Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 197 The embarrassing Xi sisters

Chapter 197 The embarrassing Xi sisters

In the K banquet car, Xi Lanlan sat in the passenger seat, looking at the receding street scenes on both sides, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

Seeing the door of Dongjiao Hotel approaching in front of her, she suddenly said.

"Take a few more turns."

Xi Feifei, who was driving, stepped on the accelerator, passed by the gate, and continued to drive forward along the wide avenue of Pudong New District.

Xi Lanlan rolled down the car window, and the scorching summer wind rushed to her forehead, messing up her hair.

Xi Lanlan, who has always been meticulous, was a little confused at this moment. The air conditioner in the car and the heat wave outside the window alternated with each other, and the ice and fire penetrated into her chaotic heart.

The medical certificate in Xi Lanlan's hand was crumpled. She looked out the window in confusion, with one thought lingering in her mind.

It's an incurable disease. .What about the half-year life span? .Why did it suddenly get better? .

Xi Feifei drove the car intently, feeling excited and wanting to sing a song, but when she thought of Yiyin, who was tired and sleeping in the Eastern Suburb Hotel, she couldn't be happy again.

She glanced at Xi Lanlan beside her. Because she had saved her sister, the balance in Xi Feifei's heart began to change again.Originally, she focused on her love for her sister, but now she is slowly leaning towards Yiyin, whom she likes.

The jealousy that had been suppressed by the life-saving incident began to penetrate into her heart. Thinking of Xi Lanlan's wildness yesterday, and thinking of Yiyin who had been tortured all night, Xi Feifei's face gradually turned ugly.

I brought you the charity money to save your life, not to waste it on you.He's not his own man, so he doesn't feel bad about using it, so he has to do it hard, right?

Xi Feifei, who became more and more angry as she thought about it, couldn't help but let out a cold snort, waking up Xi Lanlan from deep thought.

Xi Lanlan exhaled, shook the diagnostic report in her hand, and asked slowly.

"Feifei, what's going on?"

Xi Feifei asked angrily.

"What's going on? Doesn't sister have eyes? Can't she see for herself? Or do you dare not believe the reality in front of you?"

Thinking of Xi Feifei wallowing like a child and having to demand herself and Yiyin. .Xi Lanlan actually already had a conjecture in her mind, but it was because the conjecture was too fantasy that she couldn't believe it.

Xi Lanlan asked softly.

"Yes... Yiyin?"

Xi Feifei bit her lower lip, feeling the pain in her heart rising to her throat.

In order to save her sister, she sacrificed the man she liked. Now that her sister's life crisis was over, she finally couldn't help but feel the pain. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable and sad she became.

"Are there any other possibilities? Sister, if you still don't believe it, you can go to other hospitals to check again.

Do you understand now?Why should I use this condition in exchange for a signature?

So, do you still want to hand over all your property to me now?Should I hurry back to the suite and sign that document before you regret it? "

Xi Lanlan couldn't help but shake her head when she heard Shang Feifei's cynicism and jealousy, feeling very ashamed in her heart.

Offer your husband to save your sister. .Although this thing sounds incredible, the reality is before her eyes, and Xi Lanlan cannot tolerate disbelief.

Of course she would go back for another check-up, but by doing so, Xi Feifei obviously knew the result.How could Xi Feifei let Xi Lanlan and Yiyin go if she didn't have a certain degree of certainty. .

Xi Lanlan sighed. No matter what, he felt sorry for his sister. He was so excited listening to Xi Feifei's cry last night that he looked even more like a beast in front of this diagnostic report.

"Feifei, you can sign that document at any time. As long as you want, everything about my sister can be yours."

Xi Feifei's body trembled, she gritted her teeth and remained silent for a long time before she uttered a sentence of resentment.

"You go back and find a few more big hospitals to check and confirm. If it is confirmed to be true, next time, you can go to Yiyin by yourself."

Xi Feifei and Xi Lanlan both made a mistake. The special power in Yiyin's body did not need to be treated in that way. This was a misunderstanding.

The male world quantum in Yiyin's body comes to the female world, collides and entangles with the quantum of different natures in the female world, and constantly upgrades itself, not through certain things.

It's just that because Yiyin was new to the country, he was confused and didn't understand it, and therefore misled Xi Feifei.

Xi Feifei is confused, but the platform and readers are not confused. They naturally understand the difference and will not let the author get 404.

Xi Feifei's categorical assertion made Xi Lanlan even more shaken, and her views vacillated between science and fantasy.

"Feifei, are you still willing to let me and Yiyin..."

Xi Feifei turned the steering wheel, drove to the side of the road, braked to a sudden stop, and then looked angrily at Xi Lanlan beside her.

