Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 190 How dare you say you love me?

Chapter 190 How dare you say you love me?

Underground parking lot at the Director's Center.

Lin Qingwan and Aren looked at the luxury car that stopped slowly, and Aren couldn't help but whistle.

"What a coquettish K banquet."

Yiyin got out of the car and greeted the two of them.

On the closed car door, the car window suddenly lowered, revealing Safifei's charming little face.

"Excuse me, when is your performance? After recording your performance, can Yiyin leave?"

Lin Qingwan looked at Xi Feifei's pretty face and seemed a little nervous.

"We will be the third one to play, around seven or eight o'clock. It should be fine after that. Yi Yin can leave at any time."

Xi Feifei nodded and said politely.

"Thank you, then I'll go first."

Watching K Yan drive away, Ah Ren envied.

"She has a beautiful car and a luxury car. It would be great if she was my girlfriend."

Lin Qingwan's heart felt a little blocked. She knew that there were many people vying for a handsome man like Yiyin, even if he was divorced and had children, but she didn't expect that the opponent would be so strong.

Xi Feifei's face is so beautiful.Lin Qingwan believed that her appearance was never inferior to others, and now she lost her confidence.

Lin Qingwan said angrily when she saw Aren's look of infatuation.

"Wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth. Do you really want to get married?"

Aren glanced at Lin Qingwan, who was uncomfortable, and said with a smile.

"Yes! When I get tired of playing, I will find an honest woman who is rich, beautiful and loves me to marry."

Lin Qingwan sighed.

"What a great talk."

Jin shrugged and looked at Uprising Silver.

"No wonder that beauty from the K-party is so tight-lipped. Look at her appearance and temperament. I'm a woman and I'm worried. I wish I could tie her to my belt every day to avoid being snatched away by other women.

Handsome guy from Eida, was that your girlfriend just now? "

Yiyin shook his head to hide it.

"Don't get me wrong, she is an intern in my company and has not graduated from college yet. How can an old widow like me be worthy of someone like me?"

Lin Qingwan's eyes lit up, but Ah Ren said unconvinced.

"I don't think so, that girl is treating you... Ouch, Awan, why did you hit me?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work. You'll be on stage soon. Hurry up and take Yiyin backstage to get familiar with it."


After leaving the Director Center, Xi Feifei drove directly to the Dongjiao Hotel and entered Xi Lanlan's suite.

Xi Lanlan was looking down at things, when she saw Xi Feifei rushing in, she nodded and said.

"I'll look at the financial report for a while. We'll go to dinner later. You sign the documents on the coffee table first."

Xi Feifei sat on the sofa and glanced at the documents on the coffee table, knowing that as long as she put pen to paper at this time, most of the real estate and financial assets under Xi Lanlan's name would be transferred to her own name.

But she just glanced at it and turned her attention to Xi Lanlan, who was working with her head down.

The two sisters really look alike, like twin sisters, except that one is wearing youthful school clothes and the other is wearing professional ladies' clothes.

As if sensing Xi Feifei's gaze, Xi Lanlan looked up at her and asked.

"what happened?"

Xi Feifei shook her head and said.

"Sister, do you know about the most popular variety show recently, Singer's Summer?"

"Well, I know, [-]% of iQiyi's shares belong to my investment group.

This program is good. The ratings, broadcast volume, and attention on the first day were all very good, and the stock price also surged. "

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"I don't want to know how much money you have made. I want to ask you, can you get tickets now for the third episode of Singer, which is being recorded at the Jing Jing Director Center today?"

Xi Lanlan was stunned for a moment, turned up her wrist and looked at the time.

"At this point, the recording has already started, right? The live recording is actually not that good, it's a mess. You might as well wait for the online premiere in two weeks."

Xi Feifei pouted, hugging the bear with her hands and saying nothing.Xi Lanlan shook her head, looked at her sister dotingly, and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Gong? Hello.

It's okay, it's okay, haha. If nothing happens, can't I call you to care about you?Yes, I remember the golf next week and I will be there on time.

Your singer's summer is so popular right now. I heard that the live recording is so popular that you can't even get tickets.

