Chapter 183

Takada Shenzi wanted to imitate his ancestors.

At that time, ancestor Takada presented the Kage Samurai Tachibana Koso to Shiba Yoshigan, holding the Mikazuki Sokon in his hand to protect the saint.

Today God Son Takata asked Li Huaren to stay by Yiyin's side, also holding Mikazuki Zongjin, but this time he was with suspicion and observation, to find out whether the saint was really reincarnated.

As for whether Yoshigan will accept Tachibana Shinobi and allow her to serve him, Takada Kamiko is not worried at all.

Although the Siba consortium is not as powerful as the Hemu Group, as a 500-year-old family of gods who have owned the entire island country, Miko Takada, the great priestess of the Shiba Shinto religion, has very, very powerful power.

She has plenty of resources and methods to make Yiyin accept her kindness.

At this time, Yiyin didn't know that he had temporarily escaped the fate of being taken to the island country to be a stallion. He had just put Yuyou to sleep and was about to rest when he received another call from an unknown number.

Since meeting Secretary Niu Shuang, Yiyin is now polite to strangers and answers calls whenever possible.

"Hello, who are you?"

There seemed to be silence on the other side, and then a cold, crisp female voice came.

"I am Lin Qingwan."

Yiyin turned around three times in his mind, who is Lin Qingwan?But this voice is so familiar. .Then he suddenly remembered.

"Oh oh oh, Lin Qingwan, hello.

How do you have my phone number?I remember that you refused to exchange for Fetion at that time. "

Yiyin's words directly chatted the other party to death.

Lin Qingwan was not an outgoing person who liked to talk, so she called this time because someone asked her to.When Yiyin interrupted her, she was so embarrassed that she didn't even know what to say.

Fortunately, she was not alone at this time. Aren, who was next to her, couldn't see it and grabbed the phone without saying anything.

"Hello! Hello, handsome guy from Eida, I'm Aren!"

Yiyin froze for a moment.


"Yes! It's the A-Ren who sings with A-wan. Didn't you watch that singer's summer that premiered today?"

Yiyin smiled bitterly, he was busy with mugwort all day today, how could he have time to watch any variety shows.

However, when Aren reminded her, Yiyin suddenly remembered the old boy trailer she had seen with Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao. There was indeed an outstanding boy next to Lin Qingwan.

"Aren, I know, I know, hello, do you have anything to do with me?"

Aren laughed.

"Here's the thing, we will be filming the third episode of the band's summer tomorrow. The program team wants to invite you to come over as a special guest, so I asked Awan to help invite you. Are you interested in coming to play, handsome guy?"

Yiyin hesitated.

"Special guest..."

"I won't waste much of your time. Just come up and show your face when we perform. The recording site is in Modu. It's very convenient."

Yiyin thought for a while, Lin Qingwan changed the content of her performance before going on stage and spoke up for herself for the sake of her whom she had only met once. She had to recognize this favor.

The program crew probably still wants to gain popularity. Although Yiyin is not willing to make a public appearance, it is the hardest to repay the debt of gratitude. If you have this opportunity, just repay it all at once.

So Yiyin nodded.

"No problem, just tell me the time and place, and I'll go there tomorrow.

However, you have already recorded the third episode?I remember the online premiere just started at noon today. "

Aren smiled on the other end of the phone.

"The recording of the program is like this. We are already late. In fact, if we move faster, the fourth episode should be recorded by now."

Yiyin nodded and asked casually.

"Since you invited me to the third round, you must have advanced to the second round, right?"

Aren hissed, seemingly hurt by Yiyin's words.

"This...this...we have signed a confidentiality agreement and it is not convenient to disclose it to the outside world."

Yiyin nodded in understanding.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was rude. What did your opponent sing in the second round? Can I ask?"

Aren said cheerfully.

"There is already a program schedule online. It can be said that the other party is singing about pineapple and jackfruit."

Yiyin was silent for a moment and said.

"Pineapple and jackfruit... Then how can you win?"

Aren also sighed on the other end.

"So, the third rematch is very important, and I want you to help support the show.

Huh?Did I say something I shouldn't have said?Breach of confidentiality agreement? "

Yiyin shook his head.

"No, not at all, I have no idea that you were beaten by pineapple and jackfruit and had no choice but to go to the resurrection match.

Actually, don't think too much. No one in China can beat a pineapple and jackfruit. Even if you find an idol from an island country, you still can't beat her. It's normal to lose, but it's strange to win. "

After being comforted to the end, Yiyin couldn't help but ask.

"How did you hold back from whipping that guy?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then Aren sighed helplessly.

"We intellectuals don't fight. Anyway, thank you for your comfort."

Yiyin really likes this boy named Aren. He is a very refreshing person, not at all as coquettish as the men in the world of women.

"What are you going to sing for the Easter competition? This shouldn't be kept secret, right? I've been invited to participate."

Aren smiled.

“No problem, just ask.

