Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 161 The place to start again

Chapter 161 The place to start again

Yiyin came out of the strange state and saw that Xi Feifei had stopped the car on the side of the road and looked at him nervously with Sun Youling.

Seeing Yiyin come to her senses, Xi Feifei expressed concern.

"Yiyin, are you okay?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I am fine."

Sun Youling said anxiously.

"You looked so scary just now. You didn't respond when I called you. Are you really okay?"

Yi Yin smiled slightly.

"I'm really fine."

He said silently in his heart, the me who traveled through the past will leave my parents to you.

Raising his head, Yiyin looked at Xi Feifei seriously and said.

"Can you drive with me to a place farther away? It's probably a cemetery on the border between Su City and Youxi. I want to meet Qian Zhi."

The glance with the female lord Yoshiyin in the void was like signing some kind of contract, and the two inherited everything from each other.

Regardless of happiness or pain, Yoshigan has the responsibility to understand and bring an end to the past of the heroine Yoshigan.

At that glance, the address of the cemetery already appeared in Yiyin's mind. He needed to go there.

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Yes, yes, but are you really okay? Qian Zhi is treating you..."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Gu Yue told me that the police are already investigating the mysterious man's video, and Qian Zhi may be arrested soon.

This time, maybe the last time I see her, I want to go. "

Sun Youling was the first to speak.

"I'll go with you and I'll protect you."

Xi Feifei, who was robbed of her lines, shook her eyebrows and said.

"Then let's go and buy some breakfast at the roadside convenience store. We'll go to Youxi now. We can get there in about two hours."

Yi Yin smiled.

"Thank you, thank you."


The newly bought K Yan was speeding on the highway. Yiyin stared ahead in a daze, holding a sandwich bought from a convenience store in his hand. He refused to eat or speak. Xi Feifei and Sun Youling did not dare to interrupt.

In Yiyin's mind, the past self is playing back.

In a male-dominated world, I finally caught up with Qian Ya and protected her in every possible way, but I encountered a heartbreaking betrayal.

As for my sister-in-law Qian Zhi, she has never looked at myself seriously. She only thinks that her sister is a flower stuck in cow dung, following a poor man with no future.

But the situation in the world of female heroes seems to be completely different. Qian Ya and Qian Zhi seem to be Yiyin's childhood sweethearts, and the two girls have loved Yiyin since childhood.

The elder sister used despicable means to get the free money, but the younger sister still couldn't get the free money even though she used despicable means.

Although Yoshigan wants to feel sorry for the female hero Yoshigan, he really can't sympathize with this kind of winner in life. What is there to sympathize with the female hero Yoshigan?What's wrong with him?
You are the one who is really miserable!
But now, that flawless Yiyin has gone to the male world and replaced his mediocre self. If he can make a career, wouldn't he look particularly useless?
Yiyin smiled bitterly, not expecting that he would actually be jealous of himself.

Now Yiyin has inherited everything from that winner in life.His handsomeness, his friendship, his love, and even his sister-in-law who was obsessed with him.

The heroine Yoshiyin is starting from scratch, but Yoshiyin is sitting back and enjoying the results.Is it too stingy for me to still be jealous under such circumstances?
Yiyin smiled slightly and cheered up.

I don’t want to be the submissive me anymore. I want to live a wonderful life in this female world and live up to this time travel.

Yiyin picked up the sandwich in his hand and put it into his mouth one bite at a time. He turned around and asked Sun Youling for a bottle of mineral water.

Seeing that he finally returned to normal, the two women felt relieved.

At this time, Xi Feifei turned the steering wheel and drove off the highway.


Yiyin looked ahead carefully. The car was following the navigation prompts and driving into a one-way road on the side of the road. It was so narrow that it felt like it was going the wrong way.

Sun Youling couldn't help but ask.

"Did we drive the wrong way, as if we entered someone's village?"

Xi Feifei said casually.

