Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 179 The problem facing Yiyin

Chapter 179 The problem facing Yiyin

The hot dishes had just been served at Yiyin, and before I had even taken a few bites, my phone rang with a Fetion message from Xi Feifei.
Have you finished eating?I'm here to pick you up!

Yiyin was a little surprised. This place was not close to the Dongjiao Hotel. Xi Feifei ran back and forth so quickly. She probably didn't even say a few words to her sister. Did she quarrel with her sister again?

Niu Shuang on the side saw Yiyin looking at the phone in a daze and smiled.

"Mr. Yi, is something wrong?"

Yiyin replied politely.

"Well, there is something."

Although the meal was good, eating with Niu Shuang made Yiyin feel a little uncomfortable.

The two of them were still at war, because Takada Miko suddenly came to take the knife, Niu Shuang immediately changed his attitude, he was really black and thick.

But Yiyin found it difficult to accept this change. He always felt uncomfortable. He was not a qualified businessman and could not learn to make mistakes.

Seeing Xi Feifei's flying letter, Yiyin felt relieved. He finally found a reason to run away and no longer had to eat this meal.

Niu Shuang obviously saw Yiyin's discomfort, and she was somewhat helpless towards this immature opponent.

She is far better than Yiyin in terms of self-cultivation, wisdom, vision, and experience. If the two sides confront each other on an equal footing, she can handle this young man casually.

However, just like Niu Shuang's White Swan Group has an absolute advantage in capital, the new helpers that appear from time to time on Yiyin's side make Niu Shuang feel frightened and really don't want to do it anymore.

Yiyin said calmly.

"My friend is coming to pick me up."

Niu Shuang asked.

"What kind of car? What's your name? Outsiders can't enter the underground parking lot. I'll contact you on your behalf."

Yi Yin said.

"K Yan, surnamed Xi."

Niu Shuang nodded.

"Is it Miss Xi Er? I understand."

Niu Shuang glanced at the secretary who was sitting next to him. The secretary nodded and walked out.

Yiyin lowered his head and sent a message.
The underground parking lot is waiting for you, you can drive in directly.

Xi Feifei returned so fast that Yiyin was worried about how she would return while driving.
I'll be right there.

Yiyin exchanged greetings with Niu Shuang, then stood up and left.Niu Shuang looked at the barely moved table surface and tapped his right index finger, wondering what he was thinking.


Just as Yiyin stepped out of the elevator and entered the underground parking lot, the horn sounded in front of him.

He walked to the parking space in a few steps, opened the door and got in the car. He saw Xi Feifei looking tired and asked.

"Why are you back so soon? Did your chat with Sister You not go well?"

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin, with a hint of confusion in her eyes, and whispered.

"Sister, she...she..."

Xi Feifei's lips trembled and she couldn't say a word for a long time. Yiyin looked at her silently and saw her throat was choked and her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't restrain herself and suddenly cried.

Yiyin said softly.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Xi Feifei sobbed twice, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said sadly.

“She asked me to come over because she wanted me to sign some documents, and she wanted to transfer most of the real estate in her name to me.

There was also a valid will signed by her in the presence of a lawyer, requiring me to notarize it, identifying me as the first heir to her estate. "

Yiyin said in astonishment.

"She is only three years older than you, how can she be so cautious about doing this... Could it be..."

Xi Feifei bit her lower lip, her body trembled, and two lines of hot tears welled up from her big eyes, and she burst into tears.

"She had pancreatic cancer and had only half a year to live, and she was unwilling to receive treatment, saying that she didn't want to be devastated by chemotherapy and die an ugly death.

How could she do this?Why doesn't she want to get treatment?She is so willful, has she ever considered my feelings?Woohoo, Yiyin, I don’t want my sister to die, I want to eat her pancreas! "

Yiyin said subconsciously.

"The one that got eaten was the pancreas."

Xi Feifei glared at Yiyin fiercely.

"Do you think you're funny?"

Yiyin shook his head in embarrassment and comforted him.

"This...cancer, in fact, many are misdiagnosed. Would you like to take Xi Lanlan to another hospital to check it out?
Moreover, many cancers are no longer terminally ill and there are medicines to treat them. If you persuade her to cooperate with the treatment, maybe things are not as bad as she thinks. "

Xi Feifei laughed miserably.

