Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 166 I'm afraid it's not that simple

Chapter 166 I'm afraid it's not that simple

After sending away the police who came to inquire about the situation, Gu Yue returned to Yiyin's ward. Seeing his confused look, she felt very distressed and asked softly.

"How do you feel? Does your head still hurt?"

Yiyin smiled and held Gu Yue's hand, shaking his head.

"I feel fine, can I be discharged?"

After Takeda Kage left, Yoshigan saw nervous police officers coming to ask about the specific situation.

Yiyin, a good citizen before and after time travel, was more nervous when he was interrogated by the police for the first time than when he came to inquire about the situation.

Fortunately, Gu Yue arrived in time, and with her company, Yiyin was able to calm down and explain the whole process carefully.

In fact, he didn't do anything at all. He was the victim of this incident. He just needs to explain the situation clearly.

Hearing that Yiyin was going to be discharged from the hospital, Gu Yue quickly shook her head, shook his hand, stepped forward, kissed him and said.

"Be obedient and observe for one more night. Matters involving your head cannot be taken lightly."

Yiyin nodded obediently and sighed.

"Fortunately, Youyou and Xu Xing went on a trip to spend the night and won't be at home tonight. Otherwise, I really don't know how to explain to Xu Xing that I'm staying out all night."

Gu Yue joked.

"Just say you'll live in my house."

Yiyin rolled her eyes at Gu Yue. Ever since this frosty beauty decided to go to the plateau and maintain a relationship with Yiyin as lovers, she has become very different. She is quite relaxed.

She wanted to hold hands, kiss her, and tease her. Fortunately, this was a ward, otherwise Yiyin wouldn't dare to imagine what she could do.

Beneath the frosty appearance is a passionate soul that only belongs to Yiyin.

Yiyin couldn't help but wonder, is this what people often say: a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a steal, and a concubine is worse than a concubine, and stealing is worse than being unable to steal?Gu Yue is so bored because she can only steal from now on?
Gu Yue saw that Yiyin was in a daze, his handsome and cute face looking even more adorable, and couldn't help but laugh.

"what are you thinking?"

Yiyin came back to his senses, his face turned red, he felt that he had been assimilated by the men in the female-dominated world, and his thoughts were getting more and more promiscuous.

He said casually.

"I was wondering, what the police asked me just now, is it not good for you to be there? After all, you are a senior executive of the Hehe Group's Modu branch. Will it bring you any negative impact that interferes with official duties?"

Gu Yue smiled and said.

"You think this is my personal matter? In fact, this is a most important business matter."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"How to say?"

Gu Yue pointed at Mikazuki Munechika on Yiyin's bedside table and asked.

"This was given to you by Takeda Kage for safekeeping?"

Yiyin was worrying about this matter and said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what she meant, so I just left the knife and left, and said it was a national treasure like the Qingming Shanghetu, which scared me so much that I didn't know what to do with it.

How about you collect it for me and take it back to Hehe Group?I'm really afraid that if I accidentally lose this knife, I won't be able to afford the compensation if I sell it. "

Gu Yue picked up Mikazuki Munechika and tried to draw the sword, but it didn't move. She frowned.

"This Mikazuki Munechika is the most treasured treasure of Shiba Shintoism, second only to Hachiman Tainiang's White Flag and the Light Nine Virtues Armor.

This time, Takeda Kage brought it to Modu for a look at Ms. Jiang’s request.

I heard that sulfuric acid had been poured on the knife, and the blade was so twisted that it couldn't be pulled out.

This incident made Ms. Jiang very embarrassed. Takeda Kage leaving the knife may also be a silent protest, believing that Hehe Group failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect her safety in China.

Since Takeda Kage has given the knife to you for safekeeping, you should take it first. I will ask someone to issue a cultural relics concession pass for you later, so that you will not be inconvenient to travel with controlled knives. "

Yiyin was confused when he heard this, why was it that the blade of the blade was twisted and couldn't be pulled out, but I obviously pulled it out smoothly?But before he could ask, he heard Gu Yue talking about the pass, and his attention was suddenly diverted.

"What? You mean to let me carry this knife with me every day? What if I lose it?"

Gu Yue said helplessly.

"Just think of it as helping me and doing Ms. Jiang a favor. This incident has made the Modu Branch very passive. We cannot recycle this knife for the time being, so as not to arouse Takeda Kage's greater resentment.

You can rest assured that the religious significance of Mikazuki Munechika is very important, and Shiba Shinto will not allow it to wander outside for a long time.

