Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 163 A Different Warring States Period in Japan

Chapter 163 A Different Japanese Warring States Period
Takeda Kage put down his hands, sat back on the sofa, and said calmly.

"I'm sorry, but I really didn't expect that there are men in this world who can look like this."

Yoshigan looked at Isshiki Chiyo in confusion, and Isshiki Chiyo smiled guiltily.

The first time she saw Yiyin, she found that he looked very much like the same person, so she was so bold that she took advantage of Yiyin's mental illness and tricked him into sleeping with him on the grounds of diagnosis.

As an island native, who has never fantasized about the legendary person?When that person really appears in front of him, who can resist the temptation to go to Wushan with him?

Chiyo Isshiki gathered his mind and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Yi, please be patient. You will understand soon."

Takeda Kage clapped his hands, and the door of the reception room was opened again. A female secretary walked into the room and bowed to Takeda Kage.

"Sou Luo, bring me the scroll."


Yiyin looked at the woman named Sanluo. She had short bob hair, sharp eyes, and was wearing a decent black women's uniform. She was tall and tall, and most importantly, the bear was so big.

Seeing Yiyin looking at her, she bowed to Yiyin and said.

"This is Kousaka Sura, it's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me."

Yiyin felt a little unaccustomed and had to touch his head and said with a smile.

"Your Chinese is very good."

Kosaka Siro smiled, bowed and went out.

Isshiki Chiyo explained.

"The Kosaka family has served the God-descended Takeda family for generations, and Kosaka Sara is the family governor of this generation.

You don’t need to be surprised that the high-ranking aristocrats of the island country have to learn Chinese culture from an early age. Spoken Chinese and written writing are their basic lessons. "

Yiyin nodded slightly. Until now, his head was still dizzy.

Everything in front of him was like returning to the old society. As a communist successor who was born under the flag of the Communist Party and grew up in the style of the Communist Party, he was really not used to this hierarchical way of dialogue.

But soon, he encountered a new impact.

Kosaka Sora came back again, holding a roll of something in both hands. After bowing to Takeda Kage, she spread the thing in her hand on the coffee table, and Yoshigine realized that it was an ancient painting.

The painting shows a group of warrior warriors wearing Japanese war-style armor, surrounding a man.All the Ji warriors around him were wearing armor, but this man was the only one who was different because he was wearing white clothes and a white vest.

Takeda Kage said softly.

“This is my ancestor, a strange man from the samurai family, the Genji Shiba Yoshigan who established the Shiba world, the Noble Lord of Kenshin Tsutaden, and the original image of Bishamonten.

Since his debut, he has been invincible and invincible in all battles. He never wears armor. He only wears a white safari suit with a Jinhaori and charges forward. "

Yiyin looked at this ancient painting and said in disbelief.

"Shiba Tenka? Isn't it the Tokugawa Shogunate? Where is Oda Nobunaga? Where is Toyotomi Hideyoshi? Where is Tokugawa Ieyasu?"

Takeda Kage frowned slightly, and Chiyo Isshiki had already opened his mouth to explain.

"Mr. Yoshitsune, I remember wrongly, there is only Hashiba Hideyoshi, not Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

The Oda Nobunaga, Hashiba Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu you mentioned were all heroes during the Japanese War, but the man who unified the world was the Sage Shiba.

You may not know much about the history of the island country. If you want to know more about the history of the Japanese War, you can go to the Qidian platform to find a book called Different Japanese Warring States, which has a detailed description. "

Yiyin just wanted to refute, why didn’t I know?Nobunaga's Ambition, Taiko's Resolute Story, I haven't played it in any generation!

But he suddenly realized that this was the world of women, and the ancestor Takeda Kage was talking about was actually a man!
That is to say, there was a man who defeated all his opponents in the Japanese war in the female world and successfully unified the island country?Damn it!Damn it!
Yoshigan looked at the ancient paintings in a daze, and Takeda Kage said calmly.

"It seems that Mr. Yi hasn't recognized it yet, Suluo, tablet computer."


Kosaka Sora took out a tablet computer from his bag, clicked on a photo, held it in front of Yiyin with both hands, and said.

"Please see, this is a real photo that was finally completed by modern experts based on the restoration of ancient paintings and combined with AI painting."

Yiyin took the tablet and almost dropped it to the ground.He widened his eyes and stared at the restored photo of Shiba Yiyin on the screen. Wasn't that person himself?

Takeda Kage sighed.

"Mr. Yi, not only do your names resemble those of your ancestors, but your faces are exactly the same, which makes me marvel at the magic of life.

I also happened to see your news and discovered that your appearance is similar to that of my ancestors, so I flew to Tianchao Modu to ask Ms. Isshiki to help invite you over.

I have a request that I hope you can grant. "

Yoshigan put down the tablet, shook his head with a sigh, and then looked at Takeda Kage.

"Please say."

Takeda Kage said solemnly.

“After seeing you in person, I was sure you were the one I was looking for.

I now formally invite you to go to the island country to participate in the 5th anniversary ceremony of the ancestors' unification of the world and play the role of the ancestors on their tour. "

Yiyin pointed at the ancient painting and said.

