Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 162 The visitors from the island country are descendants of gods

Chapter 162 The visitors from the island country are descendants of gods

On the way back from Youxi Cemetery, the two women became gentler than usual. Even the little witch Xi Feifei, who had always been ghostly and ghostly, seemed to act like a lady, which made Yiyin very unaccustomed.

From Qian Zhi's words, Yiyin also understood for the first time the past events of the heroine Yiyin, which was quite shocking.

The female venerable Yiyin deserves to be the proud son of heaven, for the sake of the family affection she can't let go of, she just throws away all the king bombs in her hand, and nestles in her own world to enjoy the ordinary.

Yiyin himself was speechless, let alone the two women who were listening.From their perspective, this is the truth why Yiyin chose to be ordinary.

Understanding Yiyin's past choices, Xi Feifei couldn't help but wonder, if the same thing happened to herself, what would she choose?
Her stern and cold mother, her controlling sister, almost all of her 23 years of life have been shrouded in the shadow of these two people.

Xi Feifei's heart was filled with the contradictory feeling of being rebellious but not daring to resist. She was extremely angry with her mother and sister and wished they would disappear immediately from her life.

But if one day, they are really gone, will I be happy, sad, or whatever. .fear?
Death is a reality that no one can escape.People will always die.

But when she thought that Xi Lanlan would die and no one would care about her as much as she did, Xi Feifei felt indescribable fear in her heart, and her hands holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

She couldn't help pouting, she really had Stockholm Syndrome and was thinking about inexplicable things.

Xi Lanlan is just a few years older than me. If she dies, he should be too old to live for a few years, right?
As for Sun Youling, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, she was even more shocked.

Xi Feifei is not a student of Jinghua. She doesn't know how dazzling Yiyin used to be.

Even after leaving the campus for six years, there is still the legend of Yiyin there, and there are die-hard fans like Sun Youling.

Today, Sun Youling knew the truth and felt extremely itchy.She was eager to share the truth with the good sisters in Yiyin's fan group, but she was afraid that she would reveal Yiyin's privacy by talking too much.

Sun Youling summoned up the courage and asked.

"Boss, can I tell others the truth about that year?"

Before Yiyin could speak, Xi Feifei had already cursed.

"Sun Youling, do you have any brains? Can you talk about this kind of thing casually? The boss believes in you and that's why he brought you here. You actually want to spread the word with a big mouth."

Sun Youling blushed.

"I'm not telling everyone, I just...just...there are many people who admire the boss, but they don't know the truth and don't understand the boss's choices back then, so there are a lot of misunderstandings and rumors.

I just want to tell the truth to those who care about the boss, so that their doubts can be answered. "

Xi Feifei sneered.

"Haha, I almost forgot, you are still a fan of Yiyin Fan Club.

But have you ever thought that if you tell one person, that person can tell ten people.

One word spreads to ten, and then countless people will stand up and express their understanding of the truth, pushing the boss to the forefront again. "

After understanding Xi Feifei's sarcasm, Sun Youling blushed and wanted to refute.

Yiyin rubbed his temples and said.

"You two, stop arguing. It's not a big deal. Sun Youling can just say what she wants. Don't hide your troubles. I don't care."

Xi Feifei wanted to say something else, but she thought Qi Yin had forgotten many things due to mental illness, and her temperament had changed drastically, so she couldn't help but sigh.

Perhaps in Yiyin's view, the past events were other people's business and had nothing to do with him.This psychological mechanism of self-protection is not a bad thing.

Sun Youling's idea is simpler, she assured.

"Don't worry, boss, I just told a few good friends who admire you the most that I won't spread nonsense, and they won't make it up."

Xi Feifei twitched the corners of her mouth in disdain. She knew exactly what kind of virtue those die-hard fans were.

No spreading or spreading rumors?When they hear someone slandering their beloved brother, they will lose control of their mentality. If they turn around and argue with others, they will definitely expose the truth and it will be useless!
But since Yiyin doesn't care about it, why should Xi Feifei be a villain in vain? Let's go with Sun Youling.

While the three of them were talking, Yiyin's phone rang, and the caller ID turned out to be Isshiki Chiyo.