"So what if you don't want to! You are my biological sister! Am I going to watch you die!"

Xi Feifei still wanted to lose her temper, but Xi Lanlan hugged her and apologized sincerely.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, I'm sorry..."

Lying in her sister's arms, Xi Feifei sighed deeply, stretched out her hands clumsily and hugged her sister's slim waist.

"Forget it... As long as my sister is fine... As long as she can live well... Everything else doesn't matter..."

The two sisters hugged each other in silence for a while, feeling the warmth for a moment. Then they sat down and Xi Feifei started the car again and turned around and drove to the Dongjiao Hotel.

Xi Lanlan asked.

"How did you discover Yiyin's ability? You said you didn't talk to Yiyin... and how did you know about his specialness?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"Sister, do you know Mr. Sun, the retired president of Zhejiang merchants?"

"Of course I do."

“Her only daughter Sun Youling has a very troublesome pituitary gland problem, and the failure rate of craniotomy treatment is very high.

Sun Youling is a graduate of Beijing University of Science and Technology and an avid fan of Yiyin. She wanted to work and live with her idol before having her head opened, so she joined Yiyin's company.

I also accidentally learned about this problem of hers, and I wanted her not to have any regrets, so I helped her and Yiyin. . "

Xi Lanlan's eyes widened when she heard this, and she couldn't help but curse.

"You damn girl, no wonder you are so familiar with the road. It turns out this is not the first time you have done such a bastard thing!"

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"Sister, you can scold me all you want. Anyway, I am a psychological abnormality with self-destructive tendencies. Anyway, I am..."

Xi Lanlan felt a pain in her heart and couldn't bear to listen anymore, so she interrupted.

"Okay! Stop saying these incomprehensible words and continue talking about Sun Youling."

"What else is there to say? You have also seen the results. Just as your cancer cells have disappeared and become smaller, Sun Youling's pituitary gland has also shrunk on its own, just like magic."

Xi Lanlan's eyes were a little dull.

"It's... it's amazing... but why? How could this happen?"

Xi Feifei was silent for a moment and asked.

"Sister, do you know the saint of the island country?"

"Of course, anyone who has received nine-year compulsory education knows that it is a required history question in junior high school.

Bishamonten descends, the living god 500 years ago, the eternal follower of the Celestial Empire, Yoshigami Shiba. . "

Speaking of Sibo Yiyin, the word "Yiyin" suddenly came to Xi Lanlan's mind and she subconsciously closed her mouth.

Thinking of the incident when Takeda Kage secretly visited Modu and was attacked, and remembering that she was with Yiyin at that time, Xi Lanlan's expression became more and more subtle.

This plot. .It's too unreal. .But the cancer cells in his body suddenly disappeared. .Wouldn't it be more mysterious. .

Xi Feifei sighed.

"I didn't want to talk about it, but I was afraid that you would have random thoughts, investigate privately, and cause something to happen, so I told you.

In short, Yiyin can cure you, so don’t think too much about other things and don’t delve into it.

Okay, sister? "

The more Xi Lanlan listened, the more confused she became. She had narrowly escaped death this morning and listened to so many fantasy stories. Even a big boss like Xi Lanlan was dizzy and confused at the moment.

What she needs now is to calm down, not to think. She should wait until she calms down before thinking about it.

The car drove into the hotel gate, and it took a while to drive through the park-sized courtyard to the east building, but the Xi sisters had no intention of continuing the conversation at this time.

In their hearts, Yiyin, who had been tormented by Xi Lanlan all night, was catching up on his sleep in the suite. They were in complicated moods. Neither of them knew how to face him today.


The Xi sisters hesitated, but they didn't know that Yiyin had already left the hotel.

It seemed that the longing of the two sisters had played a role. Yiyin, who was analyzing the text of Qiu Zhi's memories with Mo Yu, couldn't help but sneeze.

Having slept too little last night, Yiyin was a little unable to speak now. He glanced at the three girls.

Tachibana Shinobu was still recording carefully, but he didn't know what he was writing down.Don't call the islanders hypocritical. Regardless of whether it's useful or not, at least they've done it for you to save your face, which satisfies the boss's pride.

Mo Yu and Yi Yin discussed how to make the content of Qiu Zhi's memories more appealing to old critics, how to make them more tearful, how to make them more irritating, and record the main points on their mobile phones from time to time so as not to forget them.

But Xing Yaoyao was playing with her phone with her head down. She was just listening to the meeting with interest at the beginning. .How can a meeting be fun without a mobile phone!
Yiyin shook his head and was helpless towards Xing Yaoyao.

