Chapter 199
Seeing that Li Miaoren was having difficulty speaking, Yiyin took the initiative to ask.

"What happened to that Corrie?"

Li Miaoren thought for a while, but he still didn't have the guts to lie to his boss, so he confessed.

"Kelly...she was inspected when she was in the dance hall and was...taken away."

Yiyin hasn't reacted yet.

"Take it away? Where did you take it?"

Li Miaoren hesitated and couldn't say anything. Yiyin saw that her face was flushed and she looked more and more beautiful, and she couldn't help but move her fingers.

Together with Sexin, Yiyin seemed to have opened up his mind and realized the truth in an instant.

"Is it that kind of dance club?"

Li Miaoren gritted his teeth and nodded.


The person opposite took her phone number and told me to go through the formalities. This kind of thing must be reported to her family or to her work unit. Her family was far away in Sichuan, and I was the only one to go out once. "

Yi touched his nose. He didn't have the outlook of a man in a world dominated by women. He hated women going to that kind of dance club. On the contrary, he had a strange illusion that good brothers in previous lives helped each other without telling their wives.

Yiyin said with a sigh.

"Young man is full of blood, let me go with you."

Li Miaoren's heart skipped a beat. The boss must follow him. Could it be that he wanted to fire Ke Li?

Logically speaking, Keli can indeed be fired for something like this, and the boss's approach is understandable.

But remembering that Ke Li, an elementary school girl, was brought to Modu by himself, Li Miaoren felt that he had not taught her well, and felt very ashamed and guilty.

Seeing that Li Miaoren was silent, Yiyin urged.

"Why are you still standing there? Is it the police station in this area? Or is it the bureau?"

Li Miao was so confused that she didn't know how to say a few kind words to Ke Li.The boss came to meet someone for the first time, and this bastard did something like this.

Glancing at the silent little sisters next to him, Li Miaoren couldn't help but glare at them.These guys must know that Keli's old habits are back again, and they are trying to help her.

But who would have thought that Keli would become more and more courageous. Originally, she only danced face-to-face and used her hands and feet to satisfy her cravings, but now she has grown to this. .

Li Miaoren said with a serious face.

"All of you, stay in your room and work for me, and I'll take care of you when I come back!"


A group of people were unable to answer, but Yiyin had already walked out with a smile.

The atmosphere in this studio is very good, and the relationship between the employees is as simple as school classmates.

Li Miaoren, the elder sister who takes the lead, has a good character and loves her schoolmates, but she is a bit too honest. No wonder she encounters obstacles in starting her own business.


Waiting in the lobby of the bureau, Yiyin sat on a chair and blew on the air conditioner.

Li Miaoren hurriedly walked out of it with a very ugly expression. Yiyin took the initiative to ask.

"How's the situation? Where's her?"

Li Miaoren sighed.

"Stay for five days, fine five hundred."

Yi Yin nodded.

"The circumstances are relatively minor. I thought it would take ten to fifteen days."

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin strangely.

"Boss... you seem to understand very well..."

Yiyin was taken aback and smiled awkwardly.

Of course he understands very well. Before time traveling, he even covered up for his friend. He pretended to be on a business trip for five days without letting his wife know the clues.

Yi Yin said lightly.

"I just checked online on my mobile phone. Don't worry too much. There will be no trace of this kind of thing."

Li Miaoren breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought that Qi Qiyin had gone out of his way to investigate these things, he probably really wanted to fire Ke Li, and he felt nervous again.

Keli was absent from work for five days because of this matter. According to the labor law, the company can terminate her labor contract.

Li Miaoren's heart was filled with sadness when he thought that Keli had just signed the contract yesterday and would be fired today.

It would be nice if I paid more attention to her, and if I was more strict with her, she wouldn't take this wrong step.

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin secretly, not knowing how to plead for Keli.

But in fact, she misunderstood, Yiyin really didn't care about this matter.Yiyin came here specially just to watch the joke.

The two worlds of male dominance and female dominance were reversed. When he thought about a woman being detained for five days because of such a thing, Yiyin couldn't help but want to laugh.

The feng shui turns and turns, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to see a woman suffer such misfortune in this life, the more I think about it, the more amusing it is.

Yiyin laughed.

"Let's go back and help her bring her a change of clothes, a towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste."

Yiyin said and walked out. Li Miaoren was stunned for a moment. He always felt that the boss knew too much. Was this knowledge really found by the boss just now on the Internet?
When we got out of the game, the July sun made us feel restless and our bodies were hot.

