Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 150 Boss, you are cheating on me

Chapter 150 Boss, you are cheating on me

Finally, Li Hongmei sighed and said resolutely.

“Boss, that T’s head-changing video on the Internet was made by me.

This is all my responsibility alone and has nothing to do with anyone else. It was me who caused your reputation to be damaged. Please call the police to arrest me. "

Before Yiyin could turn his head around, he heard Xing Yaoyao scream.

"Sister Hongmei!"

It was only then that Yiyin came to his senses, what the hell!Li Hongmei made the head-changing video of T?
He was a little confused. Didn't it mean that those videos were well-produced and required an excellent team of programmers to produce them in a short time?

Xi Feifei, Wen Xinghan, and even the people in the Hehe Group thought that these head-changing videos were made by the White Swan Group, but the truth turned out to be Li Hongmei, a private individual who did it!
Yiyin froze on the spot, his head was a little swollen, he couldn't figure out what Li Hongmei was trying to do.
But Xing Yaoyao already understood that Li Hongmei was going to carry everything by herself, so she stood up with a scream.

"Sister Hongmei! What do you mean by that!"

Li Hongmei shook her head desperately, trying to pull Xing Yaoyao to sit down.Xing Yaoyao shook off her hand, walked straight to Yiyin, pressed the armrest of the work chair with both hands, and stared at Yiyin.

"Boss, I did everything. You call the police to arrest me! I am responsible for the work alone, and I will not harm Sister Hongmei!"

Li Hongmei jumped up and pulled Xing Yaoyao away.

"Yao Yao, don't be ridiculous! What do you know about head-changing techniques? Can you make those videos? Even if you are arrested, I can't run away!"

Xing Yaoyao cried as she hugged Li Hongmei's neck and refused to let go.

"But I can't let you, Sister Hongmei, be arrested alone. Even if we go to jail, we will go together!

I don’t want you to sacrifice for me!I don’t want to die!Sister Hongmei, I love you. . "

Li Hongmei looked at Yiyin in shock and wanted to cover Xing Yaoyao's mouth and nose, lest Yiyin heard Xing Yaoyao's words.

But Xing Yaoyao hugged her tightly, preventing her from reaching out her hand to cover Xing Yaoyao's unscrupulous mouth.

Li Hongmei could only shout in despair.

"Don't say it! Xing Yaoyao! If you say it, I will never forgive you in this life!"

The two of them were tossing and turning in front of Yiyin's work chair. The already thin summer clothes were torn into a mess, and nothing could stop them.

Yiyin felt his blood surge and said helplessly.

"Stop for me!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the movements of the two women stopped instantly.

Yiyin pointed to the bed and said coldly.

"Who said we're going to call the police to arrest you? You two, sit back!"

The two women looked at each other and Yiyin repeated.

"Don't understand me? Sit back!"

The two girls could only sit back obediently by the bed, as if they didn't dare to breathe.

Yiyin looked angry and funny.

One of the two is five years older than me, and the other is two years older than me. Are they both mature women?How can you do things without thinking too hard?Are programmers and otakus so unsophisticated?
Yi Yin sighed.

"I probably understand that this bad idea came from Xing Yaoyao, and then Li Hongmei, you followed this guy and started messing around, right?
Now tell me the specific process. Xing Yaoyao, don’t speak. Li Hongmei, please do it. "

Li Hongmei honestly explained everything to Yiyin, and Yiyin's eyes twitched and she sighed.

After a while, Li Hongmei closed her mouth, and Yiyin glanced at her.

"All done?"

"It's over."

"Xing Yaoyao."

"Yes, I am."

"Have all the online channels been cut off? Will anyone come to investigate?"

"Don't worry, boss. I've been browsing foreign websites all year round and looking at things I shouldn't have looked at. I'm very familiar with clearing traces. I borrowed IP addresses and channels from abroad, so I guarantee that I won't leave any traces."

Yiyin glared at Xing Yaoyao.

"Am I praising you? Why are you still so proud?"

Xing Yaoyao pouted, hugged Li Hongmei's arm, and leaned against her.

"Anyway, sister Hongmei is going to jail, so I'll just sit with you."

Li Hongmei panicked and wanted to get rid of Xing Yaoyao, not wanting Yiyin to misunderstand the relationship between the two.

Yiyin sighed and said to Li Hongmei.

"Isn't it just a hypocritical relationship? It's not like I don't know why you are nervous."

Li Hongmei stiffened and looked at Xing Yaoyao. Xing Yaoyao was so frightened that she sat up straight and explained.

"It's not me...I didn't mean it...Sister Hongmei...please listen to my explanation..."

Li Hongmei sat there slumped, as if her energy had been drained away, shaking her head and saying nothing.

