Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 176 Condescending Sincerity

Chapter 176 Condescending Sincerity

Yiyin hugged Mikazuki Munechika and was thinking about something when Xi Feifei's phone rang.

Xi Feifei answered the phone, turned on the speaker, and continued driving.

"Hey, sister, what do you want from me?"

"Feifei, where are you?"

"Me? I'm just going to eat."

"Well, I'm in the eastern suburbs, so come over and have dinner with me now."

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin and said.

"Sister, when did you come to Modu? I'll go there later. I've already made an appointment with a friend for lunch."

"You come to the eastern suburbs immediately. I have something very important to tell you."

Xi Feifei said coquettishly into the phone.

"It's only time for a meal, and it won't take long. Sister, I'll go there later. I'm driving right now, so I won't say more to you."

"Xi Feifei! You can't make it through after all!"

Don't look at Xi Feifei who is domineering and domineering in normal times, acting like a little witch who is not afraid of anything.

But she has been controlled by her mother and sister for many years, and she is afraid of obeying. Otherwise, she would not be depressed and suffer from mental illness.

But at this time, there was Yiyin sitting next to Xi Feifei. She bit her lower lip, mustered up the courage to resist, and said.

"Sister, I still want to go there later."

There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone, and Xi Lanlan's voice came over.

"Is there anyone else in your car? Who is it? Is that Yiyin?"

Xi Feifei didn't speak, Xi Lanlan sighed and said.

"Feifei, you have grown up, and I can no longer make the decision for you in many things.

But today, I still hope you can come over immediately. I will return to Hangzhou at one o'clock in the afternoon. There are many things waiting for me to deal with.

I just want to meet you, talk to you, and ask you to sign a few documents. It won’t take much of your time.

Feifei, you have your own opinion, and your sister will never restrain you again, but today, please listen to your sister again, okay?
I'll wait for you at the Dongjiao Hotel. "

Xi Lanlan hung up the phone on her own initiative. Xi Feifei looked at the road ahead, holding the steering wheel with both hands with a little force.

Yiyin glanced at Xi Feifei and said.

"Although I have only met your sister twice, she doesn't seem like someone who would speak in such a low voice. Maybe she really has something important to do.

Or, you go to the eastern suburbs to meet her, and I'll go have dinner with Niu Shuang by myself.

Don't worry, Niu Shuang is in trouble now, she has no interest in continuing this little dispute with Ren Tianxing.

Since she took the initiative to invite me to dinner, she just wanted to shake hands with me and make peace. It would be fine for me to go by myself. "

Xi Feifei hummed twice.

"Don't underestimate these old foxes who have been in the business world for decades, they are not that easy to deal with.

Even if she is impatient now, you may not be able to take advantage. Without me following you, what will you do if you are tricked? "

Yiyin laughed.

"I'm not stupid. I won't nod and agree to something I don't understand. Can Niu Shuang still hold my head and force me to agree?"

At worst, it's a waste of her meal. I'll come back and ask you again.Anyway, she is the one who is anxious, not me.

Be obedient and go see your sister in case it is really a big deal. "

Xi Feifei cut it.

"What can she do? Who can cheat her? The old woman is not dead yet, who dares?"

Although she mumbled some reluctance, Xi Feifei already agreed in her heart.

Xi Lanlan's tone and attitude on the phone just now was really strange. She was too weak to be like her, which made Xi Feifei a little worried.

The eldest sister is like a mother. Although Xi Lanlan is a powerful sister with strong control, Xi Jianqiao has not paid much attention to Xi Feifei since she was a child. Xi Feifei can be said to be brought up by Xi Lanlan.

After all, Xi Feifei's feelings for Xi Lanlan are more love than resentment.

Although she was convinced in her heart, Xi Feifei was still very tough and said to Yiyin.

"I'll take you to the ** guild hall first. My sister is not in a hurry. Let her wait first."

Yiyin nodded and did not try to persuade him again.

Although Xi Feifei spoke harshly, she was still anxious in her heart, and the speed of the car was obviously faster than before.

