Chapter 194

Xi Lanlan opened her eyes, turned on her phone and checked the time. It was not yet five o'clock.

The moment she got off the bed and stood up, she felt her legs were a little sore and couldn't help but shake her head.

This is common knowledge in junior high school physiology classes, but last night, Xi Lanlan's common sense was completely overturned.

She stood up unsteadily, her head still a little swollen. She was so tired that she didn't go to bed until two o'clock last night. She only slept for three hours. She got too little sleep.

Xi Lanlan was about to click on the curtain button on the bedside table, but suddenly stopped.

She glanced at Yiyin, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, with a look of pity on her face, then picked up her phone, and staggered out of the bedroom with the dim light of the phone screen.

This is the suite where Xi Lanlan stayed in the Eastern Suburb Hotel for a long time. As soon as she walked out of the bedroom, she was dazzled by the light in the living room and felt uncomfortable for a while.

The summer day dawned very early, and it was already broad daylight. Sitting on the sofa, Xi Feifei had a pair of dark circles and red eyes.

Looking at her haggard sister, Xi Lanlan couldn't help but sigh to herself, if she had known this, why did she do it in the first place.

When she was in the bedroom last night, Xi Lanlan actually heard Xi Feifei sobbing in the living room and knew why she was sobbing.

So Xi Lanlan was puzzled, why did Xi Feifei do this?Be sure to use free money. .

But now, the wood has become the boat and the rice has become the cooking pot. It will be useless to pursue the matter further.

Xi Lanlan felt guilt hidden in her heart, because she heard Xi Feifei sobbing last night, instead of stopping, she became even more excited.

Own. .Really not a good sister. .Knowing that Xi Feifei likes Yiyin. .Can. .I just can't suppress the excitement.

Xi Lanlan didn't know how to comfort Xi Feifei. She sat next to her sister and asked softly.

"Are you hungry? Can I ask room service to bring you something to eat?"

Although Xi Feifei looked haggard, she looked very calm. She shook her head.

"If you don't want to eat, sister, you can't eat either.

I have contacted ** hospital. You can go with me now for a fasting physical examination. "

Xi Lanlan frowned.

"Feifei, what are you making trouble about? I have been to three or four hospitals for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. They are all in the late stage, at most half a year.

I know you don't want to accept this, but really don't make any more trouble. Sign the document now and be obedient.

I have fulfilled your terms and it is your turn to fulfill your promise. "

Xi Feifei looked at her sister and said in a deep voice.

"You won't believe anything I say now, just let the facts speak for themselves. Let's see if God has mercy on me sincerely, or if God really wants to ruthlessly take away my sister.

Give me two hours and I'll tell you everything when I've checked my body.Please give me another two hours, just be with me for the last time, will you, sister? "

As she spoke, Xi Feifei's tears flowed down again. She had shed too many tears that night, and her eyes were stinging from crying.

Xi Lanlan hugged her sister sympathetically and sighed.

"Stop crying, I'll just go with you."

Xi Feifei gritted her teeth and stood up, holding her sister's hand, trying to pull her up from the sofa and go out together.

But Xi Lanlan was sitting there, looking along the web of hands held by the two of them, looking at Xi Feifei's face that was exactly like her own, and asked solemnly.

"Feifei, tell me, have you and Yiyin ever...?"

Xi Feifei smiled sadly and shook her head.Xi Lanlan's heart sank and she couldn't help but sigh.

"My silly sister, do you know what you have done?"

Xi Feifei pulled Xi Lanlan up from the sofa, hugged her sister tightly, as if holding on to the last life-saving straw, she whispered in Xi Lanlan's ear.

“Of course I know what I’m doing, I’ve never been so clear-headed as I am today and know exactly what I want.

You are my most important sister. If I have good things, of course I must give them to my sister first. "

Xi Lanlan felt dizzy and didn't know what to say, but she felt more and more that Xi Feifei's mental illness was serious.

Xi Feifei was not willing to explain anything at this time. Let's wait until the medical examination report comes out.

The two women left the suite, and as the door was closed with a bang, Yiyin, who pretended to be asleep, couldn't help but sigh and turned over.

Xi Feifei completely misunderstood. In fact, doing this kind of thing has nothing to do with curing the disease. This is a misunderstanding.

Yiyin's special power is due to the fact that the male quantum he brought with him from the male world does not match the quantum of the female world.

This is at the quantum level, a special physical reaction produced by different substances in the two worlds. It is a quantum entanglement that occurs without human perception and is built on the underlying logic of the world.

It is this special quantum entanglement that gives Yiyin some unique features that humans in the female world cannot understand.

Even Yiyin himself once misunderstood, thinking that he was relying on that kind of thing to upgrade.

But now, Yiyin has understood through some special channels that this is his own special ability, which has nothing to do with outsiders, and there is no need to upgrade through that kind of thing, absolutely not!

Xi Feifei didn't know about this misunderstanding, and that's why Xi Feifei forced Xi Lanlan.However, Xi Feifei's behavior made the relationship between Yiyin and Xi Lanlan very complicated.

