Chapter 181

On the long table in the company's conference room, the overly excited Sun Youling's voice was never quiet.

The supervisor on the side, Xi Feifei, had a stern look on her face. When she encountered something she was not satisfied with, she would step forward from time to time to provide guidance and correction, or even offer to help.

If Xi Feifei is not satisfied today, it seems that no one can leave.

In the afternoon, no one from the company came to the door. After all, there was too much information in the regular meeting in the morning. Everyone went back to their own busy schedules and had no time to come back.

Who would have thought that these three people in the company would do this in their spare time?
Seeing the passage of time, Xi Feifei still had no intention of letting her go.

Yiyin didn’t have time to go back and make dinner today.He could only call Xu Xing and ask Xu Xing to take Yuyou to get some food by himself.

Yiyin was on the phone, and Sun Youling on the other end was even more excited. In desperation, Yiyin could only hold the phone in one hand and cover Sun Youling's mouth with the other to prevent Xu Xing from discovering anything.

By the time Xi Feifei was satisfied, it was almost dark outside.This is summer, the sky is dark at least until six or seven o'clock.

Yiyin worked for five or six hours and almost vomited blood.Sun Youling was even more unbearable, her whole body had collapsed into mud.

Just going back like this, Yiyin was afraid that Xu Xing would find something wrong with her smell, so she could only go back to the community opposite the company and take a shower in Sun Youling's house before daring to go home.


The outer door clicked shut and Yiyin left. Sun Youling, who was slumped on the sofa, let out a breath. What happened today was so weird.

Xi Feifei poured a glass of water, placed it in front of Sun Youling, and said softly.

"Drink some warm water and take a rest. I've ordered takeout and will eat something later."

It was rare to see such a gentle side of Xi Feifei, Sun Youling said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Xi Feifei continued.

"You eat something and go to bed early. We will go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow. We must take good care of ourselves mentally and physically to avoid inaccurate checks."

Sun Youling's expression froze and she felt like an idiot. How could she think that this little witch woman was pretty good just now? This guy was not a human being!

After feeling sulky for a while, and looking at Xi Feifei's frowning frown, Sun Youling still nodded softly.

"I see."

After taking a sip of warm water, Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei sitting on the other side of the sofa and couldn't help but ask.

"You look so terrible today... Do you really believe what Yiyin said?"

Xi Feifei glanced at Sun Youling, shook her head, and smiled wryly.

"I have no idea.

You and I are both highly educated people, but Yiyin’s strange statement is not scientific at all. Do you dare to believe it casually? "

Sun Youling bit her lower lip.

"I believe everything Yiyin says."

Xi Feifei sighed.

"You don't believe it, you are just an eggworm with a brain, and you were comforted by him.

But I am different. My sister's life is in danger, and I am willing to seize any chance to save her life.

However, before I see conclusive evidence, I dare not believe it, I dare not have expectations, and I am afraid of the disappointment after hope. That is the pain I cannot bear now.

But I have to admit it.

Sun Youling, I hope your pituitary gland will continue to shrink, I hope you live a long life, you are my only hope now, do you know? "

Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei's sad eyes, tears shining in her eyes, which made Sun Youling sigh.

"You can stay here tonight.

Tomorrow, we go to the hospital early. I will be the first to be examined and give you an explanation. "

Xi Feifei, who had remained calm and strong all afternoon, suddenly covered her mouth and couldn't help sobbing, bursting into tears.

"Thank you...I really, really thank you...Sun Youling..."

Sun Youling put down the water glass and sighed.

"You must love your sister very much."

Xi Feifei smiled with tears in her eyes.

"I always thought I hated her, but today, I suddenly discovered that I also seemed to love her very much. No, I loved her very, very much."

Sun Youling shook her head.

"I respect your love for your sister, but I still have to remind you not to hurt Yiyin.

I think what he said is true, although his words are unbelievable. What kind of Japanese saint reincarnated can help people heal their diseases by doing such things. .

But I still think he didn't lie.

Because he doesn't need to tell such senseless lies to deceive you and irritate you.He is willing to speak out only because he really cares about you. "

Xi Feifei had a complicated expression.

