Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 186 Becoming more and more like a true saint

Chapter 186 Becoming more and more like a true saint

Wen Xinghan didn't mention Sun Youling again, but looked at the agreement left by front desk Mo Ziming in duplicate for the company to back up, and asked.

"You believe in both of us so much? You signed the contract without even looking at it?"

Yiyin casually put the agreement on the document shelf at the front desk and waited for Sun Youling to return and file it.

"So what if you don't believe it? There is something wrong with it, and I can't understand it. I'd better trust the judgment of professionals."

Yiyin was also helpless, Wen Xinghan was really sick, and he reminded himself to be wary of him and everyone every moment.

Yiyin can understand why he thinks the worst about others.But he always regards himself as an imaginary enemy and tells his boss to be wary of him. Is this a high-level mental illness squatting on Wanbin South Road?
While the two were talking, Li Hongmei had already led Xing Yaoyao to the door.

The four of them greeted each other, Wen Xinghan said.

"I'm leaving first, and I have to keep an eye on the account transfer at the bank."

After Wen Xinghan left, Li Hongmei poked her head inside and asked.

"Sun Youling isn't here? Are you the only one here, boss?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Sun Youling went to the hospital to check her health. Come back later."

Before he finished speaking, Xing Yaoyao, who already knew that there was no outsider, immediately became bold, stepped forward, took Yiyin's arm, and rubbed against Xiong.

"Boss, daddy, Sister Hongmei is bullying me..."

Li Hongmei had goosebumps all over her body and slapped Xing Yaoyao on the forehead.

"Speak politely. You are already in your thirties, why are you pretending to be young?"

Xing Yaoyao was beaten and acted even harder, looking at Yiyin with tears in her eyes.

"Look, here she is, and she's going to hit me. But when you're not here, I don't know how I can be bullied by her."

Yiyin is angry and funny. He knows that Xing Yaoyao is three years older than him, but physical age and mental age are not the same thing. Xing Yaoyao is really sultry when she acts coquettishly.

I saw that she was so pitiful, she looked like a daddy, and she was even sweeter than Youyou's child. She was indeed from Modu, and she really knew how to coo.

Yiyin shook his head.

"Okay, stop making trouble, why did Li Hongmei bully you?"

Xing Yaoyao pouted.

"Sister Hongmei said that boss, you dislike me for being old and old. You will play with me for at most two years, and you won't be willing to touch me in the future."

Li Hongmei's cheeks glowed when she heard this, and she said angrily.

"Young lady, you're pretending to be a grandpa, and you're talking like a man.

You speak well, when will I say boss. .Talk to the boss. . "

Li Hongmei is not as shameless as Xing Yaoyao. In the company in broad daylight, even if no one else is around, she can't say anything careless.

Yiyin glanced at Xing Yaoyao, who seemed to be playing around, and put his arm against her heart, but he could feel her heartbeat speeding up.

After a moment of silence, Yiyin understood that it must be Li Hongmei who aroused Xing Yaoyao's worries. This simple girl was a little frightened and couldn't help but make her worries clear through jokes.

Yiyin pinched Xing Yaoyao's little face, looked at Li Hongmei, and said seriously.

"I am not a 500-year-old goblin. You will grow old and I will grow old as well. What are you afraid of?
Since you are worried, well, we have made an agreement that we will eat, play, and have sex together until we grow old, and no one is allowed to regret it. "

Xing Yaoyao was overjoyed. She let go of Yiyin's arm, held his head with both hands, leaned forward and kissed him hard.

"I knew you couldn't bear to leave us! With your words, even if I am stoned to death when I go out tomorrow, I will die willingly."

Li Hongmei was also agitated by Yiyin's words, but was immediately angered by Xing Yaoyao's curse.

The atmosphere is so good right now, so only this fool would say such unlucky words and ruin the atmosphere.

Li Hongmei pulled away Xing Yaoyao's hand that was wrapped around Yiyin and said angrily.

"The city is full of high-rise buildings, where can you find the stones you want?"

Xing Yaoyao hummed.

"It's hard to say. Those idiots throwing objects at high altitudes, what can't they throw down?"

Seeing the two bickering, Yiyin felt warm and started to joke.

"Xing Yaoyao wants to be stoned to death, so I have an idea. Li Hongmei, how about we play a game?

Just say that in ancient times in a parallel space, in order to save your aunt, you went to the Fairy Island to find a fairy man and found me.

Then, we experienced a lot of things, went on a long journey together, and met Xing Yaoyao again.

