Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 173 Working overtime means poor management

Chapter 173 Working overtime means poor management
Others suppressed their laughter and thought Xing Yaoyao was being whimsical, but there was an exclamation point in Yiyin's mind.

It turns out that you are the greatness of this world. .No, Sister Dayao!

Zhaiyou Studio sounds like a good name that will make you rich. If you ask Yiyinzhi if he supports it, of course he does!
Didn’t you see, a certain Hayou licking house has made 400 billion in revenue? Who wouldn’t be jealous after seeing it?
Letting Xing Yaoyao directly deal with the original batch seems to be a bit uninteresting, as the accumulation is not enough, and it is a bit too early, but getting a ship master or something to sell meat for 648 is something that can be considered.

Under the teasing eyes of everyone, Xing Yaoyao remained silent, and Yiyin finalized the decision and said.

"That's it.

Sun Youling, you will be in charge of personnel work from now on. We want to expand our personnel, and we cannot let two hundred million go moldy in our bank account.

The personnel, finance, and legal logistics departments, Baobai, Kuaishou, and Zhaiyu studios each draw up a list of personnel. I will sign and spend the money as soon as possible.

Mo Ziming, Gao Xin's additional investment is too much, and it is impossible to use all of it on StarCraft. The investment agreement needs to be re-drafted.

Other game projects will give her a participation bonus, but she is not allowed to intervene in specific projects.

How to draw up the agreement, you write it. "

Mo Ziming nodded.

"No problem, I'll prepare a draft for you to review later."

Seeing that Yi Yinzhen agreed to her unreasonable request, Xing Yaoyao felt sweet in her heart, raised her hand and said.

"Boss, Mo Yu contacted me last night. She has almost changed the Memories of Autumn. She wants to show it to you, but she is afraid that you are busy recently and don't have time.

Also, Mo Yu is asking for the electrician who writes hard science fiction and is not good at emotional dramas. The female-to-male ghost warrior has many plots that he cannot write well, and he also wants your help. "

Yiyin was surprised. Didn't he agree that the two of them would write the manuscript for him to read directly? How could he contact Xing Yaoyao?

But then I thought about it, too many bad things happened to me recently, and people were too embarrassed to bother me, so I had to ask in a roundabout way.

"You ask them to contact me directly. There is no need to taboo anything. I am very free."

Yiyin counted on his fingers and said.

"Fruit Ninja is ready to be put on the shelves. StarCraft is handed over to Baobai Studio. Li Miaoren, do you have any questions over there?"

Li Miaoren said a little embarrassed.

"Boss, we have spent a lot of effort on the painting style and combat effects you need, and we are very confident. We are also good at creating in this area.

The current problem, one is music, special effects sound, especially the background bgm, which is the weak link of our studio. We are looking for materials on the Internet for the time being, but it is best to be able to match people. "

Yiyin subconsciously looked at Bribri, Xing Yaoyao was already standing in front of her and said.

"Angry Birds, Memories of Autumn, I'm also short of musicians here."

Yiyin nodded and said to Li Miaoren.

"Let's recruit people. Do you have any friends who are willing to come to our company for development?"

Li Miaoren nodded.

"Yes, yes, we are quite familiar with Shu Mei and Shu Yin."

Yiyin said decisively.

"If you have someone available, just recruit them. I'll give you the quota. The salary can be discussed. The company will also work on salary grading. Then it will be considered as a high-level entry."

Li Miaoren smiled. It's rare to see such a cheerful boss. The boss doesn't care about money, so recruiting people is naturally not a problem.

"Okay, then I'll ask my friends.

Another problem is that no one in our studio has ever made a video game, so we don’t know what makes a good game, and we don’t have a standard to measure it. "

Yiyin laughed, feeling full of superiority.

What do you mean you haven't made a video game?No one in this female-dominated world knows what video games are!
Except for Yiyin, who has seen pigs running and eaten pork, everyone else crossed the river by touching Yiyin.

Yi Yin said.

"This is a simple game. It's fun. You are making a competitive game, so I will teach you a simple method.

Do you have the kind of angry young man in your team who likes politics and military affairs, who will talk about the sky and the earth when nothing happens, and who can complain about World War I and World War II from 5000 years ago?

I wish I could go back in time and command the army to kill people and set fires. Just because I was born in a peaceful era, I have no chance to become a war criminal.

Oh, you don’t know what P Club is, it doesn’t matter, they are just this kind of people anyway. "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"Girls are more or less interested in politics and military affairs. We also like to talk about these things in our daily chats. Everyone should be regarded as this kind of person."

Yiyin laughed.

“Since you have players from P Club per capita, it’s easy to handle.

I’ve pretty much told you about the arms, buildings, and characteristics of the three races in StarCraft, and I’ve also described several classic maps to you.

You guys are working on the graphics first, and when Li Hongmei’s game engine version comes out, you can apply it and start playing directly.

I check the computer online every day, let the team members fight against each other, and do whatever they want, but they just do it to the end.Finally, the victory and defeat data are tallied to make the competitiveness of the game more balanced.

Anyway, you can do it however you want, as long as you don’t change the overall framework of the game, you can do whatever you want with the content. "

Yiyin never wanted to limit everyone's imagination, he just wanted to lead everyone to the right path, and then let it go.

He does not want to copy the game StarCraft into the female-dominated world, but he wants to convey the concept and characteristics of competitive games to everyone, and then let everyone play freely.

