Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 172 He who wins the housewife wins the world

Chapter 172 He who wins the housewife wins the world
Yiyin said hello to Sun Youling, then looked at the embarrassed Li Miaoren and said softly.

"I'm sorry, because the company has had some trouble these days, the execution of the agreement is a bit slow, but you can rest assured that the company's intention to acquire Baobai Studio has not changed."

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin with a sunny smile and admired this handsome man.

She is neither deaf nor blind. Yiyin has been hotly searched every day recently. Of course she knows what happened to Nintendo Game Company.

Ren Tianxing was sniped by the White Swan. Anyone who knows a little bit about the dark history of the White Swan will understand that this incident is no different from every previous attack by the White Swan.

It's just that White Swan has been going smoothly in recent years, getting bigger and bigger, and doing things much softer. It is not as unlimited as before, so many people have forgotten what White Swan is like when it is ruthless.

But this time, netizens were able to relive the White Swan’s tricky tactics.

By attacking a widower with children, and humiliating a slut who gave birth to a daughter without sex, White Swan's behavior is not much different from that of an animal in the eyes of China's traditional values.

As a woman with upright views, Li Miaoren certainly sympathized with Yiyin.

But now it seems that Yiyin, instead of being knocked down by the vicious public opinion on the Internet, has apologized to itself and expressed concern for its own situation.

This made Li Miaoren feel extremely warm in her heart, feeling that she had made the right choice and found a good way out for her sisters.

Li Miaoren smiled.

"The boss is polite."

As he was talking, Wen Xinghan's voice came from behind Yiyin.

"Why are people blocking the door and not going in? It turns out it's the boss. Good morning."

Yiyin turned around and saw Wen Xinghan and Mo Ziming. Mo Ziming waved and said hello, and Yiyin smiled and nodded.

"Everyone is here, let's go to the conference room. There are many things to discuss in today's regular meeting."


In the small conference room, nine people filled the seats. Yiyin sat in the main seat and said cautiously.

“First of all, I want to apologize to everyone.

Due to my personal reasons, it has had a great negative impact on the company's development, causing the company's work progress to come to a complete halt in the past two weeks.

The work gap in these two weeks is entirely my responsibility, so the salary will be paid as usual. I hope that everyone will continue to work hard and not let small things affect the goals of our company.

Please play games with me and bring happiness to the world together. "

After Yiyin finished speaking, he bowed slightly.

Xing Yaoyao was the first to applaud, and then everyone clapped and applauded. This person went crazy and even roared.

"Boss, I support you!"

Li Hongmei pulled Xing Yaoyao and glared at her.This isn't a concert. Let's be serious.

After finishing his opening remarks, Yiyin waited for the applause to stop before speaking again.

“The first thing at today’s regular meeting is to introduce to you the new member of our company, Li Miaoren, and her Baobai Studio.

Their predecessor was a 3D animation studio, and they will be responsible for all the company's screen development of 3D games. The first project will be StarCraft, a pseudo-3D competitive computer game.

Miss Li, I hope you can adapt to your new job as soon as possible.Games are not just about gorgeous graphics, but interesting gameplay is even more important.

Of course, don't be too nervous, I will help you too. "

Li Miaoren stood up, bowed to everyone and said.

"It's an honor to join Nintendo Game Company. My team members and I are fully prepared. We will try our best to complete the tasks assigned by the company and not let everyone down."

After Li Miaoren sat down, Li Hongmei raised her hand and Yiyin nodded.

Li Hongmei said.

"Aren't the development costs for StarCraft temporarily shelved because investors withdrew their funds?"

Yiyin glanced at Wen Xinghan, and Wen Xinghan said.

“Here is good news for everyone. Due to some well-known reasons, the company encountered a little difficulty a while ago, and investors decided to suspend investment and wait and see the situation.

But now, investors have restored their confidence in our company and are willing to make additional investments. The total amount is [-] million, and [-] million will be received within three months, and all will be received in the next six months.

Funding to develop StarCraft is no longer a problem. The problem now is that the company's financial workload is too heavy. I hope the boss can recruit financial personnel as soon as possible. I am already too busy to handle it. "

Xi Feifei shouted after him.

"Channels for major platforms have been opened, and the operations department also needs manpower. You can't let me handle all the cats and dogs, right? Don't I, the operations manager, have no face?"

Yiyin complained.

"You're just an intern, how can you get such a big reputation?"

Xi Feifei waved her fist.

"I want to become a regular employee. I work hard for the company without any credit. I ask for a formal contract and a salary increase."

Yi Yin sighed.

"You should graduate from school first, okay, okay, I'll add people to the operation department, I understand."

Mo Ziming sighed.

“We are recruiting people for finance, recruiting people for operations, there are so many contracts to write and read, and I have to be busy fighting in the court with White Swan’s group of Pizza Hut lawyers.

Boss, please give me a few places in the legal department. There are a few familiar girls from Jinghua who graduated this year and are looking for a direction. I will bring them over to help. "

Xing Yaoyao said something back.

"What happened in private and was revealed in public?"

Mo Ziming glanced at Xing Yaoyao.

“The top students from Jinghua Law School are looked down upon by ordinary companies.

If they weren't filled with indignation over the recent events on the Internet, they would not even be able to invite the school's top student, even if they clamored to help him.

Isn’t it nice to join Kaohe Group?What's the point of getting 5000 yuan from such a crappy company? "

Yiyin's mouth twitched and Wen Xinghan said.

“Boss, as the company grows bigger and bigger in the future, the grass-roots team’s approach is no longer practical.

The per capita salary is 5000 yuan, and bonuses will be distributed for successful projects. This is the practice of construction site contractors.

