Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 177 Is it really the return of the saint?

Chapter 177 Is it really the return of the saint?
Yiyin originally thought that Niu Shuang, as the top entrepreneur in China, would have high opinions when she spoke, but he did not expect that she would say such vulgar words.

Capitalists are capitalists, and Yi Bank should not have any expectations for their character and conduct.

If you are rich, I have no interest in money. If you are poor, you will stay away from overseas and pretend to be dead. The quality of the capitalists will not become higher because of more money. When they are desperate, they will also grab the official seal.

Why pretend to be pure when they are all water, why pretend to be wolves when they are all sheep.Encouraging young people to do their own thing and stop doing things in moderation is actually deceiving young people and treating them like fools.

It is such a simple and stupid idea to expect these people to have bad qualities. They are just the lucky ones who have been pushed onto the stage by the times.

Without the filter given by the times, their vision and wisdom may not be as good as those of the poor people who have no choice but to take the postgraduate entrance examination because they can't find a way out.

Niu Shuang felt a little angry when Yiyin said something back.

I have been in business for twenty years and have worked hard to reach this business position today. To raise a glass and invite people to reconcile is already a big honor.

This kid doesn't know what's good and what's good. If the situation hadn't been so pressing, Niu Shuang would have ignored such a small boss at all.

What level are you and what level am I, are you worthy enough to eat at the same table with me and let me pour tea and bow my head?

Of course, it was impossible for Niu Shuang to just make first-hand preparations when he came to Modu this time. There were naturally plans B and C behind him.

Since Yiyin didn't know how to appreciate others, she had no choice but to find another way, but the relationship was completely forged and she had passed this test. .

Niu Shuang smiled coldly, put down the tea cup, and the atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down.

Yiyin is not afraid.

You bunch of capitalists bullied me before time travel, and you still bully me after time travel. If I still want to be grateful, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Just when the two sides were about to exchange harsh words and break up unhappy, the door of the private room was suddenly opened.

Niu Shuang turned his head dissatisfied and asked.

"What's the matter! Don't you know how to knock on the door?"

When she saw the person clearly, her legs couldn't help but tremble, and she quickly stood up with a big smile.

"Director Lu, why are you here? Hello, hello."

Yi Yin saw a heroic woman in her 30s coming in, with a tall and straight figure, eyes like knives, and a pair of eyes that were as sharp as an eagle, as if they could peel off a person's appearance and pierce into the heart.

He stood up and saw Niu Shuang taking the initiative to shake hands with the visitor. The visitor, who was called Director Lu, said politely.

"Mr. Niu, I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

Niu Shuang's face was filled with a smile, and her heart was trembling. She didn't know what big mistake she had made to provoke this murderous god.

Even though Director Lu smiled as if she were harmless, who among the big bosses who knew her details would not feel weak when they saw her?
Just as Niu Shuang was complaining in his heart, thinking that today was the time for him to make a list, Director Lu turned his eyes to Yiyin and said.

"I came here today not to see Mr. Niu, but because I have a friend who is eager to see Mr. Yi. I have no choice but to disturb the dinner between you two. I'm really sorry."

Director Lu took the initiative to reach out to Yiyin and smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Yi.

This is the first time we meet. My surname is Lu, and I am the director of the Safety Production Office of Hehe Group.

Mainly responsible for connecting with various companies that have production relations with Hemu Group, supervising the company's production safety, and providing production safety training to employees. "

Yiyin shook hands with Director Lu and was very fond of this heroic lady, but he was puzzled when he saw Niu Shuang beside him who had become so silent.

Why did the arrogant Niu Shuang suddenly change his appearance?What is scary about a director of Hehe Group who is responsible for publicity and training on production safety?

If Niu Shuang heard Yiyin's inner voice, he would definitely sneer at it.

I think back then, the Jin Yiwei were just a guard of honor carrying ritual utensils, and the sticky poles were just servants driving away the cicadas. No one dared to look down on them!

