Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 180 How will you know if you don’t try?

Chapter 180 How will you know if you don’t try?
Looking at Xi Feifei's sobbing pitiful appearance, Yiyin couldn't help but stretched out his hand to wipe away her tears. Finally, he sighed and made up his mind.

"Feifei, there is something I want to tell you."

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin's serious eyes, and her heart couldn't help beating faster.

What does he want to do? .Don't you want to confess to me at this time?Isn’t this occasion too inappropriate?
But Yiyin's next words made Xi Feifei's face turn livid again.

"Actually, Sun Youling's pituitary gland became smaller because she had sex with me."

Xi Feifei snorted coldly, glaring at Yiyin with tears in her eyes.

I thought you wanted to comfort me and tell me you love me, but why are you talking about fantasy with me at this time?According to your opinion, Sun Youling is your best, so my sister should also give it a try?

Xi Feifei opened Yiyin's hand that was wiping her tears with one palm and gritted her teeth.

"Yiyin, I always thought you were a little bit mentally ill and couldn't tell the difference between men and women, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person.

My sister is right, you men are all dirty!She is the only one who really cares about me!
You make me feel sick! "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. Xi Feifei was quickly moving from one extreme to another.

In the past, she was rebellious and wanted to break away from her sister's shackles. She would lead men to her sister to deal with her every day, ruining men's honors and playing games in the world.

Now, she was afraid that she would lose her sister soon. She suddenly hated what she had done and felt that everything her sister said was right.

Yiyin was speechless about this. To be honest, the Xi sisters are really not good people.

My elder sister, Xi Lanlan, is extremely controlling and has a mysophobia. She despises men and does not allow my sister to touch her because she looks like me. I find her expression of admiration for men disgusting.

Isn't this playing an asshole!

Xi Feifei, a little witch, knew that her sister was being a jerk, but she still lured men to her sister's place to play, and watched her sister use her secretary to ruin the man, and took pleasure in it.

How can she be better?
Even if it can be explained by mental illness, from a traditional moral perspective, Xi Feifei is not a good person.

The reason why Yiyin is soft-hearted is not because the Xi sisters are good people, but because of their close relationship with Xi Feifei.

Everyone has two sides. Even the heinous treacherous official in history may be a good man who loves his wife and children at home. Can his wife and children not love him?
No matter how bad Xi Feifei is, she is still bad to others. She is really good to Yiyin.

The relationship between her and Yiyin gradually warmed up, and she became better and better to Yiyin, so much so that Yiyin was willing to tell her her secrets and treat her sister's illness.

But now, Yiyin was misunderstood by Xi Feifei and was scolded so badly that Yiyin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

My good intentions are indeed easily misunderstood.After all, such a thing as being able to cure diseases by going to bed sounds like a fantasy, more like a trick played by some magicians to deceive and harm people.

But now that the words have been spoken, Yiyin has no way out.

Either keep silent and be considered by Xi Feifei as a bad man with bad intentions, and we will never have any friendship with him again.Or convince her that she really has this ability.

Yiyin sighed and said.

"Feifei, I know it's hard for you to believe it, but I'm actually not sure either.

I know that my body is a bit special, but I am not sure whether pancreatic cancer can be cured, because what happened to me is not scientific in itself. "

Yiyin did not quibble, but frankly admitted that he was not sure, but his heart was sincere.

This statement is different from the ordinary swindlers who pat their chests and guarantee that they can do it.

Xi Feifei looked at him doubtfully and remained silent.

Yiyin is now riding a tiger, and he can only bite the bullet and make up something to prove himself.

"Have you ever thought about why the Spo Consortium came to me?
Coming to Celestial Dynasty with the level of Takeda Kage, she is the president of Hehe Group who will receive her on an equal footing. Why would she secretly meet with me?

Because she suspected that I was the reincarnation of Shiba Yiyin, and said that I looked very similar to her ancestors. "

Yiyin grafted the matter of Shiba Consortium and told the half-truth and half-lie about the reason why Takeda Kage came to him to increase his persuasiveness. Sure enough, Shi Feifei's stern face relaxed a little.

