Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 154 A Misunderstood Telegram

Chapter 154 A Misunderstood Phone Call

Hangzhou, entrepreneur meeting.

Niu Shuang, the president of the White Swan Group in the first row of seats, was calmly listening to the general manager of the organizer's Hangzhou subsidiary speaking on stage.

Her appearance is gentle and sharp, and the two strange qualities are mixed together, forming a strange feeling of being handsome and ugly.

Niu Shuang majored in computer science, but after graduation he was engaged in English education. Later, he started his own business and created the prototype of White Swan Group.

With the help of the Internet, Niu Shuang seized the opportunity of the computer Internet and the mobile Internet with his extraordinary ability, and developed the White Swan Group into the number one Internet predator in China.

But as the potential of the big cake of mobile Internet has been tapped, White Swan Group once again stands at a crossroads.

Can Niu Shuang, like last time, seize the new trend of the stagnant development of the computer Internet and the rise of the mobile Internet, and once again lead the White Swan Group to continue to ride the waves?

In her own heart, she actually has no bottom.

The people sitting in the first row are older than the other.But Niu Shuang's face was obviously a generation younger, especially young.

She seemed to be listening carefully to the speech on the podium at this time, but in her heart she was thinking about what Ms. Sun, the Zhejiang business boss, said at the lunch just now.

In recent years, Niu Shuang has focused on the company's grand strategy and has gradually let go of specific company operations.

She had heard some rumors about the dispute between Swan Games and Nintendo Games, but she didn't care too much.

In the years of business wars, she has seen even uglier scenes, and some trivial things are not enough to move her.

Every year, the White Swan Group handed over tens of billions of business funds to the Hemu Group, and the operation of the headquarters has brought a lot of job opportunities to Hangzhou.

It is no exaggeration to say that half of Hangzhou is supported by White Swan, and half of the people in Hangzhou are working in supporting positions of White Swan. No one in the family works in White Swan, and they are also serving White Swan employees.

Catering, entertainment, tourism, without the white swan's high wages to support urban consumption, could Hangzhou develop so fast and land prices so high?

Niu Shuang knew that the Hangcheng subsidiary of Hehe Group was inseparable from the White Swan Group. The White Swan Group's stock price plummeted and its development was stagnant. The Hangcheng subsidiary was even more anxious than Niu Shuang, the White Swan president.

Even if it is an emerging electronic game industry, even if it matures, it will only have a small market size, and it is impossible to threaten the survival of the White Swan Group.

Even if there was trouble at Nintendo Game Company, Niu Shuang's eyes didn't bother to drift over and take a look. It was all a trivial matter. Naturally, the senior management of the group was handling it, and she didn't have time to care about it.

But today, Ms. Sun from Zhejiang Business Group came to her door and asked her to look at Ren Tianxing for the first time.It's not easy for this small game company to invite someone like Ms. Sun to intercede.

In his mind, Niu Shuang reviewed the things about Nintendo Game Company these past few days and discovered something wrong.

Things are moving so fast that they seem to be spiraling out of control.

Ever since Swan Games took action against Nintendo Games, online public opinion has fermented faster than imagined, and the trend has been very unfavorable to White Swan Group.

Niu Shuang doesn't care much about this.

White Swan is not a concord group, and it doesn't pay much attention to public opinion.The memory of netizens is only six seconds, and they only need to dispatch an army of water to wash the ground. No matter how big the problem is, it will be forgotten after washing.

The Internet has memory. This sentence itself is a joke.Excessive information bombardment makes netizens more likely to be fooled and deceived.

But from the moment Ms. Sun came to intercede with her, Niu Shuang always felt that something was wrong with this matter. It seemed that the development of the situation had surpassed the scope of Internet public opinion and spread to the commercial field.

Niu Shuang was thinking about something when the general manager of the Hangzhou subsidiary on the stage had finished speaking. The entrepreneurs in the audience applauded. Niu Shuang smiled and applauded with everyone, looking very gregarious.

After that, it’s tea time.

