Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 191 Xi Lanlan loosened her guard

Chapter 191 Xi Lanlan loosened her guard
Xi Lanlan opened her mouth and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar grumpy sister in front of her. Remembering that she had just revealed that she had a mental problem, she couldn't help but believe it.

Only mentally ill people with broad thinking can utter such arrogant words.

This is a female honor, not a green one. Does Xi Feifei know what shocking words she just said?
Xi Lanlan rubbed her temples, looking at the stubborn sister in front of her, momentarily at a loss.

As Xi Feifei said, in this world of female supremacy, why should a woman have so much trouble sleeping with a man?

Especially for super rich people like Xi Lanlan, as long as you can exceed 2 minutes, most men will not be so angry that they will write a transcript to complain about this matter.

But Xi Lanlan happens to be not an ordinary woman. She looks down on men and is so narcissistic that she doesn't want to be touched by men.

Think about it, her mother is the general manager of the Zhejiang Branch of Hehe Group. Although she did not join Hehe Group, she was already the president of the 300 billion investment group at a young age.

In her narcissistic mentality of self-admiration, there is no man in the world who is worthy of her.

If everything goes well, she will marry a virtuous and virtuous man when she is older in order to carry on the family line, but that is not because of love, but to fulfill her obligations to the family.

But now, Xi Lanlan is suffering from an incurable disease and only has half a year left to live. She has no interest in having anything with a man.

Looking at Xi Feifei, Xi Lanlan had a headache.

My mother is a strong person. Even if she dies, she can still be strong enough to continue living in this world.

But my sister is different. Under Xi Feifei's seemingly playful appearance, she actually has a fragile and sensitive heart.

This silly sister's cynicism is just a protective shell to protect her immature heart.

Xi Lanlan was very worried about what this silly sister would do after she died.

The reason why mother doesn't care about Xi Feifei now and let her mess around is because mother has a perfect heir, Xi Lanlan.

Once Xi Lanlan died, the mother must reconsider the arrangement for Xi Feifei and consider the issue of family succession.

Xi Lanlan knew in her heart that her mother was strong and always said the right thing, and Xi Feifei would have a hard time in the future.

That's why Xi Lanlan left everything she had to Xi Feifei and gave her some confidence. This was the last thing a sister could do for her sister.

But Xi Feifei resolutely told Xi Lanlan about her mental illness, catching Xi Lanlan off guard and making Xi Lanlan even more worried about her sister.

What if after his death, his sister was forced by her mother to become more mentally ill, or even commit suicide?
Moreover, Xi Feifei put forward another condition that Xi Lanlan could not accept before signing.She actually wanted Xi Lanlan to sleep with the man she liked, she was simply crazy!

Not to mention that Xi Lanlan doesn't like men, even if she really likes Yiyin, can she gossip about the man her sister likes?Although Xi Lanlan is a black-hearted capitalist, she is not a beast after all!
The room service quickly delivered two sets of presidential sandwiches. Xi Feifei ate happily, but Xi Lanlan had a hard time swallowing the food and looked at her calm sister from time to time.

Xi Lanlan really couldn't figure out what was going on in Xi Feifei's mind.

Sister, I'm almost dead. If you don't sign the inheritance documents quickly, but you insist on asking me to spray your man, are you sick?
Feeling Xi Lanlan's gaze, Xi Feifei smiled sweetly at her sister.

"Sister, hurry up and eat. I'll show you the recording of the show after eating. By the way, I bought a new car. I'll let you take a good look at it later."

Xi Lanlan asked.

"I was just about to ask you, where did you get the money to exchange for the K banquet?"

Xi Feifei glanced at her sister.

"How did you know?"

Xi Lanlan sighed.

"Don't you think it's strange that your second lady changed cars and no one stopped you to ask questions when driving in and out?

You drove your new car over yesterday, and Secretary Li had already reported it, so your entry and exit would be smooth. "

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"This Xiao Li's dog eyes are really sharp, it's really annoying.

By the way, sister, get me a motorcycle license plate later. My temporary license plate is about to expire. "

Xi Lanlan sighed.

"I know, I'll let Xiao Li do it for you.