Even if the group of Baobai studios use the shell of StarCraft to finally make a Warcraft 3 thing, Yiyin will be very happy.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

The games in Yi Yin's mind are all video games from the 90s to the 20s.

But this world of heroines is directly the cutting-edge 20s. Today's programming tools are too abundant, and the hardware level is much higher than before.

The process of developing a female-dominated video game from scratch cannot replicate the original flavor of a male-dominated video game because the technical levels of both parties are different.

What Yiyin can do is convey the game concept to the world of women, let people here know what competitive games are, what cultivation games are, and draw a framework for them to think for themselves.

As for what people here can finally make after absorbing and understanding it and accumulating step by step, Yiyin doesn't know.

But he knew that even if the StarCraft here was not the original StarCraft, as long as it was fun enough, he would have succeeded.

Li Miaoren was thoughtful.

"Competition, confrontation, fun, fun, I understand, I will draw first after I go back, and wait for the first version of the game engine to come out, and make some content first.

Then, let everyone play with it in their spare time, and make changes as they go.

Boss, I need not only musicians, but also programmers. "

Yi Yin shrugged.

"Here, you write the list yourself, don't ask me, I don't know what talents you are short of.

Your idea is right, but I have to remind you that playing games is part of the job. If you ask them to play games outside of working hours, that is overtime work.

The company currently prohibits overtime work. Before the new attendance system comes out, if you ask them to work overtime, it is a violation and money will be deducted. "

Li Miaoren sighed in his heart.

Working five days and two days off, you can only work eight hours a day. Annual leave and sick leave are free, and employees are not allowed to work overtime. How will the work be carried out?

Accustomed to Chinese-style extensive management and always relying on overtime culture to offset the problem of low labor productivity, Li Miaoren suddenly felt a little confused and at a loss.

How to effectively use eight hours and improve work efficiency requires scientific management.Asking employees to work overtime if they cannot finish their work is actually a sign of low quality managers and a form of laziness.

Yiyin doesn't understand these big principles, but he insists on not working overtime, forcing everyone to improve efficiency within a limited time, which may seem stupid, but may be quite smart.

Seeing that Li Miaoren had no problem, Yiyin turned to Li Hongmei and asked.

"Li Hongmei, are you under a lot of pressure?
Fruit Ninja has just been completed, and follow-up bugs need to be dealt with by you.In addition, Angry Birds, Memories of Autumn, StarCraft, big and small games, and various engines are all developed by you.

How about it?Are there any difficulties on your side? "

Li Hongmei shook her head and said.

"I have no problem. The company has already expanded its recruitment. I have contacted my programmer friends here. As long as they pass the interview, Kuangzu Studio will be up and running immediately.

The program is not a problem. The company has money, hardware and software can be purchased, and the tools are in place, and the game engine can be developed.

In terms of difficulties, it was better than the difficulties of my previous company, and there was no troublesome stumbling block from Party B's random ideas.

In short, it’s not a big problem. What I’m most worried about is that I can’t keep up with the progress. The worst is possible. . .Enhance efficiency. "

Li Hongmei almost blurted out the word "overtime". This is the root of bad habits buried in the bones of programmers. Fortunately, she realized something was wrong mid-sentence and swallowed it back.

But it was too late, Yiyin had already given her a cold look.

In public, Yiyin would not be able to talk about the embarrassing story of someone who worked overtime until he had a fever, and then got angry and pulled himself into bed to sweat.

Seeing that Li Hongmei was unrepentant and still had the idea of ​​secretly working overtime in her mind, Yiyin was a little annoyed, and she didn't take her boss's words seriously.

Yiyin looked at Wen Xinghan and asked.

"How to implement the company's new attendance system?"

Wen Xinghan said.

"Salary grading belongs to finance, and attendance assessment belongs to human resources. Sun Youling and I will do it. When the draft comes out, I will give it to you to review, and we will continue to improve it."

Yiyin nodded and said to Sun Youling.

“In principle, overtime is not allowed for attendance matters. If overtime is really necessary, the relevant person in charge must provide a reasonable explanation.

In any case, if the work cannot be completed during working hours, it means that the person in charge has mismanaged it. Which department works overtime, and the person in charge will deduct bonuses. The more overtime, the more deductions will be made.

This is how the system is set, and this is my request. "

Sun Youling smiled bitterly.

"Boss, isn't it too strict? The person in charge also wants to complete the work. Even if he has to work overtime and is responsible, he won't be fined and deducted money, right?"

Yiyin glanced at Li Hongmei, snorted coldly, and said.

"Why not?"
It’s not like I don’t let you recruit people. You put up your list and there are not enough people. You can definitely add people. Why do you have to work overtime?

This shows that the person in charge did not plan the use of personnel from the beginning. This is poor management, and of course the person in charge must be held accountable.

When employees sign a labor contract, they sell eight hours to the company. Why should they pay extra for the management mistakes of the person in charge?
All in all, if you have too much work to finish, please ask the human resources department to expand your recruitment and ask me to sign.

As long as the work requires it, the company will definitely provide you with additional people, but if you cannot complete the task and want to use overtime to make up for it, then there is something wrong with the manager, so you can deduct the money and accept the penalty! "

Yiyin said it with awe-inspiring righteousness. Wen Xinghan moved his lips as if he wanted to refute something, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

Although the boss's idea is naive, the general direction is not wrong.

The company is not short of money, so it has the confidence to reject the overtime culture.The gross profit margin of making games is extremely high. It is also a way to find more people to share the work, improve management level and increase work efficiency.

Since this path can be taken, why bother making the boss unhappy? Just do what he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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