Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 170 Of course I forgive her

Chapter 170 Of course I forgive her
Xu Xing glanced at Yiyin, seeing him foolishly looking at his indecent gesture of grabbing the duck's wings, he couldn't help coughing, and put it down.

"This old duck soup tastes good, why don't you come over for dinner after calling?"

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I still have to make a call. By the way, Xu Xing, do you want to take back the 100 million?"

Yiyin wanted to make a phone call to Xi Feifei, but suddenly remembered her slutty movie about having money on the outside and celebrity on the inside.

The 100 million that Xu Xing gave him was to buy a K-banquet. Now that he is not short of money, he might as well give the money back to Xu Xing and let him buy a car.

Taking out a tissue, Xu Xing wiped his mouth and asked.

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden? I'm not in a hurry to use the money right now. Your company is in trouble right now, so there's no need to rush to pay it back to me."

Yoshigami touched his head, remembering the huge impact that Takeda Kage's attack had on the White Swan Group, and sighed.

"I feel like the darkness before dawn has passed, and my good days seem to be coming."

"How to say?"

"Gao Xin called me. She had withdrawn her investment before, but now she wanted to come back and continue to invest. I was not happy to agree, but in the end I was moved by her sincerity."

Xu Xing was focused on eating just now and didn't pay much attention to what Yiyin said on the phone. Now seeing Yiyin starting to get confused again, he couldn't help but say.

"Yi Yin, in business, you cannot tolerate being soft-hearted in matters in the mall.

Although the Gao family is rich, their attitude of withdrawing their capital when something goes wrong clearly means they don't take you seriously.

A good horse never turns back, so you can't just be soft-hearted and allow others to do it just because they have a good attitude. . . "

Yi Yin interrupted.

"Gao Xin wants to invest an additional [-] million."

Xu Xing almost bit his tongue mid-sentence.

"Well...she is quite sincere, why don't you forgive her?"

Yi Yin nodded.

"So I agree."

Xu Xing sighed and scratched his head.

"After I graduated, I focused on my career. I worked hard for six years and achieved great results. However, it was still hard to find investors and I only had a few hundred million in capital.

You're awesome. It's only been a little over a month since Nintendo Game Company opened its doors, but it's already produced two games, and it's brought back an investment of [-] million?
Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to loss.No, I'm burning with jealousy. I'm jealous to death. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"That's why I asked you, do you want to take 100 million back so that you can buy a new car and be happy?"

Xu Xing glared at Yiyin and cursed.

"You are so heartless.

When you wanted to start a business, who supported you with private money?When you feel that your business is going to fail, who is there to guarantee that even if you fail, you will be able to come back and support you for the rest of your life?

Now that your company is on the right track, you want to kick me out?Where is your conscience?

Just give me the money and that's it?I'm the original stock! A round investors!Priority in enjoying corporate development dividends!Let me tell you, about getting rich, don't try to kick me out! "

Yiyin shook his head.

"It's you, it's you, it's all you, right? You are the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves suffering, and I will serve you all my life.

That's not what I mean, hey, I really don't understand, just talk about it, don't get angry. "

Xu Xing came over, sat down on the sofa next to Yiyin, and sighed.

“I, a financial engineer and the owner of a financial management studio, have never seen an investor like you in my life.

When you have money, you will return 100 million to me. I am so angry that I almost vomit blood. It is simply an insult to my professional knowledge.

I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore. I'll talk to Wen Xinghan myself later.

Your company now has money, 100 million, but you can't mess around like you did when you had [-] million. You need to establish a modern corporate financial system.

Regarding salary grading, incentive system, and investor rights, let Wen Xinghan set up the finance department first. He can't handle it alone, so he should hire a few more people.

Damn it, you only give Wen Xinghan 5000 yuan a month. Are you recruiting a financial director?If you find a dog in the market to sit in the position of financial director, it will cost you more than [-] yuan a month. "

Yiyin was so scolded that he couldn't resist, he waved his hands repeatedly.

"I know, I know, I will talk to Wen Xinghan about this at the regular meeting tomorrow.

Now let me make a few phone calls first, okay?Let's talk after I get the money first. "

Xu Xing glanced at Yiyin, snorted, and stood up.

"Boss, please take your time on the phone. I'm going to wash the dishes."

"Hey, I haven't finished eating yet, what are you going to collect?"

"Hunger helps you think deeply. Eating too much can make you sleepy and lie down."

"Are you a devil?"

Yiyin complained, picked up the phone, and dialed Xi Feifei's number.

"Hey, boss, do you miss me?"

"Gao Xin misses you."

"Tch, did this grandson call you? Ignore her and let her cower in her mother's crotch for the rest of her life, this worthless thing."

"I have promised to let her come back to invest, and next Monday, the money will come in one after another."

"Isn't it? Boss, you should at least ask me for my opinion first!

What do you care about this guy who is erratic, unable to stand his ground, and flinches when his mother speaks? "

"I also wanted to reject her, but she really gave me too much. She said she would invest an additional [-] million."

Xi Feifei seemed to be choked, and after a long while, she faintly uttered a sentence.

"These construction guys are really rich. Forget it, for the sake of [-] million, just forgive her this time."

"Yeah, I think so too.

Since your opinion is the same as mine, I hope Gao Xin will come back to you later and have a better attitude. After all, he is an investor and has invested a lot of money. "

"I know, boss, you don't need to remind me about this kind of thing, I know it very well.

But it's so strange, how could Gao Xin's mother be so generous all of a sudden? "

Without Mrs. Gao Xin's nod, even Gao Xin herself would have spent [-] million, not to mention her reluctance to part with it, and her money would not be able to leave her account.

