Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 189: A big loser worth 7 million.

Chapter 189: A big loser worth [-] million.

It was Xing Yaoyao who started to curse, but behind her, Li Hongmei was sullen and silent, obviously supporting her.

Xi Feifei's mind is now filled with the thought of pulling the flesh lotus lantern to split the mountain to save her sister. Two little mantises who don't know the heights of the sky are baring their teeth and claws in front of her. She frowns and is about to go crazy.

At this moment, Sun Youling, who was sorting documents at the front desk, coughed and glanced at Xi Feifei.

Xi Feifei suddenly remembered the conversation between the two in the morning. She promised Sun Youling that she would be more considerate of Yiyin and would not force him.

Thinking of this, Xi Feifei was instantly discouraged. She let go of the arm that tied Yiyin's neck, turned to hug his shoulders, and said coquettishly.

"What are you so anxious about? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Xi Feifei's face changed so quickly that Yiyin's scalp went numb and he subconsciously broke away from her arm.

"I promised my friend last night that I would be a special guest at the recording site."

"Recording?" X4
The women were stunned at the same time, thinking deeply.

Xing Yaoyao forgot to fight with Xi Feifei for a moment and asked Xiang Yiyin anxiously.

"What recording? Is it the singer's summer?"

Yiyin glanced at the girls and noticed that they were all very interested, so he nodded.

"Yeah, that Lin Qingwan called me and invited me to participate in the third episode of recording on behalf of the program team.

She spoke for me on the show, this favor is quite big, I want to repay this debt of favor through this invitation.

There is no one waiting for the program recording, so I really am not free tonight. "

Yiyin's last soft words were to Xi Feifei.

Of course he knew how anxious Xi Feifei was now, and he also knew how bad-tempered Miss Xi Er was. If he couldn't satisfy the little witch, she would definitely take revenge.

Xi Feifei nodded, agreeing with Yiyin's statement.

She was indeed anxious. Although Sun Youling's condition improved, it had been proved that there was something special about Yiyin.

But the problem is, Xi Feifei is not sure that this special function will be as useful for her sister's terminal illness.

Pituitary gland and pancreatic cancer are not the same disease. If it has an effect on the pituitary gland, it may not be able to treat pancreatic cancer.

Xi Feifei wished she could just press Yiyin onto her sister's bed right now and get this unknown result immediately, so that she would not be worried all day long, wandering between hope and despair.

But Yiyin's reasons are also very good. It's hard to repay a debt of gratitude. Since you have already promised to others, delaying it for another day and a half has nothing to do with the overall situation. Xi Lanlan will not die immediately.

Xi Feifei felt unhappy, but she still gritted her teeth and nodded firmly.

"I see."

Seeing Xi Feifei relent, Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief, and then he asked curiously.

"Are you all watching that show?"

Sun Youling nodded and said.

"The song "Old Boy" sung by A Wan and A Ren is really nice. Compared to the trailer, the song in the official program is more complete. I listened to it many times."

Xing Yaoyao waved her hands carelessly.

"That show, I watched it while dancing.

Who wants to listen to *** singing? He is tone deaf.She also has a famous song called "Pineapple and Jackfruit", which is super bad. I don't know how this person became famous.

But Awan and Aren are really great!Especially Aren, what he said was so funny, and the behind-the-scenes after the performance made me laugh to death. "

Yiyin looked at Xing Yaoyao and hesitated to tell her that Awan and Aren had lost to the famous song in the second round and had been eliminated.

Looking back at Yiyin's pitiful eyes, Xing Yaoyao's heart skipped a beat.

"Boss, don't tell me that Awan and Aren lost in the second round."

Yi Yin sighed.

"You seem particularly smart at this moment.

I went to the third round of recording today and they were resurrected.So please help me, Lala popular. "

Xing Yaoyao curled her lips.

"Building popularity? What kind of popularity? The popularity of Teacher Xinyi, who is both virtue and art?"

Li Hongmei pulled Xing Yaoyao from behind and glanced at Yiyin in embarrassment.

Yiyin shook his head, disapproving.Xing Yaoyao's mouth has never been right. He has long been used to it.

“Okay, gossip time is over.

Li Hongmei, is the official version of Fruit Ninja ready?Let's go to the conference room to discuss it. "

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yiyin was the first to walk into the conference room after changing the subject, followed by Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.

Xing Yaoyao walked at the end and wanted to close the door, but was stopped by Xi Feifei. Xing Yaoyao glared at her fiercely.

"What are you doing? We are going to have a meeting, no one is allowed in."

Xi Feifei looked at Xing Yaoyao and smiled.

"I am the head of the operations department. Can you bypass me in game distribution? Is it appropriate for you to close the door and leave Patty without calling me?"

Xing Yaoyao blocked the door and wanted to say something, but Li Hongmei said from inside.

"Yao Yao, don't make trouble, Miss Xi, please come in."

Xi Feifei glanced at Xing Yaoyao who was unwilling to give in, and walked slowly past her.

