Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 151 It's Not Good To Do That

Chapter 151 It's Not Good To Do That

Yiyin chuckled.

"You can call me dad at this time. Don't you like calling me dad very much?"

Xing Yaoyao was really angry this time and stood up and cursed.

"F*ck you dad!"

Just when Xing Yaoyao was swearing, Li Hongmei suddenly asked.

"Is it true? Yaoyao, look at me and tell me, is this true? Are you having sex with your boss?"

Xing Yaoyao was stunned on the spot, sweating with anxiety, but couldn't say a word.

At this time, Yiyin clapped his hands together, attracting the attention of the two women, and then spread his hands together to show off his cards and stop pretending.

"Li Hongmei, last time you were sick, I came to see you and take care of you, but you forced me to go to bed.

Xing Yaoyao, Li Hongmei moved house and you cried, I kindly went to see you, but you insisted on dragging me into bed.

You two are the same as each other, you are both beasts, what is there to say?

This time, you also conspired together to make a [-]-minute head-changing video and secretly posted it online, completely ruining my reputation.

I didn't say anything about you being worse than animals. What do you have to argue about? "

Yiyin finished speaking in one breath, opened a can of beer, imitated Xing Yaoyao's boldness, finished it in one gulp, and threw the can into the trash can not far away.

Turning his gaze back to Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, Yiyin smiled when he saw the two women's faces were gloomy.

“But what do your actions mean to me?

My wife cheated on me and she died in a car accident, but she left me with a daughter who was not my biological daughter.That is the daughter I have raised for six years and feel sorry for her to the core of my being.

My sister-in-law fucked me with a man and filmed my ugly behavior with her mobile phone.The previous 5-minute video was about her violence against me.

It’s funny, my wife used to bewitch men to fuck me like this and force me to marry her, so maybe I’m already used to it. "

Yiyin had just heard from Huang Yi that Qian Ya was obsessed with a man and a woman named Yiyin. Now he is learning and selling it, and the results are very good.

Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao have gone from being embarrassed and embarrassed at the beginning to shock and pity now.

Their thoughts had been guided by Yiyin, and they seemed to have forgotten the little trivial matter between them, and the embarrassment of having their fig leaf ripped away.

From the perspective of women in the female-dominated world, Yiyin's experience is so tragic that even TV dramas would not dare to portray it like this. It is simply horrific.

In comparison, the inexplicable things between Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao are really not worth mentioning.

And this is what Yiyin hopes.

As a big man in a male-dominated world, he was tired of trying to hide between Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.

I wonder if you love me and I love you all day long, is it annoying or tiring?

The personalities of women in the feminine world are similar to those of men in the patriarchal world. In Yiyin's eyes, their outlook is like that of pure men without Jill.

And Yiyin, a real man from the world of men, is going to use the method of men in the world of men to flip the table and talk everything out clearly.

Whether the relationship between the three of them can continue to be good in the future, or some people will choose to part ways, that would be better than the current heart-wrenching plot of Qiong Yao.

This is like the difference between men and women in a male-dominated world.

Small conflicts between men can often be resolved with a laugh.Small conflicts between women often become more troublesome due to mutual suspicion.

Yiyin likes to cut through the mess with one knife, no matter how complicated it is, it is always more comfortable to put it clearly on the table than to keep the three of them in their hearts.

And today is another very good opportunity to flip the table.Because the two women did a stupid thing that was unforgivable to men in this world of women and was tantamount to a crime.

Even though the two of them had good intentions, this incident was enough for Yiyin to take the opportunity to flip the table. He was not afraid of the two of them getting angry, so he could only lower his head, listen, and think.

Frankly speaking, Yiyin likes the rational side of women in the female world and can reason with them.Unlike women in a male-dominated world, they become emotional when conflicts arise and cannot talk at all.

Seeing that the two women no longer considered their love and hatred for each other, and focused on their own tragedies, Yiyin smiled slightly and said again.

