Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 198 The love and hatred between sisters

Chapter 198 The love and hatred between sisters

Stepping out of the elevator, Yiyin suddenly felt a little confused.

These days, Xi Feifei is responsible for picking him up and dropping him off when he comes in and out.Unconsciously, he had become accustomed to Miss Xi Er's omnipresent attentiveness.

Now that Xi Feifei is not here, Yiyin really misses Xi Feifei.He couldn't help but shake his head. The power of habit is so terrifying.

The phone rang, Yiyin glanced at it and laughed dumbly.Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.


"Where did you go!"

Before Yiyin could speak, he was interrupted by Xi Feifei's roar. His eardrums were buzzing. He pressed his pierced ears with his little finger and sighed.

"Go to work, beauty, where else can you go?"

"You went to the company? Really, you were so tired last night... Why don't you have a good rest in the hotel?"

"If I don't work, who will pay you a salary? Even if you don't care about the money, there are dozens of people in the company, and there will always be someone who depends on their salary, right?

Don't worry, I'm fine. "

Yiyin is telling the truth. Compared with the physical weakness of men in the female world, Yiyin, who traveled from the male world, has the male quantum in his body that is constantly transforming his female body.

He is getting stronger and stronger, unlike a man in a world dominated by women.

In a sense, even if Yiyin does not have special functions such as rejuvenation and healing power, his physical fitness alone has transcended the physiological limits of men in the patriarchal world.

To put it simply, he is so strong that he is not a human being. No woman in the world of heroines has ever seen such a thing. .Cute monster?

Xi Feifei on the other end of the phone had a normal world view as a female leader, and she obviously didn't believe Yiyin's explanation, she said softly.

"Don't be brave, I'll go to the company right away."

Yiyin laughed.

"I'm going to Li Miaoren's studio now. I haven't met the employees there yet. Just wait for me at the company. I'll be back soon."

Yiyin saw that Xi Feifei was finally in the mood to care about her, so Xi Lanlan's condition must have improved.

He clenched his fists, becoming more and more confused about the special power within his body. He could easily cure terminal diseases, so what game could he play? He could just change his name to City Miracle Doctor and cure all diseases.

The voice on the other end of Xi Feifei's voice was rare and gentle.

"I understand. You go early and come back early. I'll wait for you at the company."


After hanging up the phone, Xi Feifei glanced at Xi Lanlan, who was working on a laptop at her desk, and suddenly felt very good.

She stepped forward and picked up the property transfer documents and medical diagnosis reports on the table. She tore them all apart and threw them into the trash can.

Seeing her childish behavior, Xi Lanlan sighed while checking her mailbox.

"These are private documents and cannot be handled like this. It will be very troublesome if someone sees them.

If you tear it up like this, Secretary Li won't be able to clean it up with a shredder later. "

Xi Feifei didn't care, she put her hands on her hips. The fearless Miss Xi Er was back again, hehe said
"I don't care, I'm happy anyway.

By the way, sister, the female guest who gave Yiyin a hard time yesterday was so annoying. Can you help Yiyin teach her a lesson? "

Xi Lanlan was replying to an email. After typing, she looked up at Xi Feifei.

"He's just a puppet on stage who takes advantage of the traffic of young boys. What do you care about with such an idiot?"

Xi Feifei pretended not to care, looked at Xi Lanlan and said.

"What do I care about? It's not me who suffers?

Anyway, it was Yiyin who was unlucky. When the third episode was broadcast, everyone could see that Yiyin was embarrassed by her sarcastic remarks. "

Xi Lanlan's hand that was typing paused for a moment and sighed.


Seeing that the provoking method was useless, Xi Feifei snorted again.

"I only like you because you are naive! Stupid sister! You are so angry with me! I will go to the company to find Yiyin!"

Xi Lanlan looked at Xi Feifei who turned to leave and said lightly.

"Our status is not suitable to be compared with that kind of little star.

However, I heard that the woman was indiscreet in private and used her bachelorism to attract young boys, but secretly had too much fun and already had a child.

Hey, if it is exposed, I wonder if those infatuated little boys will be disappointed? "

Xi Feifei looked back at Xi Lanlan and saw that Xi Lanlan had lowered her head and continued working, as if she had not said anything.

With a laugh, Xi Feifei blew a kiss to her sister and left happily.

"I know that my sister doesn't want Yiyin to be bullied. I'm just waiting to watch the gossip online."

Xi Feifei smiled and closed the door, but her face instantly lost the smile.

When she walked into this suite, she unconsciously replayed the memories of last night in her mind. Those sounds and images pierced her heart with holes.