You have a better attitude towards Xiao Li, I know. .Anti-Zhengyiyin didn't suffer any loss, and even kicked Xiao Li, but she was in pain for several days. "

Xi Feifei twitched her lips and nodded reluctantly.

"I know, for the sake of the license plate, I won't argue with her for the time being."

temporary. .Xi Lanlan shook her head, too lazy to persuade her. She was going to die in half a year anyway, so she couldn't control that much.

"Don't change the subject. I'm asking you, where did you get the money? You can't afford the K banquet."

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"I saved someone's life, and they gave me a thank you gift.

Sister, don’t ask anymore. Let’s finish our meal quickly and watch the program recording. I’ll talk to you about this later. "

Xi Feifei finished her sandwich in two or three bites, looking eagerly at Xi Lanlan who was chewing slowly.

Xi Lanlan had no choice but to take a few bites and put down the remaining half of the sandwich.

"I'm full, let's go."

In the end, Xi Lanlan still satisfied Xi Feifei's request to watch the recording of the show together.

Xi Lanlan actually longed to spend a few more days with her sister in her last short life.


Quiet director center, large stage back area.

At this time, the recording had actually started. Yiyin walked in with Lin Qingwan and Aren, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden for the first time, looking left and right.

Everyone is very busy, and from time to time I see a few assistants running around in a hurry, being scolded, holding messy things in their hands.

Here, it is obvious that the entertainment industry is a place with distinct classes.

Big-name celebrities have their own separate rest area, and there is an obvious C position at the backstage shooting spot.

Yiyin asked curiously.

"Why don't you two get in touch with those big names and expand your network?"

Jin shrugged.

"I'm an intellectual and can't talk to them."

Lin Qingwan glared at Aren.

"It's obvious that you are licking your face to get closer, but they ignore you."

Yiyin shook his head and looked around, but found nothing.

When the gender of celebrities in a male-dominated world changes, he can't recognize who they are.Now even if a pineapple, jackfruit and honey were placed in front of his eyes, he would not know who this man was.

On the contrary, it was the keen sixth sense brought about by the special power in Yiyin's body that made him feel that many people were secretly spying on him.

Lin Qingwan seemed to feel something, lowered her head and apologized to Yiyin.

"I'm sorry, I should have refused the show crew's request."

Yiyin is at the forefront of the trend at this time and is the top of the online search list. His extremely handsome face appeared in the background and was naturally recognized by many people.

Lin Qingwan would agree to the request of the program crew because she wanted to see Yiyin again, but at this time she wanted to face Yiyin's difficulties, and she felt very guilty.

Yiyin smiled indifferently and comforted Lin Qingwan.

"It's okay. If you look at me a few times, you won't lose a piece of meat."

Yiyin is not tolerant and generous, but his male superiority really doesn't care about such things.Men, they are not afraid to show their faces in action movies in the island country. On the contrary, there are many male-minded Chinese who spend their own money to film them.

Aren next to him stood in awe, gave a thumbs up and said.

"You are so brave and energetic. You are a handsome boy from Eida. Why don't you come and play rock and roll with me?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I'll let it go."

Yiyin suddenly thought of Bribri, that border girl from the Northeast who carried a guitar and learned the erhu. She really loved rock and roll.

The three of them hid in a corner, chatting for a while, until a young director's assistant, sweating profusely, rushed in front of the three of them.

"Teacher Awan, Teacher Aren, hurry up and get ready, you are about to go on stage."

Then, the director's assistant looked at Yiyin. Yiyin clearly felt that this immature young woman was a little nervous and even trembled a little when she spoke.

"Yi...Teacher Yi, this is your first time on stage. Don't be too nervous. If you want to go to the bathroom, go now. I will take you behind the scenes to prepare."

The performance of the two teachers has ended, please wait for my signal to come on stage. "

Yiyin looked at the girl wiping sweat and felt puzzled.Girl, I'm not nervous, but I see you are.

Aren smiled and revealed the secret.

"Xiao Ai, did you watch Teacher Yi's educational film again last night?"

The director's assistant, who was called Xiao Ai, looked even more nervous now and shook his head repeatedly.

"I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Yiyin smiled bitterly.

Yes, it turns out that I am a fan of Mr. Yi. No wonder I am so nervous and exciting when I see Yi Yin.

