Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 195 The unrestrained Chinese people

Chapter 195 The unrestrained Chinese people
Lying on the hotel bed with his eyes closed, Yiyin finally felt a little sleepy again, and his cell phone rang again.

Yiyin was so annoyed that he turned on his phone.


"Boss...why are you so angry so early in the morning? Do you want me to help you vent your anger?"

Xing Yaoyao's careless and shameless words came from the phone, which made Yiyin's eyebrows twist and her waist hurt slightly.

He sighed, the goods were all gone, and he was so angry that he asked weakly.

"What's the matter?"

"I can't call you if I have nothing to do? Forget it, I won't make trouble with you anymore. Listening to your impatient voice makes me really angry when I wake up.

Mo Yu said she couldn't get in touch with you, let me tell you that she has basically finished writing the notebook of Qiu Zhi's memories, and asked when you have time to read it.

She wanted to join the job as soon as possible and pay this month's five social insurances and one housing fund. The flexible employment insurance in Modu was too expensive at [-] a month, and she couldn't afford the manuscript fee. "

Yiyin clicked on his cell phone and saw a few missed calls, all from one or two o'clock in the evening. At that time, he and Xi Lanlan were busy and couldn't care less about the incoming calls.

he sighed.

"Don't these people who write online articles not sleep at night? Isn't it normal for them to call me at one or two o'clock and no one picks up the answer?"

"There are no serious people who write Internet articles. Besides, who are the serious people who write Internet articles?"

"She is quite honest. She even told you about taking advantage of the five insurances and one housing fund. However, I remember the last time we met, didn't she say she was writing a new book?"

"Didn't I tell you, that guy is an old eunuch, no, the new book has been cut again.

With no income and no ability to pay for flexible employment insurance, our company is now her lifeline. I estimate that the money she has left now is only enough to buy a bowl of instant noodles worth three yuan a bowl. "

Yiyin complained.

"So, why don't you think about writing some online articles? It's a dead end.

Okay, tell her to come to the company at nine o'clock, sign the contract, and then wait for me.I'll take a look at Qiu Zhi's book of memories and talk to her about it in detail.

By the way, let her not be late!I have other things to do today, so I don't have time to wait for her! "

"Don't worry, I'm going to catch her out now, I promise to arrive on time!"

Yiyin looked at the hung up phone and was speechless for a while.

These otaku girls are really better than each other. Whether it's Xing Yaoyao who paints, Bri Bri who makes music, or Mo Yu who writes books, they are all weirdos.

Fortunately, Yiyin does not reject weird people, but thinks that these people are simple and straightforward, and they are much easier to get along with than social people.

Just like Mo Yu eagerly wanted to join the job, just to avoid paying the flexible employment insurance of 300 yuan a month, frankly enough.

If people from society were asked to come for an interview, would they tell half-truths to the company?It may not be impossible to work for [-] companies in two consecutive years.

Therefore, fresh graduates are better, they are easy to fool and cheap, no wonder the capitalists like them.

Yiyin shook his head and was woken up by phone calls twice. Although he didn't get enough sleep, he couldn't fall asleep at all at this time. He simply leaned on the bed and read the Memories of Autumn text sent by Mo Yu last night via Fetion.

To be honest, Mo Yu does have some skills. He is worthy of being a veteran internet writer and a bit more of a eunuch, but his level is still there.

Women's online articles generally use the word "profit" at the forefront, and what they focus on is a sense of gain and accomplishment.Women, they just like to fight and kill, the kind of cool writing where I am the only one who dominates.

However, men's online articles go in another direction. They are completely emotional output and do not pay attention to realistic logic. They only talk about doting on one person and loving me for the rest of my life. They make boys burst into tears and cry.

In fact, it is difficult to write a book like Memories of Autumn well.

On the one hand, this is a harem script with one woman and many men, and it must be in line with women’s sense of gain and accomplishment.

On the other hand, the sense of gain in falling in love is too delicate, and it is much more difficult than killing people and setting fire to seize territory. Most people can't write it well.

And Mo Yu, a harem literary and street girl, happens to be able to balance the two, and is the text creator of the bishounen game that Yiyin needs.

The bishounen game is a game where the otaku in front of the screen interacts with the two-dimensional bishounen on the screen. The simplest one is a script.

Use the game program to make the beautiful paper boy move, add a touching story, and create the ending of the drama that the player can choose.

Yoshihiro is very satisfied with the text of Memories of Autumn. Now he only needs to add the paintings that can stimulate the adrenaline of otakus to create an excellent bishounen game.

As for the game program, as long as the design is not too anti-human, otakus who play bishounen games will not care about such trivial matters.

Yiyin even felt that he only needed to ask Li Hongmei's fanatic production team to create a bishounen game editor, so that he could repeatedly create new games by filling in different bishounen images.

Anyway, the most important thing is the game text and screen-licking pictures. No one will care about program optimization. Just have fewer bugs.

After Yiyin roughly scanned the text of Qiuzhi Memories, he realized that the time was already past eight o'clock, and he quickly jumped out of bed.