"I don't know, my mind is very confused. Am I being cruel or bad to him today?"

Sun Youling said solemnly.

"This is not a matter of attitude. If you are in a bad mood, be cruel to him. I have no problem with that.

but!You shouldn't have just brought him here and forced him and me. .You should at least go buy some rubber.

Have you ever thought about a question, what should he do if I get pregnant today?
I am a woman, and as a woman, it doesn’t matter if I am a little flirty. Being pregnant with a child outside is not a big deal.

And I am a terminally ill woman. My mother will be very happy to have a child. She can continue to raise my child and have new hope in life.

But what about Yiyin?How much sin has he suffered, how much suffering has he suffered, and if another illegitimate child appears, how will others view him?

The turmoil caused by the White Swan Group has not yet subsided, and his reputation will suffer another heavy blow.

The reason he cooperates with you quietly today is because he cares about you, Xi Feifei.Do you think he can't think of these serious problems?Do you think he is willing to be dented into various positions by you?

He really cares about you more than his own reputation.But the less he cares about himself, the more cautious we must be.

Don't forget, he has mental illness and self-destructive tendencies. Can you think more about him? "

Xi Feifei was in a daze after hearing this, forgetting to even sob, recalling Yiyin's reaction in the car.

He was obviously reluctant at first, but finally told himself that he had special abilities. .In fact, he has been forcing himself to cooperate with me. .

The more Xi Feifei thought about it, the warmer her heart became. That stupid man, how could he be so stupid?How does he know how to accommodate me?He really is. .I like it to death.

Xi Feifei calmed down, she has experienced too much today.

He discovered his love for his sister, discovered Yiyin's true love for him, and discovered his good friend Sun Youling.

What she gained in one day today was much more than what she had gained in the past years when she was ignorant and fooling around.

Xi Feifei wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

If God had mercy on herself, and made Yiyin's words come true, and allowed Sun Youling and Xi Lanlan to survive, she, Xi Feifei, would cherish everything in front of her, for sure!
Xi Feifei, who accepted everything calmly, suddenly laughed.

"Sun Youling, didn't you say you believed in Yiyin? Then why did you emphasize that after you die, your mother will take care of your posthumous child?
It turns out that idiot fans like you don’t absolutely believe what Yiyin says! "

Sun Youling blushed and retorted.

"I'm assuming! Do you understand if you understand!"

While the two were refuting each other, the doorbell suddenly rang, and Xi Feifei stood up and said.

"It should be takeout, I'll go check it out."

Sun Youling was nestled on the sofa, feeling the remaining righteousness in her body, lowering her head and murmuring to herself.

"Who doesn't want to live a long life, but Yiyin's words... are really fantasy... how can people dare to believe it so easily..."


Xi Feifei and Sun Youling were dubious and teasing each other when Yiyin had already taken a taxi back to Xu Xing's community.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and Yiyin realized that he hadn't eaten anything and his stomach was growling.

He looked at his phone and saw that it was past 07:30. He was so exhausted that he didn't want to go out for food anymore, so he went home and ate some biscuits.

Opening the door and entering the room, Yiyin turned on the light and found a person sitting on the sofa, and subconsciously asked.

"Xu Xing, you are at home, why don't you turn on the lights?"

Before Yiyin finished speaking, the door behind him was closed.He turned around in shock and saw the little witch standing behind the door closing the door.

The figure on the sofa stood up, turned around, and looked at Yiyin with a smile.

"Oh, oh, we meet again, Yiyin-kun."

Yoshiyin's escape route was cut off, and he frowned and looked at Takada Kamiko who was smiling like a vixen.

"How did you get in? Where is Xu Xing? Where is Youyou?"

Takada Kamiko stepped forward, hugged Yoshigami's arm tenderly, and led him to the sofa.

"Don't be so serious.

Xu Xing suddenly received a big business deal. He was still busy in the studio and would not be back until about an hour later.