Although those face-swapping videos are not of Yiyin’s true self, but which of those otakus who rave about the videos are not here for Yiyin’s face?
Yiyin sighed and said softly.

"Thank you, no need to go to the bathroom, we can just get ready."


Yiyin hid behind the curtain and watched Aren going crazy on the stage.

Yes, just crazy.

A temporary adaptation of A Yin fell in love with A Wan aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.

Aren was very satisfied, the audience was very satisfied, and the program team was also very satisfied. Only Lin Qingwan's expression on the stage was a little numb.

As early as after the trailer of Lin Qingwan speaking for Yiyin was aired, countless jokers appeared on the Internet.

They made up countless jokes, telling the love story between Aren and Awan as if it were true.

Of course, the program team is willing to follow the trend and treat this fake story as a real story to boost their own ratings.

The song "A Yin falls in love with A Wan" was a famous anime song before it was adapted. It is an episode of one of the few excellent original cartoons in China and is very popular.

A famous song, coupled with the hottest gossip right now, it’s really hard not to think it’s popular.

Yiyin smiled and watched Awan getting more and more crazy as he played, thinking that he would go on stage later to help Awan and Aren canvass votes. He would definitely win the third round of the competition.

Just when Yiyin thought there was no problem, his pupils suddenly shrank because he saw that Ren was over the moon and did rock's favorite stage diving in the music program.

This diving scared the program team half to death. Yi Yin could hear the chaos behind him, and countless people behind the scenes were making emergency reports while scolding Ren.

Not only behind the stage, Awan on the stage also seemed to be giving up on herself, stomping her feet and trying to kick one of her shoes off the stage.

But with the last ounce of reason in her mind, she seemed to recall that Yi Yin was watching the show, so she put the shoe covers back on.

Just before Awan was entangled, Aren had followed the wave of people and arrived at the main guest seat opposite the stage.

A group of celebrities and hostesses seemed to have never seen such a lunatic. They all stood up and applauded, with awkward yet polite smiles on their faces, watching Aren sit down on a guest seat.

Yiyin's vision was darkened at this time, and he felt that the combination of Awan and Aren would probably be eliminated again today.

In the guest seats on the second floor, Xi Lanlan, who couldn't stand up to Xi Feifei, reluctantly followed to watch the recording of some program. She just sat down for the first program and saw this whole carnival scene.

Compared to Xi Feifei's indulgence in clapping her hands and laughing, Xi Lanlan frowned slightly, feeling very uncomfortable with this sense of rock and roll rebellion and loss of control.

The two sisters of the Xi family are two sides of the same coin. The elder sister Xi Lanlan is like a perfect daughter without the rebellious period of middle school, and the younger sister Xi Feifei is like a rebellious girl who can never get out of the rebellious period of middle school.

Xi Jianqiao's extremely strong personality put great pressure on his two daughters, and none of them was normal.

At this time, facing punk rock like Aren, who is full of dissatisfaction with society and wants to transcend this society, the mentality of the two sisters is completely different.

The style of some singers is that those who love him will love him to death, and those who have no feelings will always have no feelings.And Aren is exactly this kind of singer.

Xi Feifei was the only person in the guest seats on the second floor who applauded desperately regardless of her demeanor, while Xi Lanlan beside her just glanced at her, as if to say, "You're just going to take me to see this thing?"

After finally being coaxed and persuaded to return to the big stage, the atmosphere in the entire scene became very torn.

Compared with the cheering audience in front of the stage, the key to decide whether to be eliminated or not is the few main coffees who are pretending to be reserved and smiling but not smiling.

Yiyin couldn't help but shake his head when he saw that Ren was still talking nonsense on stage and even leading the audience in the front row to stir up trouble.

Even he, an outsider, knew that in the social atmosphere of China, the most important thing was respect for authority.

It's useless to make the audience happy. The air-conditioning on the guests' seats is almost solid. Are you, Ren, actively seeking to be eliminated?
Just when Yiyin was anxious about doing the work for someone else, the assistant beside him whispered.

"Teacher Yi, it's your turn to take the stage."

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, nodded, gritted his teeth and walked onto the stage, always trying to support Awan.

His appearance indeed caused a burst of exclamation from the whole audience.