Just now he was criticizing Mo Yu for being late, but he lost track of time while reading the text.

After freshening up and getting dressed, Yiyin suddenly remembered that Li Miaoren was still waiting for him.

But after he thought about it, he just said that he would go today and didn't say what time to go, so there was no need to communicate any more, let's go to the company to deal with Mo Yu first.


Qingpu Dingshan Lake, far away from the urban area of ​​Modu, was originally a suburban field.

Nowadays, high-rise buildings are gradually emerging, and a new round of living communities has begun to be built around the new commercial center.

In the community near Gouda Commercial Plaza here, most of the buyers of new buildings are investments, and the owners will not live in such a place so far away from the city.

Although there are subway stations nearby, it takes seven or eight stops to reach Hongqiao on the edge of the city. If you go to work in the city, you have to sit on the subway for an hour and a half, so office workers are not willing to choose to live here.

Most of the buyers here expect house prices to rise sharply with development, and their willingness to live is very low.

Therefore, the rent here is very cheap, which is to subsidize bank loans and benefit Adi, who has just come to Modu to start a business.

In the two bedrooms and one living room on the third floor of the community, there live nine young girls. They are the senior students from Shu Academy of Fine Arts who followed Li Miaoren to Modu to explore the world, and the members of Baobai Studio.

Among high-rise buildings, the lighting on the third floor is not very good, and the room always looks gloomy and dark, not angry.

The living room has been transformed into a studio, with several desktop computers and laptops placed. The lines are neatly arranged in the corners to prevent stumbling on people.

There are two bed frames with bunk beds in each of the two bedrooms, thus saving space. One person has no place to sleep and can only sleep on the sofa in the living room.

The landlord was very dissatisfied with this, because the house seemed to have been converted into a group rental house or studio. If someone reported it one day, there would be a fine.

Modu had loose control in the past few years, but in recent years the economy has declined. In order to maintain the good operation of the real estate market, it has begun to strictly control group rentals.

After all, with one less group renting a house, more people can come out to rent a house. This is a good way to stimulate the vitality of the rental market.

But in the face of Li Miaoren's humiliation and the obviously higher rent, the landlord was still magnanimous and showed consideration.

Anyway, the rental contract clearly states that the responsibility is the tenant’s.If something goes wrong, it’s easy to evict someone and you don’t have to pay back the deposit.

Under such harsh conditions, the nine girls at Baobai Studio still worked hard day and night with a bright vision for the future, until the studio could no longer be maintained.

Fortunately, due to the acquisition of Nintendo Game Company, everyone finally came ashore safely. At least they did not end up like other college student entrepreneurs who lost all their money and cried in the video.

Yesterday, Li Miaoren took her sisters to the company to sign the contract.

Although the company's basic salary is only [-], and it is unclear whether there will be bonuses in the future, compared with the bitterness of everyone sitting in two rooms and one living room eating instant noodles and enjoying the future, there is finally a glimmer of hope.

In the morning, everyone got up and was busy tidying up the room and cleaning.

The computers were arranged neatly, the dust was swept away, and the kitchen and bathroom were also carefully cleaned, except for the dirt that needed to be picked out between the floor tiles with toothpicks.

After finishing their work, everyone waited for a long time, but no boss came.

Li Miaoren didn't dare to call the boss anymore. She just told everyone to be honest and go downstairs to buy daily necessities.

As soon as Li Miaoren left, someone couldn't hold himself back and tried to sneak out.

"Hey, hey, Corrie, where are you going?"

Corrie turned back with a frank look on her face.

"Go to a dance club and touch men."

"Go to the ballroom again..."

Corrie chuckled.

"If I don't go to a dance club, where are the boys willing to get close to me? Spending dozens of dollars to dance face-to-face with a cute boy for five minutes is so happy."

Several sisters raised their middle fingers together, and boos continued. Corrie put her hands on her hips and said without shame.

"What's the matter? My mother's money is not enough to buy a car and a house, and it's not enough to talk about a boyfriend. What's wrong with going dancing? Is it against the law?"

"The elder sister said just now that the boss may come over at any time, let us just stay calm and don't make trouble!"

Corrie spread her hands.

"The boss hasn't come yet, so I'll go to the small dance hall diagonally opposite and play a song for five minutes. If you need anything, just call me and I'll be back right away.

I have had no income for a while, I have no money to touch boys for months, I feel like I am going to die.

Didn't the company advance my salary yesterday? I just had a great time and will be back soon. "

As she spoke, Keli opened the door and went out, leaving the sisters looking at each other.

Among a bunch of hot-blooded girls, who doesn’t like boys, but we are all poor, so we can only endure it, or secretly solve it in the toilet.

Everyone was envious of Keli's confession, but no one could be as cool as Keli, spending his small income on such unnecessary things.

They come to Modu to make money, then go back to their hometown to buy a house, give gifts, and marry an ordinary and confident boy. This is the correct path planned for them by society.

A girl like Keli who has the courage to face her own desires does not look like a dutiful Chinese person, but more like an ignorant and shameless foreigner who lives one day at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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