Chapter 164

A vicious incident broke out in Modu, and the chairman of the board of directors of the Shiba Consortium was attacked in the street. The island nation's security team, which looked professional but was ineffective, was scolded bloody by Kosaka Sanora.

If the one who launched the attack just now was not a middle-aged bald woman driving a car, but a hot-blooded island nation woman holding a gun, Takeda Kage, the leader of the remaining feudal remnants, would probably have to kill him with two shots.

When the Harmony Group received the news, they were shocked. While cursing the island country's bodyguards as rubbish, they quickly opened a green channel and demanded the absolute safety of Takeda Kage.

This is the Celestial Capital, known as the safest country in the world. If something happens to the chief director of the Sibo Consortium here, there will definitely be a big problem in the commercial exchanges between the Celestial Island countries.

Moreover, it is difficult for Hehe Group to communicate externally, and it will inevitably be criticized by business groups around the world. The business impact will be extremely bad.

Fortunately, Takeda Kage came to Modu in a private capacity, and the outside world did not know about this matter, otherwise the reporters who flocked to the area would directly explode the matter.

The ambulance rushed to the scene immediately, and Yoshigage was carried into the car by Takeda Kage himself.

Takeda Kage rejected the suggestion of the representative of the Harmony Group, refused to go back to the hotel first, and insisted on accompanying Yiyin to the hospital, which made the Morto Branch of the Harmony Group quite embarrassed and passive.

The identity of the attacker was quickly discovered and he was the general manager of Swan Games.

No one expected that the plagiarism dispute between White Swan Group and Nintendo Game Company would snowball and become more and more serious, and eventually it would have international influence.


While Modu was struggling, Huang Yi was riding on the high-speed train to Hangzhou to visit Xi Jianqiao, general manager of the Zhejiang Branch.

When Huang Yi arrived at Xi's house, it was almost five o'clock. Xi Jianqiao's secretary took Huang Yi to the study and closed the door.

At this time, Xi Jianqiao was practicing calligraphy. When she saw Huang Yi coming in, she said.

"Xiao Yi is here."

Huang Yi respectfully stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Hello, Aunt Xi."

Xi Jianqiao smiled.

"Just wait for me, I'm just going to make the last payment."

Afterwards, Xi Jianqiao calmed down and wrote a little.

Huang Yi came up and saw four big characters, "The world is public."And the last stroke of the public character just appeared on the paper.

"Good! Good word!"

Xi Jianqiao put down his pen, picked up the towel on the table and wiped his hands, pointing at Huang Yi and smiling.

"You, you smell like a colleague now."

Huang Yi smiled.

"Aunt Xi, although I am in a humble position, I am indeed your colleague and a member of the Harmony Group."

Xi Jianqiao waved his hand, led Huang Yi to sit down on the sofa in the study, pointed to the tea cup and said.

"Flattering your boss and flattering your boss are all bad habits. The trend has become worse and worse in recent years, so much so that I can't even hear a word of truth now.

How many catties and taels of my handwriting, can I not know?It's nothing more than a way to soothe your mind during rest time, not an elegant place.

Come, try this year’s new tea. "

The elder did not dare to refuse the tea. Huang Yi took a sip and found that the water temperature was just right.

"The Dragon Well that smells so fragrant, couldn't it be picked at the mouth of the well?"

Xi Jianqiao laughed and cursed.

"You're a greedy kid, can you care about those eighteen trees?

This is Fuchun's first spring tea this year. I hid it even when Lan Lan came back, so I didn't let her know about it. It was only when you came that I was willing to take it out to greet you. "

Huang Yi nodded slightly, sighing secretly.

It is already July, and it has long passed the Grain Rain during the Qingming Festival. However, the taste of this tea retains the characteristics of the Qingming Rain. I don’t know how much thought was put into it.

In ancient times, young people used their lips to dig Longjing tea. Today, high technology has long-lasting quality. These are not available to ordinary people, and even rich people cannot buy them with money.

Xi Jianqiao's life seems simple, but just from this cup of tea, you can see the extraordinary status beneath the simplicity.

Huang Yi joked.

"Then when I meet Lan Lan, I have to show off to her."

Xi Jianqiao shook his head.

"Lan Lan is not here today, so it's just you and me having a simple meal. Why are you unhappy? Do you think it's uncomfortable to eat with an old woman like me? Do you want her to accompany you?"

Huang Yi shook his head.