At this time, Niu Shuang was in a mess. What kind of friend needed Director Lu's help, so he went straight to the small boss Yiyin.

Niu Shuang has carefully investigated and found that Takeda Kage's attack was a complete coincidence. The fool named Wei was unlucky enough to be shot and had little to do with Yoshigami.

Therefore, Niu Shuang behaves carelessly and carelessly in front of Yiyin.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Gu Yue and Huang Yi are all figures who need to look up to, and third generations like Xi Feifei are also troublesome.

But at the level of Niu Shuang, they are just troubles, not big shots who can make Niu Shuang willingly bow his head and admit defeat.

But Director Lu is different. People like her are of low status and power and should not be underestimated. The affairs she is responsible for must be important matters of the Hehe Group.

Niu Shuang tried with a smile.

"May I ask, Director Lu, who is your friend? Do you need me to stay away temporarily?"

Director Lu smiled.

"Mr. Niu is too polite. You are the host. We are already sorry for bothering you. How can we have the nerve to let you avoid it again?

Is this the truth, Miss Takada? "

Following Director Lu's words, a chuckle came from outside the door. It was charming and enchanting, as if a feather was tickling the tip of Yiyin's heart, making him couldn't help but tremble.

Then, a woman walked into the private room on straw sandals.

It wasn't that Yiyin wanted to see what she was wearing on her feet, but the woman's big white legs were really dazzling. From the top of her thighs to the straw shoes at her feet, she was completely naked.

Generally, when a shrine maiden wears sandals, she must wear a white foot bag, which is similar to the function of socks.

But this woman is naked and wearing straw sandals. Her small white jade-like feet make it difficult for men to take their eyes away. Even the nail polish on her toenails is clearly visible against the backdrop of her white and tender toes.

Yiyin's eyes continued to wander upward.

Although this girl was wearing a red and white miko uniform, her shoulders were naked, like a Chinese bellyband with two sleeves. Coupled with the scarlet hakama that went down to her thighs, she was a little too naked.

Shinto believes that red represents light and life, and is a sacred power that can exorcise evil spirits.White represents the gods, because white is the cleanest color, holy and innocent.

But looking at the scantily clad miko in front of him, Yiyin couldn't help but think of three words in his heart, vixen.

The eyes are expressive, glamorous and moving, she is obviously dressed as a priestess who serves the gods, but she has a foxy face, the contrast is so great.

The fox miko bowed deeply to the three people present and walked into the room, followed by a beautiful and innocent little miko.

"Fourth Aunt Sai, Director Lu disturbed you two because of my request. I'm really sorry.

I am Takada Kamiko, the great shrine maiden of Shiba Shinto who dedicated everything to Bishamonten, and the current palace minister of Tsutaden in Tamonyama Castle. "

The fox witch had a polite mouth and a smile on her face, but her eyes were crystal clear and cold.

In her eyes, the three people in front of her might just be three pieces of frozen pork, but they couldn't make any waves in her emotions.

The reason why she appeared here was just to wipe the butt of the wanton Takeda Kage.

That immature Shadow General, she not only broke the Mikazuki Munechika, the most precious treasure of Shiba Shintoism, but also left the damaged treasure in the hands of ordinary people in Mordo. She was really too willful.

You must know that Mikazuki Munechika is not only an artifact of Shiba Shintoism, but also an heirloom of the divine Takada family. It is the blade that was given to the divine Takada family by the ancestor Yoshigan Shiba to kill first and then play.

I don’t know what Takeda Kage was doing because he casually threw Mikazuki Munechika to an ordinary person. What if he lost it?
Immediately after learning about the specific situation, Miko Takata contacted the Harmony Group, rushed to Modu anxiously, and demanded to take back her treasure.

As for the Harmony Group, they were of course very cooperative with Takada Kamiko's request. Director Lu came to Motor City to contact him and was asked to eliminate all unexpected factors and make sure to satisfy Takada Kamiko.

