Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 184 Moths are willing to fly into the flames

Chapter 184 Moths are willing to fly into the flames
Putting down the phone, remembering the little things that happened between Gu Yue and himself in the past two months, Yi Yin couldn't help showing a smirk like a pig brother.

After a moment of happiness, Yiyin thought of Xi Feifei again. I wonder what her current situation is like.For her, tonight must be a sleepless night, right?

At this time, Yiyin didn't know that Xi Feifei had already stayed at Sun Youling's house, and made an appointment for a physical examination tomorrow morning, waiting for the final result.

Yi Yin sighed.

I was still too impulsive. Just seeing Xi Feifei's tears, I couldn't help but tell her about the special condition of my body.

What if he guessed wrong and Sun Youling's improvement in condition had nothing to do with him? How embarrassing. It would give Xi Feifei a glimmer of hope and then extinguish it, making her even more miserable.

But if Sun Youling's condition really improves after examination, it will be even more troublesome.

What will Xi Feifei do?Send yourself directly to Xi Lanlan's bed?If my special ability is known to others, will I be sent to the laboratory for biopsy?
There is no airtight wall in the world. Even if Xi Feifei and Sun Youling are tight-lipped, what about Xi Lanlan?What about those health care workers?

The truth is always difficult to hide unless you are the only one who knows it.

Moreover, in order to win Xi Feifei's trust, Yiyin also told a lie that he was the reincarnation of Si Bo's ancestor saint, and he didn't know if it would lead to disaster.

It was really baffling that Takada Kamiko broke into a house just to get Yoshiyin's liquid. She was just curious about whether her body might be getting younger?
Yiyin felt a little frightened.

Whether this was Takada Kamiko's personal perverted thirst for knowledge or a deeper intention, Yoshigami couldn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to tell anyone about it and let others help analyze it.

God child Takata is not a small person like Qian Zhi, if Xu Xing, Gu Yue, Huang Yi and other people around him find out about this, they will cause a lot of trouble.

Yiyin sighed deeply.

I hope this is just a whim of Takada Kamiko, I hope nothing special is found in the liquid taken away, I hope. .

Yiyin shook his head. He was worrying unreasonably here and couldn't change anything. He might as well go to bed early.


The next morning, Sun Youling yawned on a bench in the hospital garden.

Xi Feifei did have the connections and methods. She got up with Sun Youling at five o'clock in the morning and went to the hospital. She arranged for an examination at six o'clock in the morning.

After the whole process was completed, it was not yet eight o'clock. Sun Youling was sleepy and hungry, and was thinking about whether to go to the hospital convenience store to buy something to eat.

Then, she saw Xi Feifei coming out of the building and walking towards her quickly.

Sun Youling stood up from the chair and was about to speak, but before she could speak, Xi Feifei hugged her and spun her around twice.

"Ah! Xi Feifei, what are you doing!"

Xi Feifei was so excited that she put Sun Youling down, put the inspection report into her hand, and said excitedly.

"It's really getting smaller! Yiyin didn't lie to me! Everything he said is true!"

Sun Youling was stunned for a moment, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over her body. She opened the inspection report with trembling hands and looked at it herself.

The pituitary gland in her brain had shrunk significantly again. Oh my god, it had only been a few days since the last examination, and it had shrunk so much again.

Sun Youling couldn't help but gasp. She covered her lower abdomen with her hands, and she seemed to be able to feel the remaining warmth of the silver in her body.

I never knew. .It turns out you saved me. .

Sun Youling couldn't help but burst into tears.

In fact, Sun Youling has always been unable to understand that a loyal man like Yiyin would marry Qian Ya's traditional man just because Qian Ya's charming man fucked him.

Even if he had sex after drinking for a while, why would he be willing to maintain such an immoral lover relationship with him?

Now, Sun Youling completely understood.

It turns out that Yiyin wanted to save his life.In order to save his own life, Yiyin endured his excessive demands and had to respond to himself again and again.

If it weren't for Xi Feifei's sister's accident and Yiyin's soft-hearted words about her own uniqueness, Sun Youling might never know for the rest of her life that Yiyin was so gentle that she saved her in secret.

Regardless of whether Yiyin is the reincarnation of the saint of the Spo Consortium, in Sun Youling's heart at this moment, Yiyin is definitely her angel, the angel sent by God to save her.

Sun Youling was originally the president of Yiyin Support Association and a four-year college fan. The more she thought about it, the image of Yiyin became bigger and bigger in her heart.

All kinds of unreasonable details were eliminated by her subconsciously, and the word worship was engraved in her mind.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Xi Feifei had decisively dialed her cell phone.

"Hey, sister, I want to see you. Are you still in Modou?
Well, when are you free?tonight?OK "

Xi Feifei hung up the phone, looked up and saw Sun Youling's expression was wrong, and asked.

"what happened?"

Sun Youling handed the physical examination report back to Xi Feifei and asked solemnly.

"You want to take Yiyin to see Xi Lanlan?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Yes, since this method works, I want to let my sister try it. She only has half a year left to live, so she can't delay it any longer."

Sun Youling stared at Xi Feifei.

"Then what are you going to do? Tell Xi Lanlan the truth directly? Let her and Yiyin... try?"

Xi Feifei was silent for a moment and sighed.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Sun Youling sighed.

"Yi Yin told you this secret, and he should have already made preparations to go to Xi Lanlan for you. I can imagine how difficult it was for him to make this determination.

As a chaste man, he did this kind of thing again and again, and he didn't know if it would aggravate his mental illness.

Don't forget, he has gender confusion and a mental illness with self-destructive tendencies.

