Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 169 The Public Relations Genius That Pulls Investment

Chapter 169 The Public Relations Genius That Pulls Investment
This night, Yiyin had a lot of dreams.

As the old saying goes, when you see things, you miss people.But no one knows whether objects in reality carry memories of the past.

The special power in Yoshigan's body seems to be able to extract memories from Mikazuki Munechika and project them into Yoshigan's dreams.

As a shadow samurai, Li Huazuo took Mikazuki Zongjin to guard the side of the legendary ancestor Siba all the time, and a large number of fragments of Mikazuki Zongjin were also preserved.

This made Yiyin very uncomfortable. He was not interested in the history of the island country 500 years ago, but the clips of Sankai Yuezong's close-up were directly printed in his mind, which made him remember deeply.

It is very painful and boring for a person to remember things that he is not interested in.

In the morning, when Yiyin woke up, he even felt like he had escaped.

Glancing at Mikazuki Munechika on the bedside, Yoshigan sighed.

The thought of having to carry this knife with him gave Yiyin a headache.I hope the people from Shiba Shinto will come soon and take away the knife quickly. I have had one dream after another this night, which is very tiring.

The summer dawn came very early. After the doctors and nurses who visited the ward came, Yiyin sat on the bed and browsed the Internet on his mobile phone out of boredom.

This time around the Yiyin video scandal, online public opinion is full of twists and turns.

At first, netizens just regarded this incident as a male boss accidentally leaking a sexy video, and the Internet went wild.

When a large number of fake videos were released, Yiyin's illness and experience were exposed, the Harmony Group fell into disgrace, and the manipulation behind the White Swan Group was discovered, the entire public opinion reversed instantly.

Based on public order and good customs, a large number of silent netizens came forward to speak out, forming a public counterattack against the White Swan Group.

But just like Niu Shuang, President of White Swan Group, who has been immersed in the Internet industry for 20 years, no one understands netizens better than her.

Most netizens want to eat. After everyone was filled with indignation, they returned to their real lives and stopped paying attention to this matter.

At this time, online public opinion began to surge again, and some netizens who claimed to be independent thinkers began to show off their IQs and talk about how if Yiyin was not sexy enough, he would be filmed on video.

The maliciousness on the Internet is far greater than the goodwill on the Internet. While watching Yiyin's fake video, the extreme netizens called Yiyin a coquettish person. After missing the wave of justice, they are back.

Things have developed to this point, which was actually within the expectations of the White Swan Group.

It is difficult to whitewash a person, but it is easy to discredit a person. The Internet has memory, but memory is always half-true and half-false, and it cannot help good people.

According to Niu Shuang's opinion, this matter will eventually turn into a mess. Friends from the Hehe Group will come forward to help, and He Xini will be over it.

Niu Shuang, who has been in the shopping mall for 20 years, is indeed very cunning, but unfortunately, from the moment Takeda Kage danced Mikazuki Munechika to block the acid, things completely broke away from the White Swan Group's calculations.

At this moment, online public opinion is no longer important.

Yiyin browsed the contents on his mobile phone with great interest.

Netizens have too much imagination, they put themselves into various poses, write all kinds of jokes, and all kinds of women have all kinds of stories with themselves.

Men in the world of female supremacy will definitely lose their beauty and hide their faces in tears when they see netizens reveling like this and slandering their reputation.

But Yiyin was different, he was so happy watching it.It's like countless people have used him as a prototype to write the best harem pleasure stories, all kinds of active and passive moxa, vivid and vivid, more enjoyable than Zuo Ai.

Just when Yiyin was looking at it with joy, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

"Please come in."

"Hello, Mr. Yi."

Yiyin looked at the woman in formal clothes who came in and felt a little familiar.

"Are you... Gu Yue's secretary?"

At the class reunion, it was this secretary who brought Gu Yue's mobile phone, allowing Yiyin and Gu Yue to exchange flying signals again, which was the starting point for the two of them to start over.

The woman in formal attire smiled.

"Mr. Yi has a good memory.

My surname is Zhang, and I am Ms. Gu’s secretary. You can just call me Xiao Zhang.

Ms. Gu is in a meeting and can't come over.So, she assigned me to help you with the discharge procedures. "

Yi Yin smiled.

"Then I'll trouble you, Secretary Zhang."

Secretary Zhang shook his head.

“You’re too kind, this is what I should do.

I asked the doctor just now and she said you can be discharged from the hospital at any time. I will go through the procedures now and you can prepare first. "

Yiyin nodded and smiled.

"very good, thank you."


At five o'clock in the evening, the door of Xu Xing's house was opened, and Youyou took the lead. After running in, she kicked off her shoes and rushed into the arms of Yiyin who was placing dishes and chopsticks.

"Dad! Daddy! I'm back!"