"It's nothing. You should have read the open letter online and know that I am mentally ill.

I have gender confusion and severe self-destructive tendencies.Simply put, I have no shame about losing my virginity.

I'm really embarrassed to say it, but I'm actually a slut who can sleep with any woman without feeling the slightest bit of shame.

Ha, so you don’t have to think too much, I don’t care myself, why do you mind so much. "

Li Hongmei's eyes were slowly turning red. When she heard Yiyin calling herself a slut, her nose felt sore. She couldn't help but cry.

"Yiyin, please, stop talking. Please don't harm yourself like this. I won't listen. I don't want to listen!"

Xing Yaoyao on the side had long been crying so hard that she wiped her tears hard and choked with sobs.

"Shut up! Yiyin, shut up!"

Yiyin took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, today is a rare opportunity, and I want to speak clearly."

He stretched out his hands, took one of Li Hongmei's and Xing Yaoyao's hands respectively, and put their hands together.

Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao glanced at each other, their hands were stiff and uncomfortable.But they still endured it, waiting for Yiyin's next words.

Yiyin laughed.

“We are all in our early thirties, consumables that have been used by society. We have long lost the passion and drive of young people, and we are only envious.

Everyone has only one bucket of passionate love in his life.That bucket of love is like gasoline, it burns a little, gets a little less, and leaves only loneliness in the end.

Everyone will meet many friends in his life, but those who can go to the end together can be counted with two hands, not ten, or even one or two.

I can't figure out how far the hypocritical relationship between you two has progressed.

But I think that old friends like you who once had passionate feelings and still care about each other and have been together in your 30s should cherish each other.

Even if you two get into some kind of dispute and never interact with each other again, I hope it's not because of me.

You shouldn't ruin the years of love and friendship between you for a slut like me. It's not worth it.

I would be very sad if you become estranged from each other and end up as strangers.

Because I like Li Hongmei very much, I also like Xing Yaoyao very much, I like you, and I hope you can live better and better.

Women 41 flowers, your days are still long, can you promise me not to ruin your beautiful life journey just because of the appearance of a bad man like me? "

Following Yiyin's sincere words, Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao's eyes gradually met, and their fingers were entwined unconsciously, and a smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Maybe it's because they remembered the good times of the past, or maybe they realized each other's thoughts after talking about each other. In short, after tearing away all the fig leaves, the relationship between the two seemed to be one step closer.

Seeing them like this, Yiyin smiled and let go of the hands holding them down.The two people's tightly entwined fingers loosened at that moment, and they grabbed one of Yiyin's wrists like lightning, preventing him from pulling away.

Li Hongmei blushed, with tears still in her eyes, biting her lower lip and said.

"What a cunning boss, Yiyin, do you think I will give up on you?
I have finally waited for a man like you, even if I am a shameless person, I will not let you go.Don't say you have a mental illness, it doesn't count you. .you. .I won't let go anyway! "

Xing Yaoyao was already crying and stared at Yiyin fiercely.

"Boss, no, dad, you went too far today and dared to cheat on me.

Want to leave when it's over?Is there anything so cheap in the world?I won’t do what you want, sister Hongmei, I want it, daddy you, I want it too! "

Li Hongmei looked shy and said angrily.

"Xing Yaoyao, please be more serious and don't be ashamed to yell about daddy."

Xing Yaoyao nuzzled towards Yiyin and explained to Li Hongmei.

"Sister Hongmei, haven't you seen it yet? He is really a pervert, a big pervert! He likes me to call him dad. Look at his pants."

Yiyin's pants were watched by two people, Yiyin twisted his buttocks and said anxiously.

"These are the wrinkles of jeans. Do you understand the wrinkles? Xing Yaoyao, don't talk nonsense!"

The originally warm atmosphere became ambiguous because of Xing Yaoyao's words.The three of them held hands and sat together on the edge of the bed. It seemed unreasonable that something wouldn't happen now.