So Xi Feifei was very surprised. Why did Mrs. Gao Xin's attitude turn 180 degrees in just a few days?
Because of the fermentation of public opinion on the Internet?That's impossible!These construction workers are so shameless. If the spit from the Internet could hit their faces, they would have drowned long ago.

Xi Feifei didn't know that in the two days since she and Yiyin were separated, the situation between White Swan and Ren Tianxing had changed drastically.

It was inconvenient for Yiyin to talk about what happened yesterday, but in fact, even he himself didn't know. The inspection team from the Imperial City Corporation arrived in Modu at midnight last night, and both Gu Yue and Huang Yi were busy and didn't sleep all night.

The storm is coming, and countless smart people have keenly sensed that the limelight is not right.

Gao Xin will not be the first person to show her kindness to Yiyin. She licks her face and comes back to double her investment, which may be just the beginning.

After giving Xi Feifei a few perfunctory words and hanging up the phone, Yiyin called Wen Xinghan again.

"Hey, Senior Brother."

"Well, boss, is there any follow-up on the situation at the bank?"

Yiyin then remembered that Wen Xinghan's bank executives were still waiting to ask him to show mercy.

Thinking of Ding Qi's words, Yiyin sighed.

"It's hopeless. They will disappear in a few days, and the mobile phone can't get through. When they show up again, they will probably be on a legal program."

Wen Xinghan said calmly on the other end of the phone.

"I understand."

Yi Yin sighed, Wen Xinghan always seemed so calm, is it because all elites in the accounting industry are like this, or is his mental illness different?
"One more thing, Brother Xue, funds will be transferred into the escrow account starting from Monday. I need your help to follow up."

"Or Gao Xin's funds?"

"Yes, but this time it is [-] million. We will discuss the specific situation at the regular meeting tomorrow."

"Two hundred million? Okay, I understand."

This time, Wen Xinghan's calmness made Yiyin a little uneasy, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Xue, aren't you surprised?"

"No, I have always had great confidence in you. Even if you tell me tomorrow that you are the reincarnation of a god, I won't be surprised.

As long as the five social insurances and one housing fund continue, you will be my food, clothing and parents. Of course I believe in you. "

Is this what you believe?Similar to online article readers’ subscription, do you believe that the author thanks his parents for food and clothing and is willing to write anything?What a cheap sense of trust.

Yiyin is helpless.

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow."

"OK Bye Bye."

Yiyin hung up the phone. Youyou had already finished her meal and ran over to nuzzle her father.

Yiyin stretched out his hand and touched Youyou's head, looking at her with her eyes narrowed in enjoyment, like a well-behaved kitten.

"Yuyou, what kind of person is dad in your eyes?"

Youyou said with a smile.

"Daddy is a handsome guy! A super handsome guy!"

Yiyin rubbed his cheeks helplessly and sighed.

After all, you still have to rely on your face to make a living, right?


The next morning, Yiyin met the smiling Xi Feifei again downstairs and collapsed.

"Why are you here again?"

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"Hurry up and get in the car. Don't be blessed with blessings. I've never been in a hurry to be a driver in my life. Just have fun secretly."

Yiyin got into the passenger seat and said.

"Can you please stop coming to pick me up all the time? The female security guard in the community always sees luxury cars picking me up and has some ideas."

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin in surprise.

"So you still care about other people's opinions? I always thought you were mentally ill and didn't care at all.

What's wrong with the community security guard having an idea?Maybe the security guard at the door is one of them. "

Righteousness and silver qi knot.

“Online is online, reality is reality.

I can keep an eye out for things online, but in reality the female security guard is right in front of me, so I have to pay attention to the impact, right? "

Xi Feifei started the car, turned the steering wheel, and said.

"Yeah, that's why I came to pick you up.

What are you going to do if I don't come?Take the subway or take a taxi?While saying that it’s not convenient to meet people recently, he went to the subway to let the crazy girl touch a real person and feel good, right? "

Yiyin glared at Xi Feifei fiercely.

Since giving Sun Youling a push on her butt, Xi Feifei has become more and more unscrupulous in her speech.

It's true that just by watching Yiyin drink water, her eyes will become stringy, and by watching Yiyin's Adam's apple move, her vagina will become wet.

Miss Xi Er is now full of such things. How can Yiyin communicate with her normally?
He could only say bitterly.

"Dogs bark."

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"It's just a joke, why do you take it seriously? Don't be so stingy and give me a smile?
Okay, okay, to be honest, Gao Xin and I bumped into each other last night.

Just after I called you, I answered her call. I was having a drink with a friend. She drove over and fined her three drinks. This matter is over.

At 08:30 today, Song Huanxi's finance department will go to the bank. Ask Wen Xinghan to keep an eye on it. You still have to worry about money. "

Yiyin sneered.

"I thought you, Miss Xi Er, were born in the mire and were unstained, and looked down upon these copper-stinking bastards the most. So it turns out that you would give up for five buckets of rice?"

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"You're so heartless. If it weren't for your company, would I let Gao Xin go so easily?

Besides, that's not five buckets of rice, that's two hundred million. Aren't you tempted too? "

Yiyin shook his head and said nothing.

Two hundred million. Based on his salary in his previous life, starting from the time of Qin Shihuang, he would not be able to earn two hundred million even if he saved it all. How could he not be tempted?
People are poor and have short ambitions, and they can't pretend to be refined. If someone uses an investment of [-] million to apologize, of course she should be forgiven!

(End of this chapter)

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