Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 152 The Heaven-turning Seal Smashes the White Swan

Chapter 152 The Heaven-turning Seal Smashes the White Swan

As the saying goes, two kinds of people cannot sleep under the same bed. Since everyone is a pervert, no one should look down on the other.

Yiyin, a fake pervert from a male-dominated world, finally put down his airs and got along with the two hypocrites and real perverts from a female-dominated world.

While Yiyin was busy with mugwort, Huang Yi rushed to the Modu branch of Hehe Group for his sake.

In the general manager's office, Ms. Jiang and Ms. Zhu were discussing business when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The secretary appeared in front of the two ladies, bowed slightly and said.

"Ms. Jiang, Team Leader Huang is here. Do you want to see her now?"

Ms. Jiang looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.

"Time flies so fast. It's already twelve o'clock before you know it. Please invite him in."

The secretary nodded, introduced Huang Yi into the office, then closed the door and went out.

Huang Yi greeted the two ladies politely, and Ms. Jiang smiled and waved to him.

"Xiao Huang, come and sit here. I heard that you went to do research as soon as you got off the high-speed train in the morning. It was really hard."

Ms. Zhu sorted out the documents in her hand.

"You guys chat, I'm going to have a bite to eat first.

Xiao Huang, let’s talk about the proportion of the company’s income turned over this year later. "

Ms. Jiang joked with a smile.

"Xiao Huang has just arrived in Modu, and you want to add another burden to him?"

Ms. Zhu hummed.

"I don't want to either. Who told Gu Yue to take a vacation? I can only take over many things.

Originally, when Xiao Ding from the Imperial City Headquarters came, we had already negotiated it. Now that the person in charge here is going on vacation, we can only continue the negotiation. "

Ms. Zhu seemed to be complaining about Ms. Jiang. In front of outsiders, Ms. Jiang couldn't refute her and could only smile bitterly.

She nodded to Huang Yi, picked up the document and left.Huang Yi respectfully sent the giant Buddha away without daring to be rude at all.

Vice President Zhu of the Modu Branch is known as a tough-minded manager who is resolute and decisive, and dares to speak and act. Even many people in the head office are in awe of her.

Although there is no news on the stage, there is already a rumbling in the audience. It is said that Tieli wrote a letter to the president, requesting that the income distribution plan between the local branch and the headquarters be reconsidered.

This is a big thunder, I didn’t expect anyone would dare to touch it.

This matter should start from the beginning of the establishment of Hehe Group. At that time, the local branches and the headquarters were under the same account, and the revenue and expenditure were unified.

At the beginning of the year, everyone came to the Imperial City for a meeting to calculate clearly the expenses and income for the year, and then went back to work according to the plan.

If unplanned special circumstances arise, additional funding will be applied for.

The advantage of this is that the headquarters firmly controls the local branches, but it is not good for the local branches to be too obedient. No one is motivated to forge ahead, resulting in branch offices generally having very low income.

After that, Mr. Qi, who returned to the headquarters, made drastic changes in the company structure, changed the rigid group status, and introduced a new plan in terms of distribution.

The original plan for one account at the beginning of the year turned into a requirement that the headquarters only required a certain amount of income to be handed over, and the remaining income was at the disposal of the local branches.

This time, the enthusiasm of the local branch was ignited.

Because the income turned over is fixed, and any extra income belongs to the branch, branches in various places began to work hard to make money and save a small treasury for themselves.

At the beginning, this method was indeed very good, and it changed the flat and rigid state of local branches.

But after the new distribution plan had been in operation for more than ten years, new problems arose.

That is, the speed of economic development has exceeded the imagination of the headquarters. The local branches are too rich, and the headquarters has become a beggar.

When the first account was created, the local branches begged the headquarters for additional subsidies.

Now, the small coffers of the local branches are abundant, but the mother-in-law of the headquarters has too many things to take care of and does not have enough money to spend. Instead, she has to beg the local branches to hand over more income to the headquarters with a face.

Xi Jianqiao from the Zhejiang branch is so arrogant that even the headquarters has to consider her feelings. Just because the Zhejiang branch makes a lot of money, Xi Jianqiao is also willing to hand over a large amount of extra income to the headquarters.

No one wants to have trouble with the Goddess of Wealth. No matter it is a small individual or the seemingly invincible Hehe Group, they are essentially bullies with money and fools without money. The material base determines the superstructure.

And the Ms. Zhu in front of Huang Yi, this tough and resolute old woman, what she wants to do is to revise the current unbalanced distribution plan.

But this is difficult to do because the current distribution plan was determined by the respected Mr. Qi.

This old man has a long life. Compared with her old colleagues with the same qualifications who have passed away, although she has retired, her influence is still there.