Yiyin picked up Youyou, pinched her little face, kissed her and taught her a lesson.

"Who told you to throw your shoes around? Come down and put them away quickly!"

Yuyou hugged Yiyin tightly without saying a word, followed Xu Xing who came in, put Yuyou's little shoes away, and said with a smile.

"Yuyou just wants to give up. Last night she kept shouting that she missed her daddy. Sure enough, it's better to be her real daddy. No matter how diligent my godfather is, he has to step aside."

Seeing that Xu Xing closed the door casually, Yiyin asked.

"Where's Hong Qi? She didn't come back together? Didn't I tell you on the phone that she should come back for dinner? I've set out the dishes and chopsticks for her."

Xu Xing made a sound.

"Why would we let that stinky woman come in to our brother's cozy home?"

Yiyin hugged Yoyo, coughed, and looked at Xu Xing with a smile.

Xu Xing blushed when he saw him and said angrily.

"She received a call. It was urgent and she flew back to the Imperial City overnight."

Yiyin laughed.

"That's right, it's good to be honest.

There's nothing embarrassing about having sex between a man and a woman. Just like it if you like it. I think Hong Qi is a very good person. Don't always act so arrogant. If you really scare her away, you'll cry to death. "

Xu Xing put his hands on his waist.

"She dares!"

Yiyin was too lazy to look at Xu Xing's paper tiger appearance, so he put down Youyou and said.

"Okay, Hong Qi is not here, who are you showing it to? Get ready to eat, it will be ready soon."

Yiyin entered the kitchen to serve the dishes, and Xu Xing curled his lips in displeasure. He saw Mikazuki Munechika on the decorative cabinet and asked casually.

"Where did the island sword come from? The style is quite simple, like an old one."

Xu Xing took the knife and tried to pull it out, but failed several times and curled his lips in disdain.

"What, it's just a one-piece decoration, it doesn't have a blade at all, right?"

Yiyin came out with the old duck soup and saw Xu Xing playing with Mikazuki Sokika, and said casually.

"Be careful, that sword is called Mikazuki Munechika, and it is a national treasure of the island country similar to the Qingming Riverside Scene.

Don't rub off anything on it with your careless hands. Hong Qi won't be able to pay for it if he sells it later. "

Xu Xing looked back at Yiyin, who looked serious, and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you starting to act like a cold-faced comedian now? It's a pity that what you said is too exaggerated. It's not true at all and it's not funny."

Xu Xing casually threw Mikazuki Munechika back onto the cabinet, and smashed it with no mercy or care, making Yiyin's eyes twitch.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. By the way, tomorrow is Monday. I'd like you to take her to the studio. I want to go back to the company for a regular meeting.

I don’t know when this wind will stop. It’s really annoying. It’s not convenient for me to go anywhere now. "

Yiyin turned back and continued to get the dishes, and Xu Xing took the initiative to fill the bowls of the three of them with soup.

Xu Xing actually admired Yiyin in his heart. Xu Xing gritted his teeth when he saw the gossip on the Internet, but Yiyin in the center of the storm could remain calm and talk and laugh happily.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about this psychological quality, even Hong Qi admires her very much. It is really like a mountain falling before her, but her appearance remains unchanged.

Yiyin is handsome on the outside, weak from mental illness, and strong and brave in his bones.

This is also one of the reasons why women such as Gu Yue, Xi Feifei, Sun Youling, Li Hongmei, and Xing Yaoyao both love and admire him.

Society pities the disadvantaged, but people admire strong fathers more, especially handsome widowers like Yi Yin.

The three of them were eating when Yiyin's cell phone suddenly rang. He looked at it and saw that the caller ID was Gao Xin.

Yiyin couldn't help but wonder, why did Gao Xin call?Hasn't her investment been withdrawn?Song Huanxi also left 300 million yuan in compensation in the escrow account, which was considered a settlement.

After thinking about it, Yiyin still picked up the phone and said politely.

"Hello, Mr. Gao."

"Hahaha, Brother Yin, you are Feifei's good friend. We are all friends. You don't need to be so outspoken. Just call me Xiaoxin."

As soon as Gao Xin opened his mouth, Yiyin's face was filled with the almost flattering familiarity, and Yiyin said with a bitter smile.

"Um...what's the matter with you?"

"Brother Yin, I heard that your account has been unfrozen? That's great. The bank will open tomorrow and my investment can continue to be transferred there."

Yiyin was even more confused.

"No, please wait a moment, isn't your investment terminated?

Ms. Song Huanxi contacted Mr. Wen Xinghan, who is in charge of our company's finances, and told Mr. Gao that you have stopped investing in our company's projects, and the 300 million in the account will be used as compensation for breach of contract. "

Gao Xin on the other end of the phone was even more surprised than Yiyin, she said.

