Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 178 Takada Shenzi’s great association

Chapter 178 Takada Shenzi’s great association

It took only a split second for Yoshigin and Takada Miko to return Mikazuki Munekin.

But at this moment, Takada Kamiko's heart had gone through thousands of changes. Her eyes when she looked at Yoshiyin became hot, like a coquettish fox who had seen a chick.

Takada Kamiko, who began to pay attention to this matter, recalled Takeda Kage's words in his mind, and secretly tried to draw the sword, but Mikazuki Munechika did not move at all, and the blade was stuck in the scabbard.

Takada Kamiko remained calm, turned the scabbard, stood the blade up, and faced Yoshigami.

"I would also like to ask Mr. Yi to do it for you if you are tired. I want to see the damage to the blade."

Yi Yin didn't know that this was a further temptation by Miko Takada, so he did it foolishly.He also didn't think about such a simple matter as drawing a sword, why didn't Mikoko Takada come by himself, but asked him to do it instead.

With a bang, Mikazuki Munejin was halfway out of the sheath, but Takada Kamiko's eyes did not look at the knife, but stared at Yoshigami blankly. She was almost wet with excitement at this moment.

Takada Kamiko deliberately performed the ritual of inviting the gods to draw his sword, and Yoshigan unexpectedly accepted this set of divine gifts that had been hidden for 500 years. His movements were as skillful as Shiba Yoshigan himself.

The most important thing is that the confusion on Yiyin's face proves that he does not know the special meaning of his actions, he is just doing it subconsciously.

It's like a memory reflected in the mind, made through muscle reflexes without going through the brain.

This also further verified Takada Kamiko's conjecture that this was a memory from a previous life that Yoshigage himself didn't know yet.

At this time, what happened to Mikazuki Munechika was obviously not something that Takada Kamiko cared about. What Takada Kamiko wanted to find out most urgently now was what was so special about Yoshigami.

In the minds of fanatics like Takada Kamiko, they would never consider any scientific explanation such as quantum entanglement between Mikazuki Munechika and Yoshigoshi.

She would only believe that Mikazuki Munechika recognized Yoshigan as the reincarnation of his ancestor.

Mikazuki Munechika was an artifact given to Takada's ancestors by Shiba's ancestors. After the two ancestors left, the artifact became ownerless, so anyone can draw the sword.

But now, the artifact has returned to the embrace of the gods, and only the owner is allowed to use it. Of course, others cannot pull it out. This explanation is both magical and reasonable!
Not to mention how magical Takada Kamiko's brain circuitry is, but now that she has identified this matter, Yoshiyin's troubles have just begun.

Yoshigami pulled out half of the blade, looked at Takada Kamiko with a guilty conscience, and said.

"The blade is severely corroded by *acid, I don't know if it can be repaired."

Although Yiyin did not break the knife, it was done to protect him. If the Sibo Consortium really demanded compensation, he would have to bear some responsibility.

As for the reason why he is a victim, there is no need to elaborate. If the Spo Consortium really wants to be unreasonable, he, a common man, cannot do anything about it.

Looking at Takada Kamiko cautiously, Yoshigin was severely burned by her gaze, and subconsciously let go of his hand, allowing Mikazuki Munechika to return to the sheath.

Hu Meizi's eyes were looking at Yiyin with tears in her eyes, full of deep emotions that Yinyin didn't understand, which made Yiyin's heart beat faster.

But when he looked again the next second, Takada Kamiko had already restored his elegant posture, which made Yoshigami wonder if he had been dazzled just now.

Takada Kamiko handed Mikazuki Munechika to the little miko who was following behind him, looked at Yoshigan with a smile, and said.

"Since the artifact has been recovered, I will not disturb the two of you enjoying lunch.

Mr. Yiyin, thank you very much for everything you have done for the Spo Consortium. We will see you soon. "

Takada Kamiko bowed deeply to Yoshiyin, then she looked at Director Lu and smiled.

"Director Lu, I have finished my work."

Director Lu nodded and smiled.

"Mr. Niu, Mr. Yi, we won't disturb you any more. I wish you a pleasant meal."

After saying that, Director Lu and Takada Kamiko said goodbye and left without any hesitation.

After walking out of the door and taking the elevator, Takada Kamiko suddenly bowed slightly to Director Lu.

"Director Lu, I have a heartfelt request, and I hope you can agree to it."

Director Lu said politely.

"Please say."

Takada Shenzi narrowed his eyes and said.

“I want Yiyin’s physical examination reports over the years, as well as the examination reports of his hospitalization a few days ago.

In addition, I want to stay in Shanghai for a few days, is that okay? "

Director Lu looked at his watch and nodded.

"The physical examination report will be delivered to the hotel room in three hours. Do you want me to arrange a travel route for you?"

Takada Kamiko smiled and shook his head.

"No need, I like to travel freely."

Director Lu didn't ask any more questions, but he felt a little strange in his heart.

Takada Kamiko's attitude was very cold when he first came to the magic city. He only hoped to recover Mikazuki Munechika as soon as possible, and then return to the island country to repair the treasures.

But now, she has seen the tragic state of Mikazuki Munechika's sword with her own eyes, but she is leisurely staying in the magic city to see the scenery. This is unreasonable.

Also, why does Miko Takada want Yoshigin's medical report, and what information does she want to get from it?
Director Lu carefully recalled the information he knew about Yiyin and found that he had no previous contact with the Sibo Consortium, which was even more strange.

Whether it was Takeda Kage or Takada Kamiko, their attitudes changed significantly after seeing Yoshigami.

Is it just because Yiyin looks like their ancestor Shiba Yiyin?It's possible.

