Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 171 Free delivery for 3-year lease period

Chapter 171 Three-year lease is free

As the two complained to each other, the car had already left the community.

Xi Feifei said.

"To be serious, I received a lot of calls last night. The account managers responsible for the platform business of major companies such as Shiyouwei, Daimi, and Netcom lined up to call me.

I'm just wondering what happened this weekend, why it seems like overnight no one cares about what the White Swan Group thinks.

You know, the White Swan Group is notoriously domineering. Back then, because of the firewall, they were so scared that their opponents didn't dare to go back, so they flew directly to Xiangjiang.

In order to kill three tech nerds who want to change the world, the Internet has been smearing them for several years, and almost killed their company.

Now, the matter between White Swan Group and our company is not over yet, why would someone dare to jump out and cause trouble for White Swan Group? I always feel that something is wrong. "

Yi Yin rolled his eyes.

What happened over the weekend?I was almost disfigured by acid, and the super boss of the island country was frightened. It's not a big deal, it's just inconvenient to talk about.

Compared with his own misfortune, Yiyin wanted to complain about something else.

"You know how domineering the White Swan Group is, yet you still dare to touch the tiger's butt!"

Xi Feifei smiled embarrassedly.

"Isn't that the past? The White Swan Group has kept a low profile in the past two years. I thought it was fine."

Yi Yin sighed.

"I'm really mad at you."

Xi Feifei changed the subject.

"Boss, I just wanted to ask, where did that broken knife you were holding come from?
Why are you bringing this crap to work?I can't even pass the subway security check. "

Yiyin glared at Xi Feifei.

"What for? It's for spanking you!"

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin with her charming eyes. Yiyin's heart skipped a beat and she said casually, "Where did this little girl go? She was really hopeless."

Yiyin coughed and said.

"This is an antique. Didn't you see the small bag hanging on it? There is a certificate inside. It can go anywhere."

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"Antique knives are also controlled knives, so you won't be allowed to pass the security check."

Yiyin heyed but said nothing.

There is also a difference between antiques and antiques. When Secretary Zhang gave him the certificate, he said that this was the highest level pass for the Imperial City Head Office of the Harmony Group.

Not to mention going through the subway security check, you can take it directly into the Harmony Assembly Hall without any problem.

Seeing Yiyin's mysterious look, Xi Feifei shrugged and said.

"What's the point of a broken knife.

In short, all platform channels are now open, and new apps can be launched at any time.

If there is no problem with Li Hongmei, the official version of Fruit Ninja will be released as soon as possible. "

Yi Yin sighed and said.

“Let’s discuss it at the regular meeting today. If there’s no problem, go ahead.

How long has it been since we had a serious talk about work?If it were a novel, it would have sixty or seventy chapters, right?Alas, if it were really a book, readers would almost forget that this is a business novel. "

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Not to mention the readers, the author himself has probably forgotten it."

Yi Yin nodded.

"Makes sense.

By the way, I asked Li Miaoren to come over for a meeting today. Now that the company's funding problem has been solved, the process for Baobai Studio to join the company should be completed as soon as possible.

Gao Xin's side is doubling the money, and we have to do something about it. The competitive game she wants will be put on the agenda. "

Xi Feifei said.

"Li Hongmei's recruitment of programmers will continue, right?
The company has hired so many people, and the current office will definitely not be able to accommodate them.

Mo Ziming also said that we cannot lack the workstations and equipment required by formal enterprises. What are you going to do?
Expand the rent in the same building, or change to another campus?
I feel that the park manager surnamed Shi should not dare to cause trouble again. If you don’t want to change places, can we suppress her price? "

Yiyin rubbed his temples and said.

"I'll think it over."

The two of them chatted for a while, and before they knew it, the car drove to the entrance of the park.

I saw Director Hao waving desperately at the door, looking like he was sacrificing his life for righteousness, and almost blocked the driveway with his body.

Xi Feifei stopped the car, Yiyin lowered the window and looked at Director Hao who was sweating profusely and smiled.

"Good morning, Director Hao, what a coincidence?"

Director Hao said resentfully.

"What a coincidence, I've been looking for you, President Yi, for several days, but you've never been to the park."

Yiyin asked in surprise.

"You need me for something?"

Director Hao flinched and glanced at Xi Feifei in the driver's seat without saying a word.

Shi Jinlu had already found out the background of Miss Xi Er, and wished she could give herself a slap in the face.I thought she was a naive girl, but it turned out that I was the one who didn't know the world.

Yiyin said to Xi Feifei.

"I'll get out of the car and walk a few steps. You can park your car in the underground garage. We'll meet at the company."

Xi Feifei nodded, waited for Yiyin to get out of the car, and drove away. She never talked to Director Hao from beginning to end, or even glanced at her.

However, Yiyin was always polite and walked into the park with Director Hao.

"Director Hao, do you want to see me if you have something to do?"

Director Hao said flatteringly.

