Chapter 165
In order to avoid the impact of the car, Yoshigan rolled down the steps with Takeda Kage in his arms. He tried his best to protect Takeda Kage, but he accidentally hit his head on the steps.

Suddenly, Yiyin seemed to see Takeda Kage draw the sword from his chest. With the flash of the sword, the crisis was resolved, and he fell into a coma in relief.

The special power in his body seemed to become active again, creating a quantum entanglement with the acid-corroded knife in Takeda Kage's hand.

In a coma, Yiyin saw it.

. . .

Leaning in front of the knife rest, the resolute and beautiful Warrior Ji took off a sword and handed it to the female swordsman who looked like a porcelain doll in front of him.

"Take Mikazuki Munechika and protect the person you really want to protect. Protect him for me."

. . .

The porcelain doll female swordsman held Mikazuki Munechika high in the air and shouted to the female swordsmen with a mountain-shaped haori pattern in front of her.

"The unjust will be punished by God!"

. . .

The porcelain doll swordswoman was sitting in a wheelchair with a depressed expression. She threw Mikazuki Munechika to the silver-haired and silver-eyed Samurai Hime in front of her.

"Tachibana Kanade, from today on, you are my shadow warrior. Please protect him in my place."

. . .

Yiyin's head became more and more dizzy, and eight words echoed repeatedly in his mind: "Behead first, then play," divine right.

Until he couldn't bear it anymore, he sat up suddenly and opened his eyes.

"It hurts."

Yiyin held his head and looked around in confusion, here it is. .Hospital?hospital bed?

"Are you awake? Don't shake your head. The doctor said you may have mild encephalopathy. How do you feel? Do you feel like vomiting?"

Only then did Yoshigan realize that the person sitting on the seat next to his bed was Takeda Kage, but the next second, he was attracted by the sword next to Takeda Kage and blurted out.

"Sanri Yuezong is near."

Takeda Kage looked at him and asked.

"You know this knife?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I... shouldn't know... right?"

At this time, Yiyin's mind was still in chaos.He seemed to have seen some fragments of history through Mikazuki Munechika, but he was not sure whether it was a fantasy caused by his own brain damage.

Takeda Kage hesitated and placed Mikazuki Munechika in Yoshigage's hand.

Yiyin subconsciously picked up the scabbard, pulled out the knife, and sighed when he saw the blade corroded by acid.

"If it weren't for your superb swordsmanship and invulnerability to splashing water, the consequences would have been disastrous if the acid had been thrown on my face.

Thank you, huh?What’s wrong with you? "

Takeda Kage's expression was subtle, as if a little surprised.

"Can you pull it out?"

Yoshigan looked at Takeda Kage in confusion, returned the knife to its sheath, and handed it back.

"What's wrong with that?"

Takeda remained motionless and tried to take the sword out of the sheath again, but the blade did not move at all and was stuck in the sheath.

In fact, after this knife was corroded by acid today, it can no longer be unsheathed.She always thought it was acid that caused the inner wall of the scabbard to become rusty, but now it seems that this matter may not be simple.

Looking at Yi Gin's face that resembled that of his ancestor, Takeda Kage suddenly had a strange idea in his mind.

The island country is different from the Chinese dynasty. The 500 years of theocratic rule made the island people believe in some illusory things, which are called superstitions by modern people.

Takeda Kage always said that the era of theocracy was over, but she kept in mind the glory of her ancestors all the time, and valued the rituals of her ancestors more than anything else.

In order to find a suitable candidate to patrol the streets during the festival, she actually put aside her group affairs and came to China in person, and almost caused an international dispute in which she was assassinated on the street.

Takeda Kage looked at Yoshiyin and asked calmly.

"Since you don't know it, how do you know it's called Mikazuki Munechika?"

Yiyin smiled bitterly. He didn't know how to explain it reasonably. He couldn't say it was a dream, could he?
He could only say perfunctorily.

"I'm just saying it casually, but in my opinion, your island swords all look alike.

Isn't Mikazuki Munechika a famous sword? Everyone knows that he cuts first and then kills, and it is a divine right. "

Takeda Kage looked at Yoshigan, and the lightning in his eyes became more intense, making Yoshigan shudder.

"I...did I say something wrong?"