When she arrived, she drove straight into the underground parking lot of a building. After confirming the invitation, the security guard politely let her go.

Xi Feifei said as she turned down the slope.

"Niu Shuang probably didn't want outsiders to know that he was in Modu, so he chose this club, which is relatively secretive.

The underground parking lot here is a private place, and the elevator leads directly to the private room. You see, the secretary in front should be waiting for you. "

Xi Feifei stopped beside the secretary, who took the initiative to open the door for Yiyin.

"Excuse me, are you Ren Tianxing's CEO?"

"it's me."

"Mr. Niu is already waiting for you in the private room. Please come with me."

Yiyin looked back at Xi Feifei, and Xi Feifei said.

"Be careful with yourself. Don't agree to anything you don't understand. Come back to discuss it first."

Yiyin nodded.

"Don't worry, go to your sister's place quickly, I know what's going on."

Xi Feifei nodded, waited for the car door to be closed, and sped away.

Yiyin looked at the taillights of her car going away and shook his head.Don't look at Xi Feifei's always annoyed and rebellious attitude, in fact, she really cares about her perverted clean freak.


Niu Shuang was sitting on the sofa in the private room, holding a magazine in his hand and flipping through it.Her eyes were distracted, and it was obvious that her mind was not on the magazine, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Suddenly, the door of the private room was opened, and Yiyin walked in under the guidance of the secretary.

Niu Shuang showed his trademark confident smile, stood up and came up to him, and took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Mr. Yi, I have admired you for a long time."

Yiyin shook hands with her and was led by Niu Shuang to sit down on the sofa. The secretary stepped forward and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Niu Shuang smiled.

"Originally I wanted to invite Mr. Yi to Hangzhou for a chat, but unfortunately Mr. Yi was too busy, so I had to come to Modu in person. Finally, I invited you to have a casual meal."

Niu Shuang's attitude was very low. The last time she invited Yiyin, it was to give face to the Sun family boss. After Yiyin refused, she didn't take it to heart.

Today, she was very unlucky and had to come to Modu to put out the fire. The first thing she thought of was to put out Yiyin, the source of the flames, to avoid causing more trouble.

But there was no hint of helplessness in her tone, she just expressed her sincerity and invited her many times.

Yiyin is indeed a little regretful. The reason he refused last time was because he didn't know who Niu Shuang was. Now that he knows who Niu Shuang is, he feels a little frightened.

The person in front of me may appear to be sharp-edged and alien-like at one moment, and at another he may be a gentle and elegant modern Confucian businessman who has made a low-profile fortune.

Niu Shuang, who came from an IT background and wrote the Fetion program, and is engaged in English education to create Feifubao, is like a two-in-one existence of some animals in the male-dominated world, and his strength is one plus one greater than two.

If Yiyin hadn't been backed by Gu Yue Huang Yi and had an unexpected encounter with the Sipo Consortium, the White Swan Group's strangling of Nintendo Game Company must have gone smoothly and successfully achieved its goal.

The current era is no longer a period of rapid development in which demons dance wildly and each shows their magical powers.The predators were recruited by the Harmony Group and sat in rows to eat fruit and fruit, forming large and small industry rules.

It is no longer an era where young people can make a fortune if they are inspired and have the courage to work hard.

Once a start-up company like Nintendo Game Company discovers a new market, the best result is to be incorporated and help the predators make money.

As for the bad results, there are many entrepreneurial stories about death and failure.

Even if you fight your way out and conquer the world as an otaku, predators can still guide public opinion to completely discredit you and reduce you and your players to the original batch.

Yiyin can survive until today, so Niu Shuang has to take the initiative to seek peace.

On the one hand, he was ignorant and fearless, on the other hand, his background was too strong, and his luck was too good, which directly broke the sharp teeth of capital under the white swan's graceful and elegant appearance.

As the saying goes, only the strong will be respected, which means that cooperation can only be discussed if they can't kill you.