Takeda Kage left Modu immediately after the attack and returned to the island country without releasing any information to the outside world, which made the Harmony Group feel a little upset.

Takeda Kage is a new generation of powerful figures in the Shiba Consortium and a die-hard conservative who insists on the eternal pure land of Shiba Shintoism.

The Harmony Group welcomes such leaders of the island nation. Adhering to tradition means adhering to the line of ancestor Sibo Yiyin who was a dog to the Chinese Empire.

Under the tremendous pressure from Western plutocrats, there have long been some different voices within the island nation. Many people believe that the ancestral methods of 500 years ago have become outdated and should be abandoned.

In the face of the complex international situation, island countries must use more flexible means to fight for their own interests, rather than being limited by the gods of 500 years ago.

In this era of prosperous science, it is simply ridiculous to insist on the motto of an ancient god as the guideline for one's own country.

If international issues are only about bribery and only about benefits, the island countries may not be able to follow the Celestial Dynasty unswervingly like they are now.

Therefore, the Harmony Group has been affirming the Sibo Goddess. As an old friend of the Chinese people for generations, the emotional card is far more useful than the interest card.

Leaders like Takeda Kage who insist on tradition, and Takada Kamiko who is a die-hard Shinto devotee of Shiba, are the leaders of the island country who are closest to the Celestial Empire.

The Harmony Group naturally attaches great importance to their reasonable demands and will of course support them.

Director Lu's mission is to help Takada Kamiko recover Mikazuki Munechika as soon as possible. As for breaking into a private room and disturbing Niu Shuang's dinner, don't worry about it.

Kamiko Takada smiled in a formulaic manner, and only when he saw the Mikazuki Munechika in Yoshigage's hand did he show a hint of real relaxed joy.

She just said a few words, ignored Niu Shuang and Director Lu who were present, walked straight to Yiyin, and put it in front of Mikazuki Munechika with a beautiful gesture and step.

Yiyin subconsciously straightened his back, turned his fingertips, and with a beautiful movement, sent Mikazuki Zongjin into Takada Miko's raised hands.

His flowing gestures made Takada Kamiko's scalp numb and the hair on his back stand up.

Since ancient times, the island country has been strictly hierarchical, with a clear distinction between superiors and inferiors, and it pays attention to the use of etiquette to restrain people. As the closest to the gods, Shiba Shintoism has extremely complicated etiquette.

Using etiquette to demonstrate the nobility of Bishamonten's godhead and elevate the status of Shiba's descendants made the theocracy rule the hearts of the islanders for a full 500 years.

As the great shrine maiden of Shiba Shinto of this generation, Takada Kamiko serves as the palace minister of Bishamon Tenhondo Tsutaden. She needs to be familiar with all the relevant etiquette and have it imprinted in her own bones.

Just now, her action was a humble and god-honoring gift to welcome back the artifact.

Although the Chinese people present did not understand this, Takada Miko, who has studied etiquette for more than 20 years and has engraved the ritual in her bones, just subconsciously performed her daily gestures.

However, Yoshigan's subsequent action of handing Mikazuki Munechika back gave her the dizzy illusion that Yoshigan was performing a divine gift.

In the eyes of Niu Shuang and Director Lu, Takada Kamiko asked for the knife with a beautiful gesture, and then Yoshigami handed over Mikazuki Munechika with an equally beautiful gesture.

This process is only in an instant, and it is not worth studying deeply.

But from Takada Kamiko's perspective, the nature of this matter is completely different.

Ever since the incarnation of Bishamonten and the common ancestor of Shiba's descendants, Yoshigin Shiba, a strange man from the samurai family, returned to heaven, the gift of God has disappeared from the memory of the world.

Because in Shiba Shinto rituals, only gods can use divine gifts.

When Shiba Shintoism was established, Shiba Yoshigan was annoyed by the complicated etiquette. In the end, the first generation of priests and witches had no choice but to respond to the etiquette of the world with only divine gifts.