Don't worry, they have already ordered takeout. My people saw the takeaway person enter the building with the lunch box. The child Youyou is not hungry. Xu Xing is a qualified and good man. "

Hearing this, Yiyin felt relieved a little.Come to think of it, Xu Xing's big business was a tool used by Miko Takada to delay his return home.

Yiyin looked at Takada Shenzi's face and felt a little guilty.

Not long ago, he was boasting in front of Xi Feifei and Sun Youling, saying that he was the reincarnation of the ancestor of the descendant of Sibo.

At this moment, the descendants of the Sibo Goddess came to the door. God knows whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Could it be that your boasting has exposed your secrets?Could it be that the Sparsian had a bug installed in his company?Then wasn't the scene in the afternoon clearly seen by others?

Yoshigami was thinking wildly, but Takada Kamiko didn't know this.

Takada Shenzi naturally had her own purpose for coming here, and she waved to the little miko.

"A-Nin, physical examination report."

A-Nin stepped forward and put a stack of documents on the coffee table. Yiyin couldn't help but ask.

"what is this?"

Half of Takada Kamiko's body was pressed against Yoshiyin's shoulder, and she looked up at him with deep eyes.

"Here are your physical examination reports over the years, as well as the examination report from when you were hospitalized a few days ago.

I found a very interesting thing, the previous reports were all normal, but this is the latest one. .You seem to be getting younger. "

Yiyin's body trembled, and it was immediately felt by Takada Kamiko who was close to him.

"What's the matter, Yiyin-jun, you seem to be very guilty."

Of course Yiyin knew that he was getting younger, but he didn't know why the Shiba Goddess wanted to check him. He pretended to be calm.

"It's okay, I'm just curious.

Ms. Takada, why did you come to my house to kidnap me and tell me this. "

Takada Kamiko looked at Yoshiyin for a long time and showed a mischievous smile.

"Actually, it's very simple, because I fell in love with you, Yiyin-kun, and I want to take you as my own."

Yiyin swallowed his saliva as he looked at Takada Kamiko, who was as beautiful as a fox.

"Ms. Takada, please don't joke."

Takada Kamiko shook his head and his expression became very serious.

"I'm not joking, let me prove it to you."

Yi Gin felt a chill in his thighs, and Takada Kamiko was already kneeling in front of him.

"Ms. Takada! China is a legal society! What are you... what are you going to do!"

"What to do? Prove you my love for you."

Takada Shenzi smiled and then lowered her head. At this time, her heart was full of excitement.

Yiyin's physical examination report proves that his body is getting younger, just like his ancestor Yiyin Shiba.

At that time, Sibo Yiyin was regarded as a god by the islanders. An important reason was that he had an ageless appearance and remained youthful forever!

Shiba Yiyin looked like a young man until his death, and the Shiba Goddess also inherited this characteristic from him and aged very slowly.

But as time passed and the bloodline was diluted, this characteristic of the Shiba Goddess slowly disappeared into history.

Although Yiyin is over thirty years old, his appearance is handsome and he looks like he is no more than 26 years old.Although it is not as permanent as Shiba Yiyin's 16 years old, Yiyin is rejuvenating!

Takada Kamiko doesn't know if Yoshigin is the reincarnation of her ancestor. She needs more evidence. She is here today to obtain more material information about Yoshigin's body and bring it back for testing.

However, Takada Kamiko's luck was very bad. Yoshigan had been squeezed dry just now, and he was very insensitive at this moment. Even if Takada Kamiko was quick to talk, he could not make Yoshigan give in for a while.

Takada Kamiko talked for half an hour, her mouth was sore, but she still got nothing. But at this time, she was not depressed, and even became more and more excited.

Because Takada Kamiko knows that men in the world of women are very weak, but the ancestor Shiba Yoshigan is very strong.The stronger the Yiyin, the more consistent it is with the characteristics of the ancestors in history.

Takada Shenzi glanced at A Nin who was standing next to him and ordered.

"A-nin, come here and kneel down."

A Ren didn't want to say.

"Your Highness, this is... a criminal act..."

Takada Miko smiled slightly.

"I want you to come here and kneel down."

(End of this chapter)

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