Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 182 The Most Glorious Mission

Chapter 182 The Most Glorious Mission

Surrendering to Takada Kamiko's silver power, A-nin was forced to obey the order.

With the help of A-nin, Yiyin was finally defeated by the island nation's witches. After cheering up, he fell into a deeper depression.

Today, he was a little overtired.

Seeing Yi Gin's weakness, A Nin couldn't bear it, but Takada Kamiko picked up the harvest with a smile and carefully put the test tube storing the liquid in the pocket on the inside of his coat neck.


08: 30.

The door to the room was opened, and Xu Xing walked in with Youyou laughing and joking.At this time, Yiyin had just taken another bath and came out of the bathroom.

Youyou stepped forward and rubbed her sweet-smelling father and refused to let go. Xu Xing seemed to be in a good mood and smiled.

"You are very busy today, right? You don't have time to come back to do it in the evening. But it's a coincidence. Fortunately, you didn't cook, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come back to eat.

I received a big order at four or five o'clock, and a sum of capital from an island country found its way to me somehow.I was anxious to make a preview of the cross-border investment filing, so I ordered some takeout from the studio. "

"Congratulations, Boss Xu will make a fortune."

Yiyin sat down with Yuyou in his arms and ate the torn biscuits on the coffee table.

Xu Xing came over, poured him a glass of water, and said.

"How can I get rich? I haven't even scratched my horoscope yet. It's also my first time to come across a cross-border investment project. I don't have much confidence. I don't know where these islanders found me.

It's you, why are you so busy that you didn't even eat dinner?Has the company's operations returned to normal? "

Yiyin sighed, not knowing how to describe his ups and downs day. If this were writing a novel, it would probably have twelve chapters.

He shook his head, gnawed on a cookie, and sighed.

"What a long day."


For Yiyin, the long day is over and he can wash his hands and sleep peacefully.

But for Takada Kamiko, the day is not over yet, and the night is still very long.

In an island country's scientific research cooperative enterprise in Modu, a certain laboratory is brightly lit, and the workers are still working overtime.

Kamiko Takada is sitting on the sofa, seemingly comfortable, but from her wandering eyes and trembling long eyelashes, it can be seen that her heart is not as peaceful as her appearance.

While waiting for the report, the ringtone of a cell phone came from A Nin, who was standing next to him.

A-nin glanced at the phone screen, leaned close to Takada Kamiko's ear, and whispered softly.

"It's Director Lu."

Takada Shenzi narrowed his eyes, took the phone from A-nin's hands, and said with a smile.

"Here is the Son of God."

"Hello, Miss Takada."

"It's Director Lu. May I ask if you have any advice for calling me so late?"

"I don't dare, I just want to remind Ms. Takada that Mr. Yiyin of Nintendo Game Company is a man with considerable social influence and has contacts with senior leaders of Hehe Group.

I hope that Miss Takada will abide by the laws of China and not make me feel embarrassed when doing anything to him. "

Takada Shenzi chuckled.

"So, as long as I am an ordinary person without social influence, I can do whatever I want?"

"You know I don't mean that."

"Don't be angry, Director Lu, I was just making a little joke with you.

Of course I will respect the laws of China and the Hehe Group.After all, the Sibo Goddess has always been the dog of the Celestial Empire.

This is the ancestral precept written in black and white by our ancestors on Jindo Hall. As the current palace minister of Jindo Hall, I worship my ancestors more than anyone else and am more willing to abide by their precepts. "

Takada Kamiko's soft-spoken words silenced Director Lu.

After a while, Director Lu sighed on the other end.

"Thank you, Miss Takada, for your understanding and support. It's too late, so I won't disturb your rest."

"Director Lu is too polite. I'll hang up now. I'm sorry."

Throwing the phone to A-nin, Takada Kamiko said nothing with a cold face.

A mere Director Lu is not enough to make her feel afraid.After all, the relationship between China and the island country is an iron-clad friendship forged with 500 years of blood.

As long as the Shiba Goddess is still a loyal dog of the Celestial Empire, the Celestial Empire will always tolerate a little bit of excessive behavior.

Kamiko Takada closed her eyes, feeling excited, waiting for the test results.

Soon, the office door was opened, and Takada Kamiko opened his eyes immediately, his eyes piercing the visitor like a sword.

