Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 187 Big Investment from Island Countries

Chapter 187 Big Investment from Island Countries
Yoshigan didn't know what he said, but Takada Kamiko opposite seemed to change his appearance in an instant, and his eyes turned into crescent moons when he smiled.

She got down from the main seat, took the initiative to sit next to Yiyin, put one arm on the desk, held her cheek, turned sideways, and looked at Yiyin.

The white arms looked closer, and the moist white porcelain looked like ivory, dazzling the eyes.

It was also a coincidence that the place where Takada Kamiko was posing was the place where Sun Youling stuck out her butt yesterday, which made Yiyin feel angry.

Yoshigan coughed, moved his chair back a little, distanced himself slightly, looked at Takada Kamiko, and smiled.

"Miss Takada, what advice do you have?"

Takada had a resentful look on his face, and the tips of his index and middle fingers imitated walking on the table. He stepped in front of Yiyin a few times, drew circles in front of his table, and said coquettishly.

"Mr. Yi, we are now a cooperative partnership. It really makes me sad that you are rejecting people thousands of miles away. Just call me Son of God."

Hu Meizi's pitiful performance made Yiyin feel angry, and she secretly cursed a demon, "You are just trying to harass me!"

Shinobi Tachibana, who was behind Yoshigan, was a little shy when he heard the two of them talking about the weekly mission. Now seeing Kamiko Takada acting like this, he was so surprised that he forgot to be shy.

Shiba Shinto has strict rules. Miko are goddesses who serve Bishamonten. They must not be blasphemed, but must respect themselves and love themselves.

As a great miko, Takada Kamiko is a fanatical believer in purity.

Even though she looks charming, that's just a disguise. In her heart, she is ruthless and righteous. She only loves her own god. She is cold and cold when people complain about her behind her back all the time.

But at this moment, Takada Kamiko's attitude was almost seductive, and she completely lacked the restraint and self-respect of a great miko. As a woman, what she did was really too much.

If this were placed in an island country, the man could call the police to arrest her. The island country's laws on protecting men are almost crazy, and the tram slut will directly end up dead in society.

Of course, with Takada Kamiko's status, even if the man calls the police, he will be suppressed, but her priesthood as a great shrine maiden will definitely be removed, and she will be imprisoned for blasphemy and reflection.

Tachibana Shinobi really couldn't figure out why Takada Kamiko and Yoshigami had only two sides, so why did they make such a provocative gesture?
Is Takada Kamiko so sure that the Yoshigoshi in front of him is the reincarnation of his ancestor?But if she was 100% sure, why not just reincarnate her ancestor and take her back to the island country?
How did Tachibana Shinobi know that Takada Kamiko was 100% sure, but she was not sure of convincing the other Shiba Kamiko clans to accept this fact.

The evidence of Takada Kamiko comes from the secret history of the Takada family, which is a descendant of the gods, and is not disclosed to the public. If she wants to gain the trust of each family, she needs more time to communicate and prove it.

And before this matter was confirmed, Miko Takata dared not let outsiders know Yoshigin's identity, for fear that outsiders would take away the hope of Shiba's revival.

Not to mention the other abilities of the ancestors, the rejuvenation alone is enough to make the world's rich and powerful go crazy.

Who doesn't want to live forever? Even if you can't live forever, it is a good thing to have a long-lasting appearance.

For the time being, Takada Kamiko's choice to maintain business ties with Nintendo Game Company and keep Tachibana Shinobu with Yoshigan is the best she can do in the stage of keeping secrets from the outside world.

Yoshigami looked at the slender jade finger in front of him making circles, and smelled the fragrance of Takada Shenzi's body that he had deliberately brought close to her. He couldn't help but blush, and felt distraught.

He bit the tip of his tongue, sobered up a little, and carefully told himself that the man next to him was a big shot in the island country, and he must behave himself and not be fooled by Takada Kamiko.

Who knows what bad intentions Takada Kamiko hides, maybe she is trying to induce her to reveal her secrets.

If she was really beguiled by beauty and told that she could return to youth and cure diseases, Takada Kamiko might immediately turn against her and take her back to the island country to be dissected and sectioned.

The powerful are not human beings, they are beasts, they have no humanity.

Yiyin threatened herself repeatedly in her heart and finally regained her sanity.

He exhaled, looked at Takada Kamiko and said.

"In principle, our company does not raise funds from outside or dilute its equity. I personally hold 100% of the shares.

If Miss Takada. . "

"Son of God, call me Son of God."

"Well...if you want to invest, Son of God, you can only participate in our project investment, or we can jointly establish a subsidiary and each of us will hold shares."

Ever since Gao Xin’s last investment and Yi Yin’s education by Wen Xinghan, he has firmly remembered one thing.

If you want to stick to your belief in making a good game and not be coerced by capital, you must hold 100% of the shares and not give external capital the opportunity to dilute and buy it, and focus on customers.

Investors who want to invest in Nintendo Game Company can either invest in specific game projects, or set up a separate joint venture subsidiary to divide specific game projects.

In fact, the essence of these two approaches is the same, that is, the company's equity is not sold, and project financing can be discussed.

Seeing Yoshiyin regaining his composure, Takada Shenzi curled his lips. The reincarnated little ancestor was really boring, so he knew he wanted to talk about business.

Takada Kamiko lazily leaned on the back of the chair, pointed at Tachibana Shinobu, and said.

"I don't care about the specifics, I have spent so much money to support the investment team, so it's natural for someone to worry about these trivial matters.