As a small and medium-sized entrepreneurial enterprise, I estimate that our staff will soon exceed 50 or even 100 people, and we urgently need to establish a more complete modern enterprise system.

Grading, attendance, finance, legal affairs, and personnel must all be put on the agenda.Sun Youling takes care of the general affairs by herself and is too busy, so let her be in charge of the human resources department, right?
Recruit enough people first and set up the system, otherwise everyone will be in chaos. More people may not necessarily be powerful, and in the end it will drag down efficiency. "

Wen Xinghan spoke frankly, and also helped Mo Ziming come forward to finish the unpleasant words.

Yiyin himself was born in Beijing and had a great influence on the school's juniors.

According to Mo Ziming and Wen Xinghan, this recruitment is not an open social recruitment, but looking for familiar Jinghua juniors and juniors to fill the company's vacant positions.

In this way, the Jinghua Department will take over the important departments of Nintendo Game Company such as finance, legal affairs, and human resources. Wen Xinghan is saying hello to Yiyin in advance.

But for Yiyin, he hopes to have more Beijing graduates.

As Mo Ziming said, there are many opportunities for Jinghua students. No matter how bad they are, the worst they can do is go to the Hehe Group and they won't have no place to eat.

Ren Tianxing is a small private company. If it weren't for the signboard of Yiyin pretending to be a sycamore tree, no dog would even look at it, let alone attracting those arrogant women and flying phoenixes.

Wen Xinghan and Mo Ziming may not have selfish motives, because Jinghua students are relatively high-quality, and given the company's unattractive salary level and the nature of a private enterprise, it is a good thing to be able to trick a group of Jinghua students.

But in the eyes of others, this looks like a clique. Before the company is prosperous, there are people vying for positions and making it look ugly.

Xi Feifei rolled her eyes and said.

“I also have many students of the same year who are looking for internship units, so I guarantee that their quality will be top-notch.

Boss, do you want it? "

In the same year, I became a third grader.

Xi Feifei is not willing to be second to others. You promote talents without avoiding relatives, and I promote talents without avoiding relatives. Anyway, everyone in the operations department is my people, and I have the final say.

Li Hongmei looked anxious. She was just honest, not stupid. You and Jinghua have already begun to draw up territory. What should you do if you bully me again?
After working as a programmer for ten years, does Li Hongmei know what a stinky face those personnel, finance, and product managers are?
Programmers need to have their own departments, and everyone must unite and communicate with the outside world in order to defeat these idle bastards.

Li Hongmei said.

"Boss, I have almost all contacted the programmers you asked me to contact before.

I want to set up an independent studio dedicated to the development of various game engines, including computer games, mobile games, 2d3d, and other related work.

I want to focus on engine development and underlying game design in the future. Do you think that’s okay? "

Yiyin nodded.

"Of course you can, then just like Baobai Studio, set up a new studio to focus on engine development, with Li Hongmei in charge independently.

Hongmei, have you thought of a name for your studio? "

Li Hongmei looked at Yiyin with a deep smile.

"The Outlaw, The Outlaw Studio."

Yiyin savored the word "crazy" carefully and recalled in his mind the scene when Li Hongmei brutally tortured Xing Yaoyao and herself. He was indeed a true madman.

"Okay, I'll leave the Madman's Studio to you."

Seeing everyone having fun demarcating territory, Xing Yaoyao suddenly became anxious.

The high-achieving students who returned from Jinghua had already made plans to establish a territory, and Sister Hongmei was secretly cunning enough to occupy the territory a long time ago. In the end, she was just a fool who never thought about the future!

Xing Yaoyao gritted her teeth, stamped her feet, and pulled Bri Bri and Gong Zijie to stand up.

"Boss, we also want to become a studio!"

Bri Bri looked at Xing Yaoyao inexplicably, and Gong Zijie was so frightened that she shrank back desperately, trying to break away from Xing Yaoyao's clutches.

But in order to enhance her persuasion, Xing Yaoyao dragged the two of them to rush together and refused to let go.

Bri Bri is Xing Yaoyao's friend in the otaku circle, and Gong Zijie is an alumnus of Modu University recommended by Li Hongmei. She and Xing Yaoyao graduated from the same school, so they are considered friends.

Everyone wants to stick together to keep warm and get things done, so Xing Yaoyao naturally wants to get her own people to stick together so that she won't be looked down upon by others.

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew clearly that Xing Yaoyao was playing tricks again, but he was not willing to spoil the fun at this time.

Everyone happily grabs the land and starts it. In the final analysis, they are all for the company to make games and services in the future. Yiyin is not short of money now, so why bother pouring cold water on everyone.

Do it, then make it bigger.The rain and dew are both there, no one should suffer, money is just a bastard, no one should leave until it is spent.

Yi Yin said.

"Okay, so what are you going to do? What kind of studio will you set up?"

Xing Yaoyao was stunned by Yiyin's rhetorical question and was stunned on the spot. She just thought about it and didn't know what she was going to do.

But at this time, Xing Yaoyao saw that all her colleagues were staring at her, especially the literary star Han Xi Feifei, whose eyes were particularly teasing.

Even if Xing Yaoyao died, she would not give in in front of these so-called elites, so she gritted her teeth and said.

"Those who win otakus will win the world. We are going to set up a otaku game studio to make games that otakus like!"

As soon as these words came out, Xing Yaoyao was like an enlightenment, and the sea and the sky suddenly became brighter.These forced words actually made her deeply convinced and proud of herself.

Everyone was holding back their smiles. Only Yiyin looked at Xing Yaoyao thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something.

Those who win the otaku will win the world, tech nerds will save the world, mobile game 648. .It turns out to be your little girl, so scary.

 Thanks to the leader@this is a monster for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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