For example, Ms. Jiang in front of me, and Gu Yue, who is optimistic about Ms. Zhu, are all rising stars cultivated by Mr. Qi.

It is not easy for Ms. Zhu to change the rules set by Mr. Qi when she was managing the company.

What's even more troublesome is that even if Mr. Qi nods, it's not easy to change the distribution plan.

Because local branches have benefited from the current distribution plan, they have bargaining chips in negotiations with the headquarters.

Who is willing to hand over the benefits?Even if Mr. Qi wants to go against the vested interests, those branches will still object.

Therefore, Ms. Zhu is actually doing a thankless and stupid thing.

But if no one is willing to do it, the headquarters' binding force on the branches will become weaker and weaker, and the centrifugal force of local branches will become stronger and stronger.

One day, the headquarters may lose control over local branches, and the entire Harmony Group may be split.

Ms. Zhu knows that there are tigers in the mountains, so she prefers to travel to the tiger mountains.

Such a tough and iron-blooded person may soon take over as the general manager of the Modu branch. As expected, he will enter the headquarters sooner or later, which will naturally awe many people.

At least Huang Yi treated her with respect and did not dare to offend this powerful old woman.

But he knew that someone had already begun to try every means to prevent Ms. Zhu from taking over the Modu branch, hoping that her progress would stop here.

After Ms. Zhu left, Ms. Jiang said with a smile.

"Xiao Huang, it's already this time, why don't we go have dinner first? People are like iron, and food is like steel. No matter how busy we are at work, we won't miss this little time."

Huang Yi said respectfully.

"Ms. Jiang, could you please take a look at this before eating.

These are some of the questions I have summarized from observing the development of the video game market these days. "

Ms. Jiang glanced at Huang Yi and nodded.

"Well, I'll take a look first."

Huang Yi didn't write much, so Ms. Jiang finished it in three or two glances. She knocked on the armrest of the sofa and secretly thought that her life would be terrible.

Both the Modu branch and the Zhejiang branch are now staring at Huang Yi, a male representative, knowing that she came to investigate this time because she was drunk and not drunk.

On the surface, it is a survey on the healthy development of the video game market. In fact, the White Swan Group is acting recklessly and seriously infringing on men's privacy and labor rights.

Ms. Jiang thought that Huang Yi had to mention the attitude of the Husband Federation Department when discussing things with her, and first stand on the moral high ground.

But the methods of Huang Yi, a young colleague, exceeded Ms. Jiang's expectation. Her entry point turned out to be video game market research.

This made Ms. Jiang look at Huang Yi appreciatively and nodded slightly.

Hehe Group is a law-abiding commercial company, and all conflicts must be resolved within the scope of legal compliance.

The state has national laws, and harmony has harmony rules.

Although moral criticism is powerful, it violates the rules of the game.Because morals are unclear, it's easy to get caught up in the trap.

To put it simply, it is easy to curse people, but it is not easy to solve problems.

The senior management of Hehe Group are rational people. They are not opposed to moral criticism, but they do not like people who raise problems and cannot solve problems.

Huang Yi is obviously a good young man who understands harmony and has a bright future.

Although she was very dissatisfied with the White Swan Group, she did not make moral criticisms at the outset. Instead, she presented the facts and reasoned, and used official opportunities within her authority to seriously investigate the issue.

Huang Yi conducted normal research and worked within his authority. The Hangzhou subsidiary behind the White Swan Group had nothing to say.The advantage of doing this is that things are simpler and business matters are done in a formal manner.

Seeing that Ms. Jiang had finished reading the report and was thinking about it, Huang Yi said softly.

"Ms. Jiang, I didn't think well. If there are any shortcomings in the report, please criticize me."

Ms. Jiang smiled.

"Well written and profound."

Seeing Ms. Jiang's kind gesture, Huang Yi felt relieved.

What he was most worried about was that Ms. Jiang was unwilling to have a conflict with Ms. Xi from the Zhejiang Branch and would suppress the matter first, but now it seemed that he was worrying too much.

Ms. Jiang's thoughts had actually been sorted out several times, and now she had to support Huang Yi's research.

Gu Yue's self-destruction, Ms. Zhu's complaints, the official letters from the Husbands' Union Ministry and the Cyberspace Administration of China, and the fermenting public opinion on the Internet are all forcing Ms. Jiang to stand on Yiyin's side and uphold justice.

Public order and good customs must be supported. The White Swan Group has gone too far this time. This is no longer something that Ms. Jiang can give in if she wants to.

Huang Yi's spark burned so smoothly because it lit on the pile of dry straw.

he laughed.

"Ms. Jiang is overrated. I just do my job well."

