Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 153 The condition suddenly improved

Chapter 153 The condition suddenly improved

Because of the exception of Swan Games, the domestic video game review system in the female world is many years earlier than that in the male world before Yiyin came.

I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for the development of Nintendo Game Company. In short, it must be a bad thing for Swan Games.

Restrict minors from logging in and restrict game version numbers.Swan Games’ old method of suppressing Nintendo games by spam-distributing homogeneous games has completely failed.

If Swan Games can’t come up with new methods other than plagiarism, then this business war surrounding video games will definitely end with the failure of the behemoth White Swan.

There are some things that cannot be stopped if they are not weighed well and are worth less than two taels. This is what they say.The key is not what you do, but how you are perceived by those in power.

Ms. Jiang smiled and asked.

"How will Xiao Huang prepare for the weekend? Will he have to work overtime to do research and be busy with work?"

Huang Yi answered respectfully.

"When I come to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I naturally have to visit my elders. I want to go to Hangzhou and visit Mr. Xi."

Ms. Jiang nodded.

"I almost forgot that the Xi and Huang families are family friends. We should really visit our elders and move around more."

The Hangcheng subsidiary dared to leapfrog and provoke this time because it had the support of the Zhejiang branch.If Huang Yi can persuade Xi Jianqiao to give in, then the Hangzhou subsidiary will also cease to exist.

Without the background of the Harmony Group, the White Swan Group can only bow its head and admit defeat, and try its best to step down with dignity. This time, the matter can also be reduced to a big one, a trivial matter, and don't make it too ugly.

Huang Yi forced him to come down for investigation. He couldn't make things too difficult for the Minister of Development and Reform. That would be too ignorant.

The White Swan Group wants to crack down, but after the beating, it must also consider cleaning up the aftermath. This is the correct way to discover and solve problems.

Ms. Jiang admired Huang Yi's maturity and thoughtfulness very much, she said with a smile.

"The future is terrifying."


Hospital parking lot.

Xi Feifei opened the car door, looked at Sun Youling who was in a daze holding the diagnostic report, and shouted.

"Why are you still standing there? Get in the car!"

Sun Youling subconsciously followed the car and sat in the passenger seat, still a little unconscious.

Xi Feifei started the sports car, turned the steering wheel, and asked casually.

"You haven't figured it out yet?"

Sun Youling took a long breath and sighed.

"Why has it become smaller? It's strange. I just checked the day before yesterday. It has obviously become larger."

Each hospital has its own rules. For critically ill patients, surgeons often only believe in the latest test data from their own hospital.

Therefore, although Sun Youling had just had an examination in another hospital, when she came to this hospital today, she still had it done again honestly.

After all, this is not a trivial matter like a cold or a fever. Human life is at stake, and no one can be too cautious.

Moreover, the doctor who treats her is the number one doctor in this field. Others can't wait in line to beg, so she must know how to cherish it.

But the test results were unexpected. The pituitary gland in Sun Youling's brain had become smaller!
Seeing this result, the authoritative surgeon thought that Sun Youling did not need to consider surgery for the time being.

Craniotomy is a big deal. The human brain is still an area that is difficult to understand in the medical field. If it is not a last resort, who is willing to undergo craniotomy and bear the additional risks?
Seeing that Sun Youling was still confused, Xi Feifei laughed and teased.

"Looking at you, it looks like your condition has worsened. Please! It's obvious that your condition has improved, okay? Can't you be happy?
The doctor said it, and we tested it twice in a row to confirm that the pituitary gland is indeed getting smaller.

Although the doctor doesn’t quite understand the reason and hopes to follow up with you for follow-up examinations, isn’t it a good thing that the pituitary gland is getting smaller?Why are you so confused?
Although I don’t understand the reason, there are many things in medicine that are difficult to explain, so what’s the harm in adding you to it?

However, because the pituitary gland has never actively atrophied and healed itself, the doctor is very interested in your situation and has given you priority for follow-up examination and treatment.

Now that your life has been saved, and the follow-up treatment is being followed up by the most authoritative doctors, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? "

Sun Youling nodded. She knew that what Xi Feifei said was true. The current situation could not be better, but she still felt twisted in her heart.

She held the medical certificate and murmured to herself.

"I told my boss yesterday that I was terminally ill and there was no cure, so I forced him to...

Today, my condition suddenly became milder, this. .this is not. .Just cheating. .

If the boss knows, what should he think of me? "

Xi Feifei was stunned and burst out laughing. If she hadn't been driving, she would have rolled with laughter.

"You, hahaha, are you worried about this? Hahaha, so it turns out that you are frowning because of this?

You made me laugh so hard. Are you cheating?No, Sun Youling, please don't tell such funny jokes while I'm driving, it may cause a car accident, hahaha. "

Sun Youling glared at Xi Feifei who was laughing crazy and said angrily.

"Why are you laughing! I am really distressed now!"

Xi Feifei finally calmed down and couldn't help laughing when she saw Sun Youling's appearance.

"Isn't this simple? Just put the responsibility on the boss and say that he did a good job for you.

He is solely responsible for this. "

Sun Youling was shy and angry, so she hit Xi Feifei and said angrily.

"No serious words! What does doing that kind of thing have anything to do with treating terminal illnesses! You're messing around again!"

Xi Feifei teased casually.

"It's hard to say. What if it's a miracle of life? What if the boss is Tang Sengrou? How about I help you make an appointment with the boss and keep up the good work tonight?"