Xing Yaoyao looked at Yiyin angrily.

"Why did you say it, you, you..."

Yiyin rubbed his temples, always feeling that the relationship between the three of them was terribly complicated, and his brain was going to explode, so he just used this opportunity to pick it out.

Just as he was about to speak, his stomach suddenly growled.The two women looked at Yiyin's belly at the same time, making him extremely embarrassed.

"What are you looking at, is there anything to eat at home?"

Li Hongmei stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"There are bread, cakes, and cup noodles."

Yiyin followed.

"Do you usually eat these? They are not nutritious. Can you be kind to yourself?"

Seeing that both of them went to the kitchen, Xing Yaoyao stood up and shouted.

"Yes, I told her a long time ago not to deal with her casually while eating."

The man and woman in front turned back at the same time and stared at Xing Yaoyao.

"You shut up!" x2
Xing Yaoyao was so frightened by the aura of the two that she sat back on the bed, knowing that she had caused a lot of trouble recently, she hummed and dared not refute.

Yiyin followed Li Hongmei to the refrigerator, saw Li Hongmei take out a Swiss roll, took it, tore open the package and wolfed it down.

He was really hungry. He was dragged to the company by Xifeifei at six o'clock in the morning. There was a showdown with Wen Xinghan, a meeting, and Huang Yi. He was so hungry that he was a little too hungry.

Desserts are high in energy. After eating them, Yiyin immediately feels alive again.

Li Hongmei asked distressedly as she watched him swallow a cake in two or three mouthfuls.

"Why are you so hungry? Do you want another one?"

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

"Busy, you don't know how many things have happened to me. It's a disaster from heaven. I don't dare to eat outside. There are so many people and my eyes are so annoying.

Stop eating now and sort out your affairs first. "

Li Hongmei looked at Yiyin's exhausted and hungry appearance, her heart felt sour, she bowed her head and said.

"I'm sorry, you are like this, and I caused such a big trouble for you."

Yiyin shook his head. In fact, he didn't think it was a big deal. It may be because the three views of the two worlds of men and women are too different. In Yiyin's view, those head-changing videos are purely funny.

Whether it is the announcement of Wen Xinghan's condition or the head-swapping video of Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, they are essentially trying to help Yiyin.

They did not have upper-level channels like Huang Yi, Gu Yue, and Xi Feifei, and their lack of information led them to do seemingly unnecessary and stupid things.Information may be the biggest difference between the upper and lower classes of society.

But from the standpoint of Yiyin, this is not a bad thing.Just as Yiyin forgave Wen Xinghan calmly, he also didn't feel much about those head-changing videos.

The man in those videos is not really him, and he does not plan to marry again in the future. Just put it on the Internet. How can he lose a piece of his own flesh?

In Yiyin's three views, men are not afraid of being looked at at all, not to mention that only their faces are their own, and their bodies belong to others.

Just as the two were about to walk out of the kitchen, Yiyin's peripheral vision glanced at a box of 24 cans of small beer in the corner, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Why is there so much beer?"

Li Hongmei was stunned and blushed.

"Yao Yao just bought it. She said that if you drink beer to warm up your body and then take a cold shower, you can easily get a fever. I'll be ready for your examination in the afternoon."

Yiyin's fingers trembled slightly, pointed at the embarrassed Li Hongmei, and cursed.

"You just pamper her all day long and follow her to do stupid things! That stupid otaku looks like 32 years old but has a brain of only 12 years old. How dare you listen to her!
The body is your own, what if your brain is burned out?Has she tricked you enough?Can't you refuse her?Can you two spare me some trouble? "

Li Hongmei was so cowardly that she lowered her head and admitted her mistake.


Yiyin is really speechless.

One is an indecisive and weak woman, timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but she is a great programmer.

One is a eldest child with an IQ of only 12 years old, a daring otaku who dares to try anything, and is good at painting and painting.

What a magical combination this is!Do people in their 30s now play so avant-garde?

Yiyin shook his head, picked up the box of beer and walked out.Today, Xing Yaoyao must be taught a lesson, otherwise she will not be able to live in the future.

Seeing Yiyin carrying the beer, Li Hongmei hurried up to help.

"Boss, let me get it. You are a boy and not suitable for such rough work."

Yiyin ignored her and carried the beer into the bedroom and placed it next to the bed.Then he pulled the work chair over and sat down next to the bed.

Xing Yaoyao, who was sitting on the bed, and Li Hongmei, who followed him out, both looked at Yiyin in confusion.

Yiyin pointed to the empty seat on the bed and said.

"Li Hongmei, sit over here."

Li Hongmei nodded and sat honestly next to Xing Yaoyao. The two women looked at Yiyin who was close at hand.