"No way, Aunt Xi, you are not an old woman. With this appearance, figure and skin, standing with me, she is like my sister. She is no more than three years old."

Xi Jianqiao laughed.

"You kid is becoming more and more mischievous and unruly. Even I dare to make fun of you."

Huang Yi chuckled.

"Every sentence comes from the heart, and there is absolutely no exaggeration. You take good care of me.

I saw Feifei in Modu. I thought I could meet Lan Lan this time, but I didn't expect her to be away. I was just a little disappointed.

We haven't seen each other since we had dinner during the Chinese New Year, and we miss her very much. "

When Xi Feifei was mentioned by Huang Yi, a glimmer of light flashed in Xi Jianqiao's eyes but he did not reply.

"Miss Lan Lan? That's a good relationship. I've wanted you two to be together for a long time and kiss each other even more. Your heart is finally moved. Lao Huang will be so happy now."

Huang Yi blushed, shook his head and said angrily.

"I don't miss you that way. Aunt Xi, you bullied me again. I have already said that I am three years older than Lan Lan and we are not suitable for each other."

Xi Jianqiao sneered.

“There’s nothing inappropriate about a male junior holding gold bricks.

I know, you just look down on her, thinking that she is not doing her job properly, that she refuses to join the well-established Harmony Group, and insists on making some kind of financial investment. I don't know what it means. "

Huang Yi smiled.

"A good daughter has ambitions in all directions, and she is not successful only if she joins the Hehe Group. I think Lanlan is developing very well."

Xi Jianqiao sighed.

"I don't understand what you kids are thinking in your heads. Lanlan is the same, and so are you. You all have big ideas.

The most ridiculous one is Feifei. "

Seeing Xi Jianqiao take the initiative to mention Xi Feifei, Huang Yi thought that he could use this to get to the point, but he didn't expect that this was Xi Jianqiao's feint to make three chapters for himself.

Xi Jianqiao said solemnly.

"Xiaoyi, this time you are here, we only talk about personal friendship, regardless of official business, if you come to intercede for Feifei, don't blame me, an aunt, who is angry and chases people away."

Xi Jianqiao wanted to close the door, but Huang Yi insisted on tearing it open.

Huang Yi had been hanging out at the headquarters for so long, and he was not a good person who could be dismissed casually. How could he be blocked back by Xi Jianqiao with just a few words.

"Aunt Xi, my nephew has the guts to say that you are wrong.

When have family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs been clearly distinguished?You yourself just wrote a sentence: The world is for the public, but when you come to me, you only have a personal relationship. Isn't it too bullying? "

Xi Jianqiao smiled, her temperament had always been the same, sisters Xi Lanlan and Xi Feifei did not dare to say a word in front of her, they could only obey and breathe.

But Huang Yi acted like a little man and acted coquettishly. Xi Jianqiao really liked this talented nephew and couldn't get angry with him.

Xi Jianqiao looked at the clock and said.

"Okay, I'll give you 3 minutes, and then we'll go eat."

With Xi Jianqiao's character, these three minutes have already pampered Huang Yi and made concessions.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and was not greedy. He was confident that Xi Jianqiao would still be willing to listen in three minutes.

“The Hangcheng subsidiary filed a complaint against the Modu branch at a higher level and stood up for the White Swan Group.

Stabilizing the shaky prospects of White Swan Group, giving confidence to the investment market, continuing the development myth of the Hangzhou subsidiary, and preserving the economic engine of White Swan for the Zhejiang branch.

In the Thirteen Cities of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang businessmen have divided labor and cooperated to create a segmented industrial chain that spans the world. This is an excellent case for the development of the real economy.

The Hangzhou subsidiary introduced White Swan Group as a strategic partner and reaped huge dividends from the 20 years of Internet development.

Internet companies have made a lot of money in recent years, and they have faintly replaced those physical enterprises of Zheshang as the main partners of the Zhejiang Branch.

This time, due to a small lawsuit in Modu, the White Swan Group's finally stabilized investor confidence was once again loosened, and the stock price continued to plummet.

This makes the Hangzhou subsidiary anxious and makes you dissatisfied.

But the importance of the Modu branch is extraordinary. Ms. Jiang will soon enter the headquarters, and you don't want to have a head-on conflict with her.

Therefore, if you let the Hangcheng subsidiary take the initiative, and you give a little inclination as a reason to teach your daughter a lesson, it will be enough to make Ms. Jiang of the Modu branch give in.