Yiyin was stunned, this sanctimonious beast in clothes. .No, what are the knowledgeable experts and scholars looking for?

"Hello, Ms. Isshiki."

"Hello, Mr. Yi, I'm really sorry for taking the liberty of calling you. Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"It's okay, you said."

"I just want to ask when you are free for follow-up consultation."


"Hello? Mr. Yi, are you still here? Hahaha, I was just joking, don't mind."

"I'm here, you say."

"Actually, I called you today because I have a merciless invitation. I have a friend from an island country who really wants to meet you and see you with my own eyes."

Yiyin's mind is a little stuck, see yourself?

Could it be that the [-]-minute head-changing video has spread to the island country, and there are also fans of Teacher Yi there?
Chiyo Isshiki on the other end of the phone noticed Yoshigine's reluctance and said honestly.

"Mr. Yi, this friend is very, very important to me, I hope you can give me some face.

After all, I just helped your company publish an open letter, and it took a lot of favors to get so many scholars to sign.

I don't want to ask for repayment, I just want to say, aren't we friends?Should we help each other? "

Yiyin was dumbfounded.

Although the open letter was not his original intention and it was Wen Xinghan who used his name to do it, it was an internal issue within Yiyin Company and had nothing to do with Isshiki Chiyo.

Logically speaking, Isshiki Chiyo did use her connections to help Yi Yin, who owed her a favor.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Okay, when tomorrow? Where?"

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, at my psychological counseling center, thank you very much for your understanding, Mr. Yi, thank you very much."

Yoshigan and Chiyo Isshiki exchanged a few more pleasantries and then hung up the phone.

After she hung up the phone, Xi Feifei couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you go for a follow-up consultation? Although Isshiki Chiyo has a bit of a weird temperament, he is indeed an international authority on psychology. You should go and see him."

Yiyin sighed helplessly.

Xi Feifei was introduced to Yoshigan by Isshiki Chiyo, but Xi Feifei didn't know how Isshiki Chiyo diagnosed Yoshigan. It was a very avant-garde diagnosis with such force that her waist almost broke.

Not to mention that Yiyin does not have mental illness, even if he is really sick, he has no interest in going to such a wasteful follow-up consultation these days.

For two consecutive days, Xi Feifei, Sun Youling, Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Gu Yue came to a happy carousel. Even the Iron Bull of Yiyin could not plow the land, so how could he be interested in giving a cow to Isshiki Chiyo.

But it was difficult for Yiyin to say these words, so he could only use other excuses to refute Xi Feifei.

"You didn't go either, why do you want me to go for a follow-up consultation?"

Xi Feifei was also diagnosed with a psychological problem by Chiyo Isshiki and had a tendency to self-destruct, but it was not a fake illness of a time traveler like Yoshiyin. Xi Feifei had a real psychological problem and she was not normal.

Xi Feifei knew where her problems came from. As long as her mother and sister remained the obstacles in her heart, her heart problems would not be cured. She was even more unwilling to see a doctor than Yiyin.

Being knocked down by Yi Yin, Xi Feifei rolled her eyes at him.

"Whatever you want, good intentions are not rewarded, huh, where are we going now?"

Yiyin looked at the time and said.

"It will take another two hours to go back to Modu. It's past eleven o'clock. I'll treat you to lunch. Thank you for traveling so far with me.

You have free time in the afternoon. Sun Youling, you don’t have to go to the company. You have nothing to do anyway. Just wait for the regular meeting next Monday. "


In the afternoon, Yiyin went home leisurely, carrying the vegetables he just bought.

Although Xu Xing said that he would go out to eat at night, under the current situation, it would be troublesome for Yiyin to show his face in public, so he might as well go home and burn it himself.

Yiyin hung up the phone to Xu Xing and took Xi Feifei's new car to buy groceries. When he got off the car and disappeared at the entrance of the corridor, Xi Feifei said angrily.

"My K Banquet is not a Smart elf, but it is actually a shame to be used as a transportation cart to buy vegetables."

Sun Youling sat in the co-pilot and sighed.

"You don't come here, it's not the car you bought."

Xi Feifei hummed.

"If you buy it for me, it's mine."

Sun Youling shook her head and said.

"The boss has gone upstairs, where should we go now?"