"You want me to act as the person in the painting and participate in the activities commemorating his unification of the world?"

Takeda Kage nodded.


Yiyin shook his head.

"It's not that I want to push back. Ms. Isshiki also knows that I have been in a lot of troubles recently and can't leave or go to the island country."

Takeda Kage said calmly.

"It's okay, the memorial ceremony is still in the preparation stage, not in the near future. By then, all your troubles should have been solved.

Will you accept my invitation? "

Yoshigine subconsciously looked at Isshiki Chiyo and found that she was standing respectfully to the side, as if Takeda Kage could take anything from her.

Is this the social atmosphere of the island country with a strong sense of hierarchy?Even a scholar like Isshiki Chiyo consciously believes that Takeda Kage is superior and any request should be met.

As a native of China, Yiyin felt a little uncomfortable, but he was too lazy to feel sorry for the people on the island. It was not his own country.

Yi Gin was still thinking, but Kosaka Sera stood up and bowed.

“Your Highness, the Ancestor Ceremony is a first-level matter.

According to the law, you should propose this proposal at a joint meeting of the Board of Directors, and the invitation can only be issued after the proposal is approved. "

Takeda Kage looked at Kosaka Sera.

"Is there any difference? Does anyone dare to stand up against me?"

Kosaka Sera answered seriously.

"Of course the representatives of the joint meeting will not oppose you, but your behavior violates the law. I am worried that Her Highness Akechi Himeko will cause trouble for you."

Yoshigan stood next to Isshiki Chiyo, looked at her, and Isshiki Chiyo said softly.

"Himeko Akechi, the 19th generation governor of the god-born Akechi, the current board supervisor of the Shiba Foundation, and the seventh seat of the joint meeting."

Yiyin sighed. The Sibo Consortium sounded awesome, just like the Harmony Group of the island country.

Takeda Kage didn't take Kousaka Sera's advice to heart, she said.

"I will explain it to Jizi. Now, put these things away and you can leave."

Kosaka Sara carefully put away the ancient painting, put the tablet back in the carry-on bag, then bowed and exited the room.

Takeda Kage looked at Yoshigan again.

"Mr. Yi, how are you thinking about it?"

Yiyin touched his head and asked.

"I want to know what kind of person your ancestor was before making a decision."

Takeda Kage smiled lightly.

"It seems that Mr. Yi really knows nothing about the history of the island country. I can tell you that my ancestors are saints.

After a hundred years of war, the island country fell into deep darkness, despair enveloped the 66 countries in the world, and the ancestors were born.

His bravery conquered Warrior Ji.

His kindness brought peace to the world.

His mercy restored peace to the island nation.

He is the first ray of light before dawn, the dawn of dawn, Bishamonten who came to the world, and the living god who walks on earth.

We are his descendants left in the human world, guarding the eternal kingdom favored by him. "

Yiyin hesitated.

"Are we waiting? Isn't the shogun a unique being?"

Takeda Kage shook his head and said.

"it's not true.

The ancestors took away the supreme chair, leaving behind a round table where everyone is equal. Every god descendant has the responsibility to implement the ancestors' beliefs and protect the eternal kingdom that belongs to him. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

“I kind of get it, sounds like a good god.

The last question, which god is Bishamonten?The sun god of the island country? "

Takeda Kage's expression changed and he seemed a little unhappy.Chiyo Isshiki on the side saw Yoshigage getting into trouble and quickly pulled him in and explained.

"Mr. Yi, please do not misinterpret the serious political history of the island nation.

The imperial line of Rizhao Ogami was completely wiped out as early as the third generation of the Ashikaga Shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, was in power.

Sage Shiba came to the world at the end of the Ashikaga Shogunate. His Shinto is not the God of Sunshine, but Bishamonten, the Tawen Ten who protects the four heavenly kings in Buddhism. "

Yiyin opened his mouth but said nothing.

What, it sounds awesome, but it turned out to be the Duowen Heavenly King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings who guard the door of Buddhism?
The ruler of this small island country has too little pursuit, right?If you want to be a god, at least be at the level of a Buddha. Just have the King of Wen Dawen support the scene. You will lose face when you go out!

Takeda Kage seemed to understand Yiyin's expression, and said coldly.

"The ancestor is the deity of Bishamonten. There is no need to argue about the superiority and inferiority of the gods' functions. I just want the world to be peaceful forever.

The ancestors even wrote four words in handwriting, the dog of the Ming Dynasty, hanging high above the government hall to teach the descendants of the gods to serve the heaven respectfully and maintain peace in the island country forever. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded when he heard this. .dog?This Bishamon is really hardworking and knows how to lick.

Takeda Kage seemed a little annoyed, Yoshihiro was always asking some low-level historical questions, more like finding fault on purpose.

This knowledge is clearly written in the junior high school history textbooks of China, let alone the primary school students of the island country. Who doesn't know it?

Takeda Kage's tone became colder and colder.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yi, are you willing to accept my invitation?"

