Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 155 The close relationship between men and women

Chapter 155 The close relationship between men and women

Niu Shuang was so reserved that she chose to wait and see again, considering the importance of the White Swan Group to the Harmony Group, she still didn't pay enough attention to this matter.

But she forgot that as long as the Hehe Group made up its mind on something, the White Swan Group was just a piece of fish on the chopping board and had no right to bargain.

As for Yiyin, he had no time to think about this suspicious call, and Li Hongmei had already pulled him up for the second half of the meeting.

The situation in the room was very chaotic, because there were many communication channels and everyone communicated deeply, Yiyin quickly forgot the phone call that was similar to a scam call.

This communication lasted until the afternoon. After Yiyin was too hungry and made several serious protests, Li Hongmei reluctantly agreed to stop the meeting, suspend communication, and let Yiyin order takeout.

Yiyin decisively placed an order for the fastest takeout, Mckin Chicken, and finally had lunch half an hour later. It was already almost three o'clock.

It's a pity that he was almost starved to death and exhausted in a big city in the 21st century. It was really sad to hear and shed tears to see.

Looking at the embarrassed Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao who was almost unresponsive, Yiyin shook his head.

No wonder Xing Yaoyao is such a lively troublemaker, but she behaves very well in front of the honest Li Hongmei. These are all instincts trained over many years.

Yiyin gobbled up his share of McKenzie, pushed the rest to Li Hongmei, and asked.

"Why don't you eat?"

Li Hongmei shook her head shyly and returned to her usual honest and courteous demeanor.

"I'm not hungry."

On the bed behind the two of them, Xing Yaoyao seemed angry and crying.

"I want to eat...but my legs are so weak..."

Yiyin shook his head, and secretly said something wrong.

He walked over with the food bag, opened the box, held the food, and fed Xing Yaoyao to replenish her strength while being careful not to let food residue fall on the bed.

At this time, Xing Yaoyao was very well-behaved, not at all arrogant as usual, and cooperated with Yiyin to put food into her mouth bit by bit.

This is just like when the two of them were communicating in depth, Xing Yaoyao shouted loudly.The way Yiyin is feeding her tenderly now, it really looks like she is holding a big baby.

Li Hongmei looked at the two people from the side, feeling confused for a while.The last layer of fig leaf has been removed from the relationship between the three people, and it has become completely shameless. Where will it go in the future?

Not all of them are villains, not all of them bitches, but all of them are definitely perverts.Three perverts in one drama, I really don’t know how to continue it.

Seeing the big pervert feeding the little pervert, Li Hongmei sighed softly.

"I really don't know how I will face you after today. I don't seem to have the courage to walk out of this door and accept our new relationship."

Yiyin glanced at her.

"I didn't think about it when I was burning with fire just now, and now I'm starting to have random thoughts again?

How many times have I said, don’t think too much, life is very tiring, why do you think so much, just be happy.

Anyway, we play games well and earn a lot of money, and then we can give you the money to realize your dream and buy a house in Modu. It has to be a large flat floor of [-] square meters, a very luxurious one. "

Yiyin spoke casually, and what came to his mind was Sun Youling's house. It was really the happiness of the rich, which the poor could not imagine.

Before seeing that house, Yiyin knew that he was poor and Xi Feifei and Sun Youling were rich, but he had never been so poor or rich in such detail.

Now, Yiyin somewhat understands.

Li Hongmei smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I haven't thought about the house for a few months. I just thought about completing the video game and didn't want to let you down."

Li Hongmei looked at Yiyin affectionately, Xing Yaoyao finally recovered after eating a hamburger, and complained.

"I think Sister Hongmei, you want a lot, not just video games?

This time you really tortured me to death. Boss, Sister Hongmei, are you relieved now?We won’t mention the head-changing video in the future, right? "

Righteousness and silver qi knot.

"You do know how to bargain. I saw you were enjoying it just now. How come we are venting our emotions?

After doing this for a long time, you are the only one suffering? "

Xing Yaoyao was already crying when she spoke.

"No? I feel like I'm dying."

Yiyin hesitated and rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I saw that Li Hongmei was so dedicated, so I became a little serious and cooperated."

Li Hongmei retorted with a blushing face.

"Actually, the boss is more serious than me."

"No, you're serious."

"No, you should be serious."

Xing Yaoyao said angrily.