The old woman who came to report was the boss of this company. She originally wanted to flatter her and sent the report in person, but she didn't want to be startled by Takada Kamiko's blazing gaze.

"Gao...Your Highness Takada."

Takada Kamiko forced a smile and asked.

"Is the result of the report out?"

"Hey, it's out. The result is that everything is normal, nothing special."

Takada Shenzi took a deep breath, feeling disappointed in his heart.She took the report and read it carefully. There was indeed nothing special about it.

Could it be that I saw it wrong?There's really nothing special about that silver liquid, it's impossible. .Absolutely impossible. .

Takada Kamiko picked up the Mikazuki Munechika next to him and used both hands so hard that the veins popped out, but the scabbard still remained motionless and could not be pulled out.

She once again confirmed her judgment. Mikazuki Munechika had recognized his master and no one else could pull him out.

There is also the divine gift used by Yiyin, and the younger appearance of the physical examination report. All of these point to one answer, he is the reincarnation of his ancestor!

Takada Shenzi frowned and looked at the report. Indeed, everything was normal.

However, the test results only show that the current level of science and technology cannot detect problems and cannot verify authenticity.

No problem can be found, perhaps because the power of God is too mysterious and obscure, and cannot be explained by science.

Thinking of this, Takada Shenzi's eyebrows relaxed and he said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work, please go out first."


After the boss of this company left, Takada Shenzi became a little hesitant.

According to her original plan, once she found something special about Yiyin's liquid, she would immediately invite Yiyin back to the island country for further verification.

The Shiba Goddess has been passed down to this day, and there are many heirs. Find a few girls of the right age, give birth to heirs with Yiyin, and observe the status of the heirs, and you will naturally know more truth.

But now, Director Lu vaguely reminded Takada Kamiko that Yoshiyin was not an ordinary person and asked her to pay attention to her standards in doing things.

And the evidence in Takada Kamiko's hands was not enough for her to take the risk of offending the Celestial Empire and force Yoshibank back to the island country.

If Yiyin is really the reincarnation of his ancestor, the Sibo Consortium will naturally try their best to welcome the saint back. The terms can be freely negotiated with the Harmony Group, and anything can be negotiated.

But now that the situation is unclear, Takada Kamiko can't even put forward her own proposal to the board of directors to get everyone to support her ridiculous idea.

A man from the Celestial Dynasty turned out to be the reincarnation of his ancestor. How could such a fantasy story win the trust of those on the board of directors?

In this era of prosperous science, even many Sporian descendants no longer believe in divine authority.

Apart from die-hard conservatives like Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko, how many people would believe in such inexplicable things as reincarnation?
Takada Kamiko thought for a long time and decided not to act rashly for the time being, and even wanted to keep his discovery secret from the outside world, so as not to expose the secret that Yoshigan might be the reincarnation of Shiba Yoshigan.

But as the great shrine maiden of the Shiba Shinto sect and the palace minister of Tsuta-den, it is indeed very inconvenient for Takada Kamiko to stay in Momo for a long time without returning.

Finally, Takada Shenzi turned his attention to A-nin.

"A-Nin, I heard that you have made all preparations and are just waiting to take the law exam after returning to secular life. Well, do you want to go home and help a few good friends who are useless?"

Aren was stunned and didn't know why Takada Kamiko mentioned her matter at this time, but she still answered honestly.

"Hi, I have contacted my senior at Edo University and asked her to help me with tutoring and get my license as soon as possible."

Takada Shenzi touched his chin and squinted his eyes.

"That's right, I remembered it. Last time I saw your lawyer sister giving you tutoring lessons at the shrine. Her name was cigarette..."

"Smoke Fei."

"Yes, yes, it's Yan Fei."

Takada Kamiko looked at A-nin and smiled.

"In the name of the contemporary palace minister of Tsudo-den, I declare that from now on, you will no longer be a shrine maiden."

Happiness came so suddenly that A Ren looked at Takada Kamiko in disbelief.

Takada Shenzi blinked and asked with a smile.

"Aren't you happy?"

Ah Nin said sarcastically.

"I always feel like there is a sequel."

Kamiko Takada clapped his hands.

"Binbo, you guessed it right!