Yiyin opened the beer box and took out a 300ml small can of beer. Suddenly, Xi Feifei's triumphant look appeared in his mind.

Canned food is not as delicious as bottled food. .It's true that rich people are so pretentious, and drinking anti-righteous silver makes no difference.

Yiyin took out three cans of beer, gave one to each of the two women, and kept the last one for himself.

"Xing Yaoyao, how about we play a game, truth or dare?"

Police officer Xing Yaoyao felt like looking at Yiyin.

"Boss, you don't look very kind. Can I refuse?"

"Do you want to go to jail?"

"Play! Truth or Dare is my favorite!"

Xing Yaoyao opened her beer and looked at Yiyin with a flattering look on her face, which made Yiyin shake her head.

Yiyin didn't talk too much nonsense, and reached out his hand to shake Xing Yaoyao.

"Let's guess the game. Whoever loses will have a hard time and then answer a question. It must be the truth."


The two of them shook their hands together. Li Hongmei on the side was a little confused. What is the situation now?

Xing Yaoyao looked at her stone, then at Yiyin's cloth, and asked.

"Boss, are you late? You see that I will produce cloth after I produce stones?"

Yiyin chuckled.

"How is that possible? It's obvious that you lost, so don't default on your debt."

Xing Yaoyao almost jumped up.

"No, it's the boss, so you are cheating!
Sister Hongmei, you also saw that the boss was late, right? "

Li Hongmei and Yi Yin glanced at each other and knew that Yi Yin was trying to deal with Xing Yaoyao. She was now in a state of being punished and could not protect herself. How could she dare to speak for Xing Yaoyao, so she could only follow Yi Yin's words.

"No, you two came out at the same time."

Li Hongmei avoided Xing Yaoyao's desperate gaze and looked down at her can of beer.

Xing Yaoyao also knew what was going on at this moment, humming twice, the bachelor had to admit it.

"I know! Let me lose!"

She dutifully finished a can of beer and turned it upside down to show Yiyin that it didn't leak.

"I'm done drinking!"

Yiyin nodded and asked.



"I asked your name."

"Xing, Xing Yaoyao."

Yiyin took out another can of beer from the box and threw it to Xing Yaoyao and said.

"We continue."

Xing Yaoyao had a bitter look on her face, but she didn't dare to resist, so she just thought it was letting Yiyin vent her anger.

"Rock, scissors, paper, Xing Yaoyao, you lost."

Xing Yaoyao gave up and opened the beer, and Dundundun drank another can.

Yiyin touched his nose and asked.


Xing Yaoyao widened her eyes and wanted to get angry. Yiyin pointed to the notebook on the computer table and hinted at the head-changing video, which immediately softened Xing Yaoyao.

Xing Yaoyao answered feebly.

"32 is old."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows sarcastically.

"Are you 32? I thought you were only 12."

Xing Yaoyao was so angry that she had no choice but to take the third can of beer thrown by Yiyin.

"Rock, scissors, paper. Hey, Xing Yaoyao, why did you lose again? You have bad luck."

Xing Yaoyao was too lazy to complain and drank the third can of beer in one gulp. She took the initiative to reach for the fourth can, but her hand was stopped in mid-air by Yiyin's question.


Xing Yaoyao puffed up her chest angrily and pointed at Yiyin.

"Boss! You can humiliate my IQ, but you can't deny my gender!"

Yiyin glanced at Li Hongmei, who was bowing her head and saying nothing. She seemed to be comparing something, and Xing Yaoyao had already cursed.

"Sister Hongmei is a genetic mutation. Normal people can't be that big! Oh, sister Hongmei, why are you hitting me? I'll tell you the truth!"

Afterwards, Xing Yaoyao, who was made lose temper by Yiyin, shouted in frustration.


Yiyin nodded with satisfaction, threw the beer to Xing Yaoyao, and continued to the next round.

"Rock, scissors, cloth, oops, my luck is really good today, Xing Yaoyao, why did you lose again?"

Xing Yaoyao twitched her lips as if she wanted to curse, but in the end she drank her fourth can of beer honestly.

Although the beer has no alcohol content, Xing Yaoyao, a house girl, usually doesn't drink alcohol at all. After drinking four small cans in a row, her head started to feel dizzy and her stomach was bloated.

Seeing how drunk she was, Yiyin suddenly asked a question.

"Would you like sleeping with me?"

Xing Yaoyao answered subconsciously.

"It's so cool."

As soon as she finished speaking, the beer can in Li Hongmei's hand fell to the ground.Xing Yaoyao covered her mouth and looked at Yiyin with grief and anger.

"Boss, you're so mean to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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