Isshiki Chiyo secretly tugged at the corner of Yoshigin's clothes, and looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would stop talking about him, which really annoyed Takeda Kage.

Yiyin thought for a while, wasn't he just playing the role of a historical figure and patrolling the streets, and if he agreed, he agreed, and he had nothing to lose.

"I accept."

Takeda Kage smiled slightly, stood up and said to Yi Gin.

"Very well, then I'll go first."

Yiyin looked confused, leaving now?I left as soon as I agreed?Isn’t the big leader of this island country too self-centered?
Isshiki Chiyo, however, was so stupid that he took the initiative to open the door, nodded and bowed.

"We send you off."

Takeda Kage didn't look sideways, and walked out on his own.

Yiyin curled his lips in disdain, what's the point of being proud of, the feudal dregs of the island country.

However, Isshiki Chiyo pulled him and whispered.

"Why are you still hanging around? Hurry up and send me off with me. This will be good for you."

Yiyin was puzzled.

"what is the benefit?"

Chiyo Isshiki explained in a low voice with an expression that showed that a child cannot be taught.

"His Royal Highness Takeda is the chief of the Joint Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Shiba Foundation. In ancient times, he was the shogun of the island country. He was an unattainable existence.

The outside world did not know that His Highness came to Modu in secret this time, but Hehe Group would definitely entertain him. There would be a banquet in the evening, and it should be hosted by Ms. Jiang from the Hehe Group's Modu branch in person. "

Yi Yinzhao said.

"Is she so powerful? Ms. Jiang actually received her in person?"

Isshiki Chiyo smiled.

"What do you think?
According to the principle of reciprocity, the president of Hehe Group should actually be the one to host the banquet, but isn't the president in the Imperial City, so Ms. Jiang can only do it for her.

To be honest, when I first received the call from the Spo Consortium, I was almost scared to death.

Who would have thought that such a big shot would come to Modu to confirm just because he saw your face in the news? This is not a joke.

In short, if His Highness Takeda is happy and is willing to help you speak to Ms. Jiang, your little things will be easier to handle.

Now, hurry up and come downstairs with me to see off His Highness. "


Downstairs, Takeda Kage stood in front of the door, turned around and said.

"I'm leaving first. Thank you Miss Isshiki for the hospitality, and thank you Mr. Yi for accepting my invitation."

Isshiki Chiyo quickly bowed, saying that all this was what he should do.

But Yoshigashi didn't react at all, and Isshiki Chiyo was so frightened that he immediately looked at Yoshigashi out of the corner of his eyes, trying to warn him not to be rude.

But Yi Gin ignored Isshiki Chiyo's reminder and stared blankly at a car parked opposite.

The sixth sense generated by the special power in his heart was sounding an alarm like crazy, causing his heartbeat to accelerate rapidly.

When Yiyin saw the car suddenly start, he tilted his head and hit him!
Those seemingly professional men in black from the island nation were suddenly in disarray, scurrying around like a group of headless flies.

Yiyin cursed in his heart, what are the qualities of you island bodyguards!Where is the contemporary general that we agreed on?Where is the promised leader of the island country?Who can these bodyguards protect when they are in a panic?

Things happened in an instant, in a blink of an eye, the car was almost rushing to the door.

Yoshigan gritted his teeth and stepped forward, hugged Takeda Kage, and rolled out to the left side of the door.

The two figures had just rolled down the steps, and the car had already hit the door.

A middle-aged bald woman with a ferocious face opened the car door, got out of the driver's seat, and shouted to Yiyin.

"You die for me!"

She opened a small bottle of something unknown and poured the liquid into Yiyin's face, which was smashed to pieces.

At this time, Takeda Kage's bodyguards in black, who had just opened their bulletproof briefcase in the distance, arrived too late.

In his dizziness, Yoshigan seemed to see Takeda Kage pull out a knife from his chest and slash at the splashed liquid.

Yiyin shook his head, and took a closer look.

It turned out that Takeda Kage did not draw the sword from his chest, but Kousaka Sora in the distance threw the sword in the air. Takeda Kage took advantage of the situation and pulled it out, throwing a burst of sword in front of his eyes.

The blade of the knife came into contact with the liquid and made a terrible sizzling sound.

At this time, the bald woman was pinned down by several bodyguards.

Kosaka Sera stepped forward and asked eagerly.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Takeda Kage shook his head, looked at the blade corroded by strong acid, and sighed.

"Mikazuki Munechika, why did you throw it over? The Takada family, descendants of the gods, are going crazy. This is the famous sword given to the Takada family by the ancestors. With the permission of the god, kill it first and then reveal it."

Kosaka Siro said in shame.

"There is nothing else around me, only this famous knife that I want to invite Ms. Jiang to appreciate in the evening. I just threw it out in a fit of urgency."

Takeda Kage handed the knife back to Kosaka Sera and sighed.

"Hopefully it can be repaired."

Then, Takeda Kage turned around, lowered his body, gently held up Ui Silver's head, and touched his face gently.

"He fell hard just now in order to save me. He should have a concussion, so he should be rushed to the hospital."


(End of this chapter)

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