Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 175 A weird and unsettling premonition

Chapter 175 A weird and unsettling premonition
Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"no problem."

Niu Shuang on the other end of the phone smiled.

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you at the ** Guild Hall."

Yiyin said a few polite words and hung up the phone. He looked at the people around him and smiled bitterly.

"Wen Xinghan, Mo Ziming, you two seniors are tired, can you run to the property office for me?
If there is no problem with the rent-free agreement from Director Hao, I will come back to sign it in the afternoon.

Now, I have to go out once. "

Wen Xinghan nodded and asked.

"Boss Niu?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"Niu Shuang came to Modu and asked me to have lunch."

Wen Xinghan frowned.

"Niu Shuang came to Modu? I asked you to make an appointment for dinner in person? At this time? Are you in such a hurry?"

Yiyin remained silent.

Until now, the attack on Mr. Wei of Swan Games is still silent, with no relevant reports from outside media.Except for a few well-informed people, most people are still in the dark.

Yiyin suspected that Gao Xin's mother knew about it, so she invested an additional [-] million to make up for the discord caused by the previous withdrawal.

People like Wen Xinghan didn't understand why Niu Shuang was so anxious. He devalued himself and came to Modu in person to treat Yiyin to dinner in a low voice.

But Yiyin knew very well that Niu Shuang was in big trouble this time.

The current situation is no longer as simple as Huang Yi and Gu Yue going to the White Swan Group to seek justice for Yiyin, but the Hehe Group must give an explanation to the Sibo Consortium.

In the past two days, Yiyin has somewhat figured out the uniqueness of the Spo Consortium.

As a loyal follower of the Chinese Empire for 500 years and a maritime fortress that blocked Western invasions, the strategic value of the island country is equivalent to the peninsula, island country, and treasure island in the male world of East Asia combined.

The core of the Northeast Asian island chain, the ruler of the island country, and the pro-Chinese Spo Consortium, their importance is irreplaceable.

The 500-year friendship watered by iron and blood, and the firm faith of the Spokanes are so important to the Chinese dynasty that is under tremendous pressure from Western forces.

Today, Takeda Kage, the chairman of the board of directors of the Shiba Consortium and the current number one Shiba Goddess, was attacked on the streets of Modu. This is an extremely serious foreign-related incident.

The Imperial City Corporation was originally able to calm down and slowly discuss the minor dispute between the Modu Branch and the Zhejiang Branch. However, after the attack on Takeda Kage, the nature of the problem changed.

The current situation is that the outside is loose and the inside is tight. It seems calm on the outside, but there are turbulent undercurrents under the sea, and it is not easy for the White Swan Group to get through.

Wen Xinghan was still confused when Xi Feifei suddenly picked up her phone and pointed it out to everyone.

"Look at the latest news.

Harmony Group is led by the Network Information and Security Office, and seven departments under the head office jointly stationed at the headquarters of White Swan Group.

Jointly review the business dealings between Hehe Group and White Swan Group to see if there are any irregularities in industry operations. "

Everyone gasped, wondering what kind of unjust thing the White Swan Group had done to trigger a joint audit by Hehe Group departments.

Wen Xinghan looked at Yiyin's calm face and asked.

"You already knew something happened to the white swan?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"Something happened over the weekend, but it's not convenient for me to say it. Please forgive me."

Wen Xinghan shook his head.

"Understood, I don't ask. Mo Ziming and I will go to the property office once, and the contract for the rent-free floor will be handed over to us."

Wen Xinghan winked at Mo Ziming, and the two of them left with a tacit understanding and walked out.

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin and asked.

"Where will Niu Shuang ask you to have dinner?"

"** Guild Hall."

"There, I know, I'll drive there with you."

Sun Youling said anxiously.

"I am coming too!"

Xi Feifei glanced at her and said.

"We are all gone, what will happen to the company? There must be someone left to handle the daily work, right?

Everyone is going back to prepare to recruit people. You, the newly appointed head of human resources, have a lot to do, right?
Don't rush to refute me. Think about it for yourself. You just asked your mother to help intercede with Niu Shuang. Now you go over with us and see Niu Shuang bowing his head.

Is Niu Shuang embarrassed? Is your mother embarrassed?

I don't care, my old lady is a cow, and Niu Shuang can't afford to offend her, so don't cause trouble for your old lady, just stay here obediently. "

Yiyin nodded and smiled at Sun Youling.

"Xi Feifei is right, so don't join in the fun, a meal is fast, we'll be back in the afternoon.

Niu Shuang is in a lot of trouble right now. He probably doesn't have the mood or time to argue with me, the little boss. Don't worry. "

Seeing what Yiyin said, Sun Youling could only say it reluctantly.

"I know, I won't go. Boss, be careful, Niu Shuang is not an ordinary person."

Before Yiyin could speak, Xi Feifei had already grabbed his neck, kissed him on the cheek, and said to Sun Youling with a smile.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, our sweetheart won't suffer."

Now that there are no outsiders around, Xi Feifei suddenly became unscrupulous in front of this couple, making Sun Youling's face red.

Although Xi Feifei is just a butt pusher and Sun Youling is the one who really gets the meat, Xi Feifei's shamelessness is far inferior to the shameless Sun Youling.

Sun Youling couldn't talk to her, so she could only say angrily.


"Hehe, when we come back, do you want to do shameless things together? Maybe if we do it, the pituitary gland will shrink and the disease will be cured?"

"Stop talking! We're going to be late for lunch! Let's go, go!"