“She has seen four hospitals, all of which are the most powerful experts, and the diagnosis results are exactly the same.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most terrifying cancers, even if she is willing to cooperate with the treatment, she will still suffer in the end. .at last. . "

Xi Feifei couldn't continue, and Yiyin didn't know how to persuade her.

Even though Xi Feifei always cursed at Xi Lanlan, Yiyin knew that Xi Feifei didn't hate Xi Lanlan that much in her heart.

Although Xi Lanlan is very controlling and has severe mysophobia, she hates Xi Feifei being with men she doesn't like.

She even used drastic measures to force her secretary to sleep with those men, forcibly cutting off Xi Feifei's thoughts of pure love.

But even so, Xi Lanlan is still Xi Feifei's most important relative.

Xi Jianqiao is busy with work, and Xi Feifei can be said to be brought up by Xi Lanlan.

There is only a three-year age difference between the two, and many of Xi Lanlan's actions are indeed excessive, but they cannot change the close relationship between the sisters as eldest sister and mother.

Xi Feifei's dissatisfaction, Xi Feifei's resistance, and even Xi Feifei's mental illness are like protests to the people closest to her that she has grown up and become independent.

Perhaps, even Xi Feifei herself has just discovered that those men are not important, Xi Lanlan is the most important.

Xi Feifei would rather have a living, annoying sister than a dead, gentle sister.

Seeing Xi Feifei crying more and more, Yiyin really didn't know how to comfort her.

Faced with an incurable disease, Xi Lanlan chose to die with dignity.She refused the life-extending treatment and torture, and was mentally prepared to give everything she had to her most beloved sister.

Yi Yin sighed and asked.

"Does your mother know about your sister's illness?"

Xi Feifei shook her head.

"I don't know, I didn't hear what my sister had to say, so I tore up the will and came to find you.

But I think my sister probably didn’t tell her mother, mother. .She cares most about her work, so she probably didn't notice anything strange about her sister. "

There was a hint of resentment in Xi Feifei's tone, resentment towards Xi Jianqiao. Xi Lanlan was more like her biological mother than Xi Jianqiao.

Yiyin didn't know what to say.

He could imagine how terrified Xi Feifei was when Xi Lanlan took out the will, and she immediately chose to run away.

Yiyin could understand Xi Feifei's mood. If it were her mother, Yiyin felt that she would escape from reality immediately and run away first.

But what surprised Yiyin was that Xi Feifei would choose to come to him and confide in him.

He looked at Xi Feifei crying heartbrokenly. Even so, she was still as beautiful as a fairy descending from heaven.

Yiyin and Xi Feifei have only known each other for two months, but so many things have happened between them in these two months, which can be described as colorful and full of ups and downs.

The two went from being wary of each other, to trusting each other, to a strange relationship that is unclear now, and they are getting closer.

For Yiyin, Xi Feifei can also be regarded as his woman.

When his woman cries in front of him, every responsible man in a male-dominated world will find it unbearable and want to help her.

Pancreatic cancer is an incurable disease, but Yiyin is not without options. Although he doesn't know whether the power in his body has the possibility to turn things around, Yiyin feels that he can give it a try.

They are all terminally ill anyway, so it’s better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so why not give it a try.But the incident itself was a bit shocking, and Yiyin didn't know whether he should say it.

First, Yiyin didn't know whether it was wise to tell Xi Feifei about the special power in his body.

Rejuvenating one's youth and curing diseases, if it is just one's own illusion and one's own imagination, then that's it.If it is true, will I be used as a test subject one day and be pulled for dissection?
Secondly, Yiyin didn't know how to talk to Xi Feifei.Could it be that you tell her, let me sleep with your sister, maybe her illness can be cured.

I don't know who I am with my sister, and now I still have to talk to my sister. .Not to mention whether the treatment will be successful or not, just this level of ethical relationship makes Yiyin fearful and discouraged.

Looking at Xi Feifei who was crying so hard, Yiyin fell into deep contemplation.

To live or to perish, that is the question.

Which is more important?
Are you watching Xi Lanlan die of illness and leaving Xi Feifei heartbroken?
Or should you step forward, put aside the constraints of your own safety and ethics, and sweep away the endless troubles?

(End of this chapter)

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