But Xi Feifei knew that this matter could not be blamed on Yiyin or her sister. This was the result of her own advancement.

If you don't want to lose your sister, you must sacrifice Yiyin. Maybe this is the price of love.

Xi Feifei knew that her sister felt guilty, so Xi Feifei couldn't say anything, but pretended not to care in front of her sister.

She was very scared, afraid that her sister would really have a grudge and would not want to continue looking for Yiyin. .

Who knows if this damn pancreatic cancer can be cured? If my sister gives up treatment as soon as her condition improves because she is worried about her own mood, what will happen if it relapses in the future?
Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable she felt, Xi Feifei had to be brave enough to laugh and curse to make her sister put down her worries.

Xi Feifei told herself, as long as I keep smiling, then everyone can live together happily.

She kept anesthetizing herself, smiling, smiling, don't forget to smile, Xi Feifei.


When the door slammed shut, Xi Lanlan's typing hand stopped again, and her eyes couldn't help but look towards the bedroom, as if she was reminiscing about last night's spring.

After a while, Xi Lanlan sighed.

"Silly sister, you feel upset that I don't care about him. But if I really care about him, would you be happy?"

Xi Lanlan, who is ups and downs in the shopping mall, is more rational and transparent than her schoolgirl Xi Feifei.But it was this rationality that made her very embarrassed.

Psychologically and physically, she likes Yiyin very much, especially after last night, she likes him more and more.

But morally and ethically, she shouldn't show any appreciation at all. After all, she was her sister. .

But from a higher level perspective, the most basic human right of human beings is the right to survival. In order to continue to live, Xi Lanlan had to. .

The all-round entanglement made Xi Lanlan, who was always wise and rational, not sure how to deal with this matter.

The indifference she showed in front of her sister was just to suppress the heat in her heart and cover up her hesitation.

But human nature often means that the more we suppress something, the more we care about it.Unknowingly, Xi Lanlan has fallen deeper and deeper into trouble, and her mind is filled with righteousness.


The sisters of the Xi family are entangled in private, thinking about each other, but separated by a door, they are each feeling melancholy.

Yiyin didn't know all this. He had already taken a taxi to Li Miaoren's studio.

In the hot summer, Yiyin wore a hooded sun protection jacket and a large mask. Although the air conditioning in the car was very comfortable, the driver's suspicious gaze still made him feel uncomfortable.

Yiyin is also helpless. He is becoming more and more famous, and it is not a good name. It is difficult to go out without covering his face.

It's like an online novel. If you write about secrets at a certain point, you can tell your relatives and friends freely. But if you write about a big sword in a certain book, would you be embarrassed to tell your children?

In the same way, although the hair-changing videos on the Internet are not Yiyin himself, women just want to see the handsome face and shout that Yiyin is a true bodhisattva, and Yiyin is helpless.

At least now, at the height of the storm, Yiyin still keeps a low profile when going out, and takes the initiative to put on a hood and mask when riding in the car.

After all, it’s better to be treated as a weirdo by a taxi driver than to be chased by fans asking for the teacher’s autograph, right?
The time in the car was longer than expected. Yiyin couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to check the taxi app, only to realize that the address was far away.

Looking at the ever-increasing fares, Yiyin couldn't help but feel sad. When he took a taxi before, he didn't pay attention to the estimated fare. If he had known it would be so far, he would have taken the subway.

But looking back, I think Li Miaoren chose such a far away place because he was short of money. The situation of these college student entrepreneurs may be more difficult than Yiyin thought, right?
Finally arriving at the place, Yiyin couldn't care less about the fare, and saw Li Miaoren standing stupidly at the door, carrying two big bags, as if he didn't recognize him for a moment.

Yiyin stepped forward to greet him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect the drive to be so far away. If I knew it earlier, I would have called you later, causing you to wait for so long."

Li Miaoren glanced at Yiyin, whose head was wrapped up like an Arab man's. She couldn't help but want to laugh and said with a blush on her face.

"Hello boss, actually I didn't wait long, I just went to buy some food."

Yiyin subconsciously took a bag and said.

"It's too heavy. Let me help you carry one."

Li Miaoren was shocked. It was rare for a man in the world of women to take the initiative to help women, let alone a male boss like Yiyin.

"No, no, I can just pick it up myself. It's not heavy."

Yiyin ignored it and walked away.

"Stop talking nonsense, lead the way, which way to go?"

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin's handsome profile and felt a little moved in his heart.

This kind of good man who is rich, good-looking, down-to-earth and caring. .Really, how could there be such a perfect man in the world. .