The organizer, Masi, who was controlling the atmosphere, immediately applauded, led the main celebrities to welcome Yiyin, and then smiled at the bottom of the stage.

"How about it, are you surprised?"


Masi pretended to wipe his sweat and said.

"It's okay, okay, I didn't invite the wrong person.

Although everyone should know each other, I still want to introduce it.This is President Yi, the boss of Nintendo Game Company, and the creator of the popular song "Old Boy". "

Marcy deftly skips Yiyin's really hot topics, controlling the pace and not letting the show's general direction lead to places it shouldn't go.

The host and guest seats were all elites from the entertainment industry, so they naturally understood what Ma Xi meant.

Just now, they were commenting on the songs of Ah Wan and Ah Ren, and the senior ladies who showed the severity of the musicians all showed ambiguous smiles.

A few people politely complimented Yiyin, but they all said nonsense about how fun this game is.There is neither silence nor nonsense, they are all sensible variety show stars.

Only the new popular female singer, although she looks very beautiful with her high-tech face, is very cold.

She claims to rely on her songs to make a living, but she mainly relies on male fans to foot the bill. She is the guest whose seat was taken away by Aren just now.

She seemed to feel offended and had no ladylike manners at all, insisting on competing with this vulgar music group.

But Aren is indeed an intellectual. Although the female guest has a good-looking face after plastic surgery, she has no education. The cynicism in the interaction just now was pushed back by Aren and did not take advantage.

At this time, seeing Yiyin, a controversial figure, on stage, the female guest showed a joking smile, thinking about embarrassing Yiyin.

Yiyin didn't know that someone in the guest seat was already harboring bad intentions, so he explained politely.

"Teacher Marcy, you're welcome. I didn't compose Old Boy. I just accidentally heard someone singing it and memorized it."

Before Marci could speak, the female guest on the side had already laughed and interrupted.

"Teacher Yi is too modest, who doesn't know that Teacher Yi is so talented.

I am known as the Chinese Xiaoqu Library, and I have never heard the song Old Boy.

I think Teacher Yi is using someone else's name, but I don't think it's necessary. Is it because he's afraid that others will be jealous of his talents and will cause him new troubles? "

The female guest seemed to be reasonable and sensible, and she cared about Yiyin in every word.

But she repeatedly said the word "rebellious teacher" and emphasized that it was a new trouble. Everyone present was not stupid, and they immediately understood that the implication of her words was to ridicule Yiyin.

Xi Feifei, who was tenderly watching Yiyin shine on the stage on the second floor, was suddenly stabbed to the point of jumping up, but was pushed back to her seat by Xi Lanlan.

"Sit tight for me. It's a big crowd and be careful about your manners."

Miss Xi Er gritted her teeth and said.

"I have grace, but this little cousin doesn't."

Xi Lanlan sighed.

"Where did you learn the dirty words? If something happens, you can talk about it later. If you rush over now, you won't be able to help. It will only cause more criticism."

Xi Feifei thought about it and could only hold back her sulk.

Xi Lanlan glanced at her sister and found that she was really interested in Yiyin, and her true feelings were revealed. Unlike the usual laughter and scolding, it seemed that she was truly moved.

While the two sisters were talking, Marcy had already come out to smooth things over.

She was secretly happy that the female guest picked things well, and the hot topics in the third episode of the program were interesting, but she must not fall out at this time, otherwise it would be self-defeating.

Ma Xi pretended to be confused, ignored the female guest's ridicule, and asked Xiang Yiyin.

"Mr. Yi insisted that he was an old boy who learned from others. It turns out this is true."

In fact, Yiyin is not without a temper. As soon as he came on stage, the female guest gave him a soft nail. The Clay Bodhisattva has a very earthy temper, let alone Yiyin who felt confused.

He glanced at the female guest and stabbed her.

“Old Boy’s songs come from the island country, so it’s normal not to know the library of Chinese songs.

This song was adapted by a singer in China and sung in Chinese.In fact, I have also heard many adapted songs, but the adaptors are not as famous as the Chinese Xiaoqu Library, so they are not widely spread. "

In the male-dominated Chinese music scene, there are many popular Japanese adaptations of songs, and Old Boy is one of them.

