Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 185 This year is 35 and next year is 8

Chapter 185 This year is March [-]th, next year is [-]th

Yiyin sneezed, not knowing that he had been regarded as a model of gentleness and kindness, and had captured the hearts of two women.

This morning, Li Hongmei called him and said that she would meet at the company to confirm the official version of Fruit Ninja and then put it on the shelves.

After being harassed by Xi Feifei for several mornings, Yiyin was really not used to not seeing her flashy and luxurious car when she went out this time.

Remembering that Sun Youling was taken to the hospital by Xifeifei, Yiyin turned around and went home to get the spare key. No one was on duty in the company today, so he had to open the door by himself.


Over there, Sun Youling was pulled out for a physical examination by Xi Feifei early in the morning. She was so sleepy that she yawned.

Here, Xing Yaoyao was also knocked on the door early by Li Hongmei, who asked her to go to the company to report to her boss.

Xing Yaoyao, who watched the new show last night, was crowded on the subway in the morning rush hour, leaning on the pole to doze off in a daze, muttering incessantly.

"Huanghuang mighty spirit, obey my order, beheaded without mercy..."

Li Hongmei watched helplessly as she drooled. When she arrived at the stop, she patted her shoulder. Seeing that she was so startled that she woke up in a daze, she quickly pulled her out of the car to avoid closing the door and sitting through the stop.

Xing Yaoyao wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and asked in confusion.

"Arrived at the station?"

Li Hongmei shook her head and sighed.

"Can't you go to bed earlier? Are you so happy staying up late watching the show?"

Xing Yaoyao laughed.

"Of course I'm happy."

Li Hongmei was furious and walked forward without paying attention to her. Xing Yaoyao quickly followed her. The two of them swiped their cards and walked out of the subway station one after another and walked to the park where the company is located.

Xing Yaoyao caught up with Li Hongmei in a few steps and asked cautiously.

"Sister Hongmei, are you angry?"

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Li Hongmei said helplessly.

"Yao Yao, you are already in your thirties, why haven't you grown up?
Can't you watch less anime and focus more on work? "

Xing Yaoyao rubbed her head.

"I work very hard, five days a week, eight hours a day, and I work hard.

Sister Hongmei, you won’t work overtime again, right?The boss would be angry if he knew it.

The boss didn't rush you. Are you tired of driving out the official version of Fruit Ninja in such a hurry? "

Li Hongmei was stunned for a moment, her expression a little tangled.

After working as a programmer in a normal company for ten years, the social instinct has been engraved in her bones. She is really not used to the work system of Nintendo Game Company.

Xing Yaoyao has become accustomed to laziness over the years. She works as a temporary worker on the Internet and earns a little bit. Anyway, she has a house in Modu and is not hungry, so she is very adaptable to the current situation of the company.

Li Hongmei sighed.

"Yao Yao, it's just you and me here, let me tell you a few words of truth.

Yiyin is very good to us, tolerant and generous, but we also need to have a sense of crisis.

The company is now in a period of rapid development for entrepreneurship, and we must seize the opportunity to make achievements, otherwise life will be difficult in the future. "

Xing Yaoyao didn't understand.

"Sister Hongmei, you are doing basic research and development, and your studio is responsible for developing the game engine. You are the core of whether the company can make money, so what are you worried about?
As for me, Lianliankan, Fruit Ninja, and Angry Birds, which are currently being produced, are all low-cost and good games that will definitely make money when put on the shelves.

The person who should be worried is Li Miaoren. Her Baobai Studio used to do 3D rendering, but now her boss is forcing her to make computer games. She doesn't know what to do.

That thing called StarCraft. .Any real-time strategy game has high costs and a long cycle. Even if the game is produced, it is still unclear whether it can make money.

I don’t know what the boss is thinking. In this era, everyone uses mobile phones for entertainment. Who still uses bulky computers?

I guess Li Miaoren herself feels guilty. Look at how cautious she was yesterday.

Sister Hongmei, you and I are both helping the company make money, but she is burning money. She can just mess around. How can you make me feel in danger? "

Li Hongmei shook her head.

"You can't say that. From the perspective of maneuverability, the touch screen of a mobile phone is far less useful than the peripheral keyboard and mouse of a computer.

Yiyin must have his own ideas when considering making a large-scale computer game. He is the boss, and Li Miaoren does things according to the boss's requirements. Good or bad StarCraft is not a mistake.

Moreover, the sense of crisis I'm talking about doesn't mean this. "

Xing Yaoyao was even more confused.