Later, I was captured by the bad guys and put into the Demon Locking Tower. You two came to rescue me together, broke the Demon Locking Tower and rescued me. Unfortunately, Xing Yaoyao was killed by the collapsed rocks of the Demon Locking Tower.

In the end, you and I can only bury Xing Yaoyao with tears and go home happily to live a small life. "

Xing Yaoyao refused after hearing this.

"How come you have lived a good life and only I am dead?

no!Sister Hongmei is going to die too!Still have to die terribly!Even if I become a puppet, I still have to stay with the boss! "

Yiyin and Li Hongmei couldn't help but laugh when they saw Xing Yaoyao's anxious look, taking a casual little story seriously.

At this moment, Takada Shenzi's charming voice came from outside the door.

"Oh, what a good story, it makes me want to play this game.

Dare I ask Mr. Yi, when will this game be started?
However, the name of the protagonist, Li Hongmei, is a bit rustic. How about changing it to Li Xiaoyao? What do you think? "

The three of them turned around and saw Takada Kamiko still wearing the same witch costume, standing outside the door with a smile on her face.

Behind Kamiko Takada, Tachibana huddled there timidly, but the little miko's clothes changed into a professional girl's attire.

Yi Yin's face tightened. He didn't know when Takada Kamiko came to the door, and how much did he hear?

Li Hongmei pulled Xing Yaoyao aside and gave her a hard look.

I hope that Miko Takata has just arrived, I didn't hear and see Xing Yaoyao's unrestrained behavior in the first half, and I don't know the little secret between Yiyin and the three of them.

Takada Shenzi glanced at the two women, bowed and said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

I just happened to walk to the door and heard Mr. Yi telling a story. The plot was so ups and downs that people couldn't bear to interrupt.

Speaking of which, the light novels of the island country are far inferior to the whimsical and unconstrained novels of Tianchao.com, but a short story casually told by Mr. Yi is more interesting than the novels of the Qingli guide book I made. "

Xing Yaoyao was originally unable to raise her head due to Li Hongmei's stern gaze, but when she heard Takada Shenzi talking about Qingli's guide book, the otaku couldn't help but raise her head and ask.

"Qing Li? Is this light novel really great? Were you responsible for that library selection?"

Takada Shenzi covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Mr. Yi, why don't you introduce it to me?"

Yiyin looked at the small cherry mouth covered by Takada Kamiko, and felt a little scared.

Last night, it was this little mouth. .No matter how hard he begged, he refused to let himself go. .

Yiyin still has lingering fears when recalling that feeling of being completely emptied out.

Yiyin barely managed to calm down and introduced to the two women.

"This is a distinguished guest from the island country, the great shrine maiden of the Shinto sect, the top executive of the Shiba Foundation, Miss Takada Kamiko, and... her follower A-nin.

These two are the heads of our company's game production studio, Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao. "

Yoshigan and Tachibana Shinobu looked at each other, and both of them subconsciously looked away, each feeling embarrassed.

Last night, neither of them felt well, one didn't want to, and the other didn't want to, both were forced by the bad guy Takata Miko.

Takada Kamiko bowed and saluted. The islanders' unique politeness made Li and Xing hurriedly bow and say hello politely.

Afterwards, Miko Takada asked with a smile.

"Mr. Yi, do you have time? Can I chat with you in private?"

Yiyin nodded, walked to the conference room, opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

Kamiko Takada walked up to Yoshigan, bowed slightly, and walked into the conference room. After Yoshigan entered, he wanted to close the door, but was stopped by Tachibana Shinobu.

After Yiyin walked into the room, Lihua Ren glanced at Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, bowed first, and then slowly closed the door.

Xing Yaoyao curled her lips and whispered to Li Hongmei.

"What a domineering little island country. They clearly warned us not to eavesdrop, so I just went to listen and see what they wanted to do."

Li Hongmei grabbed Xing Yaoyao and warned.

"That Takada Kamiko has a very high status. If you are in the anime industry, you should know better than me what the importance of Shiba Shintoism and the Shiba Foundation is.

Don't cause Yiyin any more trouble, he's already been annoyed enough lately. "

Li Hongmei felt sad, as the people Yiyin interacted with were becoming more and more high-ranking. She used to be just a wealthy lady from Beijing and China, but now she has developed to the top of Hehe Group and Sibo Consortium.

