Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 167 White Swan’s Big Trouble

Chapter 167 White Swan’s Big Trouble

With Huang Yi staring at the two people's tightly held hands, Yiyin didn't know why, but felt that his gaze was a bit burning, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

"Huang Yi, why are you here? No, how did you find this place?"

Yiyin thought that he was sent to the intensive care unit immediately because of Takeda Ying, and it took only half a day. How did Huang Yi know about this?
Huang Yi snorted, walked to the other side of the bed, glanced at Yiyin, and found nothing wrong with him. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly.

"I heard you were hospitalized. Come and take a look."

Gu Yue looked at Huang Yi with a hint of distance in her smile.

“The doctor said he should be fine, but he hit his head on the steps and may have a slight concussion, and recommended another night of observation.

By the way, didn't you go to Hangzhou?Back so soon? "

Huang Yi's hands shook, as if he wanted to touch Yiyin's head, but he clenched his fists to hold back, and said.

"Just as I was about to have dinner with Mr. Xi, I heard something happened in Modu, so I rushed back."

Gu Yue narrowed her eyes.

"Is this the news given to you by the Zhejiang branch? Their news is quite fast."

Huang Yi glanced at Gu Yue and sneered.

"The Modu branch really leaks everywhere, and dares to leak any news.

If word spreads about the fact that the chairman of the board of directors of the Sibo Consortium was in danger in Modu, the whole Hehe Group will be embarrassed. "

Gu Yue nodded.

"It's time to clean up the discipline."

Gu Yue and Huang Yi stood on both sides of Yiyin's bed and talked, but in front of Yiyin, both of them felt a little uncomfortable.

Huang Yi turned around and walked out and said.

"Go out and say a few words."

Gu Yue glanced at Yiyin and said with a smile.

"I'll be right back."

These soft words made Huang Yi's footsteps pause, and then stepped on the floor even harder to get out.

Yiyin shook his head and looked at Gu Yue's back as he left, hoping that these two guys would never get into an argument.

He didn't understand that everyone was now an adult and we weren't in school. What was there to be angry about over the past few years?

I didn’t expect these two guys to look mature but also have such a childish side.

One is a good brother, the other is a good lover, with fleshy palms and backs, and Yiyin doesn't know who to help, he just hopes that the two can reconcile by themselves.

Huang Yi walked out of the ward, looked back and saw Gu Yue closing the door, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms in front of his chest, and said coldly.

"I heard that what happened today was done by the boss of Swan Games?"

Gu Yue said with lingering fear.

"Yes, you don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time. The old guy failed to hit someone with his car, so he immediately got out of the car and threw acid at Yiyin's face. Fortunately, he didn't succeed, otherwise..."

Huang Yi's heart skipped a beat and he gritted his teeth.

"How did this happen?"

Gu Yue bit her lower lip.

"The Modu Police Department is investigating the 5-minute video on the Internet. Qian Zhi, Yiyin's sister-in-law, suddenly came to surrender.

I estimate that the man surnamed Wei felt that he had no chance of survival, so he followed Yiyin with the intention of sharing the same fate, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. "

Huang Yi took a deep breath. He was furious now and wanted to scold Gu Yue for causing Yiyin to suffer over and over again. What kind of woman was she?
But at this time, Huang Yi was not the same person he was at school. Gu Yue and he were both senior executives of the Harmony Group, and it was no longer appropriate to say some harsh words.

Moreover, Huang Yi felt sad. Two people were flirting with each other in front of the hospital bed. What qualifications did he have, and what identity did he use to stand up and accuse Gu Yue?

Seeing that Huang Yi was silent, Gu Yue took the initiative to ask.

"Are you blaming me for not taking good care of Yiyin?"

Huang Yi snorted coldly.

"Yiyin chose the road by himself. He was blind and stupid. It was the same in school, and it is still the same now. He just wants to trust you and rely on you. What do I have to say?
What is the Modu branch going to do with the guy named Wei from Swan Games? "

Gu Yue was ashamed by Huang Yi's words. When she heard her mention this person, she suddenly showed a cold smile.

"Assaulting the chief executive of the Sibo Consortium in the street, what good will she do? The person who should be afraid now is the White Swan Group's Niu Shuang.

Sibo, a divine descendant, has been devoted to the Celestial Empire for 500 years and is an old friend of the Celestial Empire who has been tested for many years.

Even if the Modu branch is willing to do it lightly, will the Imperial City head office allow it?
Before I came, Ms. Jiang had already slammed the table at the emergency meeting, and many people would be in trouble.If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do they really think that Ms. Jiang, who is cautious and patient, won't get angry?

I probably won't have to go on vacation, which is a blessing in disguise. "

Huang Yi laughed mercilessly.