Xing Yaoyao was so unhappy that she wanted to break down the door, but the door was blocked again. This time, it was Tachibana Ren.

"What are you doing again?"

Lihua Ren looked at the furious Xing Yaoyao and said calmly.

"I'm the boss's secretary and I'm applying to join the meeting."

"Secretary?" X4
Even Sun Youling at the front desk poked her head over, and Xi Feifei knocked on the table in dissatisfaction and asked.

"Boss, when did you recruit your secretary? Why didn't I know? It's a woman, can't you find a man?"

Yiyin looked around, and several women looked at him with strange eyes, as if he didn't just find a female secretary, but was caught stealing food outside.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Five hundred million, five hundred million! Related households, do you understand?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"With a relationship of [-] million yuan, haha, does she have a work permit in China?"

Tachibana Ren said calmly.

"It was done yesterday. My current situation has been applied to China's Labor Contract Law, and I can sign a labor contract at any time."

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Sun Youling, please help Lihua Ren with the onboarding process.

Miss Lihua, after you sign the contract today, go back and prepare, and then go to work officially tomorrow, okay? "

Tachibana Shinobu let go of his hand holding the door, bowed and said.

"As you command, my boss."

When she turned back to look for Sun Youling, Xing Yaoyao finally closed the door, mumbling.

"This small island country is much more polite than some people."

Xi Feifei hugged the bear with both hands, crossed her legs with a sneer, and looked at Xing Yaoyao.

"Is this polite? This is called the hypocrisy and servility of islanders."

Yiyin rubbed his temples and sighed weakly when he saw that they were really having a headache when they were tit-for-tat against Maiya.

"Let's have a meeting first."


In the afternoon, on Xi Feifei’s K banquet car.

Seeing Xi Feifei's bright smile, Yiyin asked.

"Are you so happy?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

"I'm very happy. When I think of Xing Yaoyao's disappointed face, I feel very happy."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Can't you two talk properly? Do you dislike each other so much?

Besides, I don’t have the space to take you in to see the recording site.She can't go, so you can just drive her to the door.

Everyone is so divided, I really don’t understand what you are happy about? "

Xi Feifei hummed.

"I'm too lazy to look at her.

I've seen this kind of stuff too much, and I'm filled with dissatisfaction with society. I feel that people like me just rely on being born with a good pregnancy and win at the starting line, so they will stab me a few times if nothing happens.

I didn't see how hard she worked, or what achievements she made that would impress me. She was always struggling with things she couldn't change. She was incompetent and furious, and she was just a hopeless coward. "

Yiyin looked at the road ahead and sighed.

"You are standing and talking without back pain.

So what if she tried hard?At most, she is just another Li Hongmei, who studies hard, works hard, supplies supplies for ten years, and then gets out of here.

I think Xing Yaoyao is pretty good like this. She steps on the watermelon rind and slides wherever she goes. She is free and happy with the situation.

As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy. "

Xi Feifei held the steering wheel with both hands and couldn't help but glance at Yiyin and said.

"Boss, you are now a big boss with a net worth of [-] million, you cannot have this kind of thought.

If everyone learns from Xing Yaoyao, how can society progress and develop?

Only when enough cheap labor is willing to enter factories, deliver food, and clean sewers, will our money become more valuable.

If everyone is selfish and prioritizes themselves without considering their contribution to society, the human cost will quickly rise.

The same amount of money can only buy fewer manpower to serve us, which is equivalent to shrinking the supply, and we will suffer a lot. "

Yi Yin couldn't help snorting.

"Your idea of ​​hanging a street lamp is very dangerous. Besides, who am I to be a rich person?

The 100 million in the company's books were all invested by others, and not a dime belongs to me.

The company's current profit is only from playing those two games, and it has made hundreds of thousands, and most of it is given to everyone as bonuses.

Coupled with the various costs of starting a company, I was a pauper with a lot of debt. "

Xi Feifei shook her head.

“Boss, you just don’t understand.

In the era of credit currency, we are playing a debt economy.According to you, those rich people on the wealth list are all negative people. Which one is not in debt?Being able to borrow money is a skill.

You can borrow 100 million, and the bank is your father.You can borrow [-] million, and the bank is your son, understand? "

Yiyin sneered.

"According to what you say, if I can borrow two trillion, I will be invincible?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Of course, if such a day comes, who dares to let anything happen to you?

At most, they are fools like Xing Yaoyao, trying to tarnish your face.If I really want to touch you, who will bear the responsibility?A senior executive of Hehe Group? "

Xi Feifei's fallacy made Yiyin shake his head.

"I can't stand those of you who are studying economics. You all speak so confusedly that you can't understand them at all."

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"It's okay if you don't understand. Don't worry, I will never harm you in this life. Just trust me."

Yiyin complained.

"Last time you took me to your sister's place..."

Xi Feifei blushed.

"That was before! It won't happen anymore!"



"Let's trust you for a while."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. In the distance, the production and director center in the Quiet Zone could be seen in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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