Shiba Yoshigami, the living god, also gave Shiba Shinto face, so he learned this not-so-complicated divine gift and only used it in public ceremonies.

After the living god left the world, the divine gift was sealed in a book by Shiba Shinto and was never used again.

The reason is very simple. This is a ritual that only God can use. Since God is gone, no one is qualified to use it anymore.

If it is useless, no one has seen it. As 500 years have passed, many people have even forgotten that this set of divine gifts exists.

But Takada Kamiko is different. She is the great shrine maiden of this generation, and she is also the chief minister of Tsutado Hall. She knows this set of divine gifts very well.

Why could Yoshiyin pretend to be a gift from God and give him Mikazuki Munechika?Kamiko Takada couldn't figure this out.

Takeda Kage practices swordsmanship more than reading books. She definitely doesn’t know about the existence of divine gifts, let alone teach them to outsiders.

Takada Kamiko looked at Yoshigan's face that resembled his ancestors, thought about his name that was similar to his ancestors, and then recalled the divine gift that was so skillful that it seemed like muscle memory, he became a little crazy.

Why did Takeda Kage keep Mikazuki Munechika with Yoshigami?A wonderful idea suddenly came to Takada Shenzi's heart. This idea made her almost want to tremble.

Could it be that a saint must appear in 500 years? .

In fact, Takada Kamiko was completely wrong. The reason why Yoshigami knew about this set of divine gifts was because he dreamed about it.

After being attacked that day, Yoshiyin fell into a coma, and Mikazuki Zongjin was corroded and damaged by acid, creating a strange quantum entanglement between the two.

In his dream, Yoshigan keeps seeing scenes that Mikazuki Munechika has experienced, and Mikazuki Munechika is carried by Tachibana Kanade, the shadow warrior of Takada Yukino, and she has been serving Yoshigan Shiba.

Therefore, Yiyin saw God’s gift through these pictures.Moreover, because of the special effects of quantum entanglement, these images were firmly imprinted in his mind and he could not forget them even if he wanted to.

This incident made Yiyin very distressed. He didn't want to keep those pictures that didn't belong to him at all, but he just couldn't forget them, even more deeply than many things he had personally experienced.

Yiyin didn't know that the divine gift was a special etiquette exclusive to Shiba Yiyin, so he used it casually. He thought it was a daily etiquette.

This accident actually frightened Takada Kamiko, causing the charming woman in front of him to completely think things wrong.

The joy of Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko is not just based on traditional thinking, but more based on reality.

500 years ago, the incarnation of Bishamonten and the living god of the island nation, Shiba Yoshigin, unified the world, leaving behind the bloodlines of various families of Shiba gods.

His children are far smarter and stronger than ordinary people, and they are not prone to aging. This trait makes the islanders believe that the gods are extraordinary, and it greatly contributes to the theocratic rule of the Sibo gods.

But as time goes by, the blood of gods continues to be diluted during reproduction, and each family of gods finds that the characteristics of their own gods are not as good as the previous generation.

Even if the families of the descendants of the gods allow intermarriage, it will not prevent the characteristics of the gods from being weakened from generation to generation. Today, 500 years later, the characteristics of the gods have almost disappeared.

In addition to their beautiful looks and outstanding figures, the Shiba gods like Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko have become exactly the same as ordinary people in terms of physical fitness.

The people of the island country began to doubt the dignity of the god descendants, and the Sibo god descendants saw this and were anxious in their hearts.After the collapse of theocratic rule, will the sanctity of the gods be denied?

The appearance of Yoshigami was like a life-saving straw, making Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko's eyes light up.

Takeda Kage only had a little hope in his heart, so he kept Mikazuki Munechika and attracted Takada Kamiko, a professional, to identify the authenticity.

The moment Takada Kamiko retrieved Mikazuki Munechika, she was almost frightened by the divine gift presented by Yoshigami, and became suspicious.

If the saint really comes back, will the blood of God that has been diluted for 500 years among the Sibo gods have a chance to become stronger again?

(End of this chapter)

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