Ah, can you arrange a guest seat on the second floor?Is it too much trouble for you?I heard that the recording has already started. Isn’t that convenient?

Oh, sorry, thank you so much. "

Xi Lanlan finished the phone call politely, looked at Xi Feifei and said.

"You can go there at any time, call Xiao Li when you arrive, and someone will come over there to arrange your admission, the special guest seat on the second floor.

Keep a low profile and don't make any noise in the guest seats. It will be troublesome for people to edit the scene later. "

Xi Feifei picked up the property transfer document and sat across from the desk, holding her chin in her hands and looking at Xi Lanlan.

Xi Lanlan looked up at her and said softly.

"I'll be ready soon. You sign the documents first, and then we go downstairs and have dinner. Then you can go watch the show. You should be able to catch up with most of the recording."

Xi Feifei looked at Xi Lanlan and said nothing. As she watched, her eye circles gradually turned red and tears fell.

She gritted her teeth, picked up the document, and handed it forward, blocking Xi Lanlan's work surface.

Xi Lanlan raised her head, looked at the tearful Xi Feifei calmly, and said softly.

"Feifei, don't cry. Birth, old age, illness and death are normal conditions in life. I'm just taking the first step."

Xi Feifei shook her head, tears fell like broken pearls.

"I can sign this document, but I have one condition."

"You said."

"I want you and Yiyin to sleep together tonight."

Xi Lanlan's expression turned grim and she scolded.

"Feifei, don't mess around!"

Xi Feifei said with a serious face.

"I'm not messing around.

You always tell me that you are worried about me, protecting me, afraid that I will be cheated by bad men.

So, you have to test the men around me again and again, you have to set them up, and let Xiao Li spoil them.

In fact, I know very well that you did this only because you have a clean freak.You can't take it when my face that looks exactly like yours shows admiration for those men.

You are proud, you are self-admiring, and you feel that there is no man in the world worthy of your face!
And because of this face, I am destined to be unable to have a real love under your control! "

Xi Lanlan was silent for a while and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, no matter what I did right or wrong in the past, I will never restrict you again in the future.

Once you sign this document, you are free. You can do whatever you want. From now on, you are free. "

The document was shaking because Xi Feifei's hands were shaking.She viciously smashed the document on the desk and in front of Xi Lanlan.

"I don't want it! I don't want to lose you!
Do you know, I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past few days!
I used to fantasize every day and night, that one day I can leave your control, and I must be free to do whatever I want!
But from that day you told me that you had a terminal illness and that you were going to die soon, in my dreams you were the only one who was kind to me!
I just discovered that you have done so many things for me, you took care of my meals, you worried about my studies, you wiped my butt when I got into trouble, you. .You are my good sister!

I used to think I hated you, but now I realize that I love you so much. Just thinking about losing you makes me go crazy! "

Xi Lanlan sighed.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, I love you too.

When I got the diagnosis report, I didn't have any fear of death for the first time. The first thing I thought of was you.

I don’t know what will happen to you in the future without me. I want to leave everything I have to you. Do you understand how I feel? "

Xi Feifei smiled sadly.

“So, let’s make a deal, I’ll sign the damn paper, but I want you and Yiyin to sleep tonight.

I can tell you that although I have only known him for two months, I really like him and I can't live without him.

He is different from those men who were designed by you and spoiled by Xiao Li before. I really really can't do without him! "

Xi Lanlan looked at Xi Feifei and said calmly.

"Since you like him so much, then you should stay with him.

I said, I will never restrict your life again, so why do you need to make such a strange and rude request?
You love him so much, why do you want to let him be with me? . "

Before Xi Lanlan finished speaking, Xi Feifei had already grabbed Xi Lanlan's wrist with red eyes and said.

"Prove it to me! Prove it to me, you love me, sister! You don't even dare to sleep with the man you like, so how dare you say you love me!

Xi Lanlan!Prove it to me!I beg you!Tell you how much you love me!Pamper me more!No matter what I ask you will satisfy me! "

Xi Lanlan shook off Xi Feifei's hand and said.

"You are too impulsive now. Let's have a good talk after you calm down."

Xi Feifei knew that if she told her sister about Yiyin's special abilities, she wouldn't believe it. It was too fantasy.