"This is the junction between Su City and Youxi. If you see the river next to it, it is the junction line. We are already within the boundary of Youxi.

Don't underestimate the countryside here, people's lives are pretty good.

In the early days of the warehouse, one year's rental fee was enough for the whole village to play mahjong at home and reap the benefits.

Nowadays, the control is stricter. It is not allowed to build warehouses randomly on agricultural land, and it must be approved by the higher authorities.If you dare to mess up in private, the satellites of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Tianhe Harmony Group will circle around every day, and if they see it, you will be asked to rectify it.

But, cemeteries don’t count.

The cemetery we went to should be a public welfare cemetery for local people in Xi. It belongs to specially approved land and would be placed in the corner closest to the border.

Look, that's it, here we are. "

In front of the cemetery gate is a large flat parking lot. Although it is simple, it is enough for parking and sweeping graves.

During the Qingming Festival and the Winter Solstice, this place should be full of cars, but in July, which is nowhere to be found, it is empty.

The security guard in front of the cemetery yawned and looked at the luxury car that appeared out of nowhere. He wondered why these city people would think of coming to the cemetery in July.

Then, the female security guard's eyes widened, and she saw a familiar face.

Last night, the female security guard still held her mobile phone and watched this man's video in bed, making herself happy.

She originally thought that the man in the video had an unparalleled appearance, but when the real person appeared in front of her, she realized what it meant to be more beautiful than the video.

The female security guard stared blankly at Yiyin, forgetting her duties and watching a man and two women walk into the cemetery without asking.

When she came to her senses, the three people had already struck up a conversation with the woman standing behind the door.

After touching her pocket and feeling the cigarette that the woman had stuffed for her in the morning, the female security guard curled her lips and ignored it.

But she felt itchy in her heart. She thought of yesterday's video, which also featured this man and three women. It was exciting and made her happy three times. Her waist was still a little sore at the moment.


Yiyin looked at Qian Zhi waiting at the door. She looked very haggard, with deep dark circles and red eyes. Her delicate face was now as pale as a ghost.

She smiled at Yiyin.

"You're here, let's go see our uncle and aunt first."

Qian Zhi didn't wait for Yiyin to speak, but turned around to lead the way. Yiyin hesitated and followed, and the two women behind him naturally followed.

The cemetery is divided into long flower beds, with rows of small saplings planted in the flower beds, and urns buried in the soil on both sides of the saplings.

A stainless steel nameplate is nailed to the stone board around the flower bed, with the name of the deceased written on it, making it easier for relatives to find and worship.

There are also some wealthy people who use marble to carve the names of the deceased and the names of the worshippers, which is particularly eye-catching.

Walking through the flower beds and groves, Qian Zhi seemed to be talking to himself or talking to Yiyin.

“The cemetery here is very in short supply, there is always no space, and advance purchase is not allowed. You can only make an appointment after the death to see if any elders of the family want to move out before you can let them in.

If no one comes to visit for more than ten years, the urn will be removed and new people will live in it. "

Yiyin couldn't help but ask.

“Where do the urns go when they’re disposed of if no one comes to visit?”

Qian Zhi looked back at Yiyin and said.

"The deceased has passed away. If no one remembers his existence, then what is the point of the urn? Where can it be placed without being forgotten?

There is always a steady stream of new urns coming in, but only a few urns leaving.

Most people always come to visit the grave, but no one really cares about it. This only means that the people who remember the deceased have passed away.

Well, here we are. "

Qian Zhi stopped in front of a small sapling. Yiyin looked down and saw the names of his parents engraved on two nameplates side by side.

Even though he knew that the parents buried here were not the parents of the patriarchal world, the sadness that came to his face still made him unable to hold back the tears.

Yiyin lowered his body, gently wiped away the dust on the name tag, and whispered.

"Dad, Mom, I'm here to see you."

Xi Feifei and Sun Youling stood nearby without saying a word.

Qian Zhi looked at Yi Yin and said.