Xi Feifei picked up her phone and placed a bunch of orders, then started the car and drove out of the community.

"I'll go to your house, have a drink and chat. I've been feeling angry this morning. It's not appropriate to talk to others. Let's just talk between you and me."

Sun Youling said in horror.

"You ordered a bunch of beers and asked the security guard to deliver them to you downstairs? People will think I'm an old drunkard! Can't we go to your house to drink?"

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"Who told you that your house is big and the environment is good?

It's just across the road from the company, and it's much more comfortable than my little nest. I'm so jealous.Either I move here to live with you, your guest room is still empty anyway. "

Sun Youling looked at this shameless person and couldn't help but scream.

"No! I don't want to meet you with my head up but not my head down!"

"What a cold-blooded guy. He forgot the kindness of pushing my butt so quickly."

"You, you, why are you bringing this up!"


The next day, Yiyin finally rejected Hong Qi's invitation in the name of having a contract with Isshiki Chiyo.

Xu Xing and Hong Qi thought that Yiyin was going for a follow-up consultation, so they both expressed their understanding. Xu Xing even took the initiative to take Yoyo to a golf club in the suburbs so as not to affect Yiyin's medical treatment.

Yiyin didn't bother to explain to them.

As for the two-day and one-night golf trip, Hong Qi would probably lose the opportunity to enjoy the meal because of Yuyou's presence.

Yiyin could only say sorry silently in his heart, hoping that Hong Qi could muster the courage to wait until Yuyou fell asleep. .

Shaking his head, Yiyin put aside the dreams and whims in his heart. At this time, he had taken a taxi to Xianxia Street, a gathering place for islanders living in Modu.

Taking a taxi from the center of Metropolis to the western suburbs, the fare is shocking.

But there is nothing Yiyin can do. As the most popular person in the daily search, he is still nervous when taking a taxi while wearing a mask, and he has no courage to squeeze into the subway.

After looking at the building behind Xianxia Street, Yiyin's sixth sense became active again.Under the seemingly calm appearance, Yiyin always felt that the atmosphere here was tense, as if it was heavily guarded?
Is it an illusion?

Yiyin shook his head and walked into the building. He always felt that there were countless eyes around him staring at him. Just when he was wondering, a man with a smiling face came in front of him.

"Mr. Yi, long time no see, Ms. Yishi asked me to pick you up."

Yiyin looked at him carefully and recognized that he was the receptionist of the psychological counseling center.

"Oh, sorry to trouble you."

"You are too polite, please follow me."

Yiyin scanned the whole place and found some unusual-looking people in black standing in every corner. The vigilant eyes came from them.

After the gentleman at the front desk greeted her, most of them looked away, which made Yiyin's heart skip a beat.

Who are Isshiki Chiyo's friends? This atmosphere looks very unusual.


Yiyin followed the receptionist into the elevator, but he didn't know that another thing happened behind him.

Just before the elevator door closed, a person hurriedly walked out of the building. It was Mr. Wei from Swan Games.

Mr. Wei quickly wanted to walk to the elevator to see which floor Yiyin went to, but was stopped by a man in black standing in the corner.

Mr. Wei glared at her.

"What are you stopping me for?"

The reaction of the man in black was very strange, she actually bowed and said.

"I'm very sorry, but the building is closed to the public today."

The deep bow and poor spoken language made Mr. Wei stunned for a moment.

"Island people? Damn it, when will it be your island people's turn to speak in Modu! I just want to go in!"

Mr. Wei's suppressed anger distorted his plump face, making him look ferocious.

The man in black put his hands behind his waist and quickly changed a few gestures from an angle that Mr. Wei could not see. Then several more men in black came up and blocked Mr. Wei.

"What are you going to do! Let me go! I'm going to sue you!"

Mr. Wei, who was thrown out of the door, spat fiercely at the people in black from a distance.

Damn it, she finally found Yiyin's address and lurked in a car outside the community all night before she spotted Yiyin's traces, but her plan was ruined by these men in black.

Back in the car, Mr. Wei calmed down a little and gritted his teeth.

Qian Zhi, that bitch, she actually ran to surrender, confessed herself, and told everything!