Yiyin looked back at the pitiful Li Miaoren. Her sad look really gave people the urge to bully her, and he couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

Making a fist and suppressing the restless index finger, Yiyin shook his head secretly.What happened recently?I seem to be concerned about this kind of thing. .He's really becoming more and more of a slut.

It was not far from the community, so the two simply chose to walk back.

Li Miaoren kept stealing glances at Yiyin, and finally plucked up the courage to ask.

"Boss, can you give me a moment? I want to chat with you alone for a few words, is that okay?"

After Yiyin walked for a while, the heat in his heart not only did not subside, but intensified.He glanced at Li Miaoren's red lips as he spoke, and couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth.

"Did we pass by a KTV when we were walking here? Let's sit there for a while."


Li Miaoren remembered that there was indeed a KTV on the way, and it looked quite old.

KTV is not popular now, and most stores are dying.In the afternoon, the show is cheap to attract aunts, and in the evening, it takes orders from small bosses. Young people don't like to go there anymore.

Li Miaoren couldn't figure out why Yiyin suddenly thought of going to the KTV to talk about something.Yiyin understood that Li Miaoren wanted to plead for Keli.

At this moment, Yiyin was really angry, but he really didn't plan to do anything, because KTV really couldn't do anything.

KTV is very afraid of certain behaviors of guests, so in order to prevent guests from messing around, the doors of the rooms are made of transparent glass, and there will be waiters walking back and forth in each corridor to deter guests.

When there are people at the door, the people inside will be more conscious. This is to prevent some bad things from happening in the private room and causing trouble for the KTV.

Now that technology is more advanced, the role of waiters has even been replaced by cameras. Although cameras cannot be installed in private rooms, installing cameras in the corridor can ensure that guests sing in a civilized manner.

Yiyin was so tired last night. In fact, he was too exhausted now, but for some reason, he just looked at Li Miaoren's gentle and pitiful appearance and wanted to bully him.

Maybe the moral restraint on him in the female-dominated world is getting weaker and weaker.

Yiyin's three views of men's superiority combined with the preferential treatment of men in the world of women's superiors, coupled with the buff of mental illness, made him less and less in awe.

And Xi Feifei led him to break through the bottom line again and again, making his self-moral restraint in this area become worse and worse.

Keli's matter is not a problem at all in Yiyin's eyes.He just wanted to take the opportunity to have a drink with Li Miaoren and rub some tofu.

Anyway, in the eyes of the women in the world of female venerables, Li Miaoren took advantage of this matter, and Yiyin didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Li Miaoren hesitated.

"How about we go to a coffee shop to talk? There is a Xingjiuk in front of Gundam Plaza."

Yiyin pointed to his mask and smiled bitterly.

"I'm actually not suitable to go to public places right now."

Li Miaoren suddenly realized that it was no wonder Yiyin chose KTV to talk things over. He was now a famous person, and it was really troublesome to show up in public.

Looking at the sweat on Yiyin's forehead, Yiyin still wears a mask in the bright sun. It must be uncomfortable, right?
The more Li Miaoren thought about it, the more guilty he felt. It was too much for his boss to be so kind to his employees and to continue to cause him trouble.

"I'm sorry, boss, I listen to you."

Yi Yin smiled slightly.

"Let's go then."

The two came to the KTV. At this time, there were no customers, only two front desk waiters chatting.

The two waiters looked up and saw Li Miaoren, greeted with a smile, and one of them asked.

"Sister Li, why do you have time to come and play?"

Li Miaoren smiled.

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong, so this is where your company is located? My friend and I came over to talk about something, and help me open a small private room."

Xiaohong glanced at Yiyin who was wearing a mask, and nodded with an ambiguous expression.

"Understood, I will make arrangements for Sister Li to ensure your satisfaction.

By the way, we are holding an event here recently. Customers who come to sing buy a dozen of Qianwei beer, get a three-hour private room, and snacks. Would you like to try it, Ms. Li? "

Before Li Miaoren could refuse, Yiyin had already taken out his mobile phone and nodded.

"Then try it. I'll pay with my phone."

Xiaoming and Xiaohong gave Li Miaoren a look of envy for eating soft rice, and quickly went through the formalities.

Then, Xiaohong led the two of them to the private room and smiled.

"Sister Li, sit down for a while, and I'll bring the wine right away."

As soon as Xiaohong closed the door and left, Li Miaoren couldn't help but speak.

"Boss, you shouldn't buy alcohol. In a KTV like theirs, the alcohol is obviously expensive and the private rooms are cheap, and the snacks are even less valuable.