"What sense of crisis is that? Isn't the company doing well now? It has survived the crisis, received investment, and started to expand rapidly.

We will make more and more money in the future, isn’t this a good thing? "

Li Hongmei said quietly.

"Yao Yao, you have never worked before and don't know how complicated the company's office is.

Once a start-up company makes money, the first batch of people to be eliminated are often technical personnel.Because in China, there are plenty of technicians. If we don’t do it, there are still people who do it.

The first batch of employees who invested in technology were eliminated, and those managers who understand enterprise development and market operation are the most sought-after.

Why do I feel in crisis?Because we are working with some of the smartest people in the world.

They have studied well since childhood, are smart and hard-working, and there is no fool who can get into Beijing.And they are particularly united, with alumni associations all over the provinces and cities.

I heard that when a vice-president of Jinghua University visits a place, he is received by the local alumni association. If there is any need, the alumni provide money, effort and channels, and it is easily handled.

When people in Jinghua discover a new opportunity, they often call on their friends to participate together.They are smart, united, and well-connected. How can ordinary people get past them?
If you were a company owner and wanted to develop, would you choose them, those who have never lost since you were students, or would you choose yourself? "

Xing Yaoyao gasped when she heard this. Thinking about the current internal structure of Nintendo Game Company, she felt a little uneasy.

Yiyin itself was born in Jinghua. The company's finance, legal affairs, and personnel are all in the hands of the Jinghua department. They are already recruiting people, and the company will definitely have more and more Jinghua people in the future.

The company's product operations are handled by Xi Feifei. No one is more suitable than Xi Feifei, a wealthy lady, to deal with large companies and expand sales channels. We will definitely keep in touch there in the future.

The remaining three Ku B studios are three groups of old scalpers responsible for eating grass and producing rice.

Whether Li Miaoren's new direction will be successful is still unknown, but Yiyin personally decided on computer games, and the company will not make excessive demands on Li Miaoren's violent studio.

So from a utilitarian point of view, the ones who are most likely to be replaced and eliminated are working girls from the Ma Da system like Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.

Li Hongmei is not a young person who has just graduated from college. She is passionate and believes that she can change her destiny and create a better tomorrow through her own efforts.

She is 35 years old this year and has been fired by the company once. She is particularly sensitive to this kind of office matters. It is understandable that she is wary of danger in times of peace.

It was midsummer in July, and the sun was already scorching at eight o'clock in the morning, making Xing Yaoyao sweat a little. She shook her head and said.

“I believe Yiyin, he is not that utilitarian, and he will not let us old employees who have been through it with him suffer.

and. .And we still have that relationship. How could he, a man with such a soft heart, be so cruel to us? "

Li Hongmei smiled bitterly.

"Of course I can trust Yiyin's character. But, can he have the final say on many things in the company?
You see Wen Xinghan using his official seal to publish Isshiki Chiyo's open letter, you see Mo Ziming's arbitrary suggestions, you see Xi Feifei's arrogance.

Yiyin will not do anything to us, but if we cannot reflect our own value, the elites of the company who have returned from Beijing to China will marginalize us and kick us out.

Yaoyao, are you willing to lose to them?If we don’t work hard and we all stand on the same starting line, can you beat them?
Don't tell me you have confidence, I have no confidence at all.I couldn't pass them in the college entrance examination, and now I don't have the confidence to be better than them at work.

The only thing I can do is to work hard, achieve 120% or [-]% of what Yiyin tells me, exceed Yiyin’s expectations, and reflect my own value. "

Xing Yaoyao lowered her head and said nothing. Although she was unconvinced on the face, she already agreed with Li Hongmei's words in her heart.

Li Hongmei looked at her and said slowly.

"Yao Yao, you are 33 years old this year, and I am already 35 years old. Can you and I have enough energy to fight against those young people who are about to be recruited?
To put it bluntly, the relationship between Yiyin and us. .I am even less confident. .

He is younger than us. Let alone five or ten years later, I can’t imagine whether he will still be willing to be with me and you in two or three years. .

Yaoyao, life is not a fantasy novel. There is no panacea for 20 years this year and [-] years next year. It is our regret that you and I did not meet Yiyin when we were the most youthful and brilliant.

Now I just want to catch the tail of my youth and do more things for him when I still have a little charm.

I want him to remember that there is an old woman like me in this world who loves him deeply. "

Li Hongmei's calm and sentimental tone touched Xing Yaoyao's heartstrings.

