Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 192: I will miss you forever

Chapter 192 I will miss you forever
Yiyin sings a cappella song, without the intro and outro, lasting only 2 minutes.

His face turned slightly red. It was his first time singing on a big stage, and he felt nervous. He stumbled and sang out of tune for such a simple lyrical song, which was really embarrassing.

Yiyin felt that his singing was not good, but the audience and guests present were shocked by his singing voice and fell into silence.

Many men and women in the audience actually cried. The sobbing seemed to be contagious, and soon everyone fell down crying.

When Yiyin first came on stage, although everyone was cheering and excited, in fact, women could not help but hide their dirty thoughts, and men could not help but feel a little disdain.

The teasing title of Teacher Yi can easily cause some bad associations.

Although those head-swapping videos have nothing to do with Yiyin, there are still a few people in the world who really care about other people's feelings, and they just treat it as an online carnival.

There are always people who slander you secretly, and it is not necessarily without reason. If you are not coquettish, can others arrange you like this?
Even Ma Xi, the program team, specially invited Yiyin here, which may not be out of good intentions.

Otherwise, with Ma Xi's professionalism, he would have said hello to the main artists in advance to avoid anyone being as weird as the Chinese Xiaoquku.

But after Yiyin finished singing a song, the audience immediately changed their view of him.

This person originally followed the five senses in his three views.

Yiyin is so handsome that even men admire him. In addition, although his singing is poor, his strong resonance with his personal characteristics instantly affects the audience.

The audience can only think, how can such an emotional and sincere song be sung by a scratch?
Yiyin himself did not expect that the effect of this song would actually clear up most of his ambiguous pink color as Teacher Yi.

The woman saw his sincerity, handsomeness, holiness and innocence, and then thought of the video of Teacher Yi secretly hidden in the memory card of her mobile phone, and she became even more excited.

The man thought that he was a widower with a child, and that there were many disputes in front of him, and he resonated with him and sympathized even more.

Ma Xi was more excited than the audience. She was already planning to sing Yi Yin's 2-minute a cappella clip into a trailer.

I think it will definitely cause a sensation on the Internet and raise the ratings of the variety show Singer's Summer to another level.

Maxi looked at the dumbfounded female guest thoughtfully, thinking that he must keep the combination of Awan and Aren, and not let such a hot spot be eliminated.

But Aren's behavior obviously annoyed the main stars, especially this female guest. She has passed the rating today and will probably be eliminated again.

what to do?Do some outside tricks to bring this combination back to life again?Taking advantage of the ignorance of netizens and inciting them to vote, making it a little more dramatic, might even increase the popularity of the show.

Marcy was already thinking a lot in her mind, but on her face it was just a moment. She smiled and continued to set the pace and host the show.

"It's such a good song that people will never forget. How about it? Do you like it?"

The named female guest smiled a little reluctantly and said bravely.

"The song is very good, but the singing skills are not very good, but it is understandable. After all, Teacher Yi is not a professional singer."

The female guest felt a little regretful.

Whether it's Old Boy or later, they are both rare and good songs.

It's a pity that Yiyin does not admit that he is the creator. This copyright issue is difficult to solve. Even if the female guest wants to buy it to hit the high notes and show off her singing skills, she has no chance.

Although she was jealous of Yiyin's voice that had been kissed by an angel, the female guest would never admit that he sang well, she would just say that the songs were good in a weird way.

Anti-Justice Silver also said that this song is not his original creation, so I will praise the song, but I won’t praise it anyway!
Yiyin took the microphone and smiled. He also knew that he was a little nervous just now and was very off-key. There was nothing to refute.

But Aren next to him was not satisfied, grabbed Yiyin's microphone, and said.

"No no no, music, not just singing skills, but also feeling, resonance, understand?

I think Yiyin sings very well, much better than a skilled artist who can only sing high notes.

Everyone said, right! "

Ah Ren took the opportunity to put the microphone in front of the stage, and the audience in front of the stage immediately let out a deafening roar.


The female guest had a cold face and managed to keep a smile, hating Aren in her heart.

Seeing that the feeling of tension was almost in place, and it would be too much to play anymore, Ma Xi quickly changed the subject with a smile and said a few words for the occasion.

Soon, Marcy directed everyone's attention to where he wanted.

"So, now let's take a look at the score of the song A Yin fell in love with A Wan.

The audience gives points. .Guests give points. .And the professionals on the second floor give points. .

Unfortunately, your score seems a bit low. The combination of Awan and Aren will be the first team to be eliminated in this round. It is very regrettable! "

Masi was still talking about trying his best next year, but Yi Yin was already sighing in his heart. From the moment Ren dived on the stage, he knew it was over.

But he looked back at Awan and Aren. Both of them were in stable moods. They seemed not surprised by the result, and even seemed satisfied.

Yiyin had a slight realization in his heart.

Being eliminated after the best performance is actually not that uncomfortable. At least the audience remembers the two of them. Maybe this is the norm in the entertainment industry.