As an ugly duckling, I felt ashamed in front of these white swans and couldn't even bring myself to compete.At this moment, Li Hongmei was a little envious of Xing Yaoyao's lack of scruples and fear.

Xing Yaoyao looked at the door of the conference room in dissatisfaction and said in frustration.

“I know, don’t cause any trouble to Yiyin.

Hehe, Sister Hongmei, let me just say that Yiyin is not the kind of ruthless person, right?He said it himself, we will eat and play together until we grow old. . "

Li Hongmei's face turned red with embarrassment, she covered Xing Yaoyao's mouth and said angrily.

"It's just you who talks so much that you insist on making Yiyin say such shameful words! If you have time to think about things, why not think about how to play a good game!

I think the game Yiyin mentioned is good, maybe we can set up a project to try it? "

Xing Yaoyao was stunned. Seeing Li Hongmei let go of her hand in anticipation, she couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Hongmei, are you serious? The boss is just joking, right?"

Li Hongmei glared.

"Are you going to do it?"

Xing Yaoyao shrank her head.

"Just do it, no matter how hard it is."

Li Hongmei looked at the door of the conference room and remembered that Qi Yin had said that games are meant to make people happy.

Maybe, she and Yiyin couldn't stay together for life in reality, but if they could have a vigorous love in the game, Li Hongmei would be satisfied.

Thinking about it, Li Hongmei couldn't help but think.

Li Xiaoyao. .Takada Shenzi thought that this name was indeed very interesting, the story of Li Xiaoyao and the fairy man of Xianling Island. .I like. .


Not to mention that Li Hongmei was moved by Yiyin's casual joke, Yiyin and Takada Shenzi entered the conference room, feeling a little panicked.

In this broad daylight, under the clear sky, if Takada Kamiko does the bad thing last night again, will Yoshigami tremble after resisting?How about not resisting and just trembling?

Just as Yoshigan was thinking wildly, Takada Kamiko was already sitting in the chair. He looked at Yoshigan, who was embarrassed, and smiled.

"Why are you still standing? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Yoshigan smiled reluctantly. Takada Kamiko had a fox-stealing smile on her face, but her charm made Yoshigan even more panicked.

Yoshigan carefully sat on a chair, about two chairs away from Takada Kamiko, and asked.

"Ms. Takada, what advice do you have for coming today?"

Takada Kamiko smiled.

“Originally, I just came here for a casual visit to see what your game company looks like and to satisfy my curiosity.

I don’t want to hear that little story outside the door. It’s quite interesting. I want to invest some money and participate in the production of this game. I wonder if Mr. Yi can fulfill my little wish? "

Yoshihiro was stunned for a moment. Takada Kamiko wanted to invest in Nintendo Game Company?Invest in that short story that you casually adapted from Fairy Sword?

Little did he know that even without that little story, Takada Kamiko would have found other ways to get Tachibana Ninja over. It would be great to have an upright reason to push things along.

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Miss Takata, isn't this too hasty? That's just a story I made up casually."

Takada Kamiko smiled.

"It's nothing rash. Mr. Yi doesn't know my style, so he finds it strange.

In fact, in the island country, I invested in a lot of light novels, light music, comics, and animation industries. I didn’t spend a lot of money anyway. I just used my pocket money to be happy.

I just love these things, and now I have to add a game to them.

I like your company’s Lianliankan very much and I’ve been looking forward to your new games. "

Yiyin hesitated.


Takada Shenzi spread his hands and said.

"Mr. Yi, please forgive me for being honest. China has developed rapidly in recent years, and its industrialization achievements are astonishing and spectacular.

But the professionalism in entertainment is not as good as that of our island country, such as painting, screenwriting, music, etc. The gap is not small.

Any outdated third-rate idol from our island country is enough to sweep the Chinese variety show circle.In the final analysis, China's money is too easy to make, and China's artists are too good to be good.

Let’s just talk about music. Looking for musicians in China to arrange songs is not only arrogant, but the price is high, and the quality is very bad. It is better to go directly to the island company.

Mr. Yi, as far as I know, your company is expanding rapidly, and there are a lot of vacancies for game music, literary screenwriting, graphics, level design, etc.

If you'd like to take my allowance, make a small investment.

I can arrange my own screenwriters, painters, musicians, and technical support for Nintendo Game Company's projects, and help your company cultivate professional talents without any secrets. "

After Takada Kamiko finished speaking, he looked at Yoshiyin with a smile, waiting for his answer.

In fact, Kamiko Takada's energy in the island nation's entertainment industry is far greater than she says.