Niu Shuang said a few words politely, and waved the secretary out.

“You go and notify the store that food is ready to be served.

Mr. Yi, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine here is outstanding, you must try it. "

Yi Yin nodded with a smile.

"Then I have to thank Mr. Niu. I don't have the chance to eat in a place like this on weekdays."

Niu Shuang waved his hands and said.

"If you like the food later, I will recommend you to become a member and just come and eat here often. Your company is in Modu. Come and eat here often. You will enjoy the food more than me.

Let's get back to the topic, Mr. Yi, there is some misunderstanding between you and me. In business competition, it is always easy to go too far and get angry.

But in business and business, after all, harmony makes money.Your persistence has been respected by me, the two sides will stop here and withdraw their troops, what do you think? "

Yiyin laughed.

"Swan Games, a subordinate of your group, humiliated me, slandered me and spread rumors online. Mr. Wei even hit me with his car and wanted to throw acid at me.

Why is it that such a serious attack has come to Mr. Niu's mouth, and this matter has become a business talk, and you can smile at will to wipe out your grudges? "

Niu Shuang smiled slightly.

"What Mr. Yi said is wrong.

Nintendo Game Company illegally filed a complaint with the exchange and spread unfavorable news about White Swan Group, causing the group's share price to evaporate hundreds of billions in a few weeks.

Mr. Yi, my loss is not small.

If you and I shake hands and make peace now, there will still be opportunities for cooperation between White Swan Group and Nintendo Game Company in the future.

We should look forward and not always stare at the unpleasantness of the past. Do you think this is true? "

Although Niu Shuang took the initiative to propose reconciliation, her attitude was not low.

The White Swan Group has a size of several trillion. As the president, I take the initiative to talk to you, a small boss of a startup company with a registered capital of 100 million. What else do you want?
Than loss?Can't my hundreds of billions of losses offset your reputation and fear?How much is chastity worth these days?

This is the materialization of capital to people. In the eyes of capitalized people, there are only gains, losses, and appreciation, and everything is priced in money.

In the eyes of people like them, all troubles can be negotiated at a price.Love, friendship, family affection, and dignity can all be discussed with money, it's just a matter of price.

Yiyin clenched his fist and said.

"Mr. Niu invited me here just to tell me this?
Hundreds of billions of White Swan Group's share prices have been evaporated. Isn't it because your group copied my game?Since when can plagiarists straighten their backs and accuse others? "

Niu Shuang smiled.

"President Yi is still young and full of energy. I actually admire you young people with a sense of justice.

But to survive in this society, we must first learn to abide by the rules, and then use the rules instead of replacing the rules with a sense of morality.

The Legal Department of White Swan Group has submitted a comprehensive review to me. Regarding the plagiarism mentioned by Mr. Yi, it is legally untenable. The behavior of Swan Games is not illegal.

Regarding this point, your company's legal affairs should also be very clear. Mr. Yi, your appeal is just to damage the stock price and reputation of White Swan Group.You can't win this lawsuit.

I know you want to say something else, Mr. Yi, but I have to remind you.

I have been in business for decades and have made so much money and made so many friends.I haven't been messing around for so many years.

In front of you, I, Meng Lang, say, even if the manager of the Hangzhou subsidiary of Hehe Group goes to jail, I will not go to jail. This is the bottom line.

Mr. Yi, you are still young, and you still have a bright future, so don't fight for the present with an old guy like me.

A great man once said that this world is ours and yours, but in the end, it still belongs to you young people.

I respect talented young people like you from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely want to reconcile with your company. I also ask Mr. Yi not to act out of anger."

After saying that, Niu Shuang picked up his teacup, raised it towards Yiyin, and waited for Yiyin to clink glasses for reconciliation.

Yiyin looked at her confident smile and the tea cup that was held firmly, and suddenly felt a little evil. He shook his head and said.

"The words of a great man are not for people like you. It sounds so ironic."

A sharp look flashed in Niu's eyes, expressing deep regret for Yiyin's ignorance of current affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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