At this time, Marcy had already said the last scene.

"Then, let's meet again next year, bye! Ah Ren! Ah Wan! Ah Yin!"

Yiyin and Lin Qingwan smiled at each other and walked backstage side by side. At this moment, the audience's exclamations came from behind them.

Yiyin turned around and saw Aren making a gesture of surrender with both hands and slowly placing the microphone on the floor of the stage. It was like a provocation, and the smiles of several guests at the main guest seat froze.

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head, this Aren is really interesting.

After walking off the stage, Lin Qingwan turned around and sighed, saying to Aren.

"Satisfied? Have fun?"

Aren smiled and gave a thumbs up.


Yi Yin sighed.

"That last gesture of yours... why bother? It's so offending."

Aren said.

“The worst thing about bad people is that they teach you to be good and to be tolerant and generous, and then the bad people can do all they can without worrying about retaliation from you.

We must retaliate with tooth for tooth, eye for eye, and suffer losses openly, and we must not suffer hidden losses, giving the bad guys the illusion that we are easy to bully. "

Yiyin touched his head.

"It sounds quite reasonable. As expected of an intellectual, he just knows how to talk."

Aren shook his head.

"It wasn't me who said it, it was a female gangster named Wang who said it."

Yiyin nodded, and was wondering which gangster king had become a gangster in the world of female lords, when a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Wang Rascal's words are very interesting, but your performance art on stage is more interesting to me."

Yiyin turned around and saw Xi Feifei looking at the three of them with a smile, and couldn't help but ask.

"How did you get in? Didn't it say that the back area is an important area and no one is allowed to enter?"

Xi Feifei waved her hand.

"Don't worry about this little thing.

How about it?Have you finished your work?Is it time to think about my matter?Can we go now? "

Yiyin sucked in a breath of cold air.

He just realized his special power on stage, but he doesn't actually need that kind of thing.

This is similar to everyone's misunderstanding of the Sunflower Book. The first page says that if you want to practice magic, you will swing your sword from the palace.In fact, the last page also says that you can succeed even without wielding a knife to commit suicide!

Yiyin was new to the world of female lords and didn't know where the power in his body came from. He thought it was caused by something like that, but in fact it was a complete misunderstanding.

So he can help Xi Lanlan cure his illness through a method similar to qigong. He only needs to arouse the resonance of special forces in his body like singing just now.

Seeing Xi Feifei's eager face, Yiyin could only say hello to Awan and Ren and leave first, and then was dragged away by Xi Feifei anxiously.

Halfway through, Yiyin lowered his head and explained to her.

"Feifei, actually you misunderstood, I don't have to be with your sister..."

Before Yiyin finished speaking, Xi Feifei had stopped, grabbed his collar, and said solemnly.

"Do you regret it? Are you unwilling to save my sister?"

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"It's not what you think, I mean..."

Xi Feifei looked at no one around with a sullen face, and said in a low voice.

"Do you know how much effort I put into making my sister want to be with you? I don't even have any face!
It was not easy. .She finally heard your song and finally softened her heart and acquiesced to my actions. But you told me at this time that you don’t want to do it anymore? "

Yiyin held a mouthful of blood in his chest and didn't know how to complain.

It’s not that I don’t want to save your sister!But there is really no need to save like that!As long as it resonates within your body!That thing is not necessary!Do you understand or not?

Seeing Xi Feifei's serious face and showing no need for discussion, Yiyin suddenly thought of that Xi Lanlan. She actually agreed to Xi Feifei's nonsense?Is it because my singing voice just now was so great?

Looking at Xi Feifei's face as beautiful as a fairy, and thinking of Xi Lanlan's identical face, Yiyin suddenly felt that this misunderstanding that was difficult to explain did not actually need to be explained clearly.

Seeing that Yiyin nodded slowly and finally complied with her request, Xi Feifei breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yiyin gently.

"Tonight, you will listen to me, just like Sun Youling did that time.

after. .Just be sure. .Whether the result is hope or despair, I will miss you all my life, really.

Yiyin, I like you so much, I really, really like you, you are so kind to me. "

Yiyin complained in his heart, do you like me so much?I like it so much that I am in a hurry to take me with your sister. .

Xi Feifei didn't know what Yiyin was thinking, so she took his hand and walked out.

"Don't worry, I won't look down on you because of this matter, but I am very grateful for your true love for me.

Whether it's your sister or Sun Youling, it's not your fault, it's the world's fault.I can take it, really, I really can take it.

So, please don’t worry or regret anymore. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand with you and stay together forever. . "

Yiyin was held tightly by Xi Feifei's hand and led to the underground parking lot, listening to her soft-spoken yet firm confession.

Ahead, he could already see Xi Feifei's K-banquet and Xi Lanlan in the passenger seat. When their eyes touched, something stirred in his heart.

Yiyin suddenly remembered whether he, the special guest, had an appearance fee. Xi Feifei hurriedly pulled him away, so he had no time to ask!
(End of this chapter)

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