Huang Yi did not drift away, but insisted on doing business, which is very powerful.The Harmony Group has the rules of the Harmony Group. As long as you follow the rules, anyone who obstructs you is fighting against the Harmony Group.

Ms. Jiang thought for a while and said.

"In your report, you predict that the video game market can develop into a mature market of 2000 billion to 5000 billion. But this market is actually not big. Do you need to do so much advance research?"

In a 2000 billion market, the actual profit may be only [-]%, and the business share that Hehe Group can get may be only [-]%.

The revenue of 200 billion is an astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not enough for the behemoth Hehe Group. There is no need for personnel from the Ministry of Development and Reform like Huang Yi to come down to investigate.

Huang Yi said solemnly.

"Ms. Jiang, although the video game market is not big, its impact is not small.

Video games are also games.

I know of one company that launched a dozen similar competing products within a few weeks without setting any usage restrictions.

The following minors have far less self-control than adults. With the development of electronic games, we need to consider the protection of teenagers in advance. "

This is the Heaven-shaking Seal displayed by Huang Yi, a magic weapon that can kill a swan when turned over.

In China, youth protection is a high-voltage line that no one dares to touch.Some of the companies Huang Yi talks about are Swan Games that are desperately copying Nintendo games.

Swan Games' strategy is to produce a large number of homogeneous new games through plagiarism, squeezing Nintendo's market share.

Doing so can weaken Nintendo Game Company's ability to make money and recover blood, and ultimately lose it in this business competition.

This type of business competition is actually not uncommon. It can be found in all walks of life. It means working hard to win, bad money eliminates good money, and finally the whole industry works together to feed customers.

Harmony Group actually doesn't like this kind of business competition, but there is no way. Chinese people love such high-intensity and low-level involution. No money is made, but everyone's morals are getting lower and lower.

It should be said that Swan Game's approach is not unusual, but Huang Yi's response is to kill people and punish the heart.

Don't you like rolls?Then I won’t let you roll and increase the cost of your roll.

Because of the lack of intellectual property rights in electronic games, White Swan Group’s legal department can easily avoid legal liability in this regard.

But the protection of juveniles is different. The Law on the Protection of Minors is a basket, and everything can be put in it.

Huang Yi deliberately used the youth protection to hit the White Swan Group, and the White Swan Group could only stand at attention and be beaten.

In fact, Huang Yi has carefully studied the competing products of Nintendo Games and Swan Games and discovered a strange difference.

That is, the game apps produced by Nintendo all come with their own identity verification, and the following minors are refused to purchase.

Huang Yi was greatly surprised by this. Could it be that Yiyin knew that sooner or later video games would have to cross the high-voltage line of youth protection, so it was prepared for it?
He is worthy of being a talented man from Beijing, with a strong sense of harmony.

Huang Yi secretly praised Yiyin, but he didn't know that this was Gu Yue's advice to Yiyin.And this suggestion has now become Huang Yi's weapon for counterattack.

Since Nintendo games have no hidden dangers of harming young people, then Swan Games can be punished to death.

Huang Yi could even bring its parent company, Swan Entertainment, out to beat it and carefully check whether there is anything harmful to young people.

As long as it involves entertainment and making money, how can it not be harmful to young people?The trouble for Swan Entertainment is yet to come!
If there is news about the Hehe Group's strict investigation of the White Swan Group's harm to young people, White Swan's stock may be cut in half again on the current basis!
Yiyin was framed by Swan Game and was humiliated by a slut.Huang Yi didn't care on his face, but in fact he was filled with anger. He was determined to stab the White Swan Group several times to know what pain was.

After listening to Huang Yi's explanation, Ms. Jiang nodded slightly.

"It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to cultivate a person. The education and protection of minors must be kept in mind at all times and cannot be relaxed."

Huang Yi smiled and nodded.

"Ms. Jiang is right, so I think this investigation of the video game market is very necessary and of great significance.

I think that in the development of the electronic game market, first of all, we should consider restricting the entry of minors, and secondly, we need to consider whether the game content is compliant.

Therefore, I am going to propose to this minister that all electronic games must be mandatory for identity verification, and sales to the following teenagers are strictly prohibited.

Also, before all electronic games are put on the market, they must be reviewed by the Culture and Publishing Department of the headquarters before the game can be given a version number and allowed to be put on the shelves for sale.

Because the two pioneering game companies, Nintendo Games and Swan Games, are both in Modu, I hope you can support my research report. "

Ms. Jiang nodded.

“This is a good thing that benefits harmony and the people, and of course I support it.

When you write the final report, I will have no problem with it after reading it and will sign it jointly. "

(End of this chapter)

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