should I do? Salad! You just stay here and wait for them. As soon as Mr. Yi comes back, you call me. Do you hear me?"

Director Hao said with a grimace.

"Then what if they don't come back? The situation online is so messed up right now, President Yi might..."

Shi Jinlu didn't know anything about the Internet, she said with a pinch of her neck.

"If Mr. Yi doesn't come back, you can wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Anyway, you can stay here for me!"

Shi Jinlv left angrily. Director Hao waited until her figure entered the elevator, then immediately changed his face and smiled, and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Xiao Deng, come to the eleventh floor of Building **, yes, I'll wait for you here.

What?After a long night shift?What shift is next?I didn’t say get off work!Who dares to get off work!Everyone works overtime today!

I do not care!Anyway, come here now and stay here for me, you can bring the bed with you, but you are not allowed to leave work!

Ma De, you are so courageous, you start to scream when you work even a little overtime. What is more important, family or work?If your employer doesn't give you money to spend, your whole family will have to drink from the northwest, and you won't be grateful! "


After a busy morning, Yiyin found that he was just working blindly. Huang Yi said that this matter was not over yet, so Nintendo Game Company could only lie down and wait until the matter was completely over.

Xi Feifei's sports car took Sun Youling away, and the others were busy with their own affairs and immediately dispersed.

Yiyin originally wanted to take the subway to Li Hongmei's house and have some lunch on the way.But he suddenly thought of what Xi Feifei said to him about Teacher Yi in the morning, and goosebumps all over his body rose.

At this moment, the public opinion on the Internet is still fermenting. The head-swapping video that bears on Yiyin's head is still being asked for resource passwords in various forums.

Thinking of this, Yiyin suddenly missed Xi Feifei's small sports car and her private moving space.In this summer, he could only buy a mask from a convenience store and then take a taxi to Li Hongmei's house.

I don’t know if it was because of a guilty conscience. Along the way, Yiyin always felt that the way the female driver looked at him from the rearview mirror was a bit strange.

Yiyin was so frightened that he quickly gave up the idea of ​​eating out and decided to go to Li Hongmei's house first and then order takeout.

When Yiyin got out of the car in a slightly embarrassed state, the female driver picked up her phone and clicked on voice input.

"Husband, Nonggang and I just had a fight. It was 38 degrees today. I came up here wearing a mask. I was sweating all the way. I just took off my mask. Is there something wrong with Nonggang?"

The Fetion message was sent out with a whoosh, and before the driver could start the car again, the reply came. The driver clicked on it to listen.

"I'm out of my mind, I want dogs to catch mice, meddling in my own business and chopping more, come back quickly and cut lunch, I should wait."

The female driver showed a warm smile and drove skillfully on the road, heading home.


Yiyin looked at his phone. He originally said he would come over in the afternoon, but it was only around ten in the morning, which was a bit early.

Has Li Hongmei's illness gotten worse?Did Xing Yaoyao send her to the hospital?Do you want to make a call first and ask?

Yiyin thought for a while and shook his head.When they are all there, go up and knock on the door. If they are not there, call and ask about the situation.

He followed his memories and looked for the house that Li Hongmei rented. There were many families on the first floor of this apartment building. The rent was cheap, but the layout and environment were really bad.

Coming to Li Hongmei's house again, Yi Yin recalled what happened between the two of them that day, and there was a trace of warmth in the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he rang the doorbell, Xing Yaoyao's angry voice came from inside.

"Here it comes! Who is it?"

Hearing Xing Yaoyao's energetic voice, Yiyin's heart suddenly relaxed.Xing Yaoyao is so energetic, Li Hongmei should be fine.

Yiyin was amused for a moment and replied.


The door was opened, and Xing Yaoyao was seen with her body facing out and her head facing in, asking Li Hongmei who was following her.

"Sister Hongmei, did you order takeout?"

Inside, Li Hongmei's complexion changed drastically, and she pointed at Yiyin with trembling fingers, speechless.

Xing Yaoyao muttered and turned her head.

"What's wrong? What the hell?
Ahhhhh!boss!Didn't you say you would come in the afternoon?How can we do a surprise inspection! "

Unexpectedly, Yiyin came over so early. The two girls who were discussing how to act sick and deceived Yiyin were at a loss for a moment.

Yiyin sank his face, pushed Xing Yaoyao's head in, and closed the door.

A minute later, the two women were sitting side by side on the single bed in the room, huddled together, like two female students who had made mistakes, preparing to receive criticism and education from the dean.

Yiyin is sitting on his work chair, and the computer desktop and laptop next to him are still automatically playing entertainment program previews on the iQiyi platform.

Looking around, the one-bedroom apartment has been neatly tidied up. It is not as shabby as the last time I came here, and I feel pitiful just looking at it.

Yiyin sighed and asked.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Two girls, look at me and I look at you. Xing Yaoyao was worried. Just when she was about to start talking nonsense, she was stopped by Yi Yin.

"Xing Yaoyao, stop talking. You are full of lies. You are in your 30s and you are not serious at all. You even lied to me that Li Hongmei is sick. Please reflect on yourself!

Li Hongmei, tell me, what's going on?Why don't you come to the company?Is there something the company is not doing well? "

Lu Hongmei shook her head in panic.

"No, no, the company treats us very well, and the boss treats me even better.

This issue. .This is our fault. "

Yiyin was taken aback and asked.

"what's up?"

Li Hongmei's voice stopped suddenly and she looked at the panicked Xing Yaoyao.

Spreading pornographic videos is a criminal act, and for two women to do such a thing at the cusp of public opinion is an even greater crime. It will take at least ten years to start.

Li Hongmei thought of Xing Yaoyao's kindness to her over the years, the unspeakable and unforgettable time they had as hypocrites, and the scenes where Xing Yaoyao dressed in men's clothing to please herself.

With a sigh, Li Hongmei looked away from Xing Yaoyao and then looked at Yiyin.

Li Hongmei saw Yiyin's expression full of care. When he heard that she was sick, he rushed over to see her early.

Thinking about Qi Yin's current troubles, his sincere care seemed worth a fortune at this moment, and Li Hongmei was even more moved.

On one side was the person she used to be close to, and on the other side was the person she admired now. Li Hongmei was overwhelmed with emotion. The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. She really didn't know how to explain the accident.

Li Hongmei gritted her teeth and finally decided to shoulder everything by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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