Is she crazy?Does she know that if she does this, she will ruin her own life, and the rest of Mr. Wei's life will also be ruined by her!
Mr. Wei has some energy in society, and she already knows that she can't run away, and she may be summoned and detained at any time.

After half a lifetime of hard work, she finally climbed to the position of CEO of Swan Games. As long as she can achieve results, she will have a bright future.

But now, everything is over.

Mr. Wei touched his bald head and felt a cold sweat on his hands. She was finished for the rest of her life. She had been plotted by Qian Zhi, a bitch.

Mr. Wei did not have the sense to find the cause in himself at all. Instead, he was so angry that he blamed everything on Qian Zhi and her brother-in-law Yiyin.

All this must have been arranged by Yiyin!Yiyin must have arranged for Qian Zhi to go undercover at the White Swan Group to harm him!It’s all Yiyin’s fault, it’s all this cousin’s fault!

Mr. Wei has completely lost her rationality. She doesn't consider logic or rationality at all now. She just wants to exact revenge.

She held the small bottle in her hand, which contained highly concentrated acid.

Isn’t this male cousin Yiyin good-looking? Isn’t he very good at seducing women? Okay!Then I will destroy your charming and handsome face!

Mr. Wei hid in his car, staring at the door of the building from a distance, waiting for Yiyin to appear.

But Yiyin didn't know the overflowing malice downstairs. He was stunned by the stunning beauty in front of him.

In Isshiki Chiyo's reception room, Yoshigan walked into the room under the guidance of the receptionist and saw Isshiki Chiyo chatting with the guests.

The guest was wearing a wisteria-colored kimono, with a textured gold thread border and metal ornaments, which seemed expensive at first glance.

Her waist-length hair was braided into a long braid, with neat bangs hanging from the left side. Under her long eyelashes, there was a hint of purple light in her black pupils.

She looked noble and majestic, and the mole on the side of her left eye gave her a slightly charming and slightly resentful look of a wife.

Underneath the seemingly cold temperament of a married woman, she has the smooth and delicate skin of a young girl, and the delicate and delicate face of an oriental girl.

Isshiki Chiyo saw Yoshigan coming in and took the initiative to stand up and introduce him.

"Mr. Yi is here. This is His Highness Takeda Kage. She wants to see you."

Yiyin was puzzled.

"Takeda Kage... Your Highness? Didn't Miss Isshiki ask me to come meet your friend?"

Isshiki Chiyo bowed in apology.

“I’m very sorry, because of His Highness’ distinguished status, I cannot reveal too much information on the phone.

Now, please allow me to formally introduce to you, this is His Highness Takeda Kage, the 20th generation governor of Takeda, a divine descendant, and the chief of the Joint Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Shiba Foundation of the island country.

If we go by what was said before the great government was returned to the people, she was the shogun of this generation. "

Yi Yin was stunned on the spot and looked at the respectful and cautious Isshiki Chiyo, his eyes full of confusion.

What god?What kind of policy is returned to the people?When did the Takeda family become shogun?
Although Yoshigan had not specifically studied the history of the island nation before traveling through time, he had at least played Nobunaga's Ambition and Taiko's Resolute Legend and knew a little bit about the history of the island nation.

Shouldn't the shogunate after the Japanese War be the Tokugawa shogunate established by Tokugawa Ieyasu?After the collapse of the shogunate, shouldn't the great power be returned to the emperor?

Could it be that the history of the Japanese war in this female-dominated world is not the Japanese-war history in the male-dominated world of Yiyin? What other changes have occurred?

Just when Yi Gin was confused, Takeda Kage, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly spoke.

"Although this body is noble, this is no longer the age of the world, but the era of common people. We, the descendants of Bishamonten, are just ordinary mortals now.

Isshikiji, you don’t have to be so careful with me.

And Mr. Yi, you are not from the island country, so there is no need to be surprised or polite.I came here just to see what you look like with my own eyes.

Like, they look so similar. "

Takeda Kage stood up, stroked Yoshigan's cheek with his hand, and fixed his gaze on Yoshigan's face, as if he had traveled through time and space and looked elsewhere.

Yoshigami stood on the spot in shock, not knowing how to react to Takeda Kage's weird behavior.

picture?Are you saying I look like someone?
(End of this chapter)

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