"I saw the open letter on the Internet and I know that you have mental illness. I am worried that you will forget where your parents' graves are. Before I surrender, I always have to take you to know the way so that you can feel at ease."

Yiyin stood up and looked at Qian Zhi.

"Are you going to surrender?"

Qian Zhi smiled.

"Yes, surrender.

I drugged you, took a video of you, and gave the video to that beast named Wei. These crimes are enough to send me to prison for ten or eight years.

But before I surrender, I still want to say sorry to you.Maybe you will never forgive me, but I still want to say it.

I really didn't know you had a heart attack. No wonder you looked so strange those days, completely different from before.

What a beast I am. .What on earth did I do? .Ever since I read the open letter and learned that you have a serious mental illness, I have lost sleep.

Maybe, only in the cell can I sleep peacefully. "

Yiyin glanced at Qian Zhi who was smiling miserably, shook his head and said nothing.

Regardless of whether Qian Zhi surrenders or not, she can't escape. Gu Yue made it clear that the police have begun to investigate the matter. The video evidence is conclusive, and there is no way she can escape the punishment of the law.

But Yiyin didn't know that Qian Zhi had been trapped in fear and self-blame because of what happened that night, and even suffered from depression.

Yiyin ignored her, which she couldn't accept, and her anger turned into resentment, and finally took the drastic step of handing the video to Mr. Wei.

But after learning that Yiyin had severe gender cognitive impairment and self-destructive tendencies, Qian Zhi slipped from one extreme to the other.

She had nightmares every night, recalling her admiration for Yiyin in her youth and the care he had taken for her over the years. Her guilt turned into rats and ants, constantly gnawing at her conscience, making her heartbroken.

In the end, Qian Zhi chose to meet Yiyin, and she was instantly relieved when Yiyin appeared in front of her.

Whether it was fear, resentment, guilt, or long-lasting love, she let go of it at this moment.

Qian Zhi looked at the rows of saplings, enjoying the inner peace, and said slowly.

"You and my sister are the same age, and I am three years younger than you. Since childhood, you have been my idols.

When I was in elementary school, you were always No.1 and my sister was No.2.

When you were in junior high school, you were in the same key school, and you were still No. 1. My sister worked hard to remain No. 2.

When you were in high school, you went to the top high school in the city together. You were still No. 1, but your sister could only hover around the top ten.

For your words, I want to go to Beijing, my sister tried her best.She likes you, and she thinks that as long as she can get into Beijing and accompany you to the Imperial City, you two can be together.

But it turned out that she was too naive.She did get into Beijing University of Science and Technology, but her talent was only enough to support her entrance into Beijing University of Science and Technology.

In Jinghua, a group of the smartest people in the country gathered together, and my sister, she, became a leader among smart people.

But Yiyin, you are different. You will always be the best one. Even in Jinghua, you are still No. 1.

The best you are, the goal pursued by those proud women of heaven.But my sister can only be reduced to an audience, constantly being squeezed out and becoming an outside spectator.

I understand her pain because I have always been an outside spectator. "

Yiyin listened quietly to Qian Zhi's words and learned about another person's past.

Sun Youling heard the resentment and complaint in Qian Zhi's tone and seemed to want to refute, but Xi Feifei pulled her back and shook her head.

This is Yiyin's private matter. The two women are only drivers and bodyguards at this time. They have no right to intervene in Yiyin's past.

Qian Zhi looked back at the silent Yiyin and chuckled.

"In the end, my sister made the worst choice. She chose to escape. She carefully avoided you because she didn't want to see you dazzling on campus.

Later, you and Gu Yue came together.

My sister was completely lost, she became very indulgent, and she started hanging out with unscrupulous men outside until the day of graduation was approaching. .Your parents were in a car accident.

Outsiders can't understand why a proud man like you would marry someone like my sister, but I understand very well, because my sister seized the only opportunity in her life.

You were childhood sweethearts. When your uncle and aunt passed away, she took the initiative to accompany you back and went through the whole funeral with you who was broken.