Niu Shuang was enjoying his coffee in the corner, and several businessmen were hesitant to come up and strike up a conversation with Boss Niu, whether it would affect Boss Niu's rest.

At this time, Niu Shuang saw her secretary approaching quietly from the wall.

"what's up?"

The secretary handed over a piece of paper, which turned out to be the content of Huang Yi's discussion with Ms. Jiang at noon.

Niu Shuang read ten lines in one glance, returned it to his secretary, and asked with a calm expression.

"Where did it come from?"

"It's a public document that the Modu branch has just announced internally, a draft for comments, and a friend sent a copy to your mailbox."

Niu Shuang narrowed his eyes.

"Open for comments..."

To be able to make the company as big as the White Swan Group, Niu Shuang's sensitivity to harmony is very strong. She has already sensed the deep malice towards the White Swan Group from the words on this thin piece of paper.

Not selling games to minors, and reviewing the content before putting the game version on the shelves are all small things.

The question is, will the protection of minors and the review of entertainment content be gradually expanded?

Little swan games don't matter, but swan entertainment and even white swan group are actually a traffic company wrapped in a high-tech Internet shell.

Traffic is the lifeblood of a company, and eye-catching traffic cannot bypass popular entertainment.

If Hehe Group targets White Swan and conducts strict entertainment review, how many things in White Swan can withstand inspection?Ox and Shuang themselves have no confidence.

The stock price is a reflection of confidence. If things really develop to that point, White Swan's stock price may be cut by its ankles, not to mention half.

Niu Shuang fell into deep thought.

Since the other party has openly solicited opinions, it is obvious that there is room for improvement, so should you make appropriate concessions?Give each other some dignity?

she asked the secretary.

"Do you have the phone number for Mr. Yi of Nintendo Game Company?"

The secretary hesitated.

"I'll go check it out now."

Niu Shuang nodded.

"Go and see if I have any free time in my recent schedule. I would like to invite Mr. Yi to come to Hangzhou for a cup of tea. The tea break is about to end, so you should go out first."



Yiyin and Li Hongmei sat side by side on the single bed. He glanced at the shorts Li Hongmei was wearing. The ones in the front were longer than his own.

He couldn't help asking.

"Where did you find this stuff?"

Li Hongmei said embarrassedly.

"The things I used to fool around with Xing Yaoyao have never been lost."

Yi Yin sighed.

"You guys know how to play, I'm willing to bow down."

At this moment, Yiyin's cell phone rang, and he saw that it was an unfamiliar call.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Is this Mr. Yiyin Yi? I am the secretary of President Niu Shuang. The president would like to make an appointment with you to meet."

"No, I don't need it, thank you, bye."

Yiyin put down the phone and Li Hongmei asked.

"Whose phone number?"

Yi Yin shrugged.

"Mostly it's a scam call, someone I don't know. What a bully, I'm still two horses."

Li Hongmei nodded.

"Then let's continue."

Yiyin said in horror.

"Are you going to continue? I'm already hungry!"


After the entrepreneur meeting, Niu Shuang's secretary reported the situation to her immediately.

Niu Shuang asked unexpectedly.

"The other party refused?"

The secretary nodded.

"Mr. Yi's attitude was very tough and he took the initiative to cut off the phone call."

From the secretary's point of view, with Niu Shuang's reputation so great, how could anyone in the country not know her?Even if you don't know him personally, you should have heard the story about Niu Shuang not loving money, right?
Niu Shuang himself did not expect that given his position in the mall, the other party would directly refuse to communicate, which was really a bit surprising.

Her willingness to invite a small company owner with a registered capital of one million yuan to come to Hangzhou for tea is not a sign of arrogance, but a sincere concession.

But the other party's attitude was so resolute, Niu Shuang could only smile slightly and said.

"Then let's do it first."

With her status, taking the initiative to invite someone once was enough to give Ms. Sun of Zhejiang Province face, and it was also based on the current changes within the Hehe Group.

But since the other party is shameless, let's continue fighting.The little Ren Tianxing is so arrogant, let's see who can't stand it and surrenders first.

(End of this chapter)

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