Takeda Kage stood up, walked to the end of the bed, and tried to pull out Mikazuki Munechika again, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't pull it out.

She looked back at Yiyin, who was sitting on the hospital bed with a confused expression, and said.

"Mikazuki Munechika is very famous. It is a Shinto treasure second only to Hachiman Tainiang's White Flag and the Light Nine Virtues Armor.

If we want to make a comparison, its status in the island country is equivalent to the Qingming Riverside Scene of the Chinese dynasty.That's why Ms. Jiang from the Modu branch liked it and asked me to bring it to her for a look.

However, that sentence, "Behead first, tell later," is a divine right, but it is a secret of the Takada family that should not be passed on to anyone else. How did you know? "

Yiyin was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. It was comparable to the Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival. Isn't that a national treasure?How should I explain myself?What should we do now?
When Yiyin was in confusion, Takeda Kage suddenly threw Mikazuki Zongjin at him, and Yiyin was so frightened that he was in a hurry and almost missed it.

Takeda Kage snapped.

"Draw the knife!"


"I told you to draw your sword!"

With a clatter, Yiyin pulled out the knife again. Seeing the pitted blade corroded by acid, Yiyin's heart trembled, as if he saw a bottle of acid poured on "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

Is this thing repairable?Will I be asked to pay compensation?Bah, bah, bah, is this a question of money?
Seeing Yi Gin pull out the sword again, Takeda Kage's eyes became more complicated when he looked at him.

"Put it away."

Yoshigami returned the sword to its sheath in shock, looked at Takeda Kage, and said in confusion.

"What did you say?"

Takeda Kage walked out without looking back.

"This knife will be left here for the time being. You should put it away."


Just as Yoshigan was about to say something, Takeda Kage had already left the special care unit arranged immediately by the Harmony Group.

Outside the ward, Kosaka Sora followed Takeda Kage's departure and asked in a low voice.

"Your Highness, that's Mikazuki Munechika. How could you just hand it over to an outsider? The Takada family, a divine descendant, will go crazy!"

Takeda Kage turned to look at Kosaka Sera.

"Sora, do you believe that your ancestor came to this world from Bishamonten?"

Kosaka Sera was stunned.

"Your Highness?"

Takeda Kage sighed.

“The great power is returned to the people, and the divine power is disintegrated.

The people of the island country have forgotten the kindness of Bishamonten, and some people use science to slander their ancestors, thinking that their ancestors are just magic sticks pretending to be God's will!

It was the ancestors who ended the troubled times of the island country and allowed the island country to enjoy 500 years of peace. Forgetting is betrayal!
I believe in my ancestors, because he has accomplished great things that humans cannot do. He must be a god! "

Kosaka Sera shook his head. Talking about Shinto in this era of prosperous science always gives people a ridiculous illusion.

Regarding Takeda Kage's persistence, Kosaka Sera felt helpless, and she didn't know how to answer.

Although the Shiba family has lost its divine power, the Shiba Consortium is still unique in the island country, and the descendants of Shiba are still noble beings, so why should they dwell too much on the past?
Kosaka Sara couldn't answer, so he could only change the subject.

"Your Highness, I am asking how we should explain this matter to the Takada family of the Goddess that the Mikazuki Sect has disappeared?
Since Shiba Sage reestablished Shinto, the Shinto Takada family has inherited the new Shinto shrine maiden. Mikazuki Sect is not only a treasure of Shintoism, but also an heirloom of the Shinto Takada family.

His Highness Takada Kamiko will go crazy! "

Takeda Kage smiled slightly.

"Crazy? Good.

That nagging vixen, didn't she always say that she is the woman closest to Bishamonten, and she just asked her to recover Mikazuki Zongjin, and help me confirm one thing by the way. "

Kosaka Sera was stunned.

"what's up?"

Takeda Kage murmured to himself.

"A saint must appear every 500 years. It's been 500 years since Sage Sibo left us, right?"

After finishing speaking, Takeda Kage walked faster and faster, not giving Kosaka Saura a chance to continue asking questions.

Kosaka Sora followed Takeda Kage's footsteps with full of doubts.

Wu Tianying walked out of the hospital building all the way, and before she knew it, it was already the time when the sun was setting in the west. She stopped and looked at the red sunset for a long time, thinking silently in her heart.

500 years, saint, are you back?
(End of this chapter)

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