However, Yiyin himself did not expect that what he said to deceive Xi Feifei was wrong. Takeda Kage and Takada Shenzi really doubted the possibility of reincarnation.

But according to the information that Yoshigan knew, Takeda Kage was looking for him just to find a similar face to be a street patrol actor for the ancestors' festival.

The reason why Takeda Kage paid so much attention to it and secretly went to the Magic City to meet Yoshigan in person was just out of his worship of his ancestors and wanting to make the best details of the festival. It had nothing to do with Yoshigan himself.

Yoshigan didn't know that after a series of coincidences, he was really suspected to be the reincarnation of Shiba Yoshigan. He was still here to make a show of Takeda Kage and fooled Shi Feifei into believing his words.

It's really no coincidence that there is no book. If you put it in your own pocket, how can you tell it clearly in the future?
In this era where trust between people is extremely weak, if you want to do something good, the most difficult part is how to make others believe that you really want to do something good.

Yiyin could not explain his special power, so he could only use the Spo Consortium as proof to make Xi Feifei believe in him.

However, Yiyin forgot one thing.

That is, when you tell the first lie, in order to prove that you didn't lie, you must keep using new lies to prove that you didn't lie before, and eventually you will get deeper and deeper into it.

This is what it means to say that a lie requires countless lies to cover it up.

Moreover, if one day others are fooled by Yiyin's special power into believing his lies, then even if he confesses that he is lying, others will not believe him.

When false to true, true is also false.The saddest thing in the world is that no one believes you when you tell the truth, so you can only continue to lie.Yiyin's current situation is a sign of this.

Xi Feifei thought about it seriously and shook her head.

"There is such a thing as reincarnation... Who still believes in this now? You are not a living person on the plateau...

Besides, even if the Shiba Goddess believes this incredible thing, even if you are really the reincarnation of Shiba Yiyin, then how can you prove that you have the ability to cure diseases through **? "

Yiyin was dumbfounded.

Indeed, there is no necessary connection between the reincarnation of a saint and the treatment of diseases. I was confused and told an unnecessary lie. It was really stupid.

Thinking about it, Yiyin became a little angry again. In order to help you, I even told you such a secret that no one dared to tell, and you still doubt me?

He said angrily.

“It’s not easy to prove authenticity.

Let's go find Sun Youling now. As long as she and I have sex again, won't it prove that her condition will continue to improve?
Reality is not like writing a novel. It does not require strict logic. Reality is reality. You will know it by looking at the results!

Sun Youling just had a full-body examination, and her physical examination report is proof of that.As long as I have sex with her today and you take her for another checkup tomorrow, everything will be clear. "

Yiyin saw Xi Feifei's face pale and hesitant, and said angrily.

"I really don't know what you are hesitating about. Your sister's body is like this, she only has half a year left to live, and she still refuses to receive treatment from the hospital.

Are you just going to watch her die and not want to try other methods?Even if I am talking nonsense, what loss will your sister suffer?
She is a woman and I am a man, so I am the one who suffers!

If it weren't for you, Xi Feifei, and I would be related. .We have such a good relationship, would I be willing to tell such a thing?Am I not afraid that others will know that I have evil thoughts?Aren't I afraid of being dragged into experimental slices?

If you think it’s inappropriate, just treat what I said today as if I didn’t say it! "

After Yiyin finished speaking, he crossed his arms and crossed his chest, closed his eyes angrily and lay on the passenger seat, saying no more.

Xi Feifei's complexion turned green, white, and finally turned red.She gritted her teeth, stamped her feet, started the car, and accelerated towards the exit of the underground parking lot.

Yiyin was startled by her, quickly opened his eyes, and hurriedly buckled his seat belt.

"Drive slower! Ahhh!"


It’s a hot summer day, and the sun is most intense around two o’clock in the afternoon, making people feel lazy and unmotivated.