Yiyin didn't know how many such adapted songs existed in this world of female venerables, so he didn't dare to claim to be original.

Whether it's music or lyrics, if they happen to match up, I'll be embarrassed to death.

But at this time, Yiyin had no pressure to counterattack the female guest with those adapted songs from the male-dominated world.

As long as you don't claim to be original, of course you can sing whatever you want. If you make a mistake, it's a big deal to bow and apologize.

The female guest was reprimanded by Yi Yin, her smile became colder and colder.

"In that case, why not ask Mr. Yi to sing another one for everyone. I'm also curious about how many buried adapted songs in China are worse than my own lyrics and music."

When Marcy heard this, he immediately started cheering and said to the audience.

"I'm curious too. Are you curious?"


"Then let's ask Mr. Yi to sing a few lines for us. Can you guys agree?"

"it is good!"

The atmosphere at the scene was lifted by a few words, and Yiyin was also put on a stand, and was in a dilemma.

Aren took the initiative to hand the microphone to Yiyin and said something in his ear with a serious face.

"Fuck that plastic surgery face."

Yiyin glanced at the cold fake smile of the female guest, and her stiff plastic surgery face looked even more mean.

Awan looked at Yiyin worriedly, regretting even more that she had invited him to the scene.

Yiyin exhaled and thought about what to sing?
He hasn't been to KTV for many years, and his voice is not very good, but now he can only sing some songs that are similar to talking and not technically difficult.

After thinking about it, Yiyin cleared his throat and sang Later.

"Later, I finally learned how to love..."

As soon as Yiyin opened his voice, the special power generated by quantum entanglement in his body expanded outward along his voice.

At the beginning, he was a little nervous and accidentally raised the key, moved up a few notes, and lowered it an octave, which made the female guest laugh.

But soon, the female guest stopped laughing because she still had some professional qualities and immediately discovered the extraordinaryness of Yiyin.

Yiyin sings like talking, has no skills, and his sense of music is not very good.

But the strange thing is that Yiyin's voice is very recognizable, and the timbre is also wonderful. Just an ordinary soft voice can resonate with people's hearts.

How many singers have spent their whole lives pursuing singing skills and absolute sound, but they can't take advantage of Yiyin's mediocre casual a cappella singing.

Because the origin of music is that humans use the pitch and intensity of sounds to express emotions and feelings.All techniques are fundamentally aimed at reaching the goal of moving people's hearts.

Yiyin's singing skills can make professionals shake their heads. He is a complete amateur.

However, he is bad in every way, but his voice is highly recognizable and infectious.

After a few lines of acapella, he attracted everyone's attention and made everyone prick up their ears to listen to his singing. Some even started to cry.

This kind of purely natural sound and unskilled resonance is no longer God’s gift of food, but God’s pursuit of him and stuffing rice into Yiyin’s mouth.

Later, this song itself is a famous song of the island country, and with lyrics that suit the people of China, it is a popular song that is easy to sing and listen to in the world of men. After listening to it, it is a popular song that makes people unable to calm down for a long time.

At this time, Yiyin was inspired to fight on the stage and inadvertently released the special power in his body. He also injected the emotion of the song into the hearts of everyone present.

Love and hate are the most unforgettable emotions of human beings.The love that is missed is a memory that no one can forget.

Xi Lanlan, who had looked calm just now, actually burst into tears as she listened.Beside her, Xi Feifei kept sobbing and cried into tears.

Yiyin sang repeatedly.

"Later, I finally learned how to love, but it's a pity that you have long since disappeared into the sea of ​​people."

He was singing about love. At this moment, Xi Lanlan and Xi Feifei deeply felt the helplessness of separation between life and death.The two sisters held hands tightly together and looked at Yiyin who was singing softly a cappella on the stage.

Xi Lanlan's eyes became softer and softer, and she suddenly felt that Yiyin on the stage was so dazzling.

Maybe before he dies, it's okay to fulfill his sister's wish.If the other party is Yiyin, there is nothing wrong with him becoming a real woman and leaving this world.

At this moment, under the influence of this song, Xi Lanlan finally felt a little relieved about Xi Feifei's suggestion and had a good impression of Yiyin.

(End of this chapter)

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