Sun Youling blushed and pushed the two of them out of the company door. She held the door behind her back and covered her chest. She felt her heart beating wildly and heat flowing down her body. Xi Feifei actually told her how she felt.

She spat and muttered to herself.

"Sun Youling, you are so shameless."


In the car, Xi Feifei asked while driving.

"What happened over the weekend? Can't you tell me?"

Yi Yin sighed.

“It’s okay to tell you.

Gao Xin's additional investment must be because her mother knew something.Gao Xin and her mother can know things. If you, Miss Xi Er, really want to know, you will definitely be able to find out. "

Xi Feifei snorted.

"Stop flattering and get to the point."

Yi Yin said.

"Didn't Qian Zhi turn himself in? She probably said a lot of things in there and got Mr. Wei of Swan Games off guard.

That Boss Wei followed me and wanted to hit me with a car and pour acid on me. . . "

Before Yiyin could finish speaking, Xi Feifei had already turned the steering wheel sharply and braked suddenly, stopping the car on the side of the road.

She stared at Yiyin and said nervously.

"Are you OK?"

Yiyin was startled by the sudden braking, and then looked at Xi Feifei's little face, which turned pale with fright, and then found it funny.

Miss Xi Er, who has always been fearless, showed her true feelings at this moment, which made Yiyin's heart warm.

Yiyin took the initiative and kissed Xi Feifei. Xi Feifei enjoyed the kiss first, then changed her face and pushed him away and asked.

"Don't try to change the subject. Say, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"It's okay. I just knocked my head on the steps while avoiding the front of the car. I fainted for a while. I rested in the hospital overnight and was discharged."

Xi Feifei said furiously.

"That person surnamed Wei is looking for death! If you can't afford to lose the business war, you will take revenge! How shameless! Let's see how I deal with her later!"

Yi Yin sighed.

"You have no chance to deal with her, she is already in bad luck.

That day I met Takeda Kage, and when the car hit me, Takeda Kage happened to send me downstairs, and she was right next to me.

Things have gotten serious. The Modu branch is having a hard time this weekend, and the upper management is probably in chaos. "

Xi Feifei was stunned for a moment.

"Kage Takeda, this name looks so familiar, the leader of the Shiba Consortium? Impossible!
Why is there no news about people of that level coming to Modu?Even if she really comes to Modu, the head of the Modu branch will be responsible for the reception. How could it be your turn?You don't have a fever, do you? "

Yiyin knocked off Xi Feifei's hand that was touching his forehead, placed Mikazuki Munecheon between the two of them, and pulled out half of it.

"Did you see that Takeda Kage was wielding this Mikazuki Sokon at that time? Water couldn't get into it. He just blocked the acid and saved my handsome face. How can this be fake?"

Xi Feifei saw that the blade of Mikazuki Zongjin was corroded and pitted, and said with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, I didn't splash it on your face. This person named Wei is so shameless. She actually wants to disfigure you."

Yiyin nodded, put the blade back into the scabbard, and sighed.

"Isn't that right? Thanks to Takeda Kage's desperate swing of the sword, my handsome appearance was preserved."

Xi Feifei recovered from her heart palpitations and pointed at Mikazuki Munechika and shouted.

"What do you think this sword is called? Mikazuki Munechika? Damn it! The island nation's national treasure was destroyed?"

Yiyin rubbed his ear holes and said.

"Please be gentle, what are you shouting for? I told you this morning, this is an antique knife, and you still don't believe it."

Xi Feifei snatched Mikazuki Munukin away, touched left and right, and sighed.

"It seems to be true.

I traveled to the island country before and saw it in the Tamon Mountain Castle Tsutadoden Hall, but I didn’t have the chance to touch it because it was separated by glass.

The Shinto shrine maidens of Shiba regard it as more important than their lives. There are two shrine maidens standing in front of the display cabinets, keeping an eye on the tourists, looking at everyone who looks like a thief.

Haha, now it’s in my hands, I can touch it and play with it as I please.

Hey, why can't it be pulled out? "

Xi Feifei pulled it out twice, but couldn't pull it out, and angrily threw the knife back to Yiyin.

"It's unlucky. When it was my turn to draw the knife, it got stuck and I couldn't pull it out. It seems that the knife was severely corroded by acid, and the blade was twisted."

Yiyin held the knife and smiled.

"Do you believe it now?"

Xi Feifei pouted, restarted the car and drove onto the road.

"Believe it or not, it's impossible that there won't be any news about such a big thing. The media may be restricted, but if you ask your friends privately, someone will definitely know.

If this is true, Niu Shuang will be in bad luck.

No wonder she didn't care about the status gap and came directly to Modu to treat you to dinner. This is to solve your problem before things get worse.

The third day of the month is close. .seriously?An authentic work of Shiba Shintoism, a national treasure similar to the Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival, was destroyed in this way?
The shrine maidens of Shiba Shintoism will go crazy. They regard everything left by Shiba Yoshigami as sacred objects.

This group of religious lunatics, if Shiba Yiyin had kept that thing, there would be two holy explosions in the world now, one in the east and one in the west. "

Xi Feifei laughed and complained about Shiba Shintoism, but Yiyin shook his head and did not interrupt.

At this moment, Yoshigami still has a question in his mind, that is, why did Takeda Kage put Mikazuki Munechika in his place?

Even if Mikazuki Munekin has been damaged, it is still a treasure left by her ancestors. How can she just hand it over to outsiders for safekeeping?

Thinking of this incident, the strange power in Yiyin's body began to surge up again, which brought him a strange sense of uneasiness.

Takeda Kage, Shiba Shinto, Mikazuki Munechika. .

(End of this chapter)

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