Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 174 Invitation from Niu Shuang

Chapter 174 Invitation from Niu Shuang

In the eyes of outsiders, the company Yiyin is just messing around. He seems to have no idea of ​​making the company bigger and stronger, and all he can think about is playing games.

If placed in an ordinary enterprise, such a stupid boss would definitely be hollowed out by the people below him, leaving him with a mess in the end.

That's not how good people act. In this era of competition, if you dare to be even a little bit better, you will be beaten up by society to teach you how to be a good person.

The so-called bad money drives out good money means that black water cannot be dyed with white cloth, and the environment does not allow it.

But Yiyin is an exception. There are no normal social people around him.

Wen Xinghan, who is in charge of finance, is mentally ill. The only thing he thinks about for the rest of his life is to find ways to make himself happy.

He saw in Yiyin the naivety that a boss shouldn't have, and he was curious about how far Yiyin could go, and he would never resort to tricks.

Mo Ziming, who is in charge of legal affairs, once suffered a big fall. He was expelled from a law firm and almost lost his license. He is no longer qualified to make mistakes again.

Yiyin pulled him out of the abyss, let him fight White Swan Pizza Hut for [-] rounds, and turned to become a lawyer.If he dares to offend Yiyin, he will not hang out in Jinghua's circle in the future.

Not to mention Sun Youling, who was entrusted with the important task of personnel, that is the fan of the Yiyin support group, the iron fan of the iron fan.

She is not here for money at all, and she is not short of money. She is using the little life she has left to chase stars. Whatever Yiyin says, she agrees with both hands.

Xi Feifei, a woman with self-destructive mental illness and a fellow patient of Yiyin, has never been a normal person.A company without Yiyin is meaningless to her, and she doesn't even look at it.

She stayed here purely because of Yiyin. She didn't care at all how the company developed.Even if Yiyin really caused trouble for two hundred million, she would just laugh, haha, so funny.

The company's key positions in finance, legal affairs, human resources, and operations are like this. What about the three studios responsible for the work?

Li Hongmei is a 35-year-old dismissed programmer. Her love for Yiyin starts with her appearance, her loyalty to her body, and her obsession with threesomes.

Li Miaoren was severely beaten by society, and finally met a stupid boss who didn't care about money, and finally found a job for the sisters to settle down.

Xing Yaoyao is an angry young man who dislikes all the elites and hides in his own world. She is only interested in her husband, Li Hongmei and Yiyin.

In the entire Nintendo Game Company, from managing people to doing things, no one is serious about making a living in society.

The boss of Yiyin is just letting this group of people take over as leaders. It's not a fool's errand.

The more Wen Xinghan thought about it, the happier he became, so he just kept silent and waited to see how long the company could last with Yiyin messing around like this.

Wen Xinghan, who cares most about the company's survival, doesn't care anymore, and the others don't even care.

Yiyin gave such nonsense instructions for a while, but everyone actually decided to take it seriously and implement it. Let him mess around, and they didn't know if this lousy company would be destroyed tomorrow.

The investment of [-] million made Yiyin straighten up instantly. He casually spread his hands, and the company immediately began to expand.

As for whether this expansion is effective expansion, or whether it is puffy and puffy, only God knows.

Finally, Yiyin said.

“Director Hao came to me this morning and said that in order to support outstanding entrepreneurial companies, the park decided to give this floor to our company rent-free for three years.

What do you think? "

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"This park is quite intelligent. When the wind blows, it blows away. It sounds like farting."

Wen Xinghan frowned.

“It’s hard for people to trust people if they change orders from day to day.

Although the three-year rent-free period is attractive, if it is repeated later, it will increase the company's operating costs.

After the enrollment expansion, the office area and equipment area cannot be changed casually, and the relocation cost is much higher than it is now. "

Yi Yin said.

"Director Hao said it was an official document approved by the park management committee. The three-year rent exemption follows Hemu Group's policy of supporting start-ups, and the fees are subsidized to the park by Hemu Group.

The specific contract is at the property office, and Director Hao took the initiative to ask me to bring legal affairs to confirm it. I felt that they were very sincere this time. "

Mo Ziming said.

"If it is a formal document and policy support from Hehe Group, then there is no need to worry. This is not something that the park can change overnight."

Yiyin said when he saw everyone nodding.

"Then Mo Ziming will come with me to look at the contract later. If there is no problem, I will sign it.

Three years of rent-free is indeed very attractive. "

After talking about some more things and arranging the launch of Fruit Ninja, the regular meeting ended.

Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Li Miaoren all rushed back to work. Before the office equipment in the company was perfected, they still needed to work from home.

Sun Youling is also very busy. She will be in charge of human resources in the future. Now that the company is expanding its recruitment, even if it is recommended recruitment, not external recruitment, it will be enough for her to be busy for a while.

Wen Xinghan sat still and waited for everyone to finish leaving before speaking to Yiyin.

"Each department recruits its own people, and overtime is not allowed. In order to complete the work, everyone will definitely recruit a few more people and leave out redundancy first."

Yiyin nodded.

"This is as it should be. I have a lot of ideas, but with few people, I'm worried that I won't be able to do it."

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin.

"You are the boss, you have the final say. But as the financial director, I have to say the ugly things first.

Originally, the company's basic salary was [-] per month. This was the actual income after five insurances and one housing fund. The company's actual salary for each person was more than [-].

The annual per capita salary expenditure is more than 8. After the salary grading system is established, it will definitely increase by 50.00% to give people upward motivation, which will require at least 12 per capita.

Boss, you have to think clearly, this is just the basic salary and does not include the bonus system.

When the company expands its recruitment, you are not allowed to work overtime. Each department can only hire more people to share the work. The company will soon have more than [-] people, or even [-] people.