Now, in the name of the 19th generation governor of Kami Takada, I ask you, Tachibana Shinobi, the descendant of Tachibana Kanade, to take Mikazuki Munechika to Yoshigan's side. "

A-nin, no, this is Tachibana-nin who has returned to secular life, and he was stunned on the spot.

500 years ago, Tachibana Kanade, as a warrior of Takada Yukinokage, took Mikazuki Munechika to stay with the saint Shiba Yoshigan.

500 years later, her descendant Tachibana Shinobu was asked by Takada Kamiko to take Mikazuki Munechika with him to stay with Yoshigan.

Tachibana Shinobu vaguely understood something from Takada Kamiko's inexplicable behavior.

The island country is an extremely closed country. The Yamato tribe cannot even tolerate the Mao people who have lived together in the island country for thousands of years, let alone the Western barbarians.

And Anin's ancestor, Tachibana Kanou, was a British barbarian with silver hair and silver eyes who suffered a shipwreck and drifted from the outer sea to the island country.

500 years ago, Tachibana Kan was favored by Shiba Yiyin.

However, the stubborn xenophobic tradition of the island country prevents her descendants from becoming a member of the Shinobi Shiba. They can only follow the Shinobi Takada family in a vassal manner.

In the strict hierarchical society of the island country, the emphasis is on dragons and phoenixes, and the daughter of the mouse digs holes.

Although Aren was agreed by Takada Kamiko, who was the palace secretary of Tsutama Palace, and allowed her to return to secular life.

However, after she returned to secular life, she resumed her secular status as Tachibana Shinobi, and she still had to serve as a retainer, assigned by Takada Kamiko, the divine descendant of the Takada clan, to continue to obey her orders.

This is the ideological stamp under the Sibo theocratic system. In this way, the islanders were imprisoned layer by layer by the Sibo theocratic descendants and became theocratic slaves for 500 years.

The descendants of Sibo followed the ancestral precepts of Sibo Yiyin and drove the islanders to shed their blood and bury countless bones for the Celestial Empire in these 500 years.

Therefore, in modern times, the mysteriousness of the Sibo gods gradually disappeared, and the islanders rejected theocratic power and embraced freedom.

As a last resort, Sibo's divine power can only turn light into darkness, return power to the people, and secretly dominate the island country in the form of the Sibo Consortium. It no longer has the power of the divine light that illuminated the island country.

This is also the past that the extreme conservatives of the Shiba Goddess, Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko, are brooding over. They long to welcome back the saint and restore the eternal pure land where the divine power maintains the island nation's unchangingness for eternity.

Eternity is the eternity in which the Sparsians will forever enslave the islanders.

In order to achieve this goal, Takada Kamiko, a fanatical believer of Shiba Yiyin, will do whatever it takes, she said solemnly.

"A-Nin, you don't need to go back to the island country to take the legal exam. I will send someone to bring your license to you.

You just stay in Modu, stay at Nintendo Game Company, stay with Yiyin, watch him for me, observe him, and understand everything about him.

I want to know everything about him, whether his sexual desire is strong, whether he is still returning to his youth, and whether there are any other magical things about him. "

A Ren's heart was filled with bitterness.

The law exam in the island country was so difficult. She was studying hard while working as a miko. She didn't want to sleep every night in order to study. She even asked Senior Yanfei for help, so she barely had the confidence to pass.

But her efforts were worthless in the eyes of Takada Kamiko, a powerful man in the island country. Takada Kamiko needed her to get close to Yiyin, so he casually threw away the license qualification that she regarded as a treasure to her.

Tachibana Shinobi lowered his head, suddenly feeling that the thing he once longed for so much no longer tasted good now.

However, Takada Kamiko no longer paid attention to Tachibana Shinobi's little emotions and continued to think about his own concerns.

The Takada family and the Tachibana family have an irreversible relationship and have spent 500 years together.A-nin is a child with a stubborn temper and always has some inexplicable persistence. Naturally, Takada Kamiko is willing to tolerate him.

But the reincarnation of the saint is of great importance. Takada Shenzi cannot trust outsiders. Only the children of the Tachibana family are her most reliable assistants.

Regardless of whether Shinobu Tachibana wants it or not, she must do this. This is her mission as a descendant of the Tachibana family.

Serving a saint is a great honor.

(End of this chapter)

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