In the Nintendo Game Company, the central air-conditioning maintains a suitable temperature of 24°C.

Everyone was busy going out, and the recruitment lists for new personnel in various departments were not handed over so quickly. Sun Youling still had time to take some time off.

After lunch, Sun Youling sat on the chair at the front desk, turned on her phone, and watched a variety show.

The program she is watching is the hottest music variety show on the Internet right now, Singer's Summer.

Because of their challenge to the behemoth White Swan Group, Yiyin and Nintendo Game Company have been frequently on the hot search list recently. At their peak, five of the top ten hot searches were related to Yiyin.

Whether you are a true fan or a negative fan, it is the most abundant and hottest traffic, and in today's Internet age, traffic is as expensive as gold.

Previously, various platforms were unwilling to offend the White Swan Group and decided to postpone the release of Nintendo games on their platforms, but this does not mean that they will not take advantage of this wave of popularity.

Among them, the one who is most successful in attracting traffic is Ma Xi, who loves Puppetry. After the singer Xia Tian made the final decision, she released the exclusive trailer for Old Boy overnight.

The singer duo Lin Qingwan and Aren accidentally changed their songs to perform on the stage because of an encounter with Yiyin singing a cappella. Coupled with Lin Qingwan's positive description of Yiyin after the performance, it instantly became popular.

The program "Singer's Summer" hasn't even been launched yet, and the online discussion has directly overtaken all variety shows in the same period, making Marcy burst into laughter.

The more than one minute trailer, half of Old Boy, tickled the hearts of many netizens, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the release of the feature film.

At [-] noon today, the first episode of Singer's Summer was officially broadcast. Sun Youling took out her mobile phone early, skipped other programs, and went directly to the old boy's performance, watching it with relish.

After reading it, she was still not satisfied and read it several times.

Watching Lin Qingwan's performance, Sun Youling was thinking about what it would be like if Yiyin sang this song.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but become a little crazy.

At this moment, the door of the company was opened. Sun Youling quickly wiped her saliva and looked up at the person.

"Welcome... Boss, Feifei, are you back?

This meal went so quickly. You came back so early. Did your talk with Mr. Niu go smoothly? "

Halfway through Sun Youling's words, she already realized that something was wrong.

Xi Feifei turned around with a gloomy face and locked the door of the company. Yiyin stood aside silently, scratching his chin with his fingers, looking a little embarrassed.

Sun Youling looked at the two of them inexplicably, and saw that Xi Feifei locked the door, went straight around the front desk, and dragged herself to the conference room.

Sun Youling exclaimed after being staggered by Xi Feifei's forceful movements.

"It hurts, what are you doing!"

Yiyin sighed and followed into the conference room.

Xi Feifei pushed Sun Youling down on the conference table, walked around the table, closed all the curtains in the room, then walked to the door of the conference room, closed the door with a bang, and locked it again.

Inexplicably, Sun Youling stood up from the conference table and asked Xiang Yiyin.

"Boss, why is Xi Feifei so crazy?"

The summer wind outside was sultry, but the air conditioner was on in the room, and the wooden painted conference table still made Sun Youling feel a little cool.

But before she finished speaking, Xi Feifei had already locked the door, rushed to her again, and pushed her back on the table.

Sun Youling said in shock.

"What are you doing?"

Xi Feifei said solemnly.

"Take off your vagina. I want you and the boss to have sex first, then to have sex, and then to have sex. Do every position from the last time, don't miss anything."

Sun Youling said in horror.

"You mean now? Here? Doing that? Are you crazy!"

Sun Youling was held down by Xi Feifei and couldn't get up. Just when she was about to call her boss for help, Xi Feifei went crazy, but she saw Yiyin unbuttoning her buttons next to her with a grimace, and her body suddenly stiffened.

"Boss...even you...what's going on!"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"This matter is very complicated... Anyway... let's talk about it as we go. I'll explain it to you slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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