Originally, Yiyin only needed to sing and shake hands to help Xi Lanlan try to heal her through the special quantum resonance in her body.

But Xi Feifei decided that was the only way to succeed, and coerced and induced Xi Lanlan to give Yiyin. .

Yiyin lay on the bed, thinking about it with a headache.

The matter has come to this, if he explains the matter clearly now, it will make Xi Feifei collapse. That fool has given away the man he likes with his own hands. .

But if Yiyin doesn't speak clearly, then Sun Youling and Xi Lanlan will be misled by Xi Feifei and continue to misunderstand. In that case, Yiyin will have to do it again and again. .

Now the question arises, does Yiyin need to explain clearly?Or should we just continue to pretend to be confused and handle things like this in a daze?
To be honest, there is no harm in not explaining it, but my conscience feels a little bit bad.

After all, sisters have a deep love for each other, so Yiyin felt that he was too beastly when he took the opportunity to do so.

But he thought about it again, from the standpoint of the Xi family sisters, according to the thinking of the female respected world, they should be the perpetrators of the beasts, and Yiyin should be the victim, right?

Yiyin thought about it and fell asleep again. He was really too tired last night.

Xi Lanlan heard Xi Feifei's sobbing, and Yiyin also heard it.Xi Lanlan felt really stimulated and excited, and Yiyin also felt energetic all over.

While sleeping, four big characters suddenly appeared in Yiyin's mind, the corners of his mouth raised, and he felt relieved.

Rarely confused. .


Yiyin was sleeping soundly this time, and his cell phone was ringing. He couldn't bear the noise anymore, so he could only force himself to get up from the bed and look for his cell phone among the scattered clothes on the floor.


"Boss, I'm Li Miaoren. My little sisters here have already completed the registration process. When do you think you will be free, come to teach everyone?"

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I don't know anything about 3D rendering. What class should I take?"

His groggy mind suddenly realized that Li Miaoren did not expect him to go to class. He was obviously worried that his little sister would not be taken seriously by the company, and hoped that the boss would encourage everyone.

After all, since Yiyin bought Baobai Studio, Nintendo Game Company and himself have been in a storm of public opinion and have no regard for Baobai Studio.

In the past few weeks, except for Li Miaoren who came to the company for a meeting at Baobai Studio, Yiyin has never seen any of the young ladies and new employees who hang out with her, and they are like free animals.

Regarding this matter, who is not panicking?

Yiyin laughed.

"Okay, then I'll go visit your studio today.

By the way, when will your studio move to the company?Mo Ziming said that it is illegal for you to continue working in private houses. "

Li Miaoren said depressedly.

"I want to move too.

But I asked Sun Youling and I heard that the company has rented one floor and is still looking for decoration. There is no way to arrange our work location for the time being, and there is even no place to put our equipment.

The house I rent here is about to expire in one and a half months, and the landlord keeps asking me whether to renew the lease. "

Yiyin listened to Li Miaoren's complaint and shook his head helplessly.

Nintendo Game Company is developing too fast. At the end of May, it registered 100 million as a start-up company.At this time, two large investments have been attracted, one is [-] million and the other is [-] million.

Not to mention whether Yiyin is willing to accelerate its expansion, even if it wants to speed up, it will take time.

The company needs to recruit employees, renovate the workplace, improve company rules and regulations, and make progress in making new games.

There is really nothing in this mess except money, and the mess is only a lot of money.

Yiyin comforted Li Miaoren.

"Don't worry, I'll go to your studio today to have a look, and then I'll decide what to do next.

All in all, you won't be disappointed. "

As long as money can solve the problem, Yiyin is not worried now, he is no longer short of money.

The cash of [-] million will be lying on the company's books for at most three months. The only worry is how to spend it effectively.

Baobai Studio’s trouble is nothing more than adding money, I have plenty of it!Problems that can be solved with money are not problems!
Maybe it was Yiyin's few words of truth that reassured Li Miaoren, the insecure former entrepreneur sighed.

"Thank you, boss. Then I will ask everyone to get ready. When you come over for inspection, I will send the address to your mobile phone right away."

Yiyin put down the phone and sighed.

He feels that he is really busy and he doesn't know what he is busy with every day. He just keeps spinning.

He didn't even go back to Xu Xing's house last night, which made Xu Xing unhappy.There is obviously a baby at home, but she still stays up all night. A pretty widow spends the night outside, and the baby doesn't care. It really doesn't make sense.

Yiyin could only bow his head and beg for mercy and put the blame on Lin Qingwan, saying that the program was recorded too late and he could not go back.

At this point, Xu Xing warned Yiyin to keep a clean mind and not hang out with people in the entertainment industry.

Yiyin put down his phone and lay on the bed, completely sleepless.

The child didn't care about the child, and she told Lin Qingwan the blame for her lies, and spent the evening with Xi Lanlan. .Still listening to Xi Feifei's cry. .

Yiyin suddenly felt that he was becoming less and less of a thing. He had only traveled through two months, so why did he become like this?

(End of this chapter)

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