"Shut up! I'm too serious! Come on!"

Xing Yaoyao lay in a big font on the bed and gave up on herself.

"Whatever, I'm tired, just destroy it."

The three chatted and laughed for a while, and the atmosphere gradually became normal.

At this time, Yiyin's cell phone rang, and he looked down, it was Xu Xing's call.

"Hey, Xu Xing, what's going on?"

"Yiyin, don't go back to cook today. Hong Qi invites us to dinner. I will take Youyou directly there later and we will meet at the dining place.

I will send the address to your mobile phone, please remember to check it. "

"Tonight? My current situation is not suitable for going out to eat, right?"

"It's okay, it's a members-only club and very private."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to send me the address."

"Send it to you right away. Meet at five o'clock."

"it is good."

Yiyin put down the phone, and Li Hongmei looked at him with a disappointed look.

"Boss, are you leaving?"

Yiyin looked at Li Hongmei in horror.

"Otherwise? Do you still want to continue? I really can't do it anymore. You can play by yourself."

Xing Yaoyao was so frightened that she waved her hands repeatedly and almost begged.

"I can't do it either. Seriously, I'm not going to lie to you."

Li Hongmei blushed and said.

"What are you talking about! I don't want it that much! I just want to chat with you!"

Yiyin sneered.

"I still don't understand what you women are thinking? When you women are chatting with men, your minds are filled with those kinds of things. Are you talking seriously? Is it possible?"

These words silenced both Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.Women are born with the desire to conquer men and leave their own DNA behind. This is an uncontrollable nature.

Even if it is the special relationship between Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, when they meet the best person like Yiyin, the two women are desperately fighting for Yiyin.Hey, women.

Yiyin really couldn't do anything anymore, so he just chatted to death with one sentence. Seeing that the two women were unable to refute, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Picking up the phone, Yiyin entered the address Xu Xing just sent into the phone map, looked at the distance and time, and said.

"It took more than half an hour by taxi. I'll leave after four o'clock so we can chat for a while.

But, it’s just chatting! "

Li Hongmei smiled like a flower and nodded repeatedly.

"Yeah, just chat."

Xing Yaoyao was extremely tired just now, and now she was even more sleepy after eating, so she murmured.

"You guys talk, I'll take a nap first."

Yiyin and Li Hongmei looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. It was really difficult for them to deal with each other honestly.

After a while, Yiyin asked.

"I have played the beta version of Fruit Ninja, and it is perfect. When do you think the official version will be released for sale?"

Li Hongmei, who was still a little shy at first, immediately became energetic when she heard about the work talk.

"I've almost finished the official version of the program in the past two days and it can be put on the shelves at any time."

Yiyin said in astonishment.

"Aren't you guys working on the head-swapping video these past two days? When did you make the game program?"

Li Hongmei said embarrassedly.

"It took a long time to convert the head-changing video. I was idle, so I used other computers to correct the bugs in Fruit Ninja. Now the official version is almost ready."

Yiyin was dumbfounded.

"Are you making a head-changing video without forgetting your work?"

Li Hongmei smiled.

"I work eight hours a day, so I can't get paid for nothing. The hair-changing video is a private matter, and Fruit Ninja is a business matter. You have to be strong with both hands.

After all, that's all I can do. "

Yiyin looked at Li Hongmei, who had no self-consciousness about being a great programmer, and sighed.

"You are not the only one with this ability. You are so capable. I am really lucky to have recruited a talent like you."


Northeast of Modu, in the Liujiaochang area.

With the improvement of the quality of life, people with money no longer only pay attention to the color, aroma and taste of food, but also have higher and higher environmental requirements.

From the luxurious decoration of big hotels, to the unique taste of private kitchens, to the emphasis on privacy in private clubs.

Countless creatives have racked their brains to come up with various differentiated services that ordinary people cannot imagine, just to get real money out of the pockets of such a small group of wealthy people.

As a prosperous area in the northeast corner of Motor City, Rojiaochang not only has a large number of affordable meals for cash-strapped students from surrounding universities, but also has high-end restaurants.

The store Hong Qi chose is a quiet place in the middle of the hustle and bustle, located near the luxury community of Liujiaochang.

Although it is not as good as the six-figure river-view houses per square meter in the core urban area, it is also sought after by many wealthy people, who have settled here together with the high-end food culture.