After all, now is the critical moment for Ms. Jiang to enter the Imperial City Head Office, and she will not create extravagance for a small Nintendo Game Company. "

Xi Jianqiao had a hint of appreciation in his eyes, looked at the clock again, and said.

"You have one minute left."

Huang Yi said solemnly.

"But you made a big business mistake. You should not have troubled the Modu Branch for the White Swan Group.

Although on the surface, it seems that the Hangcheng subsidiary was stepped on and took the initiative to challenge the Modu branch.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows very well that with your control over the Zhejiang Branch, the Hangzhou Branch would not dare to do anything without your permission.

You can't get away with it just by relying on this layer of window paper.

In your opinion, this is just an insignificant matter. This layer of window paper is nothing more than giving Ms. Jiang face and preventing the conflict between the two general managers of the branch from coming to light.

However, this matter may cut off your possibility of entering the Imperial City Headquarters in the future. "

Xi Jianqiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became serious for the first time.

She chose Ms. Jiang because she was sure that Ms. Jiang would touch the line at her age. This five-year promotion will enter the headquarter of the Imperial City, which is the most important pass for Ms. Jiang. Ms. Jiang had to give in.

Xi Jianqiao has been the general manager of the Zhejiang branch for five years. She is still young. It will be better for her to join the Imperial City head office for another five years.

But Huang Yi now categorically told Xi Jianqiao that Xi Jianqiao's actions were cutting off the possibility of him entering the Imperial City Corporation. How could Xi Jianqiao not care?
Xi Jianqiao snorted coldly.

"If you don't say anything shocking, you will die. Xiaoyi, how come you have learned this set of vertical and horizontal skills now?"

Huang Yi smiled and said nothing, making Xi Jianqiao frown and ask.

"why do not you talk?"

Huang Yi pointed at the clock and said.

"Aunt Xi, 3 minutes are up."

Xi Jianqiao looked at Huang Yi in astonishment. This seemingly well-behaved personal nephew was showing his sharpness at this moment, making Xi Jianqiao sigh.

"Men don't let women go. If you, Xiaoyi, are willing to marry Lanlan, I will really feel at ease with her.

It's a pity that you don't like her. "

Huang Yi looked at Xi Jianqiao with a smile, and did not speak despite the storm.

Xi Jianqiao failed to test, shook his head, and said with a smile.

"Say, keep talking.

I'll start eating after listening to you. If you don't convince me, you won't have anything to eat tonight. "

Huang Yi smiled slightly, knowing that he had finally opened a gap.

"Aunt Xi, have you heard that Ms. Zhu from the Modu branch wrote to the headquarters to report the situation?"

Xi Jianqiao nodded.

"That Lao Zhu is a thorn in the side."

Huang Yi smiled.

"Whether it's a thorn or not, she will most likely succeed Ms. Jiang as the general manager of the Modu branch after this promotion meeting, and she will definitely join the head office in the future.

As far as I know, the seven members of the board of directors all have good feelings towards her. "

Xi Jianqiao frowned.

"What do you want to clarify?"

Huang Yi said seriously.

"The worse the economic development will be in the future, the faster Ms. Zhu will join the headquarters, because the headquarters has already developed a sense of crisis.

The local revenue set that year and the distribution plan submitted to the headquarters no longer meet the current needs of the head office.

The head office needs more income to cope with increasing daily expenses and increasingly severe international business competition.

In other words, the Zhejiang branch's approach of relying on more revenue to obtain tolerance and support from the headquarters is outdated and may even arouse resentment.

The headquarters is no longer willing to ask local branches to give more, but hopes to regain the initiative by reforming the distribution plan. "

Xi Jianqiao didn't speak, Huang Yi glanced at her and continued.

“This is not good for you, but it is not fatal. You can adapt to the new rules based on the new business situation.

But the headquarters is short of money. How can it compete with the branches and regain the initiative?We all need to be reasonable, and we can't openly rob each other, right?

Internet companies headed by White Swan Group have greatly boosted productivity through 20 years of development, and are also very supportive business partners of Hehe Group.

But today, the development of Internet companies headed by White Swan Group has also reached a bottleneck. Not only can it not continue to bring benefits to Hehe Group, it has even caused many new problems.

A large amount of waste of resources, wanton growth without control, and bad management after monopolizing the market have made public opinion full of complaints.

In the past, Hehe Group allowed the development of the Internet because the benefits outweighed the disadvantages, but now, it has reached a turning point where the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.