I want to change the old song we composed before and call it Ah Yin falls in love with Ah Wan. I think it will be a big hit and revive with high votes.

Handsome guy, what do you think? "

Yiyin was silenced again. On the other end of the phone, Lin Qingwan, who seemed to be unable to bear it, snatched Aren's phone away.

Lin Qingwan apologized in a low voice.

"Sorry, Aren is very chatty."

Yiyin said softly.

"It's okay. I appreciate him as a pure person. By the way, tell him that Ah Yin can sing if he falls in love with Ah Wan, but don't do stage diving to save some face for the guest instructor."

Lin Qingwan didn't listen to what Yiyin said at all. Just because of the sentence that Ayin fell in love with Awan, she blushed and said angrily.

"Aren is out of his mind, what are you doing with him?"

Yi Yin faintly heard Ah Ren's voice cheering for long live on the phone, and laughed along with him.

"It's okay. As long as you can advance and go further, I will support whatever he wants to sing."

Facing Yiyin's kindness, Lin Qingwan's seemingly calm appearance had ripples in her heart. She bit her lower lip and thought.

You are obviously in so much trouble yourself, and you obviously don’t want to cause trouble, so why bother with me. .Why. .A gentle and good man like you. .

Lin Qingwan sighed.

"This is my phone number. Remember it so you can contact me later."

Yiyin laughed.

"I've already written it down, my big singer. Remember to add me on Fetion. It's the same as my mobile phone number. I want to see your Fetion circle."

Yiyin's few witty words made Lin Qingwan even more confused.

Why does he want to see my Fetion circle?Do you want to see how I look?Understand my life?It's still him. .Interested in me?
The confused Lin Qingwan became more and more panicked as she thought about it. She managed to say a few words and then hung up the phone.

When she looked back, she almost twisted her nose in anger. Ah Ren was already biting the pencil and started to change the song. It was the song "A Yin fell in love with A Wan".

Lin Qingwan kicked Aren bitterly, lowered her head and walked far away, silently adding Yiyin's phone number to Fetion.

Yiyin's verification was immediately passed. Lin Qingwan felt guilty and glanced at Ren, who was lowering his head to compose the lyrics. The corners of his mouth turned up and he secretly flipped through Yiyin's FeChat circle.

Huh, it's rude to come back without reciprocating. If you want to check my Fetion circle, I will check yours too!

Yiyin just received another call through Lin Qingwan's Fetion application. This time the caller was Gu Yue.

Yiyin picked up the phone and said.

"Busy man, why are you free to call me?"

Gu Yue on the other end of the phone smiled.

"I just put the person on the plane, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief."

Yiyin said in surprise.

"Is the investigation finished now?"

Gu Yue said calmly.

“The more trivial things are, the more time is wasted. When big things happen, they often become resolute.

This time, the process was clear, the responsibilities were clear, and there was nothing worthy of repeated discussion.

By the way, Huang Yi has already suspended the work at hand and accompanied the visitor to fly back to the Imperial City to cooperate in making a detailed investigation report. "

Yiyin heard the gloating in Gu Yue's tone and couldn't help but sigh.

"You are serious...Huang Yi and we are both old classmates, can't you be nicer to him?"

Gu Yue seemed to have noticed something was wrong. After all, Huang Yi was Yiyin's old roommate, and she seemed too stingy. She nodded.

"You are right, winners should be more tolerant to losers."

Yiyin was confused.

"What winner and loser? I don't understand what you are talking about at all."

Gu Yue changed the topic.

"It's nothing, I just made a random joke. Are you free this weekend? I'm starting to miss you again."

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"The current situation between you and me is not suitable for meeting outside, right?"

Gu Yue laughed.

"Then come to my house, eat, chat, and watch TV."

Yi Yin pouted.

"Is that really all there is?"

"If you don't object, there can be something else."

After breaking through the layer of window paper and confirming the relationship between lovers, the cold beauty can also become ambiguous and enthusiastic.

Yiyin sighed, suddenly missing the cold and aloof Gu Yue back then.

"Thankfully, you are still a senior executive of Hehe Group, and you act sanctimoniously on TV..."

"That's outside. I don't want to be sanctimonious to you."

"Okay, okay, I can't stand you. I'll check it out over the weekend and I'll go spend time with you when I have time."

"one day?"

"Well, one day, are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied."


The two of them talked for a few more words, and Gu Yue hurriedly hung up the phone.It seems that she is not as leisurely as she said, she should still be busy.

Yiyin shook his head in distress, thinking about whether he should cook in person on the weekend to replenish Gu Yue's health and make some oysters or something.

But then he thought about it and laughed again.

Oysters, are you giving them to Gu Yue, or are you giving them to yourself to torment Gu Yue?Maybe. .She prefers to be tormented by herself, right?
Yiyin shook his head, he was getting more and more used to his current life, it was a bit wild.

(End of this chapter)

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