In the club, Hong Qi, who was sitting on a single sofa, glanced at her watch. It was about to be five o'clock.

Beside her, Xu Xing was sitting on the couch with Youyou, patiently peeling oranges for the child.

There was a hint of tenderness in Hong Qi's eyes, the man in front of her was her heart and soul.

Although the reason for the two being together was a bit embarrassing, it was because of the courage to get out of bed because of drinking, but Hong Qi still chose to pursue without hesitation.

Because she knew that Xu Xing was not a casual man.

It is strange to say that women always long for an affair and something to happen with a beautiful man.

It's beautiful and easy to use, which is a plus when you're having fun.But if you regard the other person as your lifelong partner, this is an extremely bad minus point.

Women want to have sex with more men, but they can't tolerate their husbands being like this. It's so true for women. .hehe.

However, Hong Qi picked up the treasure. In that accident, she accidentally discovered Xu Xing for the first time.

A male private equity manager of a wealth management studio with outstanding appearance and extraordinary ability, who manages hundreds of millions of assets by himself, he is actually a clean and traditional man.

Such a man greatly surprised Hong Qi, who was familiar with the financial circle.

The more she got to know him, the more Hong Qi became obsessed with Xu Xing. This man was simply a treasure given to her by God.

Xu Xing may be influenced by Huang Yi. He is independent, loves work, and strives to ensure his self-esteem and self-love. He is completely unlike some brainwashed fairy men who only know how to take.

Rights and obligations have always been equal. When you abandon the obligation to work, you will naturally not get the right to be respected.

But there are always some fools who think that gains are free of charge, constantly objectify themselves, and are complacent, thinking that this is independent thinking.

Xu Xing loves Hong Qi and loves himself very much. He is an equal personality and a good friend who can be called a confidant.

Naturally, Hong Qi fell so much in love with this best boyfriend who wanted good looks, good education, and thoughtful ideas that she wanted to marry Xu Xing even if she had a falling out with her family.

The Hong family hopes that Hong Qi, the best child among the four generations, can marry a well-matched man who works in Hehe Group.

However, under Hong Qi's strong opposition, and with the help of Ding Qi, a socialite, who pulled Huang Yi out to be Xu Xing's background, the Hong family finally agreed to Hong Qi's decision.

Therefore, Hong Qi is now very proud of herself. She just wants to have a good relationship for a year and quickly marry Xu Xing, a beautiful man.

After all, both of them are already in their early thirties, and it would not be good if they would be advanced mothers a few years later.

Internal employees like Hong Qi always respond to the call of Hehe Group and it is only right for Hehe to have a second or third child. Anyway, with group subsidies, they are not afraid of being unable to support them.

At this moment, seeing Xu Xing taking good care of Yuyou, looking like a virtuous and virtuous person, Hong Qi couldn't help but smile happily, thinking of Yuyou in front of her as her future child.

Xu Xing glanced at her and said angrily.

"Why are you laughing? You are so thief and you are not afraid of scaring the children."

Hong Qi smiled.

"I was wondering, why hasn't Yiyin arrived yet?"

Xu Xing snorted.

"Yiyin's willingness to come is to give me face, why don't you pinch the stopwatch?

I begged you to help him before, but you pretended not to hear me, and now you are asking him for help. Do you know how embarrassed you are? "

Hong Qi stayed with her smiling face and didn't dare to say anything.

Because of Yiyin's matter, Xu Xing has been in a bad mood recently and vents his anger on Hong Qi from time to time, but Hong Qi can only bear with it.

Who told her to be a woman? She always sympathizes with her boyfriend's bad things and acts as a venting object.

Women need to be magnanimous, and they don't let their boyfriend vent their emotions. Could it be that they hurt him and let him go out to find other women to vent their emotions?
Regarding Yiyin, Xu Xing actually knew that Hong Qi couldn't help.

The upper-level competition between the Zhejiang branch and the Modu branch meant that people of Gu Yue's level had to step aside, while people of Huang Yi's level had to advance cautiously, let alone a little shrimp like Hong Qi.

Hong Qi is at most on the same level as Ding Qi. She can't handle such a big thing, so she can only ask for information and worry.

The Hong family does have energy, but Hong Qi is Hong Qi, and the Hong family is the Hong family. It is impossible for her family to take the initiative to get involved in this kind of thing that both Ms. Xi and Ms. Jiang are watching.

(End of this chapter)

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