Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 188 Takada Shenzi is also troubled

Chapter 188 Takada Shenzi is also troubled

Seeing Tachibana Shinobu kneeling down with a solemn expression on his face, Yoshigami felt uncomfortable all over.

People in China pay attention to men. .No, in this world, a daughter should have gold at her knees, and she is willing to kneel to the sky, kneel to her parents, and kneel to her ancestors.

The custom of bowing and kowtowing in small island countries has long been swept into the dustbin of history in China.

Now that the emperor is gone, who else is worthy of kneeling down?President of Hehe Group?First-generation founders can consider this. .

Yiyin couldn't stand it and said.

"Get up, China doesn't like this, it's not good for people to see you."

After listening to Yoshigan's words, Tachibana Shinobi stood up subconsciously without waiting for Takada Kamiko's order.

Takada Kamiko didn't take it seriously either. She had been using honorifics and honorifics for Yoshigoshi just now, but Yoshigan himself was careless and didn't notice.

Having identified the reincarnation of the saint Yoshiyin, Takada Kamiko's mind was filled with thoughts.

How to communicate with Takeda Kage after returning to the island country, how to convince the Shiba Kamisan families, how to find a way to defraud Yoshiyin back to the island country, and how to share the rain and dew.

In the island nation, the continuation of the Spokids is a serious political issue.

Over the past 100 years, the magic of the divine descendants has almost completely disappeared. Even if families are encouraged to marry each other, the purity of the divine blood has been diluted to a destructive state that is difficult to recover.

What Takada Kamiko has to do now is divided into three items.

First, keep the secret and prevent outsiders from discovering the magic of Yiyin.

Second, join forces with Takeda Kage to persuade the Shiba Goddess families to officially welcome back their ancestors.

Third, each family of Sibo God descendants communicates and distributes internally, and communicates with the saint as soon as possible. .Complete the re-infusion of the concentration of divine blood, and look forward to the next generation of divine descendants being able to restore their magical powers.

Among these three items, the most difficult is to welcome back the ancestors.

After the passage of 500 years, especially the great changes in the world in the past hundred years, the unity of the Sibo god descendants has been far less than that of the theocratic era.

The islanders began to doubt the sanctity of the Shiba Goddess and no longer believed in Bishamonten.

There are also voices within the Shiba Goddess who want to move toward secularism. They want to get rid of the ancestral precepts of the saints and gain greater benefits by standing on the wall between China and the West, instead of being one-sided and always siding with China.

Dog of Ming Dynasty. .This is the political line laid down by our ancestors personally for the island country. Some people think it is a divine blessing, while others think it is a shackle.

It is not easy for the ancestors to return to the country. After Takada Kamiko returns to the island country, he still has to solve a lot of troubles.

Of course, Yoshigami didn't know about Takada Kamiko's troubles. He was making a three-chapter agreement with Tachibana Shinobu who had already stood up.

"A-nin, right?"


"I agree in principle with your coming to Nintendo Game Company.

But you must go through the application process. You are not a foreign employee dispatched by the Spo Consortium, but you are recruited for my secretary position.

In addition, you are just performing the duties of an ordinary secretary. I don't need a personal secretary. I have my own personal privacy and don't want anyone to disturb my private life.

If you can accept it, then we will sign the labor contract today. "

Yiyin himself has so many secret relationships between men and women, how could he take his secretary everywhere?Let’s not mention anything else for now, moxa grass is a lot of trouble.

This kind of thing can't be done on the stage, and the slut's own shouting can be used as the victim's self-mockery. It would be embarrassing for Yiyin to be watched by others.

Mental illness is not a universal shield. Can the personal secretary not know whether he is suffering from illness or having a tantrum?
So from the beginning, Yiyin refused to open this door. The secretary would be a secretary, not a close person.

Tachibana Shinobi glanced at Takada Kamiko, who nodded and said

"You follow Mr. Yi's arrangements."

After realizing that Yoshihiro was the reincarnation of his ancestor, Takada Kamiko's attitude became very low. As long as Yoshihiro did not refuse to go to the island country Wormwood in the future, he could agree to anything with a smile, it didn't matter.