Shiba Shintoism is a tool used by the Shiba Goddess to control the thoughts of the islanders. As a religious leader, the Grand Miko has been influencing and guiding public opinion through various literary and artistic works for 500 years.

The entertainment industry that the common people like is the focus of Shiba Shinto's investment.

The money spent in this area every year is not just a little pocket money from Takada Kamiko, but a large-scale systematic investment with special allocations.

The islanders of the new era like anime, light novels and light music, so Takada Kamiko, a new generation of great miko, will research and invest in these industries to achieve the purpose of controlling the minds of young people.

But she would not say these words to Yiyin, it would be enough to just talk about cooperation.

Yiyin thought for a while and was really tempted.

The company's development is too fast, and it is inevitable that it will undermine its growth. It is difficult to guarantee the quality of the game just by relying on newly recruited Tianchao employees.

If the mature entertainment industry personnel in the island country can be used to train new employees of Nintendo Game Company, it can quickly catalyze the relevant personnel in China to mature and make better games.

Yi Gin looked at Takada Kamiko who was holding the pearl of wisdom and asked carefully.

"Ms. Takada, why do you want to invest in my company? Can you tell me the truth?"

Yi Gin would not believe any nonsense about being interested in the sword game, as Takada Kamiko told him last night. .Came to my door again today. .It’s weird no matter how you think about it.

Takada Kamiko smiled.

"I just passed the physical examination report and accidentally discovered that Mr. Yi, your body seems to be getting younger. I'm just a little curious."

Yiyin nodded indifferently, not knowing whether to believe this or not.Kamiko Takada still didn't tell the truth, but this reason was somewhat similar to Yoshigami's own speculation.

A powerful person from an island country is interested in the rejuvenation of Yiyin's body. This reason is more reliable than suspecting that he is the reincarnation of his ancestor, right?
Although Yiyin also deceived Xi Feifei with the words of the reincarnation of the saint, he definitely didn't believe it himself.

He is just an ordinary time traveler, how could he be the reincarnation of an ancient man named Si Bo Yiyin?It’s impossible that Yiyin Shiba is also a time traveler, right?Hahaha, how is this possible?
Takada Shenzi stared at Yoshiyin and smiled when he saw that he seemed to believe it.

"The fluids last night were normal and I was a little disappointed.

I have only one request now, I want Tachibana Shinobu to stay by your side, complete last night's mission regularly, and look forward to any new discoveries.

Mr. Yi, is that okay? "

Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there was nothing abnormal about the liquid.This at least shows that the special power in his body cannot be detected by current medical science, which makes him feel much safer.

But when Yoshigami heard Takada Kamiko talking about completing tasks on a regular basis, he couldn't help but frown, remembering the scenes he saw through dreams that Mikazuki Munechika had experienced, and subconsciously asked.

"Another weekly mission?"

Takada Shenzi was stunned for a moment, his eyes looking at Yoshiyin became hot again, and his body trembled slightly.

Although there was no evidence, she became more and more certain that the person in front of her was the reincarnation of her ancestor Shiba Yiyin, because just now, Yiyin accidentally revealed a secret.

At that time, Yukino Takada, one of the two ancestors of Takada, was seriously injured and lost all his strength. He was unable to entrust Mikazuki Munechika to the shadow warrior Tachibana Kanade, the ancestor of Tachibana Shinobi.

Takada Yukino's order is to let Tachibana Kanade replace him, and serve as a shadow warrior at all times beside Shiba Yoshigami to protect the saint.

But secretly, Yukino Takada has another unknown request, which is a small task of using her mouth once a week.

Although Takada Kamiko didn't understand why Takada Yukino had such a perverted request, only Shiba Yoshigan, Takada Yukino, and Tachibana Kanade knew about this matter.

After 500 years, no one knew about this little secret. Only the secret family history of the Takada family, a descendant of the gods, mentioned it.

Miko Takada just said it was regular, but Yoshigin blurted out that it was a week, how did he know it was once a week?Also, why did he say again?

The answer is obvious. He knows the little secret between the three people, Shiba Takada Tachibana 500 years ago, that's why he talked about it for a week!
Takada Kamiko's emotions were almost out of control, and her eyes looking at Yoshiyin were full of greed.

It has been 500 years, ancestor, and you have finally come to the world again. The crisis of blood dilution of the Sibo god has finally been solved perfectly.

Ancestor, please cherish your descendants again and let me borrow another 500 years from heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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