"Since school, you always said you would take good care of Yiyin, but it turns out that he takes care of you every time, and this time he used his head to help you stabilize the position under your butt.

Gu Yue, you are such a girl.

Forget it, let's not mention it. I don't want to quarrel with you. I just came from Mr. Xi's side and she has already made her position clear.

The Zhejiang Branch will not participate in any form in the commercial competition between White Swan Group and Nintendo Game Company.

Zhejiang Branch will strictly abide by the rules and regulations of Hemu Group and treat all enterprises equally. "

Gu Yue sighed.

"It's a very official statement, but it's enough."

Huang Yi said coldly.

"President Xi also doesn't want to get involved in this foreign-related emergency. Regarding the shareholder wind of the Sipo Consortium, to what extent are you going to use it?"

Gu Yue asked.

"Have you seen the sword from the island nation on Yiyin's bed?"

"It's such a big piece of land, how can you not see it?"

"That sword was the legendary Mikazuki Munechika. Because Takeda Kage swung the sword to block the acid, the blade was severely corroded and twisted to the point that it could not be pulled out.

Takeda Kage simply left Mikazuki Munechi with Yoshihiro. Guess what attitude the Shiba Foundation has?

Now it's not that I want to take advantage of the Sibo Foundation's shareholder power, but the Harmony Group must appease the anger of the Siba Foundation, so as not to affect the friendly relationship between the two parties. "

Huang Yi was stunned.

"Mikazuki Munechika was destroyed? That is the most precious treasure of Shiba Shinto.

I heard that Takeda Kage is meticulous in his work, attaches great importance to tradition, and is keen to maintain the eternal Shiba Shinto.

This matter is indeed difficult to handle. "

Gu Yue sighed.

"Takeda Kage just left the hospital in the evening, went directly to the airport, and flew back to the island country overnight. He should have arrived in the island country's airspace by now.

Just watch, tomorrow morning, the Imperial City Corporation will send a supervision team to investigate this matter. If the White Swan Group is not peeled off this time, the matter will not be over. "

While the two were talking, Huang Yi's cell phone suddenly rang. Huang Yi looked at the caller ID and answered the call directly without shying away from Gu Yue.

"Hey, Minister.

Well, I'm right here in the special care unit of the hospital. I just saw Yiyin, and there's nothing wrong with his health.

Well, I saw Mikazuki Munechika, and it was placed by Yoshigami's bedside.

No, you praised it, it's not that I react quickly, this is what I should do.

Really, okay, I will pick you up at the airport tonight, and I will write the specific report now.

Do I want to get involved too?Inappropriate?Yes, I am familiar with the situation.

Okay, I understand, Minister. "

Huang Yi said a few more words, then put down the phone and said to Gu Yue.

"You're wrong, it's not tomorrow morning, it's tonight. The emergency inspection team is on its way to the Imperial City Airport and is expected to arrive at Modu Hongqiao Airport in three hours.

The minister asked me to get involved to help the supervision team familiarize themselves with the situation as soon as possible, give an explanation to the Spo Consortium, and minimize the negative impact. "

Gu Yue nodded.

"The response from the Imperial City Head Office was very quick and timely. We will be busy tonight."

Huang Yi sighed.

"Go in and say hello to Yiyin. I'll leave right away. I have to write a briefing on the incident within three hours, hoping to satisfy the inspection team."


Not long after Gu Yue and Huang Yi went out, Yi Yin suddenly heard the ringtone of his cell phone.

He had been changed into a hospital gown, and he didn't know where his cell phone was. After searching around, he found his wallet and cell phone placed carefully on the bedside table.

Seeing that the caller was Wen Xinghan, Yiyin picked up the phone.

"Hey, Senior Brother."

"Sorry, I called you on the weekend and disturbed your rest."

"It's okay. Brother Xue, do you want to see me if you have something to do?"

"Well, it's actually the company's business. The company's custody account has been unfrozen. Several senior executives from the other party I had been in contact with suddenly called me, hoping that our company could show their favor.

They seem to know that we have some upper-level connections in our company, and hope we can help with a few words. It seems that the unfreezing of the account this time is not just a simple unfreezing, and their internal punishment is quite strong.

Since I don't know the specific situation, I want to ask you.

Do you want to raise your hand? After all, I will have to deal with several of their executives in the future. If the quarrel is too tense, I'm afraid that someone will try to trick me in the future. "

Yiyin then remembered that he had only told Wen Xinghan about the unfreezing of the account. Wen Xinghan did not know the inside story behind the unfreezing of the finance department and financial management department of Hehe Group.

So, information channels are the primary productive force. Sometimes, even smart people who lack upper-level information channels will be shown off by mediocre people like Yiyin.

"Brother Xue, I'm going to ask about the situation first.