Sun Youling's face was red, and she was ashamed and embarrassed. She hit Xi Feifei twice with the medical certificate.

"That's crazy! You crazy woman!"

"Hey hey hey, I'm driving!"

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense about the boss anyway!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore."

The sports car stopped in front of the traffic light. Sun Youling twisted her butt and said.

"Shall we change a car? The sports car is really uncomfortable to sit in. The roar makes my ears uncomfortable. There are only two seats, which is very inconvenient."

Xi Feifei glanced at her and said.

"I'm not you. My family loves me so much that I can buy a mansion of two to three hundred square meters whenever I want.

I begged my sister for a long time before she relented and bought me this car.

Do you want to sit more comfortably?It's okay, you can buy me another big space car. "

Sun Youling nodded and said.

"Okay, what kind of car do you want to drive?"

Xi Feifei said casually.

"Let's have a K banquet. Let me say it first. I won't buy low-end models that cost less than one million yuan. It would be embarrassing to meet friends when I go out."

Sun Youling nodded.

"Okay, then let's go to Puxi Baoshijie Center and take a look. You can choose for yourself."

Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling with shocked eyes and asked.

"Do you really want to buy it for me?"

"Of course it's true, isn't it?"

"How much money did your family give you? A million-dollar luxury car as a gift?"

Sun Youling sighed.

"Originally, when the disease progressed, I would have to have surgery within a year, and the success rate was not high, and there was a high probability that I would die.

My mother has always felt guilty and felt that she owed me a lot.I'm going to die, why does she care about money? Anyway, she can just swipe the credit card, no matter how much I use, she will fill it in for me.

The doctor you brought me to see this time is an authoritative doctor in the relevant field, and the results are so good, it seems that my life can be saved.

My mother will be very happy when she finds out. She won't say anything if I give you a K-Feast. "

Xi Feifei's mouth was drooling. Although her family was wealthy, there was a difference between rich and rich.

Xi Jianqiao is the general manager of the Zhejiang Branch of Hemu Group, but the salary of Hemu Group is actually not high, and the main focus is to serve the people.

Xi Lanlan is rich, but this sister is very strict in discipline. She is like an elder sister like a mother. Xi Feifei cannot spend money like water and do whatever she wants.

Xi Feifei was so envious of rich people like Sun Youling who gave away huge sums of money without batting an eyelid that she swallowed her saliva with envy.

She gritted her teeth and said.

"This is what you said. I will choose it later, but you are not allowed to go back on it!"

Sun Youling nodded.

"Let me declare first that the landing price is not allowed to exceed 150 million."

Xi Feifei smiled happily.

"Okay, it's enough to buy the latest model 3.0, and there's still money left for the interior."

Sun Youling said angrily.

"You are planning to spend all 150 million, right?"

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"You don't miss it if you pass by. This kind of opportunity is rare."

While the two were chatting and laughing, the car behind them honked their horn. It turned out that Xi Feifei was so excited that the green light had already turned on.

"Let's go! Let's go to Puxi Center!"

Looking at Xi Feifei who looked excited, Sun Youling sighed.

"There's something I don't know if I'm doing right."

"Well, you said, for the sake of the K banquet, I will give you Zhuge Liang for free today."

"I thought about it a lot last night and called my mother and asked her to help Yiyin. My mother promised me that she would talk to Mr. Niu at noon today."

Xi Feifei's face condensed.

"Today at noon? Today's Hangzhou Entrepreneurs Meeting?

You really are. .Although Zhejiang merchants in the [-] cities of Zhejiang Province have close relationships, the Internet is an upstart that has just emerged in recent years, and their relationship with the old money in the traditional manufacturing industry is not good.

You asked your mother to take the initiative to intercede with Mr. Niu of the White Swan Group for Yiyin?
How many pairs of eyes were staring at that scene, making people misunderstand what is unclear about your mother, the old money leader of Zhejiang merchants, and the upstart of the Internet, you. .What a scam. "

Sun Youling sighed and said.

“I thought about it for a long time after the phone call last night and felt that my request was too much, but I really couldn’t think of any other way to help Yiyin.

Since I got sick, my mother has never refused any of my requests. This is her love for me.So I'm worried that my willfulness will cause her trouble. "

Xi Feifei sighed.

She suddenly thought, if one day she got terminally ill, would her sister be sad and would she be obedient to her?

Although Xi Lanlan is a bad sister with a strong desire to control, at this time, Xi Feifei's mind is very complicated.

After all, it is the eldest sister who is her mother and has been taking care of her biological sister. Even though she always imposes her will on him, she is still his irreplaceable sister.

Xi Feifei comforted Sun Youling.

"It's useless to worry now. It's estimated that your mother and Mr. Niu have already met and talked about it.

You, relax, this is the end of the matter, don’t think too much.

Call her elderly person later and tell her the good news that you are getting better, so that she can be happy too. "

Sun Youling thought for a moment and nodded.

"Let's go. I'll buy the K banquet with you first. I'll tell my mother when I get back."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Have your order! Let's go!

I hope I can get the new car soon, and I will take you and your boss out for fun in the future.Find a place with beautiful scenery, I will drive for you, and you will be in the back seat. .Hey. . "

Sun Youling's face turned red and she cursed.

"Xi Feifei, you psycho!"

(End of this chapter)

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