We chatted for a few minutes and left, and it took you three hours to buy wine, which was a waste. "

Yiyin didn't think so. He was very impatient and wanted to come in to blow the air conditioner and touch the girl. If he didn't get drunk and get closer, he wouldn't be able to do it.

Before coming in, Yiyin was a little hesitant, thinking how to get some drinks with a calm expression.No, someone gave me a pillow when I was dozing off, and it happened to be there, so I just let it go.

But Yiyin would not admit this. After all, in Li Miaoren's heart, he was a virtuous and reserved man, how could he have such arrogant thoughts.

Yi Yin smiled.

"I was a little dizzy just now, and I was afraid that you would rush to pay, so I didn't think much about it and just paid."

Li Miaoren lowered his head and said softly.

"It should be the woman who pays the bill."

Yiyin looked at her embarrassed look and liked her more and more.

Although Li Miaoren is not as beautiful as the Xi sisters, nor is she as rebellious and exciting as Li Hongmei or Xing Yaoyao, nor is she as cold and enthusiastic as Gu Yue Takada Shenzi.

However, Li Miaoren also has his own uniqueness.

The air in Sichuan is humid, the girl's skin is fair and delicate, and her figure is petite and lovely.Li Miaoren is a typical Shu beauty, with delicate features and a head that is slightly larger than her exquisite body.

How should I put it? She has the feeling of a two-dimensional big-eyed doll, but because of her slender limbs and well-proportioned body, she doesn't look too abrupt, but rather cute.

In addition, she is honest, caring for school girls, and kind-hearted, which adds to her character. She is a rare little and beautiful girl.

Seeing her shyly saying that paying the bill is what girls should do, Yiyin couldn't help but want to reach out and touch her fair face.

Yiyin laughed.

"Forget it, you don't even dare to buy fruits when buying food, you only dare to buy some frozen meat and cheap vegetables, how can I have the nerve to let you treat me?
By the way, do those two waiters know you? "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"They live in a building next door to our community. It is a dormitory arranged by the company. We usually meet downstairs and we get to know each other over time.

I just didn't expect that their company turned out to be this KTV. Looking at the equipment here, it was quite old. "

Yiyin nodded and looked around. Both the TV and the karaoke machine were very old. It seemed that the boss here had not thought about upgrading the equipment. They were still using the old models from ten years ago.

Thinking about it, KTV is no longer popular now and has become a cheap consumption place for middle-aged and elderly people who like to have fun. Therefore, there is no need to make it too advanced, as long as it can be used. If it is too advanced, it will not be cost-effective.

While the two were talking, Xiaohong had already knocked on the door and came in. She put down a dozen beers, a fruit plate, a handful of popcorn, and smiled and winked at Li Miaoren.

"Sister Li, I put all the things down for you. You can talk at ease, and no one will disturb you."

Li Miaoren didn't seem to understand Xiaohong's hint, he just nodded and thanked her and let her go out.

But Yiyin's keen sixth sense felt that Xiaohong's ambiguous eyes were staring at her face with a mask, and she seemed to understand something.

These two waiters who are familiar with Li Miaoren seem to be helping Li Miaoren with assists?
Yiyin recalled carefully that the small private room he was in was a dead end at the end of the KTV, and given how stingy the KTV owner was, he did not pay for a camera outside the door.

so. .

Yiyin glanced at Li Miaoren, who was confused, and the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smile.

The dead corner means that the waiters patrolling the corridor will not pass by here, and will not observe through the glass door whether the guests inside are singing honestly.

There was no camera installed outside the door, which meant that no one knew what happened in the private room.

Yiyin scanned the room again and found that this boxy private room for three or four people had a large protrusion on one side near the door.

here. .It should be a load-bearing wall, so it cannot be demolished during decoration, so it will have no choice but to protrude in the four directions of the room.

Just because of the existence of this protruding wall, if someone opens the door and comes in, they will not be able to see what the person hiding behind the wall is doing at the first time.

Yiyin took a deep breath and looked at the honest Li Miaoren.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong had already helped out. They probably thought that Li Miaoren was out on a date with her boyfriend.

After all, in Li Miaoren's studio, nine girls were squeezed into a small two-bedroom apartment, and it was impossible for her boyfriend to kiss me.

But the two waiters did not expect that they had mistaken the roles of wolf and sheep.

In the eyes of women in the world of female deities, Li Miaoren should be a wolf, and the little man wearing a mask is a lamb kissed by a wolf.

But in fact, Yiyin, who discovered the magic of this room at this time, is the real werewolf who was ignited by Xiaoming and Xiaohong and became ready to move.

(End of this chapter)

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