Moreover, Xi Feifei didn't want to give her sister hope until the Yiyin therapy was proved to be effective, lest the treatment be ineffective, and instead make her sister fall into deeper despair.

What Xi Feifei wants to do now is to make something happen between Yiyin and Xi Lanlan, not to prove the usefulness of Yiyin's Tang Monk meat.

As long as the sister's condition improves after the two of them talk, it will prove that Tang Monk's meat is effective. At that time, I will use the facts to convince my sister.

Now, Xi Feifei only needs to do one thing, and that is to do everything possible to force Xi Lanlan to go to Yiyin to make something happen.

After Xi Lanlan sternly refused, Xi Lanlan let out a burst of piercing laughter.

"Sister, do you know where Yiyin and I met? It was in a psychological treatment center.

In the open letter online proving Yoshihiro's mental illness, the psychologist who wrote the letter is called Isshiki Chiyo.She is not only Yiyin’s psychiatrist, but also my psychiatrist.

Yoshigan and I met because Chiyo Isshiki introduced us.Isshiki Chiyo said that if Yoshigin can save himself, he can also save me. "

Xi Lanlan's heart skipped a beat.

"Feifei, why didn't you tell me about this? When did you develop psychological problems?"

Xi Feifei smiled and sighed.

"Tell you? Say what? That I'm a psychopath with self-destructive tendencies? I've been trying to destroy myself?

So who made me what I am now?My good sister, why don't you take a good guess as to why I have mental illness?

Yoshigan is really good. Now I believe more and more in Isshiki Chiyo's words that as long as I am with him, one day my illness will be cured without medicine. "

Looking at Xi Feifei's crazy expression, Xi Lanlan felt sad. She couldn't help but reach out to touch her sister's face, but her outstretched hand was grabbed by the wrist by Xi Feifei.

Xi Feifei had a fierce look on her face, pinched Xi Lanlan's wrist with her hands, and shouted.

"Sister, my good sister, you owe me this, you have to pay it back!

Aren’t you disgusted that I’m hanging out with my stinky men?Don’t you want those bad men to touch my face that looks exactly like yours?

Now, I really like a man, so you, my good sister, should you also like him for the sake of your beloved sister?
You owe me this, you owe me this!Go fuck him, go possess him!If you do this kind of thing, women won’t suffer!
What you did to me once made me a person with psychological problems.Now, I ask you to do what I want you to do.

Then, we’re in the clear!I'll sign the damn paper as you wish!

OK?elder sister?Do you think it’s okay? "

Xi Lanlan didn't know why Xi Feifei was so persistent and wanted something to happen between herself and Yiyin, but it was difficult for Xi Lanlan to cross this psychological bottom line.

Seeing Xi Feifei like this, Xi Lanlan couldn't help but wonder, what is the charm of Yiyin?
Xi Lanlan and Yiyin have only two sides to each other.

What she felt about that man was that he was very handsome and had a good character. She didn't get tricked by him, and she didn't accept the hot check.

Xi Lanlan sighed.

"Feifei, can you let me think about it? Don't force me anymore."

Xi Feifei let go of her hand and smiled.

"Okay, I'll give you time to think about it."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the hotel phone and dialed room service.

"Hey, this is Mr. Xi's suite. I'll send you two sets of presidential sandwiches. Thank you."

Xi Feifei put down the phone and Xi Lanlan sighed.

"Feifei, what are you going to do again?"

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"Hurry up and finish your meal. Let's go see the singer's summer recording session together."

Xi Lanlan asked with a flash of eyes.

"Where is Yiyin?"

Xi Feifei nodded and said seriously.

"He is today's surprise, both for the program and for you.

Sister, you have a few hours to think slowly. After he steps down, I will pick him up and come back to Dongjiao Hotel with us.

If you reject me, I will never sign this document.Also, I will hate you forever. "

Xi Lanlan seemed to want to say something more, but was rudely interrupted by Xi Feifei, who repeated that sentence mercilessly.

"Shut up! You stinky sister!

If you don’t even dare to mess with your beloved sister’s man, how dare you say that you love me! "

(End of this chapter)

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