Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 168 Gu Yue's Proud Side

Chapter 168 Gu Yue’s proud side

As soon as Yiyin put down the phone, Huang Yi opened the door and came in.

"Are you finished talking?"

Huang Yi nodded, looked at Yiyin's mobile phone and said.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave right away. Don't tell anyone about today's affairs for the time being, so as not to cause more trouble."

Yiyin laughed.

"I know something, don't worry."

Huang Yi glanced at Gu Yue who followed in, walked up to Yiyin, and said earnestly.

"This world is always full of malice towards us men, and the more handsome a man is, the more likely he will be a victim.

Women have been taught to be self-reliant and self-reliant since childhood. They know very well that they are walking a thorny road and are viewed with the strictest eyes by society. They can only rely on their own strength to keep moving forward.

But men are different. The road of men is full of all kinds of temptations. Those things that seem to be easy to obtain are actually accompanied by high prices.

After thirty, when people age and their appearance fades, and society's protection for men gradually fades away, you will discover that a man's path is actually no different from a woman's path.

The front is also full of thorns, and only by overcoming the thorns can a bloody path be blazed.

It is a pity that because there are too many temptations on the road ahead and they are too beautiful, many men have never experienced hardship. They will only cry in front of thorns and have long lost the courage to cross the past.

Yiyin, you have suffered once, I believe that with your wisdom, you will never fall into the same pit twice.

Women are unreliable. If they want to pursue true happiness, men can only rely on their own hands and be self-reliant.

I'm leaving, and this is the last time I'll talk to you like this.I have told you countless times in the past, and you are tired of hearing it, and I am tired of talking about it, so that's all, you can do it yourself. "

After Huang Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left without any delay.

When he passed Gu Yue's side, the two exchanged glances, as if lightning and flint were intersecting.

As the door of the ward was closed, only Yiyin and Gu Yue were left in the room.

Yi Yin looked at Gu Yue, smiled awkwardly, and said.

"Huang Yi...it's for my own good. He speaks too hastily, so don't mind."

Gu Yue smiled and shook her head, sitting down next to Yiyin.

"I'm used to it, that's how he talked in school back then.

Especially when I fell in love with you, he was quite reserved in front of you. Once you left, he would immediately make all kinds of sarcastic remarks. I have long been used to it.

He has a good family background and a high spirit, which I can understand.And he really cares about you, and I won't even bother with her. "

When Gu Yue uttered the words "caring about you", her tone was a bit subtle.

But Yiyin did not receive the special signal and just smiled.

"As a good brother, it's understandable that you always worry about me being cheated by a woman. As time goes by, things will get better gradually."

Gu Yue smiled bitterly.

Yiyin is very slow on this matter. That's what he said back then. Six or seven years have passed and he still hasn't noticed it.

Seeing Gu Yue's expression, Yiyin misunderstood again and asked.

"Gu Yue, don't you like people like Huang Yi and Hong Qi very much?

People like you who entered the Harmony Group through your own efforts, can't get along with those descendants of their families who have served the Harmony Group for generations? "

Gu Yue was stunned and immediately realized that Yiyin thought that the conflict between herself and Huang Yi was a top-level conflict.In fact, the quarrel between himself and Huang Yi was only because of Yiyin.

With a slight smile, Gu Yue explained.

"Yiyin, you misunderstood.

Hehe Group has the most superior selection mechanism in the world. Children like Huang Yi and Hong Qi may receive some preferential treatment, but if they are not good enough, they will not get far. "

Yiyin touched his head.


Gu Yue nodded.

“There is a saying that when people leave, the tea cools down, and the same applies to Hehe Group.

If a senior executive of Hehe Group gives birth to a child at the age of 30, then when she retires at the age of 60, the child will only be 30 years old.

Even if the child directly joins the Hehe Group after graduating from college, the senior management can only help him for seven or eight years, and the child will be at the middle level of the local subsidiary at most.

When the senior executives retire, if the children want to continue to make progress, they have to rely on their own true abilities. "

Seeing Gu Yue looking proud of Hehe Group, Yiyin couldn't help but argue.

"That's not necessarily true. What if the senior executives have many good friends? What if the senior executives don't retire?"

Gu Yue shook her head.

"No matter how good a friend is, he will not waste his limited resources on mud, unless his friend's child is particularly outstanding, such as Huang Yi.

As for not retiring, you are thinking too much.

Even if you are the highest-ranking president of Hehe Group, your term is only ten years, and you will retire at the end of the term. It is impossible for you to sit in this position forever. "

Yiyin was possessed by Gang Jing at the moment and continued.

"What if? There are no absolutes in the world? What if Hehe Group happens to be at a critical moment in business and it is inconvenient for the president to retire?"

Gu Yue sighed, feeling helpless with Yiyin's desperately thinking, she said.

“I said it’s impossible.

Back then, when Hehe Group was founded, faced with fierce business competition that was like being encircled by global chaebols, the founder only served as president for ten years before retiring behind the scenes.

No matter how difficult it is now, how much harder was it in the beginning?No matter how high the prestige of the current president is, how can it be higher than the founder?The founders didn’t even have a bank account, so who later on would be qualified to change this rule? "

Yiyin looked at Gu Yue's firm eyes and said something unexpectedly.

"Then what if someone is really connected to the estate and sits for 15 or 20 years?"

Gu Yue sneered.

"Then take me out first!
As long as I'm still in the Harmony Group, I won't be allowed to form such a barrier lake to nourish mosquito-like *benefit* groups. "

At this moment, Gu Yue exudes the temperament of a martyr, like a beautiful butterfly willing to put out fire for her ideals.

Yi Yin looked a little scared, he quickly grabbed Gu Yue's hand, and changed the subject with a smile.

"I'm just arguing with you and acting like a spoiled brat, do you take it seriously!"

Gu Yue laughed.

"Don't worry, Hehe Group is the best business company in the world. Our days will get better and better. You have to believe me and us."

Yiyin nodded obediently.

This was the first time that Gu Yue showed her strong side in front of him, which made Yiyin both curious and worried.

But he, a common man, couldn't get involved in the Hehe Group's affairs, so he couldn't say much.

The two of them had a warm moment, then Gu Yue stood up and said.

"Okay, it's time for me to go to work."

Yiyin said in surprise.

"It's so late and you still have to go to work?"

Gu Yue sighed.

"The chairman of the board of directors of the Spo Consortium was attacked. Such a big thing happened. I don't know how many people will spend a sleepless night tonight.

You have a good rest, and if there are no problems, you will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Huang Yi is right, don't mention this matter to anyone for now, it's too sensitive.

I probably won't be able to come back in time tomorrow to help you with the discharge procedures. I'll ask the secretary to come over once, so you don't have to worry. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"I understand, be careful."

Gu Yue laughed.

"What should I be careful about? I'm not the one who's going to be unlucky."

Gu Yue lowered her head and kissed Yiyin, then reluctantly left the ward.

Yiyin glanced at the empty ward. In this era of shortage of medical resources, it is really extravagant to monopolize this empty ward of a third-level hospital for one night.

Finally, he looked out the window. It was already late at night, so go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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