In fact, this matter is quite complicated. I am thinking that these senior executives will never have the opportunity to help us in the future, so you don’t have to worry too much. "

Wen Xinghan, an elite accountant, probably understood when he heard this.

"Well, I'll fool them here and wait for your arrangements."

Yiyin smiled. Talking to smart people saves energy. He chatted with Wen Xinghan for a few more words, and hung up the phone without talking about his current situation.

After hanging up the phone, Yiyin thought for a while.

At this moment, Hong Qi was playing outside with Xu Xing and Yuyou. Maybe Yuyou had already fallen asleep and the couple was happily having sex for the second half. It would not be appropriate to call at this time.

Yiyin casually opened Ding Qi's phone and called.

"It's rare, Yiyin, why did you take the initiative to call me?"

"I missed you, Brother Dinky."

"Stop giving me this set. You can keep it and use it on Huang Yi. It's guaranteed to have miraculous effects.

If you have anything to say, just say it. "

"Isn't my company's account unfrozen? Those bank executives wanted to intercede with me, but I couldn't figure out the situation. I didn't know whether I should agree to them."

"Why are you asking me about this? Ask Hong Qi, isn't she in Modu?"

"Hong Qi and Xu Xing are going on a trip. It's the dead of night and we're spending time together. I'm afraid it will delay their evening."

Hearing Yiyin's words, Ding Qi on the opposite side suddenly became angry.

"I dare you to say that a night of love for them is worth a thousand pieces of gold. I have been married for many years and I don't deserve to have nightlife, right? So you can call me at will, right?"
Hurry up and hang up the phone, my wife is warming the bed, waiting for me to make a fire. "

Yiyin laughed dryly, not knowing how to deal with this tough talker after marriage.

On the other hand, Ding Qi smiled, changed the tone of the conversation, and said.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about them anymore, I'm telling you the truth, they are finished.

Every year, a few bad apples are caught in the system and come out to show the courage to innovate.Before this year's candidates were chosen, they jumped out on their own, just in time to bring the sacrificial flag.

You don't need to pay attention to them. In a month at most, they will go to the specified time and place, and they will never have any interaction with your company in the future.

These bastards, when I went to Modu to help you write the escrow agreement, they all patted their chests and said to help me take care of you.

After I left, they would come back and help the White Swan Group to step on you, and they didn't forget to call me to say they were sorry and they had no choice but to do so.

If you say one thing and do another, you deserve to die. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Just because of the freezing of an escrow account, you went down? It's also pitiful.

After all, they are your friends in Magic City. You didn't want to help them? "

Ding Qi seemed to be shaking with laughter and said.

"Look at how pitiful they are now, how terrible their faces are when they eat people.

At the end of last year, a young couple in Modu had to pay off their mortgage for ten years by eating branyancai. Because they lost their jobs and cut off their mortgage payment, your sympathetic executive sued them directly and the house was enforced.

Unfortunately, it was the family's only house. The law stipulates that the only house cannot be enforced, so she froze all the family's bank cards, which contained 5 yuan for life-saving money for the elderly's medical treatment.

There was no other way, so the young couple could only agree to the execution. For 5 yuan, they worked in vain for ten years in Modu, and the interest and house were taken away.

By the way, the executive you sympathize with won a lot more year-end bonus because of this incident.

Also, they are my colleagues, at most fair-weather friends.I can make hundreds of friends like this in a month. It's fun enough if everyone is always nice to me and doesn't step on me when something goes wrong.

I can tell you frankly that they were unlucky, and I stepped up and stomped on them.

You promised me to take care of you, but later I will help the White Swan Group backstab you. If I let them get through easily, how can I still work in the finance department in the future?I really think I am a compassionate Bodhisattva.

I don’t have many brothers, and your charity money counts as one.If they touch you through my line, I will trample them to death, so don't worry about it. "

Yiyin was both angry and moved when he heard that.

Ding Qi's unabashed businessman's face, pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages, flattering others and suppressing others, should have made Yiyin feel disgusted, but his straightforward words have the magnanimity of a true villain.

Facing such a good brother, Yiyin really has nothing to say, what a bad fate.

In the end, he could only choke out one sentence.

"Forget it, do whatever you want, I don't care about your Hehe Group's affairs."

Ding Qi on the other side sneered.

"No matter what? Can you handle it?"
Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore, my wife is urging me to go to bed, bye. "

Yoshigan smiled bitterly and shook his head, looked at Mikazuki Munechika on the bedside table, and sighed.

That's right, who am I? How can I care about the dirty things of Hehe Group?

No matter whether it was Wen Xinghan or Ding Qi, Yiyin never mentioned the Spo Consortium. He always felt that this matter was very sensitive and he should not mention it.

In short, power, hey.

(End of this chapter)

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