The top executives of the Harmony Group are all the kings of papers who have passed multiple tests, and their personal abilities are extremely strong.

But the top management of the Shiba Consortium is different from those in the West. Most of them have hereditary backgrounds, and the selection mechanism is far less fierce and cruel than the competition of the Hehe Group.

Of course, the noble descendants of Shiba cannot be compared with the King of Heavenly Dynasty. Their abilities are different and they are easily emotional. It is not impossible for them to be interested in Yiyin's appearance.

Director Lu's mission this time is to help Takada Kamiko take back Mikazuki Munechika so that the Shiba Shinto leader can leave happily.

Since Takada Kamiko's request is not excessive, Director Lu will naturally cooperate with her.

When the elevator arrived at the underground parking lot, Director Lu said goodbye and left. Kamiko Takada's motorcade bodyguards were ready to go back to the hotel.

After Takada Miko got into the car, the little witch who followed finally couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty Takada, didn't you say that after taking back Mikazuki Munechika, we immediately flew back to Tawenyama Castle to find a skilled craftsman to repair the blade.

Why did you suddenly change your mind and want to stay in Modu?And that man named Yiyin, you seem to be very interested in him? "

Takada Shenzi looked at the little miko with a smile, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I don't want to go back because I can't let go of my lovely Ah Renqi.

I heard that you have already written a resignation report. You are going to quit your job as a witch and go to university to study law. Are you still doing research secretly?

Oh my God, what's wrong with serving the gods? You want to study to be a litigator. I won't let A-Yin go!So we won’t go back! "

A-Nin looked helplessly at Takada Kamiko who changed the subject with his words, curled his lips and stopped talking.


After Director Lu and Takada Kamiko left, the atmosphere in the private room changed again.

Yiyin and Niu Shuang, who were still at war with each other just now, were in different moods at this time.

After giving away the hot potato of Mikazuki Munechika, Yoshigage finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he felt much more relaxed after the burden was removed.

Although Takada Kamiko's attitude is a little weird, but Yoshihiro and the senior executives of the Shiba Consortium are not from the same world.

Apart from agreeing to Takeda Kage's participation in the festival and parading around the streets as Shiba Yoshigin, Yoshigin probably won't have anything to do with the top executives of the Shiba Consortium in the future.

As for Niu Shuang, the mood is complicated.She saw with her own eyes the intimate attitude of the senior executives of the Sibo Consortium towards Yiyin, and her pupils shrank at that time.

She never expected that the sword carried by Yoshigami turned out to be Mikazuki Munechika, the most precious treasure of Shiba Shintoism.

What is the origin of this Yiyin that it can maintain close contacts with the upper echelons of the Spo Consortium?
I originally thought that Nintendo Game Company was just a pebble kicked casually on the road ahead of the White Swan Group, and I didn't want to get tripped up.

After the Internet incident, Niu Shuang thought that he had paid enough attention to Yiyin. This time he came to pour tea and reconcile in person, which was a sign of condescension.

However, Yoshigami's ignorance of current affairs, Takada Kamiko's approachable attitude, and the meaning of Takeda Kage leaving Mikazuki Munechika behind made Ushio Shuang more and more worried.

Although Niu Shuang couldn't guess the connection, her intuition of doing business for many years made her unwilling to continue to offend the invisible Yiyin in front of her.

Coupled with Director Lu's intervention, Niu Shuang was still frightened.As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will never get wet.When things about White Swan become more serious in the past, Niu Shuang becomes afraid.

So when Director Lu appeared, Niu Shuang was so frightened that he even began to consider retiring temporarily to play golf in Spain and teach in an island country.

After a long silence, Niu Shuang took the initiative to pick up the teacup he had just put down and spoke to Yiyin sincerely.

"Mr. Yi, what happened this time is that the White Swan Group is sorry for you. I, Niu Shuang, am here to drink tea instead of wine and punish myself with one drink."

Yiyin looked at Niu Shuang's low posture and was a little confused. Why did Niu Shuang, who was just teaching him, a young man, suddenly change his attitude 180 degrees?She seems to be scared?

Did Director Lu and Kamiko Takada say anything to me just now?Yiyin recalled it carefully, no!
Yiyin didn't understand what Niu Shuang was afraid of, and he was willing to humble himself to his little boss.

Although he doesn't understand, Yiyin is not the type of person who is pushy and pushy. He was upright before, but he was just hot-blooded and wanted to win.

Now, Niu Shuang's posture is so low, which makes Yiyin a little embarrassed, he picked up the teacup and said.

"Mr. Niu is so polite. White Swan Group is a leading Internet company in China. Ren Tianxing Game Company is willing to learn more and cooperate with White Swan Group."

Niu Shuang smiled.

"Mr. Yi said it well, our two families would never know each other without fighting. From today on, we will turn our hostility into friendship.

Swan Games is also willing to learn from outstanding peers like Ren Tianxing, and White Swan Group is more willing to cooperate with outstanding start-ups like Ren Tianxing.

So, have we agreed? "

Yiyin laughed.

"It's a word."

The two clinked glasses and drank it down.

The secretary outside opened the door, and the waiter came in with a tray and served the dishes one by one.

Niu Shuang smiled and invited Yiyin to the table with an amiable attitude. He looked at Yiyin with the same joyful look as if he were looking at his own promising nephew.

Yiyin admired secretly in his heart, the big boss is the big boss, and he couldn't do this set of flexible face-changing skills.

The meal was interrupted by an accident, but became smoother because of the accident. Niu Shuang and Yiyin enjoyed themselves as guests and hosts.

(End of this chapter)

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