Xing Yaoyao has always been a girl at heart, and she is free and easy after graduation. She seems to have forgotten the passage of youth, thinking that her life will always be frozen in the happy moment.

But Li Hongmei's experience was much more bumpy than hers. From a realistic perspective, she had torn away all her fantasies, but she still longed for Yiyin's tenderness.

This understanding of the cruelty of reality, but still embracing reality enthusiastically and loving bravely, deeply infected Xing Yaoyao.

Xing Yaoyao hugged Li Hongmei and said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Sister Hongmei, I didn't know you were suffering so much. Don't worry, no matter what the future holds, I will be by your side.

If you say you want to do it well, I will follow you and do it well!

But, I'm just not convinced.

Why do you think so highly of those Beijing and Chinese people?We are all human beings, with two eyes and one mouth. How can I, Xing Yaoyao, be inferior to them?Just because they can read and hang out together?
Also, who says we will grow old?Maybe we will become younger as we grow older. This year we will be [-] years old and next year we will be [-] years old! "

Li Hongmei was still nodding when she heard this, but in the end she was laughed out of anger by Xing Yaoyao.She shook Xing Yaoyao away, shook her head and sighed.

"Don't hug each other on the street, no matter what we look like, for fear that others won't see the difference between us.

Also, what did you mean?I'm really not ashamed. Do you think of Yin Yin as longevity fruit or Tang Monk meat?Can you live forever if you eat him?

It’s still [-] this year and [-] next year. .Okay, I'll wait and see how you turn back into a young and beautiful girl next year! "

Xing Yaoyao snorted, still speaking harshly.

"Can't you think about it? If there is no dream in life, how is it different from salted fish?"


Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao walked into the park while arguing, and the Tang Monk meat in their mouths had already arrived at the entrance of the company.

Yiyin was stunned for a moment when he saw Wen Xinghan and Mo Ziming at the door.

"Senior brother, early, are you here so early?"

Mo Ziming patted the documents in his hand.

"Come here to give this. You haven't forgotten the rent-free agreement in the park, right?"

Yiyin's head was sweating. He was busy with mugwort yesterday, and he really forgot about it.

Seeing that he was silent, Wen Xinghan helped him out.

"Yesterday you asked Mo Ziming and I to look at the agreement. It looked like there was nothing wrong with it. The conditions were very favorable. We thought we could sign it and brought it back.

But yesterday afternoon the company was closed, so we went back first. Unexpectedly, Sun Youling was not here today. "

Cold sweat broke out on Yiyin's head. Yesterday, he, Xi Feifei, and Sun Youling forgot about the rent exemption. Fortunately, Wen Xinghan didn't find out that the three of them were having fun behind closed doors in the company.

Yiyin forced a smile.

"Sun Youling is not feeling well. Xi Feifei took her for a checkup. If you think there is no problem with the documents, then I will sign it."

Yiyin opened the company door, Mo Ziming put the documents at the front desk for him to sign, and then said.

“After signing, I will send it directly to the property management company, and then I will go to the court to argue with White Swan’s legal team.

Boss, how was your conversation with Niu Shuang yesterday?What is the attitude of the white swan? "

Yiyin laughed.

"It's settled. The White Swan should soften their attitude today. You see, it's almost over. I feel that their new conditions should be very beneficial to us.

If anything else happens, please call us. "

Mo Ziming nodded.

"Then you talk, I'll go first."

Watching Mo Ziming walk out of the door, Wen Xinghan turned to Yiyin and asked in a low voice.

"Sun Youling keeps going to the hospital recently. Is she okay?"

Yiyin hesitated, not knowing how to explain it appropriately.

Seeing him like this, Wen Xinghan asked directly.

"Do you know about Sun Youling's problem?"

Yiyin nodded.

"I know, and I also know that you helped her join the company because you sympathized with her."

Wen Xinghan smiled slightly.

“It takes just a little effort, she is very capable, and being able to start a business with you is also a joy for her fans.

Let her be happy for a few more days before her surgery. "

Yiyin sighed as he thought of Sun Youling who was sweating yesterday.

"Don't think too badly about things. Believe in the miracle of life. It will be fine if her illness is inexplicable."

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin.

“I’m a pessimist who likes to prioritize worst-case scenarios.

However, I like being with someone as blindly optimistic as you, it's naive but fun. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

Pollyanna?This is not likely to happen, but the method is indeed not very scientific.

(End of this chapter)

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