As for Nintendo Game Company, Shinobu Tachibana will be my plenipotentiary representative, and I hope she can serve as your personal secretary.

Also, Ah Nin, don’t forget your weekly task. After sucking it out, store it in a test tube. The ** Co., Ltd. laboratory in Modu will send someone to collect it as soon as possible and conduct regular testing. "

Tachibana Ren blushed and glanced at Yi Gin, bowing deeply.

"Nin has caused you trouble, please give me your advice."

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I haven't agreed yet..."

God Takada flicked his nails and said.

"If what I said is correct, the registered capital of Nintendo Game Company is 100 million, and Gundam Group has just invested [-] million.

Um. .The economy has been bad in the past two years, and my pocket money has also become less. So I will invest less, starting with [-] million. "

Yiyin said in astonishment.

"Invest less? Invest five hundred million first? Island national currency?"

Takada Shenzi pouted and said dissatisfied.

"Of course it is Celestial Coin. If you are willing to agree to my conditions, my investment team can immediately start investment negotiations with your company."

After saying that, Takada Shenzi stretched out his hand and waited for Yoshiyin's response.

Yiyin looked at her slender, white and silky, flawless right hand, hesitating for a while, wondering if he should hold it to make a deal.

Takada Kamiko gave too much. Although she downplayed it and said it was pocket money, was the [-] million pocket money a bit too exaggerated?

Even for the top executives of the Spo Consortium, [-] million is not just pocket money, right?Or, for these powerful people, [-] million is really just pocket money?

Yiyin hesitated.

On the one hand, he coveted such a large amount of money, so he could make many games.On the other hand, he was more worried that Takada Kamiko had bad intentions and that he would be fooled by her.

Seeing Yi Gin's hesitation, Takada Kamiko smiled slightly and pressed another chip.

“My investment team has always been keen on investing in Tianchao, and it has brought me very generous returns over the years.

As far as I know, the team has recently set its sights on a very potential individual studio and hopes to work with that person. .Well, a young talent named Xu Xing reached an agreement to cooperate.

These days, the economy is not good and it is difficult for women to get ahead, let alone men.

Among the independent managers of those small studios, there are indeed many good seedlings, but they lack the opportunity to go to a bigger stage, so they can only roll helplessly in the quagmire of the bottom.

In the international investment arena, not everyone can afford to lose.Compared to the calm small pool inside the Celestial Empire, the strong winds and waves outside are dangerous, but also more attractive.

If Xu Xing can cooperate with the Sibo Consortium, not only can he learn a lot of experience, but the risk of surfing outside will also be very low.

Whether it is making internal investment in China Capital with international capital or making external investment on behalf of China Capital, the big stage is much more interesting than being trapped in the primary market as an IPO shrimp.

Mr. Yi, do you think this is true? "

Yiyin looked at the smiling Takada Kamiko, thinking about the lights in Xu Xing's room that stayed on all night, and how hard she worked.

Although Xu Xing was in love with Hong Qi, Yiyin knew that the Hong family was willing to agree to this matter because of Huang Yi's face.

Xu Xing also knows this, so he has been working hard to prove himself and does not want to live on other people's face.

If Xu Xing's career can become more successful, his and Hong Qi's marriage will become stronger and happier in the future.

Thinking of Xu Xing's selfless help to him, Yiyin was finally persuaded by Takada Shenzi.

He sighed, held Takada Shenzi's hand, and said solemnly.

"Son of God, you can trick me, but you must not trick Xu Xing, otherwise... otherwise..."

Yoshihiro didn't know how to threaten Takada Kamiko, because the identities of the two were completely different. He, an ordinary person, really had nothing to threaten Takada Kamiko, the senior executive of the Spo Consortium.

But opposite him, Takada Kamiko also believed that Yoshigage's status was very different from his own, but Yoshigage didn't know how noble his status was.

Takada Shenzi looked at Yoshiyin and said in a deep voice.

"I swear to Bishamonten, the one who believes in me, that if I violate my promise to you, I will be struck by five thunders, pierced by thousands of arrows, and fall into the eighteenth level of hell, where I will suffer forever and never be reincarnated."

There were intense emotions in Takada Kamiko's eyes that Yoshigan couldn't understand, which made him feel on pins and needles, and he said with a wry smile.

"Son of God, this is just a business agreement. There is no need to be so exaggerated, right?"

"Do you believe me?"

"I...I believe you."

Yoshigin broke free from Takada Miko's hand, always felt that the head of Shiba Shinto in front of him was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Takada Kamiko smiled slightly and looked at Tachibana Shinobu next to Yoshigan.

"That's up to you, A-nin."

Li Hua Ren knelt directly on the ground, kowtowed to the ground, and said solemnly.

"Nin understands."

If A-Nin still doesn't know what Takada Shenzi is thinking at this moment, then her brain has been wasted.

Aren's heartbeat quickened and he glanced at Yiyin secretly.

Takada Miko was so unequivocally sure that Aren couldn't help but believe more and more that the man in front of him was the reincarnation of his ancestor Shiba Yoshigin.

Do you want to become a shadow warrior of the Takada family and serve the saint like your ancestor Tachibana Kanade?
The mood between Takada Tateka and his ministers was agitated, but Yoshigan could not understand the strange thinking of these islanders.

Yiyin complained in his heart.

Takada Kamiko said a casual word, and Tachibana knelt down and kowtowed with a loud snap. What kind of feudal dynasty have I traveled to?

(End of this chapter)

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