"How can I stop investing? I, Gao Xin, am a real bitch who spits and nails, how can I not keep my words?

Song Huanxi’s personal words cannot represent mine.Brother Yin, I have invested in your project and I will definitely invest to the end.

You just need to promise now, and I will transfer money to your account tomorrow, at nine o'clock in the morning, on time! "

Gao Xin looked like he was impatient to give away the money, which made Yiyin feel even weirder. He said slowly.

"Song Huanxi and Wen Xinghan's words don't count, but Xi Feifei told me personally that you have withdrawn your capital, Mr. Gao. Did Xi Feifei lie to me? Do you need me to call her to confirm?"

As soon as he heard the words "Xi Feifei", Gao Xin, who had just repaid Bo Yuntian, immediately became angry.

After a while, Gao Xin's sigh came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Brother Yin, let me tell you the truth.

Originally, I was going to talk to Feifei about this, but because of the divestment a few days ago, she and I had a bit of a quarrel, and now she refuses to answer my calls. "

Yiyin was angry and funny.

"Because Xi Feifei ignored you, so you came to fool me? Just in case I was confused and nodded and agreed to you, you would have passed the test, right?"

Gao Xin laughed twice.

"Brother Yin is wise."

Yiyin shook his head, raised the phone in his hand, stood up, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Mr. Gao, what's going on?

You divest, I understand, after all, my side is on the cusp of the storm, I can understand your thoughts of not wanting to wade into the muddy water.

But now you are in a hurry to give me money, and my heart is pounding. You have to give me a reason, right?right? "

"Brother Yin, you can just call me Xiaoxin, don't call Mrs. Gao, I'm a fart Mr. Gao.

In fact, you also know that the [-] million is the entrepreneurial capital my mother gave me.

But the money went to Song Huanxi's account, and I felt very aggrieved. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked Feifei to deal with Song Huanxi that time.

The matter of divestment really has nothing to do with me. It was my mother who passed me by and contacted Song Huanxi alone. The 300 million compensation was also settled by Song Huanxi herself.

Tell me, do I feel aggrieved?They say I am investing, but in fact I am just a marionette. I have never believed in my abilities! "

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's not convenient for me as an outsider to know too much about your mother and daughter's private affairs. I'm just curious, why did you think of coming back to invest again?"

"Brother Yin, since the day the capital was withdrawn, Feifei has not answered my phone calls, and I feel very guilty.

Today, just now, my mother suddenly called me and asked me to resume investment immediately. If Brother Yin is angry, she can add an additional [-] million as a sign of sincerity. "

Yiyin took a breath and added an additional [-] million, which was a total investment of [-] million!
Does the Gundam Group really have Gundam?Mrs. Gao Xin just threw two hundred million into the water without blinking an eye?

When he came back to his senses, Yiyin's heart skipped a beat.

The Gundam Group is the dominant construction company in the country, and Gao Xin's mother must have had her own information channels to achieve this position.

Could it be that she knew about the attack on Takeda Kage?Yoshigami glanced at Mikazuki Munechika on the decorative cabinet and thought, maybe she also knew that this knife was in her hand.

Outsiders don't know the cause and effect of this incident, at most they know that the white swan is going to be unlucky, the relationship between the Sibo consortium and Yiyin is unusual, and even the national treasure is kept in Yiyin's hands for safekeeping.

One to two billion is not a big number for the Gundam Group, but it would be bad if Yiyin and Xi Feifei were offended by the initiative to divest.

Besides, when businessmen do things, it is always better to resolve enemies than to make enemies.

If it is confirmed that Yiyin has a strong background and Xi Feifei's relationship, Gao Xin's friendship with the two should be a good thing that Gao Xin and her mother would like to see.

Investing one or two billion, not to mention whether you will lose money, even if you spend money to buy this relationship, not everyone has this opportunity and this destiny.

After thinking about it clearly, Yiyin still had to sigh that Gao Xin's mother was really decisive. After all, it was [-] million.

"Brother Yin? Are you still there?"

"Well, I'm here."

"What about investment?"

"Okay, two hundred million is two hundred million, I agree."

"Thank you, Brother Yin, thank you!"

Gao Xin was so happy that she thanked her profusely, as if Yiyin had given her two hundred million.

"Okay, if I take your money, I will definitely do a good job in the project and won't let your investment go to waste.

I will go back and talk to Feifei about the specific transfer of funds. I will talk about it after work tomorrow. I also need to say hello to the finance side. "

"It's okay, just promise. I'll be waiting for your news and I'll be on call."

Yiyin said a few more polite words, and when he hung up the phone, he looked at Xu Xing in confusion, only to see him nibbling duck wings with relish.

Traveling through two months, from 100 million to [-] million, is he really the public relations genius that Wen Xinghan said, attracting investment?

(End of this chapter)

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