Which one is more important, Takada Shenzi has a clear mind.

Seeing that Takada Kamiko was so easy to talk to, Yoshigami breathed a sigh of relief and said again.

"I don't think I know anything about Xu Xing's side. This is an opportunity he won by his own ability, right?"

Takada Kamiko smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Xu Xing is very talented. My investment team has a keen eye and is naturally willing to cooperate with him and make progress together."

Yiyin said a little embarrassed.

"I'll leave you a phone number. It's the number of the financial director of my company.

Regarding the specific details of your investment team’s investment in our company, ask them to contact our company’s financial director and legal director to discuss.

that. .Is it really [-] million?Is it a little too much? "

When Takada Kamiko saw that Yoshigage was embarrassed when he mentioned money, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle like wind chimes and said.

"That's five hundred million. I'm very optimistic about your company, Mr. Yi. This mere five hundred million is just my first investment in your company.

In the future, maybe I will bring you bigger surprises, so stay tuned. "

Listening to Takada Kamiko's seemingly profound words, Yi Gin felt a little dull and confused.

Takada Kamiko told the truth. If his ancestor's hobby in this life was playing video games, the entire island country would be willing to play with him slowly.

Isn't it just a game? The Spo Consortium has a lot of money. As long as the ancestors are willing to cooperate with each company to complete the most important requirement of injecting the concentration of divine blood, it doesn't matter how much money they spend.

The deep look in Takada Kamiko's eyes made Yoshigami feel a little frightened.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.Lihua Ren opened the door, and Xi Feifei appeared outside the door with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, have you finished talking? I have something urgent to ask my boss."

Takada Kamiko stood up, and Yoshigage, who was facing him at close range, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's it. We had a great time chatting. Right? Mr. Yi."

"Yes, it is."

"Then I'll take my leave first. I'll leave it to you, A-nin."

Takada Kamiko bowed deeply to Yoshigan, and after a few polite words from Yoshigan, she left the company.

Tachibana Shinobu just bowed to see Takada Kamiko off, and had no intention of leaving Yoshigami's side.

Yoshigan suddenly found that she was still holding Mikazuki Munechika in her hand, his heart trembled, and he rushed out the door.

"Son of God! Take Mikazuki Munechika away!"

"It can't be repaired anyway, so just give it to A-nin to play with."

Yoshihiro's expression was distorted. He didn't know which of Takada Kamiko's words was true and which was a joke. This charming woman was really confusing.

It was only when he was standing on the porch talking that Yiyin realized that the corridor was full of female bodyguards in black, and everyone was staring at him.

Yoshigin was sweating, Miko Takata covered his mouth and smiled and apologized.

"I'm sorry, because Ah Ying encountered an accident in Modu, so everyone is very nervous, and the security is a bit tight."

Yiyin wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled bitterly.


Takada Kamiko leaned close to Yoshigami, almost nose to nose, and said softly.

"Then I'm leaving. Mr. Yi, don't miss me too much. Just think about me for an hour every night."

Yiyin was confused by the fragrance of her breath. He watched her turn back towards the elevator, with her long legs and slim waist, swaying steps, and her buttocks swaying from side to side. He couldn't help but swallow a gulp of saliva. She was really a seductress.

Shaking his head, Yoshigami returned to the company and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Tachibana Shinobu who followed him out and the Mikazuki Munechika she held in her hand.

What is this called? It’s inexplicable.

Xi Feifei came over, glanced at the corridor, and asked.

"What's the origin of such a big battle? This man looks familiar to me, as if I've seen him somewhere."

Yiyin said angrily.

"That's an extremely awesome big shot, the great shrine maiden of Shiba Shinto. How about it? Are you scared?"

Xi Feifei was stunned for a moment and gasped.

"Yes, that's her.

The last time I traveled to the island country, I visited the name plaque written by Bishamonten himself in the Tsutaden Hall in the ancient city of Mount Tamon. The dog of the Ming Dynasty had seen her from a distance, and it was this witch costume!
Boss, how did you hook up with such a big guy?How awesome! "

Yi Yin said angrily.

"What hookup? It's obviously that our company's games are famous, and overseas fans come to invest and want to participate in the development of new games.