To say that Li Miaoren is completely unmoved by Yiyin would be a lie, but she knew how she could be worthy of a perfect man like her boss.

While secretly feeling sad, Li Miaoren walked a few steps quickly, crossed Yiyin's shoulder, and led the way for him.

"Boss, this way."

Yiyin scanned the environment of the community. The newly planned community was large and had a lot of greenery, but it was a pity that it was too far away.

You said this is Modu, right?The administrative division is indeed Modu.But it takes two hours for people from the Metropolis area to get here, and it only takes two hours to go to Youxi in Suzhou City next door. What kind of metropolitan area is this?

Yiyin looked at the bag and asked.

"Are you out for a big purchase? Do you usually eat these? They are all meat, without any vegetables and fruits, and the nutrition is not balanced."

Li Miaoren smiled shyly and answered honestly.

"Frozen meat is the cheapest, but vegetables and fruits are too expensive.

In fact, it's pretty good. Boss, you advanced next month's salary to us. During the worst time, we ate instant noodles for two months, and that was really unbearable to look back on. .

Hey, why are you talking to my boss about this? I’m not crying for poverty and want a salary increase, don’t get me wrong. "

Yiyin smiled and said nothing, feeling sad in his heart.

Follow Li Miaoren into a building and arrive at the third floor where the studio is located. The structure of the house here is okay. Four households on the first floor are not too many.

As soon as the door opened, seven or eight little girls inside bowed to Yiyin and shouted in unison.

"Hi boss!"

There were seven or eight beauties squatting in the small house. The aroma was so fragrant that it made Yiyin smell a little bit confused.

They are all art students from Shu Academy of Fine Arts. Even if they are majoring in electronics for 3D rendering, their looks are not bad. Anti-Zhengyin looks like they are all beauties from Shu, big and small.

Yiyin greeted everyone while walking inside. The living room was filled with equipment, and the bunk beds in the two rooms were clearly visible. It was sad to see it.

Yiyin turned around and asked Li Miaoren.

"All nine of you will stay in this two-bedroom and one-living room?"

Li Miaoren smiled.

"It's already very good. The conditions are good, you can cook and take a shower, and it's much cheaper than outside."

A group of little girls stared at the handsome Yiyin.

Although they are also from Shu Academy of Fine Arts and are used to seeing beauties from the art academy, they have never seen a super handsome guy like Yiyin. They are as reserved as young girls.

Li Miaoren replied, pointing at the nine people, and suddenly found that one was missing.

"Um... where is the Collie? Where did he go?"

A group of little sisters looked at each other. They knew in their hearts that Keli had gone to the dance hall to play and said she would be back soon, but it took a long time but she never came back.

Said a clever and loyal man.

"She just went out to buy a drink. I called her to urge her."

Li Miaoren nodded helplessly.

"Go quickly and tell her to come back quickly."

The man rushed out to make a phone call, Yiyin said with a wry smile.

"You work at your own pace. I'm here to see you. I'm not here to cause you any trouble. Why make everyone so nervous."

Yiyin really understands the distress of these female college students. In fact, they are no different from their predecessors who worked in cities 30 years ago.

Just because they have a little more culture, they will be offended as much as they deserve, and because of the slowdown in economic development, they are under tremendous pressure that is no less than that of their predecessors.

Thirty years ago, hard-working seniors left the countryside, moved south to the deep cities, and came to the frontier with their longing for the future.

They were randomly selected in the job market, entered factories, and endured high-intensity labor. Because they were overwhelmed, many suffered mental disorders and even suffered disabilities such as amputated fingers.

When they were optimized by the factory, lost their jobs, and came to the job market again, they were expelled by some people because they could no longer bear the heavy physical labor.

Sanhe, next door to the talent market, is full of great people.Experts on the Internet are busy making fun of the laziness of great masters, but they don't care how these mentally and physically disabled people turned into lazy women.

Yiyin was relieved that Li Miaoren and the others chose Modu.

Although the life of working in Modu is not that good, at least Modu will not tell you that when you come, you will be a Modu person, give you false hope, and then squeeze you dry and tell you to get out.

The best way to suffer a loss is to do it openly, but the worst thing is to be betrayed and help others lose money.

Yiyin and Li Miaoren were talking when the girl on the phone suddenly ran in in a panic, holding the phone and whispering.

"Something happened to Corrie."

Li Miaoren turned around sharply.

"What's up with her?"

The girl was so embarrassed that she raised her phone and looked at Li Miaoren. Li Miaoren took the phone and said a few words, his face getting increasingly ugly.

Putting down the phone, Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin with a very embarrassed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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