But as a 30-year-old adult with a moral bottom line, it is impossible for them to have sex together without shame. That would be too corrupt.

Xing Yaoyao drank four cans of beer, which could barely be considered as a cowardly act of drunkenness.

Yiyin only drank one can, and even with the buff of the slut attribute of mental illness, he still couldn't bear to do anything at the moment.

As for Li Hongmei, she was even more embarrassed. She didn't even drink a sip of beer, but she wished she had already been fed seven or eight cans.The atmosphere was so good that I was the only one who was awake, which was even more painful than being drunk.

Just as the atmosphere was getting stiffer and stiffer, slowly turning to calm, and the opportunity for the three of them to travel together was about to pass, the laptop on the side sent out an assist.

Before Yiyin came, Xing Yaoyao opened Li Hongmei's laptop and watched programs on the iQiyi platform because she was bored.

Li Hongmei usually doesn't watch these long video websites, and she doesn't have a recharge membership, so she can't watch many videos.Even if you can watch it, you still have to endure a minute or two of commercials before watching it.

Xing Yaoyao was too lazy to watch the commercials, so she flipped through the trailers of variety shows. The trailer clips were often the most exciting parts of the program, and there was no need to watch the pre-title commercials.

The three of them chatted, and the laptop used as background music was not turned off, and the trailer of the show was still playing.

At this time, the time has unknowingly reached twelve o'clock, and the trailer for a new round of variety shows has been online.

Just when the three of them were embarrassed, three or four new trailers had passed, and a burst of familiar yet unfamiliar music from Yiyin came from the laptop.

Yiyin looked back in shock and looked at the laptop.

He said it was familiar. The sound of the music was very familiar to him. It was an old song he liked and had just sung it yesterday.

I say it's strange because the soundtrack has changed and sounds specious, like an in-depth adaptation.

Because Yiyin's gaze shifted away, the two women's eyes also followed the laptop, which was playing a trailer for a new program.

A melodious female voice was broadcast from the laptop, lingering in the small rental house.

"That's the person I miss day and night and love deeply..."

Recognizing that the female contestant singing on the screen is the female singer who was talking to him in the square yesterday, Yiyin's head swelled a little.

Is this awkward?
The song lasts only about forty seconds. After the first half of the song is sung, the trailer then switches to the female singer’s cold and sincere speech.

Her words about whether she was fair to him and whether she was killing a man's hope seemed to hit the hearts of Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.

Yiyin was still watching the video, but the two women were staring at Yiyin, unable to take their eyes away anymore. They couldn't help but hold his hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

A trailer of less than 2 minutes gives Yiyin mixed emotions.

He didn't expect that the chance encounter last night would actually lead to great help from a stranger.The seemingly cold female singer is actually a warm-hearted and good person.

In his important program competition, he gave up his original work and brought a half-finished song to the stage just to help Yiyin, a stranger, speak a word of justice.

Yiyin couldn't help but sigh. There were still many good people in the world. He looked back at the two women and was shocked again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xing Yaoyao curled her lips.

"The boss is amazing. He even knows people in the entertainment industry."

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's not like I know him, I just saw a resident singer in the square yesterday on the roadside. I couldn't help myself and went up and sang a song.

Who knew, she actually wrote down the song and used it on the show. "

Xing Yaoyao asked in disbelief.

"Isn't that right? Did you sing this song to her, boss? That's right. I haven't heard of such a beautiful song. It is indeed a new song."

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I didn't know she would put a song I hummed casually into a competition. If she loses the competition, you can't blame me."

What else did Xing Yaoyao want to gossip about, but she was stopped by Li Hongmei, who asked.

"Boss, you won't call the police on us, right?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"I've told you, I'm sick, I don't feel the shame of a man losing his virginity at all, why should I call the police to arrest you?
Moreover, I don’t plan to remarry, I just want to raise Yoyo well, run the company’s games well, and let everyone have a stable life.