Even if Takeda Kage gets angry, someone from the Shiba Shinto Sect will quickly come to take the sword back. You just need to help keep it carefully for a few days. "

Yiyin curled his lips and said helplessly.

"Small island countries are troublesome. How can the Harmony Group accommodate the people of the island countries like this?"

Gu Yue sighed.

“There is no small matter when it comes to foreign affairs, let alone the fact that this matter concerns the chairman of the board of directors of the island nation’s Sibo Consortium.

Ever since Shiba Yiyin unified the island country 500 years ago and wrote the four characters "dog of the Celestial Dynasty" and hung them above his own shrine, Tsutado-den, the divine Shiba has been the most loyal follower of the Celestial Dynasty.

Perhaps this is the terrible thing about divine power. In order to maintain the image of God and follow God's will, the people of the island nation have shed their blood for the Chinese dynasty for 500 years.

Facing the old friends of the Chinese people, any dispute involving the god Sibo is a major foreign-related incident that cannot be underestimated.

This time the chairman of the board of directors of the Sibo Consortium was attacked in Modu. Although the target of the attacker was you and she only affected Chiyu, this incident has already made the Modu branch very embarrassed.

You help keep Mikazuki Munechika for a few days to help the Modu branch retain some dignity, and Ms. Jiang will also accept your kindness.

Coupled with the excessive behavior of the manager surnamed Wei of Swan Games, Ms. Jiang is really angry this time. Thanks to you, I may not need to take a vacation and will continue to take charge of daily work. "

Gu Yue's words contained too much information, which made Yiyin look confused.

The history of the island nation in this female-dominated world is actually completely different from the island nation’s history in the male-dominated world. The island nation here is the loyal younger brother of the Celestial Dynasty who has been a fan for 500 years?

He was suddenly confused. What was wrong with the timelines of the two worlds?

Yoshigan thought of the painting Takeda Kage showed him, the man who looked exactly like him. Could it be that the changes in the island country started with the man named Shiba Yoshigan?
he asked Gu Yue.

"You just mentioned Shiba Consortium and Kami Shiba, but I only heard from Takeda Kage that Kami Takeda and Kami Takada are the two. What's the difference between them?"

Gu Yue smiled bitterly.

"Shiba Yoshiyin, the ancestor of the god-born Shiba, was a man.

It is said that the way he unified the island country was to conquer the entire island country, and then sleep with all the local lords of the island country that he conquered. The children of him and the lords were the first generation of Spokane descendants.

Takeda, Takada, these are the Miao characters used by the island country's nobles, which means that they belong to the branch of the island country lord who was slept with by Shiba Yigin.

The forces of their various branches unite to manage the Shiba shogunate as a joint meeting of the gods and exercise the highest power, and they are collectively called the Shiba gods.

After the island country's theocracy collapsed and the government returned to the people, the god Siba reorganized the Sibo Consortium. Although it entered the era of civil rights, the Sibo Consortium controlled 90.00% of the island country's commercial market.

With strong economic strength, the chief of the board of directors after the reorganization of the Siba consortium is also called the shogun, which is the continuation of the rule of the Siba shogunate. "

Yiyin's mouth twitched when he heard this.

A man killed everyone in the world of women, and then slept with all the conquered people. He also became a god and asked the women he slept with to give him children, and his children jointly managed the island country.

What the hell kind of cool plot is this!

Yiyin wanted to complain, but seeing Gu Yue's serious look, he didn't know where to start.It can only be said that reality is stranger than fiction. Fiction may require logic, but reality does not.

Looking at Mikazuki Munechika on the bedside table, Yoshigami couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that the meaning of the sword left by Takeda Kage was not as simple as Gu Yue thought.

Recalling the strange look in Takeda Kage's eyes after he pulled out the sword, Yoshigami couldn't help but shudder.

That moment of hunger and aggression was completely different from Takeda Kage's own abstinent and self-disciplined housewife style.

Yiyin was hesitating whether to tell Gu Yue that he could pull out the knife. At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly opened.

Panting Huang Yi appeared in front of the two of them, and saw Gu Yue sitting beside Yiyin's bed, holding Yiyin's hand, and the relationship between the two was full of ambiguity.

Huang Yi couldn't help but snorted when he saw that Yiyin looked fine but seemed embarrassed by being fucked by a man in bed.

He felt that he was so anxious that he didn't even want to wait for the high-speed train. He directly asked Xi Jianqiao to borrow a car to drive back to Modu. It was really stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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