12 per capita, which is tens of millions of salary expenditures a year.

We are an IT company and we don’t have any heavy assets. We only need to buy a batch of servers and computers. Our rent is free for three years, and the rest of the costs are very low.

But if you treat your employees too favorably and have too much redundancy, your salary and bonuses are likely to expand rapidly, suppressing the company's gross profit margin.

Of course, I know you don't care about these, but I still want to remind you that too much is too much.

In this world, if you are good to others, others will cherish you.People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Things like treatment can only go up, not down, otherwise it will easily breed resentment.

People in the past were satisfied if they had enough to eat, but what about now?Eating is already the minimum requirement for survival and is not worth mentioning.

You treated me so well in the beginning. I'm afraid there will be some setbacks in the future. There will be many more people who hate you than thank you. "

Yiyin touched his nose and felt calm.

Since the journey to the cemetery, the past with the heroine Yoshigan has been completely cut off, and Yoshigan now lives for himself.

Making games is his goal, bringing happiness to the world is his ideal, and Yiyin doesn't care much about other things.

He said.

"Brother Xue, I really just want to play games.

Neither money nor the company matters to me.The most important thing is that everyone can work happily together and make fun games.

If one day the company reaches a point where everyone is unhappy and can no longer continue, then stop doing it and close the company.

I believe that by then, I won’t be in debt, and video games will have spread throughout the world, so I have nothing to regret. "

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"Why do you say it like your last words, that you have nothing to regret? It sounds weird.

Since you are so open-minded, it makes me look stingy. Forget it, I won't say it anymore. "

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door. Mo Ziming leaned against the door and said helplessly.

"Have you two finished whispering? Go read the contract early. I have to go to the court again in the afternoon. White Swan Pizza Hut is a team, and I am just one person. You want to exhaust me to death, right?"

Yiyin laughed.

"Let's go now. Why do you act like a resentful husband? If you're tired, just hire some people. Find a few more people to help you. One will carry your bag and the other will help you write. You will be responsible for moving your mouth."

Mo Ziming clapped his hands and said.

"What I'm waiting for is your words. Boss, you said it yourself. Later, I will not cut off the recruitment list of my legal department."

Yiyin smiled bitterly at Wen Xinghan.

"Does this count as being trapped in a cocoon?"

Wen Xinghan shrugged.

"I am the financial director, not the human resources manager. What do you ask me to do?
But since I am the director, I will have many people under my command. You must be mentally prepared. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Are you setting a trap for me here? Okay, it's up to you. Anyway, the company is really screwed up, and you are all responsible."

The three of them walked out of the conference room while chatting and laughing. Xi Feifei was playing with her mobile phone on the work chair next to her, raised her head and said.

"The whole floor has been taken down, about [-] square meters, can you give me the decoration?
Look at this shabby company, this front desk, this desk, this conference room, it’s so rustic, the taste of the 90s, right?

I was too embarrassed to post on Fetion, saying that I had found an internship at such a bastard company.

Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to expand enrollment and try it again, right?Summer is also suitable for decoration, it can be done quickly and thoroughly. "

Sun Youling said from the side.

"How do you treat the newly renovated house? It's all formaldehyde!"

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"How about we rent this place for [-] square meters for now, and Director Hao and I can discuss it and give us rent-free rent on another floor?
Anyway, the whole building is empty, so the park shouldn't care about this. We will move there after the decoration is completed and the wind blows for two months. "

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"Whatever you need to move, just the scraps and scraps here, don't want any of them.

Don't worry, those Manager Shi and Director Hao are all scared. Now they only want to please you. If you make this small request, they will definitely agree to it.

Let's bring back the eighth level. Eight means hair. It's a good sign. When you start a company, you have to make money. "

Sun Youling complained.

"Eight is hair? Why do you have the nerve to say that others are bad, but your own taste is also quite bad."

Xi Feifei rolled her eyes and was about to refute.

Yiyin said with a headache.

"Okay, stop arguing. The eighth floor is the eighth floor. I'm going to ask Director Hao now.

As for the decoration, Xi Feifei, is the person you are looking for reliable? "

Xi Feifei's eyes widened and she sneered.

"If the people I, Xi Feifei, dare to find are unreliable, they can give it a try. They will embarrass me, and I will make them unlucky."

Yiyin shook his head. The words of the little witch sounded domineering, but they seemed quite reliable.

"Let's talk about it later. Mo Ziming and I will go find Director Hao first..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Are you the CEO of Ren Tianxing? I am Niu Shuang of White Swan."

Yiyin's heart trembled. He was no longer as ignorant as before and didn't know who Niu Shuang was.

This is Niu Shuang, the super entrepreneur who invented Fetion and Tianfubao. In the era of Internet and mobile Internet, Niu Shuang!

Yiyin took a breath and said solemnly.

"Boss Niu, hello."

"Hahaha, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Mr. Yi, there have been some misunderstandings between our two companies, but in business, harmony is the most important thing to make money. It is better to resolve enemies than to end them.

I want to do something today and treat Mr. Yi to lunch. I wonder if Mr. Yi is willing to honor it? "

Yiyin glanced at the clock on the wall, it was already 10:30.

"Sorry, Mr. Niu.

I'm in Shanghai now. If I go to Hangzhou at this time, I won't be able to catch lunch even if I take the high-speed train. "

"Hahaha, Mr. Yi is joking.

Since I am treating guests, how can I embarrass the guests? I am in Shanghai now. I wonder if you are willing to give me some face? "

Yiyin's pupils shrank, Niu Shuang came to the devil city to treat him to a meal?Is her situation so difficult?He actually lowered his attitude and came here specifically to get close to his little boss.

(End of this chapter)

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