The more he violates a man's chastity and does such things, the more likely he will fall into a psychological dilemma that is difficult to cure. "

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"Why are you telling me this now? Do you want me to watch my sister die?
This was Yiyin’s choice, and I didn’t force him!He volunteered for me. .for me. . "

Xi Feifei couldn't speak anymore. At this moment, she was full of gratitude, guilt, and the girlish feelings that had been brewing in the past two months. It seemed that they all burst out at this moment, filling her body and mind.

Sending the man she loved to her sister's bed, even for the reason of medical treatment, was not a pain that Xi Feifei could bear.

In the past, she could play with the world and take pleasure in sending men to be dealt with by her sister's secretary.

But at this moment, when she thought that Yiyin was really going to be given to her sister by herself, Xi Feifei's heart felt like being cut with a blunt knife, and she was in pain.

What made her suffer even more was Yiyin's selfless love for her, and her elder sister who raised her like a mother.

No matter how she chose, she made a beastly choice, and it was difficult to have both family affection and love.

Sun Youling shook her head and said.

"Don't get into trouble, that's not what I meant.

Since Yiyin has chosen to confess to you, he is ready to sacrifice himself. This matter is not your responsibility, so don't think too much about it.

Just like me, I drank to drown my sorrows that day and told my illness.Yiyin would secretly sacrifice himself and maintain a relationship with me as a lover. In fact, he wanted to cure my illness.

It's his choice, not your fault.

But what I want to say is, have you ever considered that he might be in danger? "

Xi Feifei was stunned, dangerous?What's the danger?
From yesterday to now, Xi Feifei has been in an impatient state, unable to calm down and think about the problem.

Until now, her mind was still filled with the idea of ​​saving her sister. Even though she felt guilty about Yiyin, it was only after several reminders from Sun Youling that she finally came up with some ideas.

Sun Youling sighed.

“Pancreatic cancer, not even one of the scariest cancers.

If, and I mean if, Yiyin really cured your sister's pancreatic cancer through that method.What do you think will happen to him in the future? "

Xi Feifei is not a fool. On the contrary, she is a very smart person. Otherwise, she would not have refused her sister's suggestion to study abroad. She was admitted to Jiaofu University through her own efforts.

If Xi Feifei still can't understand what Sun Youling said, then she is not Xi Feifei.

The dizzy Xi Feifei reacted suddenly and narrowed her eyes.

Yes, terminal diseases can be treated in this way, that Yiyin. .

Countless powerful people will use all means to support him, control him, and even send him for medical experiments to find out the source of his special abilities.

For those who have money and power, they can do anything for longevity and health.Qin Shihuang, the only emperor of the ages, could also be crazy about immortality, and how could others be an exception?

Yiyin is just an ordinary person. Even with Jinghua's circle and some help from Hehe Group, he can't stop those coveting eyes.

He is too weak, like a child passing through the market with gold nuggets in his arms, soft and easy to push down.

Xi Feifei instantly understood what Sun Youling was worried about. A common man was not guilty, but he was guilty of having a treasure in his possession.

After thinking for a while, Xi Feifei said.

“I will ask my sister to keep this a secret.

Yiyin told her secret to save her life. I will definitely ensure Yiyin's safety.if. .If my sister is sorry for Yiyin, I will never forgive her in this life.

Moreover, Yiyin's situation may not be as difficult as you think.

Don't forget, what your improvement means means that Yiyin didn't lie, everything he said is true.

If he is really the reincarnation of the 500-year-old saint from the island country, the Sibo Consortium will protect him even if they risk their lives.

Takeda Kage has already been to Modou. Even if it is just a suspicion, the Shiba Goddess will definitely leave a back-up to further verify the speculation. "

Sun Youling shook her head and sighed.

“In 500 years, all the seas can turn into mulberry fields.

Even if the descendant of Shiba is the descendant of that saint, even if Yiyin is the reincarnation of that saint, it does not mean that the Shiba consortium has no ill intentions towards him.

The world is in trouble and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. We cannot place all our hopes on others. "

Xi Feifei was silent for a while and nodded. She had to admit that Sun Youling was right.

The Sibo Goddess understands the magic of the saint better than outsiders, and their desire and greed to obtain the saint may be even more intense.

Xi Feifei smiled bitterly.

"What on earth are we talking about? The kind of low-quality domestic fantasy drama that is designed to make men cry?
If I hadn't seen your medical report, I wouldn't have believed it was true. This matter is not scientific at all. "

Sun Youling sighed.

"Fiction requires logic, but reality does not. Put the living reality in front of you and me, and it won't work if you don't believe it.

In short, I know you are eager to save your sister, but no matter what, I hope you can take Yiyin's efforts and sacrifices into consideration and protect him. "

Xi Feifei sighed quietly.

"It's even today, and you still keep reminding me about this matter. You have so little confidence in me.

Now I love him to death, this stupid man who is always sacrificing himself to satisfy others, I can't do without him. "

Sun Youling sighed.

"Who isn't?"

The two women looked at each other with complicated emotions.

I originally thought that the relationship between the three people was just a reflection of the free love between men and women in modern society. After going through a journey together, they would move towards a more mature reality, go their separate ways and live in peace.

But now, Sun Youling knows what Yiyin paid for herself, and Xi Feifei knows what Yiyin sacrificed for herself.

They have all become cocoons, trapped in the gentle land of Yiyin, unable to struggle, and unable to leave.

It is impossible to part ways. I will never be able to live without this kind-hearted stupid man for the rest of my life. I am willing to fly like a moth to a flame.

(End of this chapter)

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