He believed in a male-dominated world and could not be cruel to women who had had physical contact with each other. He stared at Xing Yaoyao's long and white legs, and no matter how angry he was, he could only let it go.

After picking up the phone and checking the time, Yiyin said to Mo Yu.

"That's it for today. Go back and revise your text. I have something else to do today. Let's continue chatting on Fetion and continue revising it."

Mo Yu nodded, put away his phone and was about to leave, but was pulled by Yiyin.

"Where are you going?"

"Go home and revise the manuscript."

"Did you forget something?"


"Don't you want to sign the labor contract?"

"Damn it, I almost forgot."

Looking at the baby-faced Lolita Mo Yu with shock on his face, Yiyin couldn't help but want to complain.

How on earth do you ignorant otakus survive in this cruel real world?Do you rely on your natural sense of humor?
Yiyin shook his head and stood up, opened the door, and said to Sun Youling.

"Sun Youling, come and help the new employee go through the onboarding process and prepare the labor contract."

"Okay, boss, I'm ready."

Mo Yu followed Yiyin, rubbing his hands in excitement. Yiyin looked back at her and smiled bitterly.

"As for that? The basic salary is only five thousand, and it's not a high-paying job."

Xing Yaoyao interjected while scrolling through the short video.

"Why not?
Boss, if an online writer like her wants to get a stable salary of [-] a month, she needs at least [-] evenly, and she has to update [-] a day to maintain full attendance, and she has to pay her own social security.

Now that she has joined our company, she has an easy job, five days off and two days off, no overtime, and is eligible for social security. How can she be unhappy? "

Yiyin shook his head, thinking of Xi Feifei's sports car, Sun Youling's mansion, and the [-] million investment that Gao Xin's mother casually gave to her daughter.

He glanced at Mo Yu who couldn't help but be happy in front of him again, and couldn't help but sigh.The wine and meat in Zhumen stinks, and there are bones on the road that are frozen to death. The ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

Yiyin was thinking about it when he suddenly heard Xing Yaoyao yelling again and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Xing Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

Xing Yaoyao jumped up from her chair.

"Boss, did you really go to the recording yesterday? Did you even sing?"

Yiyin was stunned and nodded.

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"The trailer is out."

Xing Yaoyao amplified the sound on her cell phone, and Yiyin's tone-deaf a cappella song came out. It was the song that came later.

Yiyin's face froze.

This program team is really nothing. They used the content of my embarrassment as a trailer. I don’t know if there is an appearance fee. I have to ask later. I can’t give these bastards a free advantage in vain.

Yiyin himself felt tone-deaf and embarrassed, but others were mesmerized and infected by his unique timbre, as if the power of quantum entanglement could be transmitted through recordings.

Only halfway through, Sun Youling couldn't help but turn on her phone and started looking for the trailer to watch.Holding half of the entry materials, Mo Yu stared blankly at Sun Youling who suddenly left herself aside.

Xing Yaoyao rushed over, hooked Yiyin's shoulder and said.

"Boss, the singing in the trailer is only half a minute, which is not enough. Please sing it to me now. This song is interesting."

Xing Yaoyao raised her arm, and Xia Xia's thin T-shirt instantly folded up, revealing a ditch.

Yiyin looked at Bai Huahua, coughed, threw her hand away, and frowned.

"Men and women don't have sex. If you do this again, I'm going to sue you for harassment.

Sing whatever you want, you go back to work quickly, I will pay you wages, and you come to me to fish, don't go too far, Xing Yaoyao!
Sun Youling, I'm going to Li Miaoren's studio now. You can help Mo Yu get started, and I'll leave first. "

After Yiyin finished speaking, he turned around and left. Behind him was the song that Xing Yaoyao played repeatedly. Thinking of his tone-deaf voice being on TV, Yiyin felt uncomfortable all over.

"Boss, don't leave. Just sing it once, just once, okay?"

Yi Yin didn't even bother to reply, feeling furious.

Sing?What to sing?Xing Yaoyao, just wait. Next time I will drag your clothes off, rub your long legs, and make you kneel and shout dad.

Let you be unscrupulous all day long, no matter how big or small, you must be punished and punished.

Xing Yaoyao shouted several times into the corridor. Seeing that Yiyin ignored her and took the elevator downstairs, she could only curl her lips and give up.

Tachibana Shinobu was still sitting at the table in the conference room, subconsciously spinning his pen.

As a secretary, she is neither personal nor considerate. Yiyin doesn't seem to come to the company often, and she seems to have become a useless decoration.

This can't continue like this. She has to think of a way to get closer to Yiyin.

(End of this chapter)

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