At this critical moment for the internal distribution plan and restructuring of Hehe Group, the group must clean up monopolistic Internet companies.

Aunt Xi, your approach is not smart, and even seems to be against the headquarters. "

Xi Jianqiao snorted coldly.


Huang Yi smiled and nodded.

“With your ability, it’s certainly no problem to keep your current position.

If you want to be like some people and only seek company in the southeastern province of Yongzhen and not enter the headquarters, naturally no one can do anything to you.

But if you are committed to the headquarters and want to go to the Imperial City Head Office for further advancement in the future, then you need to be concerned about the headquarters' concerns and consider the interests of the headquarters.

This depends on whether you want to safeguard the interests of the Zhejiang branch or stand on the standpoint of the headquarters and safeguard the interests of the entire Hehe Group.

At this point, Ms. Zhu from the Modu branch has already made her choice, so she will definitely join the headquarters and at least sit on one of the seven seats on the board of directors. "

Xi Jianqiao was actually persuaded by Huang Yi in her heart. She had already become the general manager of the Zhejiang branch before she was fifty. Naturally, she wanted to go one step further and even intended to compete for the position of president of the group.

Huang Yi is right. If she only considers the interests of the Zhejiang branch, she can naturally protect the White Swan Group and cause minor friction with the Modu branch.

But if you want to go further, you must be more cautious, put yourself in the shoes of those on the board of directors, and consider the interests of the entire group.

Xi Jianqiao had already changed in his heart, but he still refused to admit defeat and said hehe.

"Lao Zhu, with her temper, even if she caters to the temporary needs of the board of directors, she will end up being cooked by a lackey and will not last long."

Huang Yi said with admiration.

"This is natural. When it comes to forging ahead and assessing the situation, how can Ms. Zhu be compared to you, Aunt Xi?"

Xi Jianqiao smiled and said nothing, looking at the clock.

"15 minutes, I haven't listened to someone so attentively for a long time, life is scary.

Come on, Xiaoyi, let's go eat. "

Huang Yi knew that this was Xi Jianqiao's appreciation for him. The White Swan Group's foreign aid in the Harmony Group was also completely cut off at this moment.

Without Xi Jianqiao's support, the Hangcheng subsidiary would not dare to compete with the Modu branch, so the matter was finally done.

Poor Xi Feifei, Xi Jianqiao just used her as an excuse from beginning to end, and didn't mention her again after getting to the point.

Just as the two of them walked out of the study room while chatting and laughing, Xi Jianqiao's secretary hurried over with a solemn expression.

Xi Jianqiao asked in a deep voice.

"What happened?"

"News from Modu, the general manager of Swan Games hit his car on the street and threw acid on him with the intention of hurting the boss of Nintendo."

Xi Jianqiao's expression remained unchanged.

"Just this little thing?"

Huang Yi turned pale and asked.

"How is Boss Ren Tianxing? Is he all right?"

Xi Jianqiao frowned slightly. She knew that Xi Feifei was at Ren Tianxing Company, so naturally she also knew about Yiyin.

Just now, Xi Jianqiao thought Huang Yi was a promising talent, but now that he had become so frightened when he heard about the Yiyin incident, Xi Jianqiao's evaluation of him inevitably dropped a bit.

If you can't express your emotions and anger, how can you go further in the Hehe Group?

The secretary smiled wryly.

"I don't know much about the situation of the boss of Ren Tianxing, but he was traveling with him at the time, the chairman of the board of directors of the Spo Consortium. At this time, both of them went to the hospital. The specific situation is still unclear."

At this moment, Xi Jianqiao's expression also changed drastically.Chief of the Board of Directors of Spo Consortium?Both of them ended up in the hospital?
Xi Jianqiao didn't know that Takeda Kage accompanied Yiyin to the hospital, and there was nothing serious between the two of them.What she was concerned about was that this matter had become an international issue and affected the trade between China and the island country.

She looked at Huang Yi, whose face turned pale, and asked.

"Xiao Yi, are Yi Gin and Takeda Kage familiar?"

Although Huang Yi was confused at this time, he still did not forget to add more money to Yiyin.

"Yiyin has many friends."

Xi Jianqiao nodded slightly.

This matter is getting more and more troublesome. The Zhejiang Provincial Corporation should withdraw as soon as possible and let the White Swan Group deal with it on its own.

Huang Yi thought for a while and said.

"Aunt Xi, I have to rush back to Modu."

Xi Jianqiao nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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