"I heard that Ms. Gu has returned to work? Aren't you going to take a vacation?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I don't know. When did she stop working?"

Director Hao laughed dryly, knowing that he was asking Meng Lang, so he changed the subject.

"Mr. Yi, regarding your company's wish to expand the office floor, our park management committee held a meeting to discuss it.

As a high-tech incubation park affiliated to Hemu Group, we have the responsibility to support outstanding innovative enterprises and provide impetus for sustainable development.

Therefore, the park has decided to lease the eleven floors of your building, totaling [-] square meters of office space, to your company for three years free of charge.

During the three-year period, the park will not charge your company any additional fees related to water, electricity, property, sanitation, etc. "

Yiyin said a little surprised.

"This is not good. I am indeed sincere about rent expansion, but we should rent according to market principles to avoid recurrence in the future."

Director Hao shook his head.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Yi, there will definitely be no recurrence this time.

The decision of the park management committee was adopted by unanimous vote and then implemented based on Hemu Group’s specific measures for supporting outstanding innovative enterprises in high-tech parks.

We can sign a contract, it will never be a private give-and-take.You can rest assured that we will not let excellent companies like yours suffer.

The cost of the rent-free period is actually subsidized by Hehe Group. The park will settle its own accounts. These are formal procedures and cannot be changed overnight. "

Yiyin sounds reliable, and it would be best if he can follow formal procedures, which is more reassuring than Shi Jinlv's chameleon-like attitude.

He thought for a while and said.

"I have to go to the company for a meeting first, and we'll talk later."

Director Hao nodded.

"Mr. Yi, you are busy with your work. I will wait for you in the property office. The contract is on my desk. You can bring the legal counsel to sign the contract at any time. Please give me face."

Yiyin laughed.

"Director Hao is too polite."

He sighed in his heart that the day had changed so fast.

Last night, Gao Xin begged to come back and invest, and he doubled the amount of investment.Today, the park management committee was determined to give up the three-year lease, so Director Hao almost begged Yiyin Bank to accept it.

Yiyin couldn't help but shake his head, is this the feeling of someone behind him?
The two were talking when someone in front heard the sound and turned around.

"Morning boss!"

"Good morning, Bribri."

Bribri walked over in a few steps, looked at Yiyin, clenched his fist and said.

"Boss, come on!"

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that she was encouraging him. She probably saw too much online violence and was worried about him.

At this time, a timid voice came from behind Yiyin.

"Boss, I support you too."

Yiyin turned around and saw Gong Zijie. She was standing behind him and Director Hao. She didn't know how long she had been following him, but she didn't have the guts to say hello.

"Thank you."

The four of them stood there and said hello. In the distance, Xing Yaoyao was so excited that she waved to Yiyin and shouted.

"Come on boss, I'm waiting for you in the elevator!"

Li Hongmei who was beside Xing Yaoyao held Xing Yaoyao and taught her a lesson.

"Why are you in a hurry? Wait for the boss to come over and order it. Don't block the operation of the elevator. You have no sense of public morality."

Seeing this scene, Director Hao took the initiative and said.

"Mr. Yi, I'll go back first."

Yiyin laughed.

"Director Hao, goodbye."

Director Hao warned worriedly.

"I'll be waiting for you in the property office, you must come, we'll see you soon."

When Director Hao left, Xing Yaoyao had already run to Yiyin, glanced at Director Hao's back, and said.

"Why does that old businessman come to see you? It makes you upset. Let's go, let's go take the elevator quickly."

Yiyin was dragged away by Xing Yaoyao, followed closely by Bribri and Gong Zijie. Li Hongmei nodded shyly to Yiyin at the elevator entrance.

"Morning, boss."

Yiyin smiled and got into the elevator with the four girls.

On the eleventh floor, Sun Youling was so bored that she lay on the front desk, holding her chin with both hands.

"Boss is so slow, why haven't you come yet?"

Beside him, Li Miaoren was restlessly drinking tea.

The boss specially called her to come to the meeting. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. She really hopes to stay in this company with her sisters and work hard with this kind and handsome boss.

The company door was opened, and Sun Youling raised her head in surprise. When she saw that the person coming was Xi Feifei, she went back dejectedly.

Xi Feifei said unhappily.

"Why don't you see me talking?"

Sun Youling gave a weak and perfunctory sound.


Xi Feifei hummed.

"The boss will be here soon. I just went to park the car. He should be taking the elevator."

Sun Youling's eyes lit up and she became energetic.


Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"Look at you, a woman who lacks *life*, yuck, disgusting."

Sun Youling blushed and glanced at Li Miaoren, fearing that others would misunderstand her.

Li Miaoren couldn't care about her at the moment. He was packing up his clothes and preparing to meet the handsome boss. He didn't dare to be rude.

After a while, Yiyin walked into the company surrounded by four women and smiled at the beauties who had already arrived.

"Good morning, everyone."

All the beauties smiled at him almost simultaneously.

"Morning boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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