This is called talent, you know shit. "

Xi Feifei retracted her head and laughed.

"Talent? Or skin?

How much did she invest?Let me hear it and see if it's worth my boss's physical effort. "

Yi Yin pouted.

"Five million."

Xi Feifei bared her teeth and said.

"Five...five hundred million? These small island countries are really rich. Boss, if they give you enough money, you should just obey her."

Yiyin said angrily.

"Am I such a casual person? They are really here to invest!"

After saying that, Yoshigine glanced at Tachibana Shinobi with a guilty conscience, and Tachibana Shinobi looked away without saying a word.

Xi Feifei rubbed her chin and thought.

"Five hundred million... Are you apologizing for Takeda Kage?
After all, this matter has caused such a big fuss. The more polite the Sibo Consortium is to you, the more embarrassed the Hehe Group will be, and the heavier the compensation will be to the Sibo Consortium.

From this point of view, the Spo Consortium's investment of [-] million in you is indeed a good deal with huge profits. "

Xi Feifei has already inquired about Takeda Kage's attack. From this point of view, the more respectful and sincere the Shiba Consortium is to Yiyin, a common victim, the greater the pressure on the Harmony Group.

Is this considered a form of pressure in disguise?

Xi Feifei's brain is very good, this is the most normal explanation.But there was another guess in her mind. With so many people in the company present, it was inconvenient for her to say it.

After reading Sun Youling's latest physical examination report, Xi Feifei already believed most of the saint's reincarnation compiled by Yiyin.

Now I saw the great shrine maiden of Shiba Shinto sect coming to invest in person, and I became even more convinced.

Although this matter is very fantasy and extremely unscientific, the reality is before us, and Xi Feifei cannot help but not believe it.

Yoshigan may really be the reincarnation of Shiba Yoshigan, and that is why the Shiba god descendant would stare at him as a saint. His special function of curing terminal illnesses through that kind of thing can be considered a reasonable explanation.

First it was Takeda Kage, then Takada Kamiko, and Xi Feifei won’t be surprised whoever comes next.

Yiyin didn't know that the reincarnation of the saint he casually made up had convinced Xi Feifei.He himself believed Xi Feifei's ordinary explanation and thought it made sense.

Takada Shenzi stared at herself, probably because she was curious about the fact that her physical examination report said that she was getting younger. On the other hand, showing kindness to herself was also putting eye drops on Hehe Group and putting pressure on him in disguise.

Yiyin thought about it and couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Now, he could only hope that his liquid was nothing special.

Otherwise, Tachibana Shinobi has a weekly mission, and if something special happens one day, he doesn't know how to explain it.

Yiyin shook his head and stopped thinking about those troubles. He looked at Sun Youling and smiled.

"Did you go for a physical check-up with Xi Feifei? Are you feeling well?"

Sun Youling blushed when her eyes met Yiyin. Now that so many outsiders were here, she couldn't help but think of the madness the two of them had here yesterday.

She nodded, and replied in a low voice under the guise of tidying up the things at the front desk.

"pretty good."

Xi Feifei hugged Yiyin's neck and laughed.

“It’s not just good, it’s great, extremely good, very good!
Boss, are you free tonight? I've made an appointment with my sister for dinner. Will you go with her? "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. Xi Feifei saw a glimmer of hope and hurriedly sent Tang Monk meat to her sister.

Just about to say yes, Yiyin suddenly remembered something.

"Tonight? No, I have something to do tonight."

Xi Feifei's face darkened, she hooked Yiyin's arm and pulled his head to her, pretending to be sinister.

"What could be more important than mine?"

Yiyin complained in his heart, human life was indeed important, but he owed Lin Qingwan a favor and promised to participate in the live recording. He couldn't break the promise, right?

Live recording doesn’t wait for anyone, and Xi Lanlan won’t die tonight, so what’s the rush?
But Yiyin didn't dare to say this. If he said it, Xi Feifei would definitely get angry.

At this moment, Xing Yaoyao, who was watching Xi Feifei's rampage against Yiyin, couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out to save her.

"Xi Feifei! Let go! What kind of woman are you if you touch a man!"

(End of this chapter)

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