Therefore, no matter how many videos there are on the Internet, I don’t care.

Don't worry, as long as Xing Yaoyao cleans up and doesn't let anyone catch your tail, this matter will be over.

Let the three of us just forget about it and treat it as the fault of the White Swan Group.The White Swan Group has caused us so much trouble, so we can't blame it unjustly if we feed it a dead rat. "

Xing Yaoyao's face relaxed and she smiled.

"The boss is wise!"

Li Hongmei had a gentle face, looked at Yiyin, and said slowly.

"Boss, can you sing it to us again? That song."

Yiyin laughed.

"of course can."

Yiyin closed the laptop, cleared his throat, and started singing the old boy song again.

He liked this song very much, so he sang it very skillfully. Unfortunately, he was old and his voice was a bit stiff, so his singing was average.

As Yiyin sang, he looked at Li Hongmei, and suddenly his heart moved.

Through that kind of thing, he can become younger and younger, and even help Li Hongmei reduce her fever, and has a strange sixth sense.So, does your own singing have any special charm?
Yiyin laughed at himself, feeling that his thoughts were too beautiful.But he didn't know that the quantum entanglement in his body was constantly deepening. Every time he did something like that, it was a drastic change.

Some things may really make your wishes come true.

After the two women listened quietly, Xing Yaoyao said.

"Boss, your singing is average and not as good as that female singer's. But I don't know why, but I always think your singing is more flavorful and attractive."

Yiyin laughed.

"Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How can I compare to a professional singer?"

Yiyin looked at Li Hongmei, only to see her staring blankly at him, and asked subconsciously.

"what happened?"

Li Hongmei's eyes changed from scattered to condensed, and she seemed to have made a lot of determination and said.

"Boss, do you really not mind having sex with an old woman like me? Compared to Xi Feifei, Sun Youling and those young, beautiful and well-off family phoenixes, I am like a native chicken."

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, glanced at Li Hongmei, and smiled.

"Don't belittle yourself, you have a lot of capital, it's impossible for you to be a local chicken, at least you are a vixen.

You just think too much.Life is too short to enjoy the moment. If you have time to think about things that you don’t have, it’s better to seize the present moment.

Why is young so old? Maybe I will make you younger and younger. "

There is indeed a hint of association in Yiyin's heart.You can shed dirty sweat and slowly become younger.Li Hongmei was also a little sweaty that time, maybe she was getting younger too.

But Li Hongmei didn't know Yiyin's thoughts. She was just moved by Yiyin's persistence in abandoning her, and her love for Yiyin became deeper, even transcending the constraints of the world.

she said solemnly.

"You said you are a slut, just prove it to us. As long as you prove yourself, I will always follow your footsteps and never leave again."

Yiyin was stunned, how to prove it?

Before he could react, Li Hongmei pulled his wrist, squeezed out a seat between Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, and sat on the bed.

Xing Yaoyao looked at Li Hongmei in shock.

"Sister Hongmei...you can't be...we can't..."

Li Hongmei glared at Xing Yaoyao.

"Shut up, you won't listen to me?"

At that moment, Xing Yaoyao's body went limp.The Hongmei sister who was once extremely strong and forced herself to wear men's clothing seems to be resurrected.

At this moment, apart from being obedient, Xing Yaoyao could no longer find the slightest bit of strength to resist the powerful Hongmei sister she longed for.

As for Yiyin, who was caught between the two women, he was completely confused.

Even though Li Hongmei usually seems to be very honest and timid, she is the one who is the most courageous every time something like this happens. So, the programmer is very boring.

The first time for two people and the second time for two people. Looking back now, it was Li Hongmei who took action resolutely and Yiyin passively accepted it.

And at this moment, it is the same.

Li Hongmei has already escorted Xing Yaoyao to take action, while Yiyin is still confused.

Isn't this not good?Should I agree?Agree?Or do you agree?

(End of this chapter)

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