The sister at that time seemed to have returned to her original self, no longer the corrupted self.She is so attentive and gentle, and she has become your new relative after you lost your uncle and aunt.

Just when you trusted her the most, she handed you a bottle of mineral water with added flavor and took away your first time.

When you were angry, when you never wanted to see her again in your life, she told you that she was pregnant.

You have lost the relative who raised you. She and her children are your new relatives, and they need you.

Gu Yue couldn't figure it out, why did you insist on marrying Mi Nan to fuck your sister?Your best friends can’t figure it out, how could you, a very smart person, do such a stupid thing?

But I know very well that my sister won.She seized the only opportunity in her life to be with you, and she succeeded.

You didn't marry your sister because of the traditional concept of male chastity. You married her because you didn't want to lose another family member.

But no one knows the truth. Everyone will just think that you are crazy. In this 21st century, you have made a stupid choice that only a man in the [-]th century would make.

Only my sister and I know the truth. "

Yiyin glanced at the shocked Xi Feifei and Sun Youling behind him and asked Qian Zhi.

"Then how do you know? I don't think Qian Ya will tell you these things."

Qian Zhi sighed and said.

"My sister is not stupid. She will never talk about these things to anyone. She will definitely keep her mouth shut and take them to the coffin.

But the human heart is made of flesh. If you are so kind to her, but she is scheming against you in every possible way, her conscience will hurt and she will feel guilty.

On the night of your wedding, she was so drunk that she vomited everything she should and shouldn't say. She even told me that Yoyo was not your child, it was the result of her fooling around outside.

But Yiyin, you have to believe that since my sister got together with you, she has never done anything to feel sorry for you. She really loves you and cherishes you.

She has always wanted to be a good wife and a good mother. She has got everything she wants, and she just wants to maintain her own happiness.

That's why on that day, when you found out that Youyou was not related by blood, she was so scared. She drove back in a fast car and wanted to explain to you, but unfortunately she had a car accident on the road. "

Yiyin shook his head, he finally understood the logic.

No wonder, the heroine Yoshiyin couldn't stand the excitement of Qian Ya's car accident, so she put aside everything in the heroine's world and traveled to the male's world to start over.

After experiencing the death of his parents in a car accident and the death of his wife in a car accident, his spirit was already overwhelmed.

No wonder, the parents of the heroine Yoshiun holding Yoshiun in the void scene would smile so happily and brightly, because only those who have lost it know what is most precious.

After understanding the truth of everything, Yiyin nodded slightly, feeling filled with emotion.

Qian Zhi looked at him and said slowly.

"I am not telling you this to defend my sister's shameless behavior, nor am I trying to justify my stupid behavior.

I just hope you can know the truth. There was once a pair of sisters who took the wrong path, but they really loved you.

I'm sorry, my sister was wrong, I was wrong. "

After Qian Zhi finished speaking, he walked past Yiyin with his head lowered and wanted to leave, but Yiyin said.

"Got to go?"

"Well, turn yourself in and let the bastard named Wei go to jail with me. This is the only thing I can do for you now."

"I will take Youyou to see you."

Qian Zhi looked at Yiyin in disbelief, and Yiyin smiled softly.

"I will take good care of Youyou, I will bury Qianzhi here, and I will visit Mrs. Qian for you.

I came to this world not to resent or take revenge on anyone, but to bring happiness to the world. "

Qian Zhi's pretty face, which had always been as calm as water, finally couldn't hold it anymore. Her knees softened and she knelt in front of Yiyin. She lost control of her emotions and cried into her arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Yiyin sighed and looked at the rows of saplings spreading far away. This is the place where the living remember the dead, and it is also the end of everyone.

After understanding the first half of the life of the heroine Yoshigan, the second half of Yoshigan's life will start again here.

The world of